Ladies 35+ in stage 1 of NROLFW? Please join me!



  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    Stage1 WO B9 done today. Kept good form and did the lat pulldowns very controlled and almost slowly, to maximise the resistance as I can't go up 5kgs yet. I nearly went flying off the back of the swiss ball doing extended crunches with 5kg medicine ball - leaned too far back and gave myself and my upper abs a right old shock!
    1 of each WO left then stats time :smile:
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    A5 today.

    Went up on the squats to 85 pounds. Almost didn't make it up on my last one, but I'm noticing that I'm squatting deep again, I think it was a balance issue.

    Went up on all my weights, only by 5, but still moved them all.

    Our gym only has a short step and I think I need to step higher, but when I tried using one of the benches, it was WAY too high and I kept catching my toe on the edge. So, I'll stay with the smaller one, to avoid falling on my face and ask the owners (very, very small gym in a very small town) to purchase one with adjustments.

    I'm again, sore, but not debilitatingly so. Which, of course, makes me obsess over the question: am I working hard enough? Should I be in horrible pain at the end of every lifting session or just feeling tired and limp as I usually do.
  • kmcgaw
    kmcgaw Posts: 93 Member
    B5 done today. Went up on deadlifts (to 80) and added some extra planks and push-ups at the end. I need to invest in some gloves for the weights. I know that I will lift alot more effectively with them. My goal this week is to actually ask someone at the gym to help me figure out the squat bar. I have been lifting light on the squats until now and using heavier dumbbells on occasion and I need to get over it and just get direction.
  • nana6799
    nana6799 Posts: 262
    I love all these posts!! I am new to NROL4W also. Today I start workout 4 Stage 1. Do you take a one week break between Stages?
    I am also a new member (1 week) of EM2WL.
    I would love to be friends with any of you on one or both of these programs! Friend me!!
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    Hey, remember when I was all worried because I wasn't feeling sore every day? Yeah, that comment came back to bite me in the butt today....and the thighs and shoulders. Ow. Ow. Ow.

    But, I deadlifted 85, hoping to move to 90 either next time or the time after.

    Only issue I seem to be having is that my hands hurt when I am doing lunges with 25 pound hand weights. I'm afraid to go up because it hurts and I have trouble hanging on to the weight. I'm thinking of trying it with a short barbell, but I don't know if it would work that way.
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    B5 done today. Went up on deadlifts (to 80) and added some extra planks and push-ups at the end. I need to invest in some gloves for the weights. I know that I will lift alot more effectively with them. My goal this week is to actually ask someone at the gym to help me figure out the squat bar. I have been lifting light on the squats until now and using heavier dumbbells on occasion and I need to get over it and just get direction.

    My gloves were the very best purchase I ever made. Makes it MUCH eaiser!

    YAY on going to 80. Doesn't it feel great to lift more than you thought you could!?
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    Anyone on Stage 2 now???? I did workout A today...why does it take me just 25 minutes to complete???? What am I doing wrong? I'm taking the 75 sec rests, but with only 2 reps of 10 doesn't take long to complete 6 exercises...

    Now granted in addition I do a 10 minute interval run on treadmill as a warm-up, a few "body weight" warm ups and then 20 minutes of the bike after...So I'm workout out for a full hour...

    But I still feel like others following this program are taking waaay longer to complete their sets....???

    Also, with the push press squats, what weight did you start with...? I didn't realize how much harder it would be with the "push press" (which I guess is like a shoulder press...) So I tried a 35 lb barbell and couldn't quite make it to 10 the second time...
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    Anyone on Stage 2 now???? I did workout A today...why does it take me just 25 minutes to complete???? What am I doing wrong? I'm taking the 75 sec rests, but with only 2 reps of 10 doesn't take long to complete 6 exercises...

    Now granted in addition I do a 10 minute interval run on treadmill as a warm-up, a few "body weight" warm ups and then 20 minutes of the bike after...So I'm workout out for a full hour...

    But I still feel like others following this program are taking waaay longer to complete their sets....???

    Also, with the push press squats, what weight did you start with...? I didn't realize how much harder it would be with the "push press" (which I guess is like a shoulder press...) So I tried a 35 lb barbell and couldn't quite make it to 10 the second time...

    Yes, 2A is not bad, but 2B was REALLY hard for me! For push press squats I started with 25 (easy) and then did 35 the second time (good) and 40 the 3rd time (had to rest twice and very sore today!). My squats were 70 at the end of stage 1. ETA, yes it seems short if you don't count warm up/cool down.
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    Thanks Heather! Yeah, I guess because I was squatting 80 at the end of stage 1 it seemed odd to be picking up a 35 barbell...but because of the push press it's obviously more difficult...

    Good to know about your weights...I'm going to try 35 again and then see if I can make all 10 for the second rep.

    I haven't peeked at workout B yet...doing it I'm scared!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

    BTW, my pants are falling off my butt. I need to go pants shopping - yay to NROL and EM2WL!!!! And I'm eating way more than I used to!
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    Thanks Heather! Yeah, I guess because I was squatting 80 at the end of stage 1 it seemed odd to be picking up a 35 barbell...but because of the push press it's obviously more difficult...

    Good to know about your weights...I'm going to try 35 again and then see if I can make all 10 for the second rep.

    I haven't peeked at workout B yet...doing it I'm scared!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

    BTW, my pants are falling off my butt. I need to go pants shopping - yay to NROL and EM2WL!!!! And I'm eating way more than I used to!

    I want the pants falling off problem! What is this EM2WL of which you speak? :happy:
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    Eat More 2 Weigh Less...there's a group here on MFP...a few under the NROLFW thread. Used to eat 1200 cal/day with weekend binges...this group has taught me about fueling my body and metabolism to its fullest I don't have to keep reducing portions and feeling deprived all the time...

    Now I eat between 1700-2100 calories every day. I no longer binge because I feel very satisfied and get to enjoy food again.

    Been eating more to weigh less since start of August. I'm pretty much the exact same weight despite upping my calories! (The number on scale is pretty much "goal" anyway, although I'd like to re-shape my body somewhat., hence the NROL.
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    I'm a beast! I squatted 95 pounds today! I'm almost done with stage 1 as this was A7.

    I started at 65, so I hope I'm increasing my weights enough. Might go up to 100 even for the last regular A.
  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    I'm a beast! I squatted 95 pounds today! I'm almost done with stage 1 as this was A7.

    I started at 65, so I hope I'm increasing my weights enough. Might go up to 100 even for the last regular A.

    Well done - that's the spirit! I certainly got braver towards the end knowing I was doing less reps.
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    I'm a beast! I squatted 95 pounds today! I'm almost done with stage 1 as this was A7.

    I started at 65, so I hope I'm increasing my weights enough. Might go up to 100 even for the last regular A.

    Woo hoo!!! I ended stage 1 doing 80 so you totally rock!
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    I'm a beast! I squatted 95 pounds today! I'm almost done with stage 1 as this was A7.

    I started at 65, so I hope I'm increasing my weights enough. Might go up to 100 even for the last regular A.

    Woo hoo!!! I ended stage 1 doing 80 so you totally rock!

    How is that push press thing going? Sounds super scary! :)
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    I'm a beast! I squatted 95 pounds today! I'm almost done with stage 1 as this was A7.

    I started at 65, so I hope I'm increasing my weights enough. Might go up to 100 even for the last regular A.

    Woo hoo!!! I ended stage 1 doing 80 so you totally rock!

    How is that push press thing going? Sounds super scary! :)

    They are kind of fun! I am weak too- I think I ended squatting 70 :D
  • lmlmrn
    lmlmrn Posts: 787 Member
    I know what you mean on lunges and hand weights, I am only holding 15lb but I did find it was easier if I walked while I lunge.
    I can't wait to get up to 85 on my deadlift. I just started back and am starting with 50
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    I'm a beast! I squatted 95 pounds today! I'm almost done with stage 1 as this was A7.

    I started at 65, so I hope I'm increasing my weights enough. Might go up to 100 even for the last regular A.

    Woo hoo!!! I ended stage 1 doing 80 so you totally rock!

    How is that push press thing going? Sounds super scary! :)

    They are kind of fun! I am weak too- I think I ended squatting 70 :D

    After I finish Stage 1, Tim will come to the gym with me and we'll go over all of the stage 2 exercises in one day (doing one set of each so I recall how to do it). He looks at the book and tells me if my form is right.

    I'm a little scared of a few of them, but I know I'll get it.

    I think I should have ended higher, because I'm so heavy, I should be able to lift more, but I have to work up to it!
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    I know what you mean on lunges and hand weights, I am only holding 15lb but I did find it was easier if I walked while I lunge.
    I can't wait to get up to 85 on my deadlift. I just started back and am starting with 50

    I found it goes up pretty fast. I'm able to add about every other workout (every other A, every other B).
  • amylahminute
    amylahminute Posts: 613 Member
    Hi, ladies. I'm Myles, 39. I'm just jumping right in here and saying hello. I got my copy of NROL4W in the mail, have thumbed through it, and am planning to start Stage 1. I'm new to weight lifting; I've been doing yoga and endurance sports for a decade (minus the 20 months I took off from any regular workouts after my son was born), but have always avoided lifting at all costs. I eat high-cal too - ~1750/dy. I don't know much about EM2WL, but a friend forwarded me the IPOARM guidelines ( ), which get me to about the same # of calories as the NROL4W calculations and emphasizes strength training.

    TBH, I've been on the fence about whether to do Stronglifts 5x5 or NROL4W workouts, but I decided I'm going with NROL4W. It helps to have found this thread on MFP. It's just nice to be able to know there are other women in our age group with similar challenges.

    I got a "Personal Fitness Assessment" at my new gym tonight (started a new job and they have a nice facility there) and I learned that I fail at 65 lbs on chest press, 75 lbs for rows, and was able to leg press a surprising 300 lbs before failing (I've always stopped at 190, thinking that was my limit). I also got a DEXA scan last Saturday to find out my bone density and body fat %. I have the bones of a 30 year old (high-fiving myself ;) LOL) and am 31.3% BF. So that's my starting point.

    Anyway, sorry for the ramble. Have a happy Thanksgiving!