Mid September start BR part 2

jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
Previous thread is on


I started this thread and then gave up!! Started again two days ago though.

Everybody is doing really well- well done!!


  • dani_doing_it
    dani_doing_it Posts: 159 Member
    Glad you came back! And thanks for starting another thread!

    Just finished my 2nd workout 5... is it even possible to do one legged squats? When I do keep my leg up and back I'm not in proper form at all.

    I notice that in 5 &6 the circuits repeat exercises more then previous ones... eg crab dips circuit... we are only actually doing 3 different moves just flipping from r -side to l-side... my arms were BURNING today.

    So I have started measuring and weighing my food, time to crack down and do this right, and boy have I been under-estimating. lol!! No wonder I haven't lost much!!

    So I'll be curious to see how much different my results for Phase 2 will be vs Phase 1
  • kristinc06837
    kristinc06837 Posts: 630 Member
    Well I was just about to do day six for this week doing cardio 1 and my power went out! So I am downloading a work out timer for my phone and going to do it solo with out the dvd since the moves are easily memorized! Either way going to do atleast 25 mins of cardio for today so I can stay on track! Really impressed that I am not near as sore as I have been in the past doing WO 3 & 4 even after doing advanced moves! In the begining I couldn't walk! Really thinking I will be able to move on to phase 2 by 10/29-10/31 Thinking of doing it 2 days earlier than planned to stay on schedule for the week :)
  • JenMcCrory
    JenMcCrory Posts: 105 Member
    Really enjoyed workout 6!! Must be a glutton for punishment was literally a puddle of sweat when I finished but loved all the moves. I found my arms really struggled doing Workout 5 definitely got lower upper body strength.

    Poeticmoe I've done P90x (well 6 weeks of it!) and I was thinking that the whole way through this that the moves are fairly similar except I find Body Revolution way better. P90x is very long and it concentrates on one thing a day so can be a bit boring and bloody Tony Horton and is stupid jokes so annoying. Tried to do it again before I got Body Revolution and joined MFP and honestly I hated it!

    So glad I found Body Revolution and you guys because exercising is fun again!
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Did workout 8 for the first time this morning. It was definitely a bit easier than workout 7 (thank goodness!), but by no means was it 'easy'. I thought the hardest circuit in workout 8 was circuit 3. Now that I'm using heavier weights, every move seems more difficult! I'm really looking forward to some cardio tomorrow.
  • dani_doing_it
    dani_doing_it Posts: 159 Member
    Really enjoyed workout 6!! Must be a glutton for punishment was literally a puddle of sweat when I finished but loved all the moves. I found my arms really struggled doing Workout 5 definitely got lower upper body strength.

    So glad I found Body Revolution and you guys because exercising is fun again!

    Me too on both!! I really look forward to workingout and posting... so nice with all the support!
  • dani_doing_it
    dani_doing_it Posts: 159 Member
    Just finished workout 6... last one for my week 5. I still have another week of 5 & 6 but I'm nervious about 7 & 8 already!! lol!!

    I really love circuit 4 with all the ab work, I really push hard on that last circuit because I hate my gut... oh to sit down and not have a big protruding gut roll!! lol... I had my girls less then a year apart, both c-sections, so my abs are shot. And yes, strech marks are appearing... or Tiger Stripes as my hubby calls them!! But I am determined to be bikini ready for next summer!!

    Have a great Sunday and 'don't call it in' as Jillian says!!
  • BrawlerBella
    BrawlerBella Posts: 400 Member
    I start week 8 2moro. She coins the term "Torture Tube" in week 7 for the cable. lol
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Done with cardio 2 this morning. It was extra hard because I am mega-sore from workouts 7 and 8 this weekend. Everything hurts! I woke up with a massive headache and I almost bailed on doing cardio 2. But I forced myself out of bed and got to it. Feel better now. :)

    Have a great Monday!
  • healthy4heidi
    healthy4heidi Posts: 113 Member

    I really love circuit 4 with all the ab work, I really push hard on that last circuit because I hate my gut....

    Me too! Everytime I did workout six I would do an extra set of circuit 4. Instead of doing the zigzag cardio in between I did the wood choppers. Abs are my main problem area so I loved Workout 6 as well.
  • healthy4heidi
    healthy4heidi Posts: 113 Member
    Done with cardio 2 this morning. It was extra hard because I am mega-sore from workouts 7 and 8 this weekend. Everything hurts!

    I am so worried about how sore I'm going to be tomorrow. Ugh. But it's so worth it . I never thought I could be as strong as I feel I am now. I love this workout. To me, it's totally worth the cost (especially since I don't have a gym membership). No matter what the final results are I am a satisfied camper.
  • gatx
    gatx Posts: 179 Member
    So glad I found Body Revolution and you guys because exercising is fun again!


    Had another 'cheat' weekend and was staring down at a bummer number on the scale this morning. (I think my experiment of eating 1200/day during the week and then eating/drinking my remaining calories on the weekend is a colossal failure!)

    But today is a new day. Its the start of a new week! I am going to eat SO CLEAN this week you could wash your floors with my meals! (ew)
    Or I am just going to do my best, push myself during the workouts and come out the best I can!

    Good job everyone!!
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    I just finished Week 9. The workouts challenge you but are doable because you've built up the skills in Phase 2. I could have done better, schedule is off because of the concert and baseball games I've been watching.I'm going to keep going on to Week 10 though. Same weight, same inches as last week.
  • dani_doing_it
    dani_doing_it Posts: 159 Member
    Same weight, same inches as last week.

    I hear you. I know I need to be patient... but I seriously can't get below 173... I'm staying under cal (1760), doing JMBR and C25K (I actually just got back from a 5km run) I know I could be eating cleaner... but I'm no where near as bad as I was! How can I be plateauing after only 5 weeks!!?? :grumble:
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    Dani - wow, you're doing two programs? I can't stand running, so good on ya for doing C25K too. I know I don't eat clean but i keep under my calories. Oh well, we feel stronger than when we started right? And we've shown commitment to the program so that counts for something too :)
  • rednpnk
    rednpnk Posts: 55 Member
    Ok, I'll join in with you ladies.. I'm on week 8, starting today.. Last week was hit or miss with the workouts.. I started back working after being on maternity leave for 7 months. I also fell off my good eating this weekend. Just too much going on.. Then I felt like I messed up, so may as well enjoy the weekend and start over. So today is my start over day.. I'm going to keep at it and not get discouraged. My arms are super sore from the last workout I did (Saturday). But I'm gonna get back to it. Thanks for the motivation..
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    hi rednpnk! I see you're from Antioch - another Bay Area girl here :) My hometown is Vallejo but I live in Palo Alto.

    I hear ya on being sore! But like JM says, "Pain is fear leaving the body!"
  • JenMcCrory
    JenMcCrory Posts: 105 Member
    But today is a new day. Its the start of a new week! I am going to eat SO CLEAN this week you could wash your floors with my meals! (ew)
    Or I am just going to do my best, push myself during the workouts and come out the best I can!

    Hilarious :laugh:

    My hubby comes home for a week on Thurs and while I can't wait to see him another part of me is a bit nervous that as soon as he gets back I'll abandon JM and all healthy eating. I've told him to give me a nudge if I look like I'm slacking. Fortunately he eats really healthy and works out so at least he won't try to lead me astray. I will however be including a few extra treats in the week because I want us to be able to enjoy the week, all within my calories of course.

    Just finished W/O 5 for the second time and it was a bit easier this time. Yesterdays cardio was madness not sure which is worse suicides or burpees!!

    Welcome rednpnk!!
  • dani_doing_it
    dani_doing_it Posts: 159 Member
    But today is a new day. Its the start of a new week! I am going to eat SO CLEAN this week you could wash your floors with my meals! (ew)
    Or I am just going to do my best, push myself during the workouts and come out the best I can!

    Hilarious :laugh:

    My hubby comes home for a week on Thurs and while I can't wait to see him another part of me is a bit nervous that as soon as he gets back I'll abandon JM and all healthy eating. I've told him to give me a nudge if I look like I'm slacking. Fortunately he eats really healthy and works out so at least he won't try to lead me astray. I will however be including a few extra treats in the week because I want us to be able to enjoy the week, all within my calories of course.

    Just finished W/O 5 for the second time and it was a bit easier this time. Yesterdays cardio was madness not sure which is worse suicides or burpees!!

    Welcome rednpnk!!

    I didn't do cardio 2 today - but I did run 5km!! (my C25K group runs on mondays, this is also a NSV - my first 5 km!)... I try to still do JMBR on my running days but today I got caught up in housework when I got home.

    Jen - Enjoy your week home with him!! For the last 3 years my hubby worked out of town so I hear you totally on diets going out the window when they are home!! Mine is an overweight junk food addict!! But 4 months ago we moved across country so he could actually 'come home' everynight... I am now a stay at home mom so I can exercise while he works and make healthy meals in disguise for dinner lol!!!

    Welcome rednpnk!!
  • healthy4heidi
    healthy4heidi Posts: 113 Member
    Still shaking from Warrior 3 pose. Ugh!
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Workout 7 done this morning! Those push-ups with the knee to the elbow are gonna kill me! And let's not even talk about those 'walking' push-ups. Eeek! Lol

    I with ya on not seeing the scale move. But I can tell I'm losing inches, and dang it, I do feel so much stronger! I could never do the moves I'm doing now just a few months ago. Body Rev makes me feel empowered -- go US! :)