Mid September start BR part 2



  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member

    Jen - Enjoy your week home with him!! For the last 3 years my hubby worked out of town so I hear you totally on diets going out the window when they are home!! Mine is an overweight junk food addict!! But 4 months ago we moved across country so he could actually 'come home' everynight... I am now a stay at home mom so I can exercise while he works and make healthy meals in disguise for dinner lol!!!

    Jen I feel ya too. For several years my man traveled for work so we never saw each other. Then I moved down here to be with him and we would spend time together eating out (still do!). Dani - haha mine is an overweight all kinds of food addict hahahah.

    Our son is a 13 year old 5'10" bottomless pit. So of course neither of them wants to eat my "rabbit food". Working full time and cleaning up after those 2 takes so much out of me, I can't cook separate meals. We also eat out a lot. So I just eat less of the not so healthy food and try to incorporate some healthier stuff too.

    Working out when I wake up at 6 am before work has been helping this week. When I get home and have to deal with the boys, it's easy to find an excuse or "phone it in" as Jillian says.
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    Workout 7 done this morning! Those push-ups with the knee to the elbow are gonna kill me! And let's not even talk about those 'walking' push-ups. Eeek! Lol

    I with ya on not seeing the scale move. But I can tell I'm losing inches, and dang it, I do feel so much stronger! I could never do the moves I'm doing now just a few months ago. Body Rev makes me feel empowered -- go US! :)

    Yeah I could never do those prone push ups properly. Warrior 3 - ahhhhhhh i still cringe thinking about those.

    But you're right, we are stronger. We're badass for sticking with this program. :)
  • rednpnk
    rednpnk Posts: 55 Member
    Hi all... I did workout 7 yesterday and about died.. Although, not as close to dying as I was the first time I did it. lol.... I can't get the arm/knee push ups, but at least I try. I just go back to modified and it still hurts like hell, so I guess that's better than nothing. I also ran/walked 2 miles right after.. Yay me!! Can't wait for tonights workout. Let's do it!!
  • dani_doing_it
    dani_doing_it Posts: 159 Member

    Jen - Enjoy your week home with him!! For the last 3 years my hubby worked out of town so I hear you totally on diets going out the window when they are home!! Mine is an overweight junk food addict!! But 4 months ago we moved across country so he could actually 'come home' everynight... I am now a stay at home mom so I can exercise while he works and make healthy meals in disguise for dinner lol!!!

    Jen I feel ya too. For several years my man traveled for work so we never saw each other. Then I moved down here to be with him and we would spend time together eating out (still do!). Dani - haha mine is an overweight all kinds of food addict hahahah.

    Our son is a 13 year old 5'10" bottomless pit. So of course neither of them wants to eat my "rabbit food". Working full time and cleaning up after those 2 takes so much out of me, I can't cook separate meals. We also eat out a lot. So I just eat less of the not so healthy food and try to incorporate some healthier stuff too.

    Working out when I wake up at 6 am before work has been helping this week. When I get home and have to deal with the boys, it's easy to find an excuse or "phone it in" as Jillian says.

    When I was working full time I found it easier to get up an extra 1/2 earlier to do my workouts (as inconsistant as they were). I was getting up with my hubby at 5:30am and doing them before the girls got up in the summer... but now I do them later (after I take them to school).

    Because my hubby is on 7/10's right now he's too tired to go out for dinner... but he wants a 'meat and potatoes' dinner every night and home baked goodies for his lunch... dinner I can make healthy but it's the baking that's killing me... I just can't say no to the squares and cookies I make. I've been using coconut oil (which is awesome) and trying healthy versions but they still have sugar/calories!!

    Just finished workout 5; it's starting to grow on me (only one more left though). I was able to do crab dips with my leg up (but I did rest it on my knee), cable punches are still a huge struggle, and I STILL have a hard time with push ups!!

    One thing I have embraced this workout is the 'grunt' lol!!! I let out a few grunts while doing the woodchop and just decided to go with it!! lol!!
  • kristinc06837
    kristinc06837 Posts: 630 Member
    Well I am 4 work outs away from completing phase 1! It feels good to be getting so close. I can totally tell a difference in my stamina and my strength and If i could actually keep my eating in check the weight would be melting off. On days that I do keep to about 1300-1400 calories I see results each day. When the weekend hits :( a major gain. My biggest problem is getting my protein in with out all the carbs and calories. I don't want to add more calories just for more protein because I still get around at least 80 a day but my carbs still far out way my protein %

    The last two days I have added an incline walk after my WO 3 & 4 trying to really add in some extra burn to get those numbers going down to help motivate me. Just checked out the results thread and it was a major encouragement! Just need to stick to the diet and all will be fine!
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Workout 8 done this morning. OK, I'm not a fan of workout 8. So far, it's my least favorite workout. Not really sure why, but it still kicks my *kitten* when I do it. Lol On to cardio tomorrow! :)
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    Poeticmoe - yeah I disliked WO 7 and 8 as well. Moreso 7 because of the lower back probs.
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Poeticmoe - yeah I disliked WO 7 and 8 as well. Moreso 7 because of the lower back probs.

    Cali - now that you mention it, I noticed I've been having back spasms since Saturday, when I started workouts 7 and 8. Could it be from workout 7? I never thought of that, but I know when I did workout 7 again yesterday, my back spasms started again later in the day. Hmmm....
  • healthy4heidi
    healthy4heidi Posts: 113 Member
    Google back stretches and do them as a part of your cool down. I've noticed something in my lower back, I'm not sure if it's back pain or soreness from using the muscles around it. Take care of yourself and get a massage if you need it. =)
  • gatx
    gatx Posts: 179 Member
    Did my final WO5 today... that went quickly. Cannot believe I am about 1/2 way through. (Saw Heidi's post about how many weeks total. I never mapped it out entirely).

    But I have been doing my best to eat clean and FINALLY saw the scale move in the right direction. The past few weekends have been gains on the scale and by the time I worked it off... another weekend, another gain. I finally finally dropped and its such motivation to be 'good' this weekend. No freaking fried food is going to tempt me this weekend! And I am volunteering to be designated driver Saturday night, picking people up 1/2 hour of my way so that I won't be tempted for that 'extra' glass of wine! Jillian says in her book that the problem with alcohol isn't just sugar/calories, its the bad decisions we make after a few drinks... SO TRUE! That's my problem in a nutshell on weekends!

    I am anxious (in a good way) about WO7 especially now that lower back problems were mentioned. I was in PT for SI Joint problems. The stretches to do for low back involve everything else, particularly hips for me. But jumping and twisting can trigger problems for me. So I'll be careful and modify where needed. Hopefully I have some strength to not trigger my problems again.

    Good job everyone, we are looking GOOD! Check you out!
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Good afternoon! Today was cardio day, but I did some yoga instead. However, I did Jillian's Yoga Meltdown dvd, and let me tell you, there was nothing 'zen' or 'relaxing' about Jillian's version of yoga! Lol I should have known better, but it was still a great workout. I'm becoming a huge Jillian workout dvd fan now....! :)
  • dani_doing_it
    dani_doing_it Posts: 159 Member
    Yesterday should have been w/o 6 for me... but I did a 5km run with my C25K group and then had my session with the trainer at the gym I just joined... I did a 1hr weight lifting session... soooo, too tired for JMBR yesterday!!

    Back at it tomorrow, I'm using today as my rest day. (my body is telling me it needs a rest day, and I don't want to get injured from being too tired)
  • kristinc06837
    kristinc06837 Posts: 630 Member
    Well I just completed the last WO three I will do for this phase! Excited for tomorrow to finish WO 4 and then cardio the next day. I have been doing incline walking this week instead of Cardio 1 because it has literally bored me to tears lol The scale has moved down and stayed moving down since I have been consistent and eating better has been easier with more protein and remembering all the working out I do and not wanting to screw that up!
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    Poeticmoe - yeah I disliked WO 7 and 8 as well. Moreso 7 because of the lower back probs.

    Cali - now that you mention it, I noticed I've been having back spasms since Saturday, when I started workouts 7 and 8. Could it be from workout 7? I never thought of that, but I know when I did workout 7 again yesterday, my back spasms started again later in the day. Hmmm....

    For me, I chalked up that injury to poor form and weak ab muscles (which support the lower back). Heat definitely helped - got one of these heat wraps. I also changed my posture - instead of tucking in my tailbone, I relax it and let the end of the tailbone curve out like it's supposed to. That alone releases a lot of tension.

    However, with all the plyo in Phase 3 (rockstar jumps for days) my feet are hurting. I think with the weight loss, my feet have also gotten smaller, so I need to get more supportive sneakers.

    I didn't do JMBR yesterday (was supposed to do Cardio 3) since I had to get to the World Series game, but I did plenty of walking quickly to/from the train and going up the tons of stairs to the cheap seats. I'm so sore today, I'm going to get rest and face Jillian tomorrow.
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Rest day for me! Nuff said. :)

  • JenMcCrory
    JenMcCrory Posts: 105 Member
    Rest day yesterday indulged in some nice food and a little bit of wine (first drink in over a month!)

    Back to workout 5 today and it was so hard can definitely feel the difference from when I eat good and abstain. However I am going to enjoy this week and suffer through the workouts!
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Workout 7 this morning. It's so tough doing workout 7 when you're coming off a rest day the previous day. I'm beat!

    Time for a nap....Lol.
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Workout 8 done and in the books for today! I can't believe this is my last week of phase 2. Wow
  • JenMcCrory
    JenMcCrory Posts: 105 Member
    Way to go Moe you'll be finished in no time!

    While I think the most of you are heading towards winter here in Oz it's only hotting up so finding that I am literally sweating buckets after the 30 mins. I do it first thing in the morning as well couldn't imagine trying to do it during the day. Hoping it helps with the weight loss. Just need to drink way more water!

    I'm nearly half way through and so happy with the changes in my body already. Hubby noticed a big difference and he was away for the first phase so he's seeing it fresh if you know what I mean. Can't imagine what it'll be like at the end.

    Keep up the hard work everyone we are doing so well and I can see everyone here on the graduates thread soon!
  • gatx
    gatx Posts: 179 Member
    My first Workout 7 and 8 are in the books. I was petrified of 7... its definitely hard but good hard. WO8 involved some coordination that I am lacking! Achy today and that's good.

    I am jealous of you heading towards summer. We are heading towards winter and today is a big windy rain storm that is taking every leaf off the trees! They've pretty much shut down the state today (all schools, gov't offices closed... of course my office is open, but hey I have a job! ;) The drive to work was scary with slippery wet leaves and pine needles covering the roads. It will be depressing when the beautiful leaves are gone.

    Its the start of another great week... Jillian is making us stronger and slimmer! Go get it!!!