March/April BED Conversation Thread



  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hi my name is Richie, and I am a binge person but like all of you I am fighting to remember that I am a grandmother, gardener, walker, teacher and good person who is more than my addiction. Today was a good day, stayed busy all day and into the night. so busy I am too tired to eat.
    Elizabeth, I think this topic will help you . The folks here really get how it feels when you don't have a good day, Like you I hid my food frenzys from my family. Now I live alone and still struggle even though no one knows.

    rainyday your weight ticker looks pretty good. more than half way there. Bad things happen I also have had to take antidepressants from time to time. Hormones are so hard to get regulated. I sure hope yours will be balanced soon . I am over being young but maybe a visit to your gyn for an eval might help. They put me on birthcontrol and it helped me way back when....maybe there is some new stuff out there that will help.

    Mollie. like you say one day at a time.tomorrow is another day.

    Diane, thanks for the reminder........recovery is tough stuff. I am not where I want to be but I am headed in the right direction. Hugs to all of you Richie

    Thanks so much Richie!:heart:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Mollie: You're here; you're posting and that's what counts. You really inspire others; let us inspire you to know that you can do it even if it isn't going to be a straight path all the time.:flowerforyou:
    Thanks bathsalts!!:heart:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I'm crying as I'm typing this b/c I have been doing well for a while but have had some stressful few days with the boys and combine that with exhaustion as I take care of the boys 100%= urge to pig out. I gave in today and have been eating non-stop. Years of counseling, nutritionists, personal trainers, etc., mean I know what I need to do. It seems like the longer I go without a binge, the worse the fall is when I end up eating. Please don't think I'm some hopeless case...this is just a really, really bad day. I'm glad to have found this group and appreciate any support. I hope to be a source of support for others struggling with this. God bless you all and thanks for letting me ramble.
    Hi Elizabeth,
    My story is exactly the same my dear minus the husband and kids.:cry: Especially your statement about YEARS of counseling, nutritinists, tranieres, etc. Adding weight loss surgery to my list and I am still struggling and trying to find recovery. Thanks so much for sharing and please know you are not alone and we are here for you and completely understand the pain on BED.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!

    I want to thank everyone for sharing this week. It is really helping me get my head back in the fight. I had a good talk yesterday with WW leader and I am starting fresh today focus on not engaging.

    Welcome again to all new ones!

    Have a good weekend and check in.
  • metco89
    metco89 Posts: 578 Member
    I am doing fairly well, some days better than others. I only weigh when i go to the Dr. so I am not sure if i have had any weight loss, somedays i feel like i have and other days i feel like i am just maintaining. Still really really struggling with the exercise thing. I do it in my mind, well thats not working. I was doing well for a few days waking up and doing the 1 mile walk with leslie sansone to make sure i got some kind of exercise in and then i got bored with the same thing over and over and i haven't done it for almost a week. Then i was going to the pool and i love swimming, the indoor pool is a drive though and its too chilly to go to the pool here at the complex. Can't afford the gas to go to indoor pool all the time. As i write i realized i have one excuse after another for not exercising.... what is going on? I so need some motivation, any suggestions are welcomed. Thanks for the support. I am still binging on occasion trying to binge on healthier things and wean myself away from the night eating. I am gonna stick and stay no matter what though.:smile:
  • metco89
    metco89 Posts: 578 Member
    Sorry to just blurt this out... but I was raped 10 years ago tomorrow. My eating this week has been extra crazy.

    So so sorry to hear that you were raped. No wonder your eating has been extra crazy. Sending you love and support and know that we are here for you. :flowerforyou:
  • metco89
    metco89 Posts: 578 Member
    How do you quote and write a reply, i wanted Bathsalts to know she is not alone, i was the victim of a very violent attack, the guy thought i was dead when he left, that i am sure of. Just want you to know that i can so relate to your post. Hugzzzzzzzzzz
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    How do you quote and write a reply, i wanted Bathsalts to know she is not alone, i was the victim of a very violent attack, the guy thought i was dead when he left, that i am sure of. Just want you to know that i can so relate to your post. Hugzzzzzzzzzz

    Hugs Mary Beth! I think you meant rainyday. BTW - Just hit quote under the person post you want to capture and you will get quote.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I am doing fairly well, some days better than others. I only weigh when i go to the Dr. so I am not sure if i have had any weight loss, somedays i feel like i have and other days i feel like i am just maintaining. Still really really struggling with the exercise thing. I do it in my mind, well thats not working. I was doing well for a few days waking up and doing the 1 mile walk with leslie sansone to make sure i got some kind of exercise in and then i got bored with the same thing over and over and i haven't done it for almost a week. Then i was going to the pool and i love swimming, the indoor pool is a drive though and its too chilly to go to the pool here at the complex. Can't afford the gas to go to indoor pool all the time. As i write i realized i have one excuse after another for not exercising.... what is going on? I so need some motivation, any suggestions are welcomed. Thanks for the support. I am still binging on occasion trying to binge on healthier things and wean myself away from the night eating. I am gonna stick and stay no matter what though.:smile:

    Thanks for sharing Mary Beth. I too am having good days and bad days with no really bad binge days but still overeating. I have been doing better since going to WW meeting Thursday.

    I love your llast sentence and that is all that counts Sticking it out no matter what. One day at a time.
  • metco89
    metco89 Posts: 578 Member
    I did well last night i think, i only ate a bowl of cereal, (rice chex) and managed to talk myself into NOT eating the box, only one bowl. That was a huge accomplishment for me.
  • fairfieldbeach
    fairfieldbeach Posts: 261 Member
    I did well last night i think, i only ate a bowl of cereal, (rice chex) and managed to talk myself into NOT eating the box, only one bowl. That was a huge accomplishment for me.

    Mary Beth: Congrats! That's a huge achievement! Proud of you! Way to go!:flowerforyou:
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    :flowerforyou: yay Marybeth. We get it! it is a big accomplishment
  • rainydayboys
    How do you quote and write a reply, i wanted Bathsalts to know she is not alone, i was the victim of a very violent attack, the guy thought i was dead when he left, that i am sure of. Just want you to know that i can so relate to your post. Hugzzzzzzzzzz

    Hugs Mary Beth! I think you meant rainyday. BTW - Just hit quote under the person post you want to capture and you will get quote.

    HUGS Mary Beth. Sucks that so many people can relate, huh. Sorry you had this, too. Hubby doesn't understand why it still haunts me, 10 years later. I can see his point of view - it's a hard thing to carry around. But it's even harder to let go.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Good morning Friends. Welcome to all of the new people and thank you for sharing your stories. I really appreciate hearing other people's experiences, good, bad or indifferent. They all help. Interacting with other people who struggle with bingeing is a good learning experience. I remember a time when I thought I was such a freak. What a difference it has made for me to know there are other people with similar issues and that it isn't just me! I'm not a hopeless case. It's not my fault that I developed this type of behavior, and now I know it has happened to other people too. And it's not their faults either. It is unfortunate that this is our reality, but now that we know what the issue is, we can work towards resolve. Recognizing and identifying our behavior patterns are important. Ignoring them does not help.

    The things I need to practice this week are patience, forgiveness and understanding.
  • FollowThatUnicorn
    FollowThatUnicorn Posts: 200 Member
    Sorry to just blurt this out... but I was raped 10 years ago tomorrow. My eating this week has been extra crazy. I've booked my day pretty solid tomorrow and Saturday so I hopefully won't have time to curl up with a bag of chips or 12. I went back on anti-depressants about 6 weeks ago, in the hopes that it would help get my moods, and therefore my binging, under control. Worked for the first 3 weeks but I've been 'down' for the last 3. The first down week, I attributed to hormonal changes the week before my period. The last 2 weeks I figured was due to the impending 'anniversary'. Next week, I'm headed into PMS land again. I have no idea when my hormones should be balanced out again, no idea how long to give this before I go back to my dr. *sigh*


    I was raped in 1996 and I still have never dealt with it. I don't know if it affects my eating so much as my intimacy. But yeah, that can screw you up. And it's funny what can trigger you. To this day, I can't listen to Bob Marley music because that's what was playing.

    So in the past week, I haven't binged so much as I've restricted and purged. It sucks because I actually am down about 5 pounds in this week. So in a sick sense, I'm seeing results from going about it in a horrible way. This is an absolutely horrible thing, and I would never want anyone else to do this, but I don't feel horrible about doing it.
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    :drinker: no serious bingeing here but those chocolate kisses are throwing off my calorie intake :mad: Lots of stress at work . Last night I ate more than I needed to . Woke up in the middle of the night with the urge to binge but fought the feeling off and thankfully fell asleep. One change I want to make this week is to send any goodies I get for the grandchildren home with them. My pants are tight again so I know I need to lose......that won't happen if I keep eatting high calorie stuff. On the one hand I don't want my world to revolve around the addiction ....on the otherhand for my own well being I need to lose. ( think I just got three hands:laugh: :laugh: )Well , that's my vent for the day. Richie
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Sexual Abuse victims are near and dear to my heart. :flowerforyou: Sexual Abuse is one of the most devastating things I can think of to happen to a person. :brokenheart: Unfortunately, it is very common for a victim of sexual abuse to develop an eating disorder.

    *Taken from:*

    Sexual Abuse and Eating Disorders

    Studies show that there is a relationship between sexual, emotional and/or physical abuse and the development of an eating disorder.

    Many sufferers of sexual abuse have turned to eating disorders and have found that their eating problem helps to protect them, repress or block out their painful memories, and numbed their feelings.

    Victims of sexual abuse most often develop "coping mechanisms" to survive the memories of the abuse. Eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia, binge eating and complusive eating disorder, and self-harm, are among these mechanisms.

    Eating disorders may have helped sexual abuse vicitms block out their feelings and memories for a while, but it is a very destructive way of coping.

    For many sufferers of sexual abuse, eating disorders have been their only means of survival for many years and it is difficult to recover because of the fear to give it up. They are not sure if they can survive without their eating disorder.

    *Taken from:*

    A VERY HIGH percentage of persons with BULIMIA and EATING DISORDERS, Alcoholism,
    and addictions have been sexually abused as children.

    Victims of sexual child abuse most often develop "coping mechanisms" to survive the memories of the abuse. Among the MANY coping (and not coping so well) mechanisms are the ones listed below:

    Compulsive Eating Disorder
    Eating Disorders
    Bulimia Nervosa Eating Disorder
    Binge Eating Disorders
    Drug Addiction
    Suicide Attempts
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    The things I need to practice this week are patience, forgiveness and understanding.

    This week, I am practicing asking myself "am I hungry'? and if not indentifying the reasons I feel the urge to eat or binge.

    Please share -- if anything what your are working on this week? Thanks for sharing Diane and the idea!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Welcome newbies! and thanks for sharing too. My heart goes out to each and everyone of you :heart: :heart:

    I am doing pretty good this week. I am getting busier if possible to avoid binging.

    Thanks Diane for that article. Very informative!
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    Binged on cookies yesterday, 1500+ calories worth. Feeling like - well, you all know what it feels like the day after... bleh...
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