Ladies 35+ in stage 1 of NROLFW? Please join me!



  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    Glwerth - yes, don't add too much too fast. I managed through Stage 1 with no injury...however, I was at my trainer session yesterday and I seem to have pulled my left hamstring a bit (old injury)....he had us doing REVERSE LUNGES walking backwards. NOw there's a workout! LOL

    Hope everyone is doing ok...was sick last week so missed a workout...will be doing the last B workout on Wednesday morning!

    Oh, sorry you were sick! Hope you are feeling better now.

    Reverse lunges walking backward. Ugh. Forward lunges are horrid enough, that sounds like torture! :)

    Cardio only for me today, then on to A4 tomorrow..
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    cangirl I hope you are feeling better.

    Nancy I hope you can get to the gym to really see how much you can lift! I would have no way to do the squats with no rack.

    glwerth I have issues knowing just when to add more weight too. it is all a crapshoot huh?

    I just looked at my spreadsheet and realized I am one workout away from the 3rep workouts. um...crap. that scares me a little. and excites me too. :lol:
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    cangirl I hope you are feeling better.

    Nancy I hope you can get to the gym to really see how much you can lift! I would have no way to do the squats with no rack.

    glwerth I have issues knowing just when to add more weight too. it is all a crapshoot huh?

    I just looked at my spreadsheet and realized I am one workout away from the 3rep workouts. um...crap. that scares me a little. and excites me too. :lol:

    3 rep workout??? I don't even know what that IS?? LOL guess I'd better start reading ahead.

    Should I skip the AMRAP since I missed a workout last week???? It would be cool to see how many I could do now...

    Is it WEIRD that I actually look forward to the days I "get" to workout at 5:30am....who knew????????????
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    cangirl I hope you are feeling better.

    Nancy I hope you can get to the gym to really see how much you can lift! I would have no way to do the squats with no rack.

    glwerth I have issues knowing just when to add more weight too. it is all a crapshoot huh?

    I just looked at my spreadsheet and realized I am one workout away from the 3rep workouts. um...crap. that scares me a little. and excites me too. :lol:

    3 rep workout??? I don't even know what that IS?? LOL guess I'd better start reading ahead.

    Should I skip the AMRAP since I missed a workout last week???? It would be cool to see how many I could do now...

    Is it WEIRD that I actually look forward to the days I "get" to workout at 5:30am....who knew????????????

    sorry...I am an idiot. I meant the 3set workouts. ugh.
  • Be_EmbracE
    Be_EmbracE Posts: 1,472 Member
    Em_brace - The New Rules of Lifting for Women is a book. I ordered mine from Amazon! I'm only just finishing Stage 1 but I like it so far. I like that it challenges me every week and gives me a 'program' to follow...

    Hope everyone is doing ok...was sick last week so missed a workout...will be doing the last B workout on Wednesday morning!

    Thanks Cangirl :) I will go and check it out. ;)
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    A4 down....up to 80 on my squats, though I don't think I go down as far as I did with dumbbells. It's the balance of the bar, I think.

    Also, a question for you guys. How do you do on pushups? I'm terrible at them. I keep my back straight and my butt from going up in the air, but I can't go down all the way. The best I can manage is a "dip" rather than a full on pushup. So, am I going to get any benefit from this or do I need to find another exercise?

    I'm obsessing over whether I'm working hard enough too. Why? Becasue I'm no longer debilitatingly sore after workouts.

    I think I may be crazy. (But probably not)
  • kmcgaw
    kmcgaw Posts: 93 Member
    glwerth: Push-ups are my nemesis. I find myself trying to do a few extra on my alternate days, just to improve my form. I do the modified (girl) style, but one day am hoping to do a traditional one. Most of the women I know, find pushups to be extremely challenging. I get down for the first few and then do the same as you, a sort of 'dip'. I think it's all beneficial. Just keep at it and they will get easier to get down further. That's my plan, anyway.

    We are close to adding a third set to the workouts, so I think that will make itself known as far as soreness goes. :smile:
  • kmcgaw
    kmcgaw Posts: 93 Member
    cangirl I hope you are feeling better.

    Nancy I hope you can get to the gym to really see how much you can lift! I would have no way to do the squats with no rack.

    glwerth I have issues knowing just when to add more weight too. it is all a crapshoot huh?

    I just looked at my spreadsheet and realized I am one workout away from the 3rep workouts. um...crap. that scares me a little. and excites me too. :lol:

    3 rep workout??? I don't even know what that IS?? LOL guess I'd better start reading ahead.

    Should I skip the AMRAP since I missed a workout last week???? It would be cool to see how many I could do now...

    Is it WEIRD that I actually look forward to the days I "get" to workout at 5:30am....who knew????????????

    I also look forward to working out at 5:30 a.m. If you are weird, than I am right there too. lol
  • lmlmrn
    lmlmrn Posts: 787 Member
    glwerth: Push-ups are my nemesis. I find myself trying to do a few extra on my alternate days, just to improve my form. I do the modified (girl) style, but one day am hoping to do a traditional one. Most of the women I know, find pushups to be extremely challenging. I get down for the first few and then do the same as you, a sort of 'dip'. I think it's all beneficial. Just keep at it and they will get easier to get down further. That's my plan, anyway.

    We are close to adding a third set to the workouts, so I think that will make itself known as far as soreness goes. :smile:

    I am starting with a (girly) pushup using my counter top then I plan to move to a chair, then step stool then the floor I know I can do this...if I am up on my knees then I tend to not push as hard
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    cangirl I hope you are feeling better.

    Nancy I hope you can get to the gym to really see how much you can lift! I would have no way to do the squats with no rack.

    glwerth I have issues knowing just when to add more weight too. it is all a crapshoot huh?

    I just looked at my spreadsheet and realized I am one workout away from the 3rep workouts. um...crap. that scares me a little. and excites me too. :lol:

    3 rep workout??? I don't even know what that IS?? LOL guess I'd better start reading ahead.

    Should I skip the AMRAP since I missed a workout last week???? It would be cool to see how many I could do now...

    Is it WEIRD that I actually look forward to the days I "get" to workout at 5:30am....who knew????????????

    I also look forward to working out at 5:30 a.m. If you are weird, than I am right there too. lol

    I'm up at 5 at the gym by 5:30 too....if I don't go early, the chances that I'll go at all fall dramatically!
  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    Eek! That's the middle of the night for me! I'm definitely not a morning person and would probably injure myself doing something stupid whilst half asleep! I go to the gym after work if my lifting day is a working day, otherwise I'll go around 10-11am.
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    B4 today.

    Went up to 85 on deadlifts (and didn't hurt myself!).

    Next workout goes to three sets of 10.

    I'm not losing weight (actually, I'm up by 2 right now) but I can SEE muscle changes, so I figure it's water and muscle.

    Anyone else ravenous on lifting days? I'm fine on cardio only days, but on llifting days I'm just super hungry.
  • dwn2erth
    dwn2erth Posts: 144 Member
    I'm starting Stage 3 my next week I'm finding that I'm getting exhausted and hungry. I 'was' doing HIIT between my weights but noticed I wasn't lifting as much on the weights and actually was getting poorer form. I've backed down on the cardio between weight training days. I don't think it's a lack of calories , I'm eating around 2100 cal I feel stronger overall and can see I'm toning; but the outer fat is being very stubborn. Did have a slight drop in weight and waist size (.4 lbs and 1/2 inch) But I've been at this for 10 weeks now. My dead lift has gone from 30 lb's to 55 lbs HR hits 150's with that.

    Anyway yes I'm seeing hunger but I'm not really motivated to eat..
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    I'm starting Stage 3 my next week I'm finding that I'm getting exhausted and hungry. I 'was' doing HIIT between my weights but noticed I wasn't lifting as much on the weights and actually was getting poorer form. I've backed down on the cardio between weight training days. I don't think it's a lack of calories , I'm eating around 2100 cal I feel stronger overall and can see I'm toning; but the outer fat is being very stubborn. Did have a slight drop in weight and waist size (.4 lbs and 1/2 inch) But I've been at this for 10 weeks now. My dead lift has gone from 30 lb's to 55 lbs HR hits 150's with that.

    Anyway yes I'm seeing hunger but I'm not really motivated to eat..

    Boy, I wish I wasn't motivated to eat!

    My heart rate goes way up during lifting too, I sometimes think I burn more while lifting than during cardio.

    Stage 3, wow, I can't even imagine that right now. I am finally getting in the groove of the exercises I'm doing.

    Isn't the scale not moving thing frustrating? I can SEE the muscle coming out and know it is building, but I still want to see that drop on the scale too.

    By the way, every time I see your profile picture, I smile, you have such a lovely smile and look so happy there.
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    Woo hoo!!! Completed Stage 1 "AMRAP" this morning. It was nice on *some* of the exercises to feel like I could "go forever"; others, not so much improvement. Ah well...:)

    Not taking a rest week since I have a forced rest week coming up the last week of November.

    On to stage 2 next week and I really want to PUSH myself on the heavier weights!!!
  • kmcgaw
    kmcgaw Posts: 93 Member
    Finished Stage 1- 5A this morning and I saw actual definition in my arms. Super excited about this! Can't wait to see how it looks at the end of stage 1. Two weeks to my first measurement/weigh in. Finally getting a handle on the protein increases and craving carbs a little less. I am so hungry most days, but finding better choices to fill up is helping. Have a great weekend!
  • kmcgaw
    kmcgaw Posts: 93 Member
    I'm starting Stage 3 my next week I'm finding that I'm getting exhausted and hungry. I 'was' doing HIIT between my weights but noticed I wasn't lifting as much on the weights and actually was getting poorer form. I've backed down on the cardio between weight training days. I don't think it's a lack of calories , I'm eating around 2100 cal I feel stronger overall and can see I'm toning; but the outer fat is being very stubborn. Did have a slight drop in weight and waist size (.4 lbs and 1/2 inch) But I've been at this for 10 weeks now. My dead lift has gone from 30 lb's to 55 lbs HR hits 150's with that.

    Anyway yes I'm seeing hunger but I'm not really motivated to eat..

    Boy, I wish I wasn't motivated to eat!

    My heart rate goes way up during lifting too, I sometimes think I burn more while lifting than during cardio.

    Stage 3, wow, I can't even imagine that right now. I am finally getting in the groove of the exercises I'm doing.

    Isn't the scale not moving thing frustrating? I can SEE the muscle coming out and know it is building, but I still want to see that drop on the scale too.

    By the way, every time I see your profile picture, I smile, you have such a lovely smile and look so happy there.

    I also think I burn more on the lifting sessions. I feel so much better on my strength training days than my cardio workouts now. As far as the scales go, I am not stepping on them much at all. I am focusing on how my clothes fit and less on the number. Down two pant sizes in the past couple of months and the scales have barely moved. That is proof enough for me. Haven't you heard...Strong is the new skinny! :happy:
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    Finished Stage 1- 5A this morning and I saw actual definition in my arms. Super excited about this! Can't wait to see how it looks at the end of stage 1. Two weeks to my first measurement/weigh in. Finally getting a handle on the protein increases and craving carbs a little less. I am so hungry most days, but finding better choices to fill up is helping. Have a great weekend!

    I also am seeing definition in my arms and shoulders. First time in my life to see that and it is exciting!

    Tomorrow is my rest day and Sunday is an either/or day. If I lift on Sunday, I get Wednesday as a rest day, if not, I have to lift on M,W, F.....but I've made it a habit.

    OH, the protein. It is SO hard for me to get all the protein I need without totally blowing the carb ratio. I'm starting to just snack on grilled chicken in order to get the protein. I dip it in balsamic vinegar for a little extra flavor.
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    I'm starting Stage 3 my next week I'm finding that I'm getting exhausted and hungry. I 'was' doing HIIT between my weights but noticed I wasn't lifting as much on the weights and actually was getting poorer form. I've backed down on the cardio between weight training days. I don't think it's a lack of calories , I'm eating around 2100 cal I feel stronger overall and can see I'm toning; but the outer fat is being very stubborn. Did have a slight drop in weight and waist size (.4 lbs and 1/2 inch) But I've been at this for 10 weeks now. My dead lift has gone from 30 lb's to 55 lbs HR hits 150's with that.

    Anyway yes I'm seeing hunger but I'm not really motivated to eat..

    Boy, I wish I wasn't motivated to eat!

    My heart rate goes way up during lifting too, I sometimes think I burn more while lifting than during cardio.

    Stage 3, wow, I can't even imagine that right now. I am finally getting in the groove of the exercises I'm doing.

    Isn't the scale not moving thing frustrating? I can SEE the muscle coming out and know it is building, but I still want to see that drop on the scale too.

    By the way, every time I see your profile picture, I smile, you have such a lovely smile and look so happy there.

    I also think I burn more on the lifting sessions. I feel so much better on my strength training days than my cardio workouts now. As far as the scales go, I am not stepping on them much at all. I am focusing on how my clothes fit and less on the number. Down two pant sizes in the past couple of months and the scales have barely moved. That is proof enough for me. Haven't you heard...Strong is the new skinny! :happy:

    Two pant sizes?! You are my idol! I am halfway through stage 2 and the main places I notice are my arms and thighs. I haven't even dropped one pant size, but they are getting looser. I'm still eating a small calorie deficit, but I know what you mean about wanting the scale to go down!
  • kmcgaw
    kmcgaw Posts: 93 Member
    I'm starting Stage 3 my next week I'm finding that I'm getting exhausted and hungry. I 'was' doing HIIT between my weights but noticed I wasn't lifting as much on the weights and actually was getting poorer form. I've backed down on the cardio between weight training days. I don't think it's a lack of calories , I'm eating around 2100 cal I feel stronger overall and can see I'm toning; but the outer fat is being very stubborn. Did have a slight drop in weight and waist size (.4 lbs and 1/2 inch) But I've been at this for 10 weeks now. My dead lift has gone from 30 lb's to 55 lbs HR hits 150's with that.

    Anyway yes I'm seeing hunger but I'm not really motivated to eat..

    Boy, I wish I wasn't motivated to eat!

    My heart rate goes way up during lifting too, I sometimes think I burn more while lifting than during cardio.

    Stage 3, wow, I can't even imagine that right now. I am finally getting in the groove of the exercises I'm doing.

    Isn't the scale not moving thing frustrating? I can SEE the muscle coming out and know it is building, but I still want to see that drop on the scale too.

    By the way, every time I see your profile picture, I smile, you have such a lovely smile and look so happy there.

    I also think I burn more on the lifting sessions. I feel so much better on my strength training days than my cardio workouts now. As far as the scales go, I am not stepping on them much at all. I am focusing on how my clothes fit and less on the number. Down two pant sizes in the past couple of months and the scales have barely moved. That is proof enough for me. Haven't you heard...Strong is the new skinny! :happy:

    Two pant sizes?! You are my idol! I am halfway through stage 2 and the main places I notice are my arms and thighs. I haven't even dropped one pant size, but they are getting looser. I'm still eating a small calorie deficit, but I know what you mean about wanting the scale to go down!

    For clarity, the two pant sizes has not been just from NROLFW, it's been mostly since I had been running in the summer, and joined a gym last month.