Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    I did my month-end measurements and photos. I haven't done the "side-by-side" comparison, but, here's what I can remember:

    1. up 0.9 lb.
    2. bicep is down 1/2". Weird as this measurement NEVER changes. I expect hubby measured in a slightly different spot than before.
    3. natural waist and belly-button waist have stayed the same.
    4. hips are down 3/4". Weird, as this measurement SHOULDN'T have changed this month. Again, I expect hubby measured in a slightly different spot than before.
    5. My thighs (upper and mid-) were slightly down (1/4" each, maybe?)

    So, no big changes. No big surprises. With a better "in-check" diet this month, I'm hoping for a bit better end-of-August results.

    (PS - I left 50g of carbs on the table, yesterday! Woo hoo!!!)
  • cushygal
    cushygal Posts: 586 Member
    Good morning all,

    I have decided to take a 2 week from lifting as I need to concentrate on my ruuning as the Falmouth Road race is coming up on Aug 12th - this is one of the biggeset races in the US and I am super stoked that I got in the lottery and won a racing spot - but I have not been training since I ran my half marathon in May - so for the next 10 days I need to run daily, no weight training.

    I will restart Stage 2 on Monday Aug 13th.

    See you all on the 13th!!!!

  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    celeste - welcome!! How did your first workout go?

    Beeps - at least there wasn't any large gains! Keeping the eating in check is so much harder than it seems it should be.

    cushy - good luck on the race and congrats for getting in!

    Sore from yesterdays workout and will be doing my HIIT at lunch today. Tomorrow is the last babseball game of the season!!!! Woohooo!!!! I love watching my boys play, but 7 weeks of getting home at 4:30, eating dinner, going straight to baseball, coming home and getting kids in bed, then staying up late because I need some down time has put a serious cramp in my morning workouts. Oh yeah, then soccer starts next week, but at least I can just drop them at practice and leave!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    cushygal - good luck in your race! (and, fwiw, I think it's GREAT to change-it-up from time to time - you're running will be AWESOME!)

    jennie - sounds like everything is going well for you, too! Congrats!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Cushy sending you good vibes for a strong finish in the race!!

    Celeste welcome!

    Beeps, you basically just NROL4W right? Are you comparing from when you first started or mid program or since the last Stage? So what do you think about your program results in general?

    Jennie, you sound like your boys keep you moving! I think it's awesome that you make time for yourself too!!

    I am sore! Not bad sore, tight in the lower back from I guess deadlifts, stiff and a bit achy shoulders and arms and thighs. Not like I was when I first started this stage, but I can tell I moved up in weight and that I'm hitting form better too!

    My good news is that hubby is moving things around in downstairs so I will have access to the back of the bench = the squat rack!! I hope it will be ready for tomorrow's workout but I am not going to press, since he spent the whole evening down there moving things around just to begin making room for it! Yippee!! He's so cute, the other day when I went out with the club, he looked me up and down and said "just don't go geting yourself picked up out there" LOL

    The picture taken of my butt while we were at the range last week shows definite improvement from the last butt shot taken of me about 6 weeks ago (no I didn't ask for either of them). But I was really disappointed at the side shot, which showed my arm, bat wings and all and not a bit of muscle definition. I was holding a handgun (for the first time in my life I might add), my right hand supporting the grip and yuck my arm just looks old and flabby. I'm really disappointed! I had hoped that would look better by now. I like how my arm looks when I flex but yuck not when I'm just "doing" It's posted on my FB profile
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Cushy -- good luck! You're a better woman that I am :)

    Beeps -- good numbers. I think it's so hard to tell *right* after a stage, you know?

    Finished stage 4 today. Whoa. I'm seriously beat down I think. Had to just keep it to 2 sets except deadlifts and only did 1/2 my intervals. I'm hoping it's just due to not having a break since Stage 1. I'm not starting 5 until next Wednesday so I get an entire week off from lifting. My body better get it together! hahaha! I did make some big gains this stage so overall, I'm pretty pleased.

    I'm going to do another round of HIIT on Friday to makeup for the crap version I did today. That shouldn't interfere with my rest week since I won't be lifting, right?
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member

    He's so cute, the other day when I went out with the club, he looked me up and down and said "just don't go geting yourself picked up out there" LOL

    Hahahahaha! I love it!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member

    He's so cute, the other day when I went out with the club, he looked me up and down and said "just don't go geting yourself picked up out there" LOL

    Hahahahaha! I love it!

    That's so sweet!!!
  • laurenmdaley
    laurenmdaley Posts: 40 Member
    Hi everyone! I just did my first NROLFW workout this morning. It went well, but the weight room was pretty busy and I felt a bit lost in there. I actually did sign on with a trainer for a little while until I get comfortable, and get my form down right. Meeting with the trainer Friday morning.

    I've spent the last two hours reading through this thread (don't tell my boss!) and you guys seem awesome! Hope you don't mind if I join in??

    Cushie - good luck in Falmouth, that's a big deal!
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    Hi everyone. I have not joined in on the daily thread yet but mostly b/c I do more of my online chatting at work (sounds terrible, I know...but I am a 911 dispatcher and at a console all evening...can't do much else except wait for an emergency) and have been on vacation for 10 days!! But I am back at work now and back on to MFP. I have kept up w/my lifting but not my logging on.

    I was curious if anyone has dealt w/lower back pain after deadlifts. I am in Stage 1 and have been doing deadlifts fine for a while but my workout on Monday has irritated my back. I don't want to say pain b/c it wasn't real pain, shooting or stabbing - just a constant soreness that was on the right and left side of my spine only in my lower back. I assume I wasn't in perfect form...anyone else gone through this? (I am deadlifting 115). I did Workout A today and felt ok but could still feel the soreness in my back.

    I'm excited to get to know you all better.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Welcome Runn and Lauren and anyone else I missed!

    UGH! I am off schedule. Didn't get to workout today so tomorrow it will be. Saturday I can't unless i get up super EARLY or I won't have another chance.

    You know what? It stresses me out not being on schedule compared to the stuff I have to do. All I think about is getting back on schedule and make sure I work out 3 times a week. In my mind I'll be saying "should have worked out".
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Hi everyone. I have not joined in on the daily thread yet but mostly b/c I do more of my online chatting at work (sounds terrible, I know...but I am a 911 dispatcher and at a console all evening...can't do much else except wait for an emergency) and have been on vacation for 10 days!! But I am back at work now and back on to MFP. I have kept up w/my lifting but not my logging on.

    I was curious if anyone has dealt w/lower back pain after deadlifts. I am in Stage 1 and have been doing deadlifts fine for a while but my workout on Monday has irritated my back. I don't want to say pain b/c it wasn't real pain, shooting or stabbing - just a constant soreness that was on the right and left side of my spine only in my lower back. I assume I wasn't in perfect form...anyone else gone through this? (I am deadlifting 115). I did Workout A today and felt ok but could still feel the soreness in my back.

    I'm excited to get to know you all better.

    Yes, it's normal (at least for me). The small of the back area, right? I'm actually sore there today too from my deadlifts yesterday.
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    Jnh, yes it's the small of my back. It feels 95% better today so I suppose it is normal.

    Thanks for the welcome :)
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    Hi everyone. I started the program last night :-) this thread is super motivating. Everyone at differnt levels and still plugging away and excited about the program as if you all just started! I love the energy here. I hope th get to know you ladies better as I progress. Im doing the program at home and making adjustments which for stage 1 arent many but as I go further into the program I see i will definitley need access to a gym.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Welcome Lauren, Runn and Melissa!!!!

    Runn - My lower back on the left and right sides are almost always sore from muscle tightness. I can feel it every time I stretch.

    Mary (Manic) - I'm the same way. I hate when I get off schedule and I've got it all planned out thru September.

    I totally bailed on my HIIT yesterday to go to lunch with my co-workers. Oh well. Today is 5A2 and the BWM :-/ but I am looking forward to doing it at work because I'm pretty sure I can go higher than 25 lbs on most everything (which I can't at home).
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    Thanks for the welcome Jennie!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Welcome, Melissa!

    Jen, yes! i have my schedule planned out until the end of the month. Then I'll go on vacation and hopefully come back with a vengeance and totally rock out NROL4abs. It would be nice to lose a few pounds before vacation. My bottom half clothes still fit the same maybe a little looser. I am currently buying a new wardrobe for the upper half. I bought 4 more shirts yesterday. My shoulders and arms have exploded :blushing: Could it be I am getting an hour glass shape instead of looking like a pear? (don't have the boobs LOL)
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Okay...so you know how we say don't weigh because you'll more than likely get disappointed? Well, I HAD to weigh today at the doctor and I've gained FIVE lbs since February (joined MFP in March). :grumble:

    I will not panic. I will not panic. I will not panic. I will not panic. I will not panic. I will not panic. I will not panic.
  • cpa8198
    cpa8198 Posts: 154 Member
    jnh: Same thing happen to me last week... 4 lb gain from my last weigh in at th gym (three weeks prior to that).

    Needless to say my final weigh in for the 90 day challenge was a confidence-shattering experience - gained 1/2 of what I loss at the start.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,986 Member
    NO panic, allowed, jnh. None.

    suelegal - the numbers I posted were comparing end-of-June measurements to end-of-July measurements. Period. I do have my measurements from end-of-Dec (when I started NROL4W), and I can go and compare what has happened over that 7 month period, if you'd like.

    I can say this....I am down 2 lbs. from Dec. to now. That is *it*. NROL4W is NOT a "weight-loss program". If what you seek is lost weight, this is NOT the program for you - I promise! (Unless, of course, you are overweight/obese to begin with, or were a non-exerciser to begin with....then I think there might be some weight loss along the way, too.)

    This is a program about "changing your shape".

    My shape HAS changed. That is seriously obvious in the pictures I have taken of myself. I have chosen not to post them on mfp....but, maybe I will once the Dec/11 - Dec/12 period has passed. We shall see!