Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    samntha - yay for all of your success!! I *like* it when we are all focused on the things that we are doing RIGHT, the mini-successes that are coming (along the way) - and your attitude is AWESOME!

    Also, if you are *that* close to already looking like a fitness competitor, I'd say "GO FOR IT"!! I still have WAY too much fluff....so, yes, if you can elaborate on what "clean-up-your diet" looks like, I'd be interested in that.

    For me, I think I haven't been eating enough lately and my weight loss has stalled (again!). So, I'm going back to getting in 12,600 calories a week - continuing to try and zig-zag a little bit - and will leave things alone for 2 weeks before making any adjustments.

    It's a heavy-lifting day and I'm excited to get into the gym. That. Feels. Good.
  • crystal8208
    crystal8208 Posts: 284 Member
    Finally got to Stage 1 b1 last night. I was much better with that than I ever was with A. I can lunge! But I CANNOT squat :noway: . Hubby is following NROL with me too. He was so embarrassed that he couldn't keep up with me. He couldn't do lunges hardly at all. Poor baby. :wink:

    My biggest NSV for me last night was the swissball crunches. I've always had a very strong core (can crunch all day long), so I did it with a 10lb plate and felt fabulous. I plan to get a heavier one next time, because I really could have done more. I'm thinking instead of the swiss ball, is there a more challenging way to do the crunch? I've seen some of these things at the gym where you kinda hang upside down at 45* angle to crunch up against gravity? Should I try that? Or just stick with my plates on the ball? :blushing:
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Trying to not be bummed about my 1lb gain this week. I also really committed to the program this week, and lifted mon and weds, did spin last night. I was impressed on the amount of weight I can lift. Should I stop weighing weekly and just measure take pictures every month or so? What experience does everyone have with the amount of weight they lost/gained. Sorry to beat a dead horse I am sure this comes up a lot I am just frustrated today and looking for encouragement.

  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Trying to not be bummed about my 1lb gain this week. I also really committed to the program this week, and lifted mon and weds, did spin last night. I was impressed on the amount of weight I can lift. Should I stop weighing weekly and just measure take pictures every month or so? What experience does everyone have with the amount of weight they lost/gained. Sorry to beat a dead horse I am sure this comes up a lot I am just frustrated today and looking for encouragement.


    I have gained 6 lbs but i fluctuate 3 lbs. So I guess I've gained 3??? i get discourage OFTEN and I can't help but to weigh. Everyone says measure and take pics. I am determined to see this through. I ordered a body media and it came in the mail today. I am hoping this will help me figure out my TDEE due to the weight gain. Apparently 1500-1800 cals are too much for me.

    Anyway, stick with the plan. Where can we go wrong? At least we are developing sexy muscles somewhere underneath the layer of fat .
  • loricolwill
    loricolwill Posts: 189 Member
    Trying to not be bummed about my 1lb gain this week. I also really committed to the program this week, and lifted mon and weds, did spin last night. I was impressed on the amount of weight I can lift. Should I stop weighing weekly and just measure take pictures every month or so? What experience does everyone have with the amount of weight they lost/gained. Sorry to beat a dead horse I am sure this comes up a lot I am just frustrated today and looking for encouragement.


    Check out what I posted this morning. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/601650-it-works-it-really-works

    Take measurements and get rid of the scale. With this program the measurements will give you a better indication of how you are doing. I figured out real quickly that weighing regularly was going to do a number on me mentally, so I quit. I will now weigh when I take my measurements, which in this case was 3 weeks. From looking forward, it will probably be about every 4 weeks, at the end of each stage.
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    Afternoon guys! Figure I'd chime in on the daily chat thread, release a bit of steam yah know?

    I have about 30 lbs to go before hitting my major goal to re-evaluate.

    I'm going to be doing workout A5 this evening. I haven't weighed myself probably in about a week, may do that Sunday or Monday (after a rest day and a day or so away from high sodium levels) but I wont be doing measurements until the end of the month. I was bummed last time I weighed myself as my weight has increased about 2 lbs :< I kind of feel smaller, but I'm not sure (and it has only really been 3 weeks) so my emotional stress goes up and down, up and down depending on if I feel good about myself or not in a particular day.

    I do feel strong though :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    canderson, you can sub-in the prone jack-knifes for the swiss ball crunches. That should fix any "easy" about the ab exercises!! And, you *will* be able to squat. Just keep at it. Form matters most. Once you are DEEP into a (body-weight) squat, then you can start increasing your weights - until then, just keep working on the muscles which need to develop/strengthen in order to get you into a proper squat.

    As for weighing - only you can answer this question: WHAT DO YOU REALLY WANT?

    If you want to be 125 lbs. on the scale so you can go tell everybody that you are 125 lbs. on the scale, this may not be the program for you. But, if you want to be STRONG, if you want to lose body fat and if you want to change your shape, this is probably the program for you.

    I am shocked at how hard it is for women to STEP AWAY FROM THE SCALE. Shocked.

    (Of course, I'm also one of those yo-yo scale chicks, so I'm kinda talking to myself, here....)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I did my second "A" work-out in Stage 5. Here's my report:

    1. I LOWERED the weights on my back squat. Yep. I'm just going to lower the weights and keep squatting deep. Eventually I'll get to "HEAVY" - for now, I'm satisfied that going deep is THE BEST THING for my glutes. Period.

    2. I went up in the weights for my BB one-legged deadlifts. I stayed the same in my BB bent-over row.

    3. I stayed the same on my DB single arm overhead squat. I went DOWN on the weights in my incline DB press. Boo.

    I was too tired to do the "jump" part of the body matrix.

    So, all-in-all, I'd say today's work-out SUCKED. But, I did it. And, that's what counts.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Jenn, my weight on the FSPP also sucked. Remember it's an arm exercise and not so much for the legs. I only went up 10 lbs for entire stage 2 on those.

    Beeps, what weight are you using with the one-armed squat. My form on that one SUCKS!!! Also, I carry all of my weight in my lower body, so though my upper body is pretty rocking, the belly button down needs a LOT of work.

    Taking a rest day. I did 4 days in a row, lift, zumba lift zumba and my instructor said TAKE A DAY OFF. then we discussed my diet. My ratios are fair to good, and she said cutting for a comp SUCKS. I say give it a year and then I'll consider, still a lot of work to go. Frankly I'd rather train to power lift than for looks. I must force myself to go tomorrow instead, but whenever I say that, I never make it. Trying to keep my positive frame of mind.
  • jenschnack
    jenschnack Posts: 112 Member
    Finally got to Stage 1 b1 last night. I was much better with that than I ever was with A. I can lunge! But I CANNOT squat :noway: . Hubby is following NROL with me too. He was so embarrassed that he couldn't keep up with me. He couldn't do lunges hardly at all. Poor baby. :wink:

    My biggest NSV for me last night was the swissball crunches. I've always had a very strong core (can crunch all day long), so I did it with a 10lb plate and felt fabulous. I plan to get a heavier one next time, because I really could have done more. I'm thinking instead of the swiss ball, is there a more challenging way to do the crunch? I've seen some of these things at the gym where you kinda hang upside down at 45* angle to crunch up against gravity? Should I try that? Or just stick with my plates on the ball? :blushing:

    Did you do all 8 of the stage 1 A workouts first?
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    1. I LOWERED the weights on my back squat. Yep. I'm just going to lower the weights and keep squatting deep. Eventually I'll get to "HEAVY" - for now, I'm satisfied that going deep is THE BEST THING for my glutes. Period.

    Beeps I think that's really something to be proud of. Not afraid to drop the weight to get better form! You'll show up those guys in the gym doing partial squats with far too much on the BB.

    Also I'm really pleased to see the back squat makes a comeback, i miss the big moves. I'm halfway thru stage 4, so looking forward to that.
  • sbrBirdy
    sbrBirdy Posts: 224 Member
    Thanks for those who answered on the ibuprofen... I DID take some, hip flexors felt much better this morning. AND - I ran my best 5K time ever 24:26. It was a small race, so I even managed to get first female. :drinker:

    Beeps - good for you for going down! SO much better IMO to do a proper lift than a heavier weight.

    canderson - I like the jackknives better than crunches, too. Also, I sub some hanging leg raises sometimes (hang from a bar, lift your legs, lol). And good for you for doing weighted crunches on the ball! I am always on the verge of rolling off...

    DrG3n3 & lostalykat - I've only lost about 4 pounds since starting the program, and I'm in Stage 5 now. But I've dropped a size. So I'll take the extra weight on the scale and the smaller clothes, thank you very much. :smile: It DOES take time. Try to focus on being healthy - eating right, working out. The rewards will come.
  • loricolwill
    loricolwill Posts: 189 Member
    Birdy - congrats on the run! That's an awesome time. I hope to get there one day.:smile:
  • ctacoronti
    ctacoronti Posts: 4
    Hey Ladies (and the occasional gent). I am on vacation and will be doing my next workout here while away from home. I left my book, however, at home. I'm on phase 1 and it will be my first 3 x 10 workout. Does anyone know if the rest intervals change here from 60 to 75 seconds or do they remain 60 seconds?

  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    Hey Ladies (and the occasional gent). I am on vacation and will be doing my next workout here while away from home. I left my book, however, at home. I'm on phase 1 and it will be my first 3 x 10 workout. Does anyone know if the rest intervals change here from 60 to 75 seconds or do they remain 60 seconds?


    Just checked my book and it says the rest is 60 all through stage 1.
  • ctacoronti
    ctacoronti Posts: 4
    Okie dokie. 3 x 10 with 60 seconds rest it is. Thanks!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I am really hoping to get in a swim today depending on when hubby gets home from his race. Why do I need 3 days to recover from BWM? Ugh.
  • austelle
    austelle Posts: 108 Member
    Thanks for those who answered on the ibuprofen... I DID take some, hip flexors felt much better this morning. AND - I ran my best 5K time ever 24:26. It was a small race, so I even managed to get first female. :drinker:

    That is awesome! What a great time!
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    Thanks for those who answered on the ibuprofen... I DID take some, hip flexors felt much better this morning. AND - I ran my best 5K time ever 24:26. It was a small race, so I even managed to get first female. :drinker:

    Beeps - good for you for going down! SO much better IMO to do a proper lift than a heavier weight.

    canderson - I like the jackknives better than crunches, too. Also, I sub some hanging leg raises sometimes (hang from a bar, lift your legs, lol). And good for you for doing weighted crunches on the ball! I am always on the verge of rolling off...

    DrG3n3 & lostalykat - I've only lost about 4 pounds since starting the program, and I'm in Stage 5 now. But I've dropped a size. So I'll take the extra weight on the scale and the smaller clothes, thank you very much. :smile: It DOES take time. Try to focus on being healthy - eating right, working out. The rewards will come.

    That makes me feel a lot better. I lost 3 lbs in the first week, and gained it all back. Lol. I guess It's just my "large girl" mentality. I hate being the fat friend and I still have so much left to lose. But this program is making me feel stronger, and people say I look smaller. So I gotta wait until I can take measurements :o
  • worthyofchange
    worthyofchange Posts: 165 Member
    Hi everyone...
    I'm nearing the end of stage 1 (doing 8B tomorrow) and I checked my measurements yesterday. I haven't seen many positive changes until the last week or so. But I started to notice little things like... is that a bicep? Is that a muscle in my back? Is my butt bigger :noway: but tighter:bigsmile: ?

    So I checked some stats:
    When I started I was around 162# (5'8"). I gained to 165 by week 2 or 3. Now I'm back to starting weight but lost a few inches.
    Chest 37 to 36.5
    Waist 33 to 31
    Hips 42.5 to 41.5

    It's going in the right direction!!!

    My strategy for the next few weeks is to follow this:
    According to the calculator on scoobyworkshop.com my BMR=1495, TDEE=2317 (3-5 hrs exercise). With a goal of 15% deficit that leaves me at 1970 cals a day. When I realistically look back at my exercise it's not that much (stage 1 is HARD work but not much time in the gym) so I lowered my calories a little to reflect that. I've set my calorie goal to 1800 right now.
    So if I actually get 4 hours of exercise in then I'll be sure to eat up to 2000 a day.
    In Stage 2: I will do NROLFW three times a week and cardio 2x a week. I like jogging (a little) and cycling (a lot) but I slacked off when I started to lift. Both was too much at first. Now I'm ready to add a bit more.

    If you have experience in finding the right calorie balance OR transitioning to stage 2, your thoughts are appreciated :smile:

    Have a great day!