Mid September start BR part 2



  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    Workout 10 today and it was HARD! And im supersore from workout 9, my backdelts are burning! It will be worth it!

    madoria yes WO10 is hard but to me WO 9 was harder. Actually, I think all the odd numbered workouts were harder for me! Perhaps it's the front part of the body that's harder to work in my case :)

    Did WO 12 this morning for the first time. I honestly didn't want to get up at 6 to do it. My nap last night kept me up til 2 am and I only got 4 more hours of sleep. It's kind of surreal to think this is the "last one". I could do all the moves EXCEPT the wheel pushups. Basically, you're on your back and lift your body up into an arch and do pushups that way. I could only arch myself up and had to rest on my hands and head - could only do one of those! It was truly a NSV to do the dancing crab move! I could barely do the crab at all during Phase 2!

    I'm super sore from WO11. My left hip flexor has been bugging me for the last few weeks and after WO 11 my left knee is hurting. Ahhh JM is killing me! lol
  • rednpnk
    rednpnk Posts: 55 Member
    I got up and did w/o 9 this morning! I was NOT ready for it... But I felt good afterward... I'm afraid of what w/o 10 is going to be.... But I'm ready for the challenge.. I think once I complete the program I'm gonna restart it, but start on phase 2... I'll combine it with Turbo Fire. I think together the both of them will be awesome!! Got some goals I'm ready to reach....
  • dani_doing_it
    dani_doing_it Posts: 159 Member
    Just finished Cardio2!! Uggghhh... burpees.

    I've lowered my calories the past 2 days and saw some movement on the scale!! I weigh everyday but only record on Mondays. I don't want to eat below my BMR but just wanted a kick start. Hopefully it works, I'm trying to find what works best for me.

    Happy hump day!!
  • healthy4heidi
    healthy4heidi Posts: 113 Member
    I did Workout 10 yesterday and Cardio 3 today. I haven't been so sore for awhile. My butt and triceps are so sore! I love it. =)
  • gatx
    gatx Posts: 179 Member
    I tucked away WO8 into its little slot in the Phase II book this morning. Ready to take out Phase III... wow! (And take my measurements... dun dun dun!) Fingers crossed for good results. I can say my calves are rock solid! And as I hang upside-down looking at my knees, they don't look AS flabby :)

    I have a work event this weekend... two days standing on hard floors at a Trade Show. It means strange eating times and eating whatever I can get my hands on. I am planning to bring some apples and string cheese with me and making sure I eat my yogurt in the a.m. My concern is getting my workouts in. I think I may do double rest day, especially since WO9 sounds tough. Might just do extra Cardio (c'mon mailman... delivery my TurboFire!!). But I am mentally prepping myself to get through this weekend.

    NSV that is kinda a bummer... I don't have pants that fit well. I am a jeans at work girl so when I have to dress 'nice' I bust out my pants and unfortunately I have sizes 6-12 sitting in my closet from years of yo-yo'ing. None fit well! And I don't want to buy net clothes yet until I finish. I might see if I can get a pair or two of not-so-pricey pants but ugh! Jillian... all my pants are too droopy in the butt! You are costing me $$ Jillian! :)
  • rednpnk
    rednpnk Posts: 55 Member
    I did work out 10 this morning, and I actually didn't mind it at all... Not too bad.. I'm gonna get my cardio in tonight and prepare for w/o 9 in the morning.. I do not like 9!
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    This morning's Cardio 3 was really rough. I am so incredibly sore from Monday's WO 11 and yesterday's WO 12 plus short elliptical bout. I felt groggy and my muscles were really tight. The rock stars and canon ball jumps still slay me. I'm already getting tired of Cardio 3!

    I do weigh myself every morning just to see where I'm at. I don't beat myself up about it if it fluctuates, but it seems to be going in the right direction. We'll see when weigh in day comes!

    I wish I would have bought Turbo Fire last week when it was on sale but I didn't get paid until this week. My niece (a Beach Body rep) told me it probably won't go on sale for awhile. Boo.
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    I've lowered my calories the past 2 days and saw some movement on the scale!! I weigh everyday but only record on Mondays. I don't want to eat below my BMR but just wanted a kick start. Hopefully it works, I'm trying to find what works best for me.

    Same here!
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    Did cardio 3 today. The soreness is the worst yet, and its EVERYWHERE! Shoulders, back, legs, triceps. Its good but UGH!
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    I did Workout 10 yesterday and Cardio 3 today. I haven't been so sore for awhile. My butt and triceps are so sore! I love it. =)

    I totally feel you, its the same for me!
  • JenMcCrory
    JenMcCrory Posts: 105 Member
    Can't believe I only have one week left of phase 2 agh!!!!

    Cardio 2 today and I really stepped it up did all the advanced moves not sure if it's my cardio ability getting better or just realising there is not long left so I need to do this 100%.

    My 4 year old joined me for the last set this morning. She is so funny she could do it all even the burpees god to be young and naturally fit again. When we were doing fast feet she said this isn't exercise this is just shaking your bum hilarious!!!
  • dani_doing_it
    dani_doing_it Posts: 159 Member
    Can't believe I only have one week left of phase 2 agh!!!!

    Cardio 2 today and I really stepped it up did all the advanced moves not sure if it's my cardio ability getting better or just realising there is not long left so I need to do this 100%.

    My 4 year old joined me for the last set this morning. She is so funny she could do it all even the burpees god to be young and naturally fit again. When we were doing fast feet she said this isn't exercise this is just shaking your bum hilarious!!!

    LOL!!! My girls (5&6) laugh hysterically at my jiggly bum in fast feet!! They love to workout with me too!! I wish I had their energy!!!

    Well, we got over 25cm of snow today... so I shovelled our driveway and our 2 neighbors (both their hubbys are out of town). Best part... 2 hours of shovelling snow is a 900+ calorie burn!!!! lol!!!
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    Did cardio 3 today. The soreness is the worst yet, and its EVERYWHERE! Shoulders, back, legs, triceps. Its good but UGH!

    medoria - yes! I did it yesterday after doing WO11 and WO12 and it took awhile to warm up my muscles to even get full range of motion.
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member

    Well, we got over 25cm of snow today... so I shovelled our driveway and our 2 neighbors (both their hubbys are out of town). Best part... 2 hours of shovelling snow is a 900+ calorie burn!!!! lol!!!

    Eeks! Snow? Hmm it's been 70-80 degrees here this past week. It'll be raining and in the 60's this weekend, so thank goodness this is an at-home workout system :)
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    4th day of Week 11 - doing WO 11 for the 2nd time. Nope, not getting better on the moves. The jumping lunges with weights just slays me. My shoulders are still burning 2 hours later 0_o
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    Second time doing workout 9 today. The abmove where you push up is IMPOSSIBLE, have to modify til next week. I like workout 10 better, workout 9 has a lot of new moves that takes some getting used to. Still funny how the muscles can be superstrong in some moves and total noobs in others!
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    OK ladies, I'm taking a small break from Jillian's Body Rev for about a week. I bought Tapout XT and I'm gonna try it for a week. I'm getting a bit stale with Jillian, so I'm going to give Tapout a try for a week and see how things go. I start my first Tapout workout tomorrow morning. I know it's not Body Rev, but if you don't mind, I'd still like to post here! :) I'll check back in tomorrow after my workout.

  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    OK ladies, I'm taking a small break from Jillian's Body Rev for about a week. I bought Tapout XT and I'm gonna try it for a week. I'm getting a bit stale with Jillian, so I'm going to give Tapout a try for a week and see how things go. I start my first Tapout workout tomorrow morning. I know it's not Body Rev, but if you don't mind, I'd still like to post here! :) I'll check back in tomorrow after my workout.


    Moe what is Tapout? I totally understand about taking a break. Don't leave us too long though!
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    Day 5 of Week 11. Oh man, it was tough getting out of bed to work out at 6 am this morning, but I did. Definitely like the even numbered workouts better, so WO 12 was easier than 11 yesterday.

    There is one move I just don't think I'll ever do properly, even after doing WO 12 a few more times. It's the wheel push-up - you're on your back and you arch you body into a half circle shape and do pushups like that. I can only lift into the arch with my weigh resting on my hands and head. Forget about lifting up any higher! The rest of you probably could do it, but my upper body strength is tapped out.
  • rednpnk
    rednpnk Posts: 55 Member
    Somebody motivate me please!!!!!!!! I wanna do it, I'm just to dammm tired!!! I'm starting to get annoyed with myself.. Getting out of bed at 4:30 sucks, but thats the only way I can do it.. Putting it off till the end of the day never works for me... I didn't get up yesterday because I wasn't feeling well, didn't get up this morning because I just didn't want to! Sad sad sad....