Mid September start BR part 2



  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    Funny how we all seem to hate workout 9! I did it for the last time today and Im sooooo happy! Then I took a look at workout 11 and I still have to do the dreaded divebombers!
  • dani_doing_it
    dani_doing_it Posts: 159 Member
    Dani - I like Cardio 3 better than 2 because it's shorter versions of the exercise - only 30 seconds. However doing them 3 times is sweat city! You're awesome, I HATE running, so kudos to anyone who can do it.

    You know I had lower back probs at the beginning of Phase 2. My pilates instructor helped immensely by telling me to adjust my posture. Instead of doing the Western posture - whole chest out, tailbone/butt tucked in - relax your chest so you have a neutral spine (not curved forward) and UNTUCK your tailbone so that it relaxes into the natural curve. Yes, your butt will be sticking out. It felt really weird at first since I'm so used to the Western posture but wow did it release the pressure on my lower back. It was my left side. Heat wraps and Aleve helped too! :)

    OMG i had the same experience with my puppy. She howled all night the first week. I tried tough love but it didn't work. I was crate training her and moved her crate into my room at night so she could see me - and that helped ease her anxiety. When she's old enough for crate training it helps train their bladders to hold their pee longer.

    Thanks D!!

    I just finished workout 8 and tried your posture... yes, it helped a ton with the pressure!! Did some extra back stretchs after too!!

    It is hard with the girls and puppy training... They are trying to help, if you know what I mean, and I think it is just confusing the poor thing!! We have her sleep in her little carry kennel beside our bed, she only gets up 1-2 times a night and I take her down for a pee... right now that is working well for us.

    So I am now done with Phase 2!! Ready for what Phase 3 has to bring!!! (I think lol!!)
  • Monica_SC
    Monica_SC Posts: 20 Member
    OMG! Just finished my first Cardio 3 -- that totally wiped me out! Whew! But I did burn the most calories ever on JMBR, so it was worth it. :)
  • JenMcCrory
    JenMcCrory Posts: 105 Member
    Phase 2 results :-D

    Weight - 2.8 pounds down (8.4 total)
    Chest - 0.5 inches down (1 inch total)
    Waist - 0.5 inches down (3 inches total)
    Stomach - 2 inches down (3 inches total)
    Hips - 3.5 inches down (5.5 inches total)
    Body Fat - 2.1% down (5.7% total)

    So my body shape is definitely changing first month my waist shrunk now my hips, feeling slimmer by the day.

    On to the last Phase now so excited!! I'm already thinking about what I'm going to do in the New Year don't want to jinx it though this is the longest I've stayed doing a programme. I'm thinking either P90x but swapping all the non strength days for Jillian cardio/yoga or I could join a gym and do Jamie Easons Livefit. Either way it is going to be a more strength based programme with some heavy lifting.
  • gatx
    gatx Posts: 179 Member
    So my body shape is definitely changing first month my waist shrunk now my hips, feeling slimmer by the day.

    How great it that??? Awesome work!

    We are on about the same track to finish. This is the longest I've ever stuck with a program, I cannot believe it. (I stopped 30DS at 25 days... whats up with that?) But I bought TurboFire on a deal and my sister has P90x she could give me... I am not sure what to do. I am going on a cruise in early February and that is my 'goal'... I have a red dress I wore to a friends wedding a few years ago at my lowest since college. I want to rock that dress!

    My JMBR from this week... WO9 is not my favorite. I don't ever hit a groove, you know? I feel like I am always playing catch up. I cannot do the Rock Star squats (you roll down, roll up and POP up... wth?) so I do jump squats. And the Plank Flies, I think my form is bad... i feel like i am straining my neck and now my upper back just aches. I need to get out of my head and just go for it. After WO7 & 8 I was doing 10 mins of Cardio... after WO9 I sat on the floor sipping water. But 'the pain I feel is fat melting off the body.' or at least it better be!

    Good job everyone! A bad workout is better than spending that 1/2 hour on the couch!
  • dani_doing_it
    dani_doing_it Posts: 159 Member
    Awesome results Jen!!!!

    My end of Phase 2 results:

    Weight down 2 lbs (5 total)
    waist down .5 (1.5 total)
    hips down .5 (1.5 total)
    thigh down 1 (1.5 total)
    chest down 1 (2 total)
    upper arm no change (down .5 total)
    lower belly - baby pooch down .5 (2.5 total)

    Not as great as Phase 1 but still shrinking... curious to see how lowering my cals for Phase 3 will be.

    I am also thinking of what to do next... I have Shed and Shred which I have not done yet as well as JM Killer Buns and thighs... I would like to stick to more weight and resistance training and lifting and just do mainly running for cardio.

    Up ALL night with puppy... will tackle workout 9 later this morning (after a nap maybe!)

    Happy Friday!!
  • rednpnk
    rednpnk Posts: 55 Member
    Did w/o 10 last night, Got up this morning and did Turbo fire for cardio. That lil baby of mine was up again, so this time I just worked out in my room with him. Going down stairs to do Cardio 3 wouldn't have worked. BUT at least I got a workout in.. Keep up the good work everyone! Have a good day!!

    Dani: I'm also working on that baby belly! Your results are great.. I need to do measurements also. I did them between phase 1 and 2, but forgot to do them when I started 3...
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    Phase 2 results :-D

    Weight - 2.8 pounds down (8.4 total)
    Chest - 0.5 inches down (1 inch total)
    Waist - 0.5 inches down (3 inches total)
    Stomach - 2 inches down (3 inches total)
    Hips - 3.5 inches down (5.5 inches total)
    Body Fat - 2.1% down (5.7% total)

    Wow, awesome work Jen! We're all feeling our bodies change aren't we? And everyone's commitment to Body Revolution inspires me to keep going ;)
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member

    We are on about the same track to finish. This is the longest I've ever stuck with a program, I cannot believe it. (I stopped 30DS at 25 days... whats up with that?) But I bought TurboFire on a deal and my sister has P90x she could give me... I am not sure what to do. I am going on a cruise in early February and that is my 'goal'... I have a red dress I wore to a friends wedding a few years ago at my lowest since college. I want to rock that dress!

    Haha, I did the same with 30DS. I really wish I got that TurboFire deal! I might be tempted to pay full price if I can't find my Zumba DVDs. I think I need to go more the cardio route. I need to lose this layer of fat floating around my tummy and upper arms!
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    Awesome results Jen!!!!

    My end of Phase 2 results:

    Weight down 2 lbs (5 total)
    waist down .5 (1.5 total)
    hips down .5 (1.5 total)
    thigh down 1 (1.5 total)
    chest down 1 (2 total)
    upper arm no change (down .5 total)
    lower belly - baby pooch down .5 (2.5 total)

    Dani - Great work girl! The inches you've lost are impressive :) Hahaha I"m still fighting the baby pooch and my son turns 14 in 2 weeks!
  • JenMcCrory
    JenMcCrory Posts: 105 Member
    Great results Dani! Nice to see all the hard work paying off!

    Laughing at Gatx and D saying they quit the 30 day shred early that is so me. I get close to a goal and then figure hmmm this is good enough and stop but not this time! And I have to say it is mostly because of you guys, it's good to have accountability.

    First w/o 9 I liked it!! Maybe that's just cos I hated w/o 7 but this one seems more manageble to me even though it is physically tougher. I love the squat roll things I can't do them without using my hand but I know with practise I will eventually and then how cool will that look. LOL I think I have an unfulfilled wish to do gymnastics from when I was younger.

    Happy weekend everyone!!!
  • aliwitt82
    Monday starts my last two weeks!!!!!!! Debating if I want to start over or if I want to do something else......suggestions???
  • gatx
    gatx Posts: 179 Member

    I love the squat roll things I can't do them without using my hand but I know with practise I will eventually and then how cool will that look. LOL I think I have an unfulfilled wish to do gymnastics from when I was younger.

    Good for you... cuz I think I looked like a turtle that rolled on its back and couldn't get up :( So I just popped up and did squat jumps. I will attempt it some more.... but I am no gymnast! Good for you for getting it!
    Monday starts my last two weeks!!!!!!! Debating if I want to start over or if I want to do something else......suggestions???

    I have the same question... I did a three month gym membership from a Groupon and they have Body Pump but only one night a week... I like Body Pump. But not sure...
  • dani_doing_it
    dani_doing_it Posts: 159 Member

    I love the squat roll things I can't do them without using my hand but I know with practise I will eventually and then how cool will that look. LOL I think I have an unfulfilled wish to do gymnastics from when I was younger.

    Good for you... cuz I think I looked like a turtle that rolled on its back and couldn't get up :( So I just popped up and did squat jumps. I will attempt it some more.... but I am no gymnast! Good for you for getting it!
    Monday starts my last two weeks!!!!!!! Debating if I want to start over or if I want to do something else......suggestions???

    I have the same question... I did a three month gym membership from a Groupon and they have Body Pump but only one night a week... I like Body Pump. But not sure...

    Gatx - I'm with you on the squat rolls!! I started laughing at myself rolling around and struggling to get my big butt up! lol!!

    I found the 2nd circuit tough - I struggle with push ups so all the plank/push up moves were pretty sloppy on my part.

    I also had some 'cracking' in my elbow (the supporting one) while doing the side plank oblique crunches (last move) I'm sure it was just from the twisting... anyone else have this?

    I was dripping with sweat at the end of this one... can't wait to get my HRM to see my actual burn!!

    I'm really torn as to what to do post BR. I have a lot of fat to lose and wobbly bits I need to firm up. I love JM's workouts, but want something like BR that will keep changing so I don't get bored. Anyone do Insanity or PX90? I was also thinking Chalean Xtreme... then there is the Turbo Fire/Jam... any feedback on these would be great!
  • JenMcCrory
    JenMcCrory Posts: 105 Member
    Finished w/o 10 my eyes were stinging with the sweat dripping off my head seriously I think I need a headband!

    Talk about stepping it up
  • dani_doing_it
    dani_doing_it Posts: 159 Member
    Workout 10 done.

    Jen - I was dripping during the workout, but I enjoyed it! (the workout not the dripping part lol!)

    I knew it was going to be tough when she said 'now kick each leg up' during the reverse plank! But I much preferred it over 9.

    I also threw in an old Pilates DVD I have - I find the stretching really helps, especially for my lower back.

    So after a week or so at 1200 cals I am upping them to 1390 (plus eating back some exercise cals). I still haven't found what works for me yet... I will try this for 6 weeks and re-evaluate.
  • JenMcCrory
    JenMcCrory Posts: 105 Member
    Cardio 3 Holymotherf*inglonglistofexpletivesthataretoorudeforhere!!!! That is all.
  • dani_doing_it
    dani_doing_it Posts: 159 Member
    Cardio 3 Holymotherf*inglonglistofexpletivesthataretoorudeforhere!!!! That is all.

    So that is what I have to look forward to in the morning.... great....lol!
  • aliwitt82
    Cardio 3 Holymotherf*inglonglistofexpletivesthataretoorudeforhere!!!! That is all.
    I thought the same thing for workout 11.
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    LOL on the squat rolls! I would get myself up and immediately fall over. My bf and son would crack up - so I told them they had to leave the room hahaha!

    Yeah, Cardio 3 on Saturday for me was all out war. The rockstars and canonballs kill my knees but I did everything all out. And felt like I was going to barf by the end. Crazy burn though.

    Rest day yesterday was good. Felt weird not working out. I need to have a dairy intervention though. I love lattes and cheese way to much and my tummy doesn't agree.

    I couldn't sleep well last night coz my tummy hurt - which led to a low energy Workout 11 this morning. I feel like an idiot doing the chatteranga (sp?). I can barely do it on my knees. I feel my knees cracking on the reverse squats and bear walk thing. Thanks Kenta! All those planks, especially the push-ups with the torture tube - killin' the wrists yo!

    My sister, brother-in-law and niece are sleeping over tonight... which means I need to move all my workout stuff (weights, torture tube, HRM, DVD) to my room since i normally do it in the living room where they'll be sleeping. Wish I didn't have to work tomorrow.