Mid September start BR part 2



  • JenMcCrory
    JenMcCrory Posts: 105 Member
    Just finished w/o 8 and it sucked because:

    -I'm sick just bad cold but literally no energy

    -I hurt my one of my metatarsals (big toe bone in foot). Not sure when it happened but it start hurting on Halloween. Makes jumping and lunges painful and awkward so today had to modify a bit.

    Anyway it's done now I can get showered and get back on the couch :frown:
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    My hubby has noticed the lift in my rear as well (and is much appreciative lol). I can also feel hard muscle under my belly, my sides have tightened up and my saddlebags aren't as big. On a sad note, my calves have gotten bigger and I can't zip up my leather knee high boots!

    My last day of this program should be right before Xmas, I'm hoping to get something a little naughty to wear to show off my hard work!! lol!!!

    Lol Dani - we should all get something naughty to show off our hard work ;P

    Yes I noticed that my bum has gotten some lift. I am an inverted triangle (large shoulders, arms, slimmer hips and flat bum) so my bum can get all the help it can get! My back chub is shrinking thank goodness.
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    -I hurt my one of my metatarsals (big toe bone in foot). Not sure when it happened but it start hurting on Halloween. Makes jumping and lunges painful and awkward so today had to modify a bit.

    I've been having the same exact problem, but didn't know the name of the part! Especially on my left foot where the big toe bone meets the larger foot bone. I think it's from all the plyo. My feet hurt a lot in general. I need new shoes because 1) my feet have lost weight too so they're getting looser 2) I need more cushioning. After all the rockstars, jumping lunges and canonball jumps in Cardio 3 today my feet were hurting really badly.
  • JenMcCrory
    JenMcCrory Posts: 105 Member
    I've been having the same exact problem, but didn't know the name of the part! Especially on my left foot where the big toe bone meets the larger foot bone. I think it's from all the plyo. My feet hurt a lot in general. I need new shoes because 1) my feet have lost weight too so they're getting looser 2) I need more cushioning. After all the rockstars, jumping lunges and canonball jumps in Cardio 3 today my feet were hurting really badly.

    Ok you're all probably gonna think I'm a bit mad but I do my workouts in my barefoot which I'd say is the reason I hurt my foot.

    I don't own a pair of sneakers :noway: When I moved to Oz I could only bring so much so left them behind and haven't bothered buying anymore cos I wear sandals all the time outside. Must invest in a pair!!!!
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    60 day progress pics!!!

    I don't know how to post pics here, but I uploaded some 60 day progress pics to my MFP photo album, if anyone is interested. I think if you're a 'friend' of mine on MFP, you can view my album. If not, just let me know and I can add you.

    Still haven't lost much weight on the scale, but dang, I can definitely see a difference in my pictures from day 1. So glad I took progress pics along the way!
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Did WO10 for the first time today. It was considerably easier than WO9 yesterday; meaning, I didn't feel like I was going to DIE, like I did yesterday during workout 9! LOL
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    60 day progress pics!!!

    I don't know how to post pics here, but I uploaded some 60 day progress pics to my MFP photo album, if anyone is interested. I think if you're a 'friend' of mine on MFP, you can view my album. If not, just let me know and I can add you.

    Still haven't lost much weight on the scale, but dang, I can definitely see a difference in my pictures from day 1. So glad I took progress pics along the way!

    You are totally shrinking!! Your thighs are most noticeable, but there's nowhere your hard work isn't showing. Great job!
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    Workout 9 was a challenge! Good thing the last circuit is the easiest!
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Today is cardio day and I switched things up and did a Turbo Fire workout. Wow, I really miss doing Turbo Fire! It was great and so much fun. Have to figure out how I can incorporate more of Turbo Fire into my routines.

    Happy Monday!
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    Just started Week 11! I redid Week 10 last week and feel like I mastered WO 9 & 10. I don't watch the DVD's ahead so I don't psych myself out.

    I was a sweat monster by the end. So many planks, push ups, down dogs etc. My wrists hurt by the end. I was able to do most of the moves. My big toe joint on my left foot was hurting so the jumping lunges with shoulder press were killing me.

    I can't do scorpion push ups military style so I figure I can do them on my knees with really good form. I'm pretty proud that i can do military push ups at all, but I can do a few!
  • dani_doing_it
    dani_doing_it Posts: 159 Member
    Workout 7 and a 5km run in today... Mondays are my running group so I always get a double whammy!!

    I don't know why I struggle with push ups so much!? I've been lifting weights and can bench press 65lbs and overhead press 50lbs but I can't do more then 5 regular push ups!! and forget the crow push ups! lol!! I'm on my knees for those!! grrr... something to work towards I guess!!

    9 more days and I'm done Phase 2... Can't say I'm happy with my scale results so far. But I have started weight lifting 2-3x week too... so I really hope the measuring tape makes up for the scale!! I'm also wondering about my calories...over a month ago I changed to eating TDEE -20% (approx 1600) and NOT logging/eating exercise calories... I'm wondering if I need to increase or decrease my calories??
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    Don't worry Dani, I can barely do push ups in general.

    I think I'm going to add extra cardio in tonight (elliptical or something), kind of like kickstart week. I know I won't be able to stick to the 1200 calories but I might aim for 1400 instead of my TDEE -20% these last couple of weeks. Just to shake up my system!
  • gatx
    gatx Posts: 179 Member
    Tomorrow is my last WO7... ticking these weeks by! I had a great weekend for me... not so good on the food diary (I totally forgot to enter the desserts from last night...c'mon homemade macaroons and a strawberry shortcake! ha!

    Doubled up on my cardio today as penance. I did Cardio II and 10 mins of Cardio III this a.m. and followed up tonight with Cardio III and 10 mins of Cardio II. Ow ow ow. That's a lot of the calves but seriously I cannot imagine doing this just a few weeks ago.

    Dani, you amaze me with doing C25k. i am still running a 5k on Thanksgiving morning... but I come up with every excuse to do other cardio than running. I think its from high school soccer... running was always a punishment! ha! This morning I was dressing to go out and the radio mentioned it was snowing so I did Cardio inside instead. (Mind you it was a tiny flurry 10 miles away.. but any excuse!)

    Congrats on a strong start this week everyone! LIke Jillian says, be proud of your accomplishments! Remind yourself how great you are!
  • Monica_SC
    Monica_SC Posts: 20 Member
    I just did workout 7 today -- and it was tough! Glad to hear that workout 8 is a little easier -- whew!
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    Nope I didn't get in my extra cardio tonight. I'm still super sore from Workout 11 this morning! I did get a nap in though. I really think I lack sleep and that's been detrimental to this program.
  • JenMcCrory
    JenMcCrory Posts: 105 Member
    PoeticMoe your progress is amazing you can really see you shrinking in those photos.

    You all put me to shame with your extra cardio and exercise fair play!!!

    Still feeling sick had errands to do this morning so didn't do my exercise first thing like usual and I really contemplated not doing it at all due to lack of energy BUT I slept for an hour and felt a bit better so did w/o 7 and I feel great now it was actually easier this time.

    SweetD can't believe you are on the last 2 weeks must feel amazing x
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    Workout 10 today and it was HARD! And im supersore from workout 9, my backdelts are burning! It will be worth it!
  • Poeticmoe
    Poeticmoe Posts: 176 Member
    Morning ladies! Thanks for your kind comments about my photos. It's so HARD to put yourself out there like that. But I post my pics for my own accountability and to remind myself WHY I'm doing this.

    Today was workout 9 and dang, I really struggle doing 9. My calorie burns are so much higher with workouts 9 and 10 too. Doing workout 9 is the first time I feel like I want to slap Jillian! Lol

    Happy Election Day! :)
  • dani_doing_it
    dani_doing_it Posts: 159 Member
    Good morning!!

    I actually prefer running (outside, NOT on the treadmill lol) over the JMBR cardio workouts! But, with all the snow and ice the running paths here are getting tricky, so I may by stuck inside for a bit. I don't really like cardio 2 so I'm sure cardio 3 will be worse!! I hate all the plyo moves...

    Sweet D - It even says in one of the booklets that comes with JMBR that getting 8 hrs of sleep is very important for weight loss.

    Poeticmoe - We are all in the same boat!! Be proud of all you have accomplished on this journey - you are strong, beautiful, healthy and look great!! I wish I had of taken before pics, like you I have lost inches but not many lbs, seeing a picture show it would help with the frustration!

    Well, must get my little girls off to school, then it's w/o 8!!
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    PoeticMoe your progress is amazing you can really see you shrinking in those photos.

    You all put me to shame with your extra cardio and exercise fair play!!!

    Still feeling sick had errands to do this morning so didn't do my exercise first thing like usual and I really contemplated not doing it at all due to lack of energy BUT I slept for an hour and felt a bit better so did w/o 7 and I feel great now it was actually easier this time.

    SweetD can't believe you are on the last 2 weeks must feel amazing x

    Jen I hope you get to 100% soon. Good for you getting that extra rest before working out.

    I saw a post that technically JMBR is 13 weeks! So that means I have 3 more weeks I think. I'll have to look in the booklet.

    By the way, my name is Diane :) My friends call me D, so you all can too.