2 week challenge



  • ShmoozyQ
    ShmoozyQ Posts: 390 Member
    Beeps - I'm happy, healthy, and stable. I may not have a huge bank account, but those count for success in my book! :)

    Chloe - I find that I need to take a break from food logging every now and then too. I will sometimes become a little TOO preoccupied by it; trying to get the numbers right, trying to move calories around to stay within a weekly average. I've been off logging for a month now and I'm ready to get back to it!

    So that's my goal for the rest of the week. Log my meals, see how I'm doing.
    I'll also be getting back to my bodyweight workout program
    And I'd like to take a walk with the dogs at least three times
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Interesting line of discussion, makes me think about high school and I am not sure I want to!

    I guess I was sort of hoodlum, I smoked and drank and threw parties, but I was depressed and terribly self conscious. I was never asked to a dance and never went to one, but I never wanted to go. My relationships with boys were pretty superficial but my best girlfriends are still my friends, I never went to a high school reunion.

    I was pretty smart, so I got by on the "college prep" curriculum but never really challenged myself on "advanced placement" courses or anything like that. I probably had a 3.0-3.2 GPA. Tons of absences! My friend wrote excuse notes and my high school had never seen a real note from my mom so they didn't question the handwriting. Also, there was an automatic phone notification system for absences but I told them we moved and gave them my number in the basement so I always got the call and not my dad!

    I was skinny, acne, got braces my senior year... now I want to see highschool pics of all of you!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Aw, I am loving this discussion of everyone's HS days. Beeps - way to go on bagging the hottest guy, though sympathies for the awkward factor.

    Pratima, college was a great growing experience for me too. I was confident (enough) in high school but it wasn't until college that I realized I could be smart and be social and occasionally wild and irreverent. I was all of those things before but I wasn't able to express them as well.

    Chloe - I don't think that's bad at all! Some people just figure it out sooner than later :) I like the not logging plan, seeing as I am on it too!

    Amy - hahaha! I wouldn't have guessed that :) Very clever on the note and calls...I probably would have DIED with worry and guilt if I had tried to deceive my parents like that....I cried the first time I got a B.

    My HS friends are still my friends (though sometimes its harder for us to connect with different liftstyles) and actually I went to HS with my current BF who I never knew very well (he's a year older) and sort of randomly started dating after I graduated college. Funny how those connections linger. And for Amy, HS photos.



    Rogie - happy birthday to you too! Wow, lots of March babies.

    Schoozy - good luck with the cruise! And I think that sounds like success!

    Finally, cheers to flat-chested women. Apparently there are a lot of us on here!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    High School - highly motivated academically, private Catholic school, National Honors Society, involved in Drama, Music & Dance - all around good girl. Not super popular, but had a nice small circle of friends. Outside of school though I dated all public school, tattoed & pierced bad boys - my poor mother, it drove her crazy!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Love the pics, Kate, thank you for that!
    and welcome, SchmoozyQ, love that username. I did not know my signin name would be used like this so mine is lame, and I keep meaning to change it but it has been too long-my name is Amy.
    and on the drinking, I think once a week would be good, really good.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I graduated high school a semester early - went right to college. They wouldn't let me go to my Senior Prom because I wasn't currently enrolled and had to get special persmission to walk with my class in May. I was not a braniac, I just wanted to get out of the small town. I went to my brother's 10 year reunion (he was a Senior when I was a Freshman) and made a drunk full out of myself. :-)
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all!

    Welcome to all the newbies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,979 Member
    there's no way in f*cking hell I'm posting my high school pics....but, kudos to you, chui!!
  • pratimaram
    pratimaram Posts: 35 Member
    I wish I could find some high school pic of mine. And then I wish I could find a scanner! If these two are possible, then I definitely will post!! Thanks Chui for posting your pics!! Ya'll look awesome. And yes ... cheers to flat-chested women!! We definitely are at the winning end of the stick! No sagging! No aching backs! And others are envious of US!!!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I love the stories and pics! Im totally going to look for a pic from hs. Ill post tomorrow.

    Ive got boobs, and after nursing baby 1, theyre definately not as lovely as they once were. :(

    Ive had the last 2 days iff. Got some good wirkouts in. Party #1 is tonight.
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    This topic is great! I don't have many pictures from high school that are scanned onto a computer (or on fb or anything) but this one gem from one of my besties. She came across this over the summer, circa 1998. I'm the one in the grey shirt on the lower right. I was a good kid in high school (good grades, dance team, lots of clubs, etc) but then rebelled about 2 years into college, dropped out, met the wrong guy, wasted 4 years with him, blah blah. At least I figured it out when I was young enough to fix a lot of the damage I caused.


    On a totally different note, I have stuck to my goals so far this week (I know it's only Thursday), so I'm feeling good! My drive is stronger than it's been in months. :bigsmile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,979 Member
    Awesome pics, ladies! Keep 'em coming!

    The "good" news for me, today, is that I don't have to go out of town, as scheduled. So, that means I can keep my calories "in check" and, also, that I can get my work-out in tomorrow (lunch). That is "unexpected" and that is AWESOME!

    Also, I met the GC from take-over company today. He seems totally normal and nice. My boss won't let me have an "alone" meeting with him, but that's okay. At least the guy knows what I look like and, somehow, I'll figure out how to get my CV in front of him.

    It's all good!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I can probably take a picture of a picture, I'll see.
    Working out tonight, day 3, upper body B. I figure I can do the cardio too since it's really just an arms workout-dips, pullups (gonna try) lateral raises, cable curls and tricep pushdowns.
    Totally pigged out today, though, holiday luncheon!
  • pratimaram
    pratimaram Posts: 35 Member
    Good morning!! Happy Friday everyone!! Kids are still wheezing. But at least, the fevers are low low grade. I am hoping they go back to school next week. Even though it is their last week before their holidays.

    Finally made it to P90x yesterday. My back is so sore! Today, I am planning on spinning during my lunch hour and then Zumba later in the evening!

    Good luck Beeps on getting the CV in front of GC. And also for getting an extra workout in.

    BetterBalance: How was party #1?

    Congrats Rogiefreida on sticking to your goals! Keep it strong thru the weekend!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I'm not even gonna lie. This was a terrible week so far.

    Monday- was probably the best day, but I had an edible arrangements basket from my birthday that I polished off (basically chocolate covered fruit) but I did get in a workout
    Tuesday- no workout, but long walk with the dog and I drank wine and had a bit of a chocolate binge
    Wednesday- baby shower during lunch so tons of goodies there and then to our little cousins bday party, so beer, pizza and a piece of a big cookie
    Thursday- hot chocolate and a cookie at our tree lighting at work, had some wine and chocolate at night, but I did get in a workout

    Today shouldn't be too bad. Tomorrow we are having a big family Christmas party at our house, so I will probably have a lot of drinks, but I am not really responsible for much of the food, Mike's mom and aunts take care of it and I'm not crazy about the menu, so eating shouldn't be too bad. I am going to make up a big veggie tray and some cocktail shrimp, so I will try to stick with those.

    We do have a wedding next Saturday though and I would really like to have a flat belly. So I think next Monday-Friday I am going to go super strict and low carb. A short term goal like that might be a good shock to my system and help me updo some damage I did this week!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Alright, here is a pic I had on FB; I forgot to go through photos yesterday.


    This is the skinniest I have ever been. I did Slim Fast and lost a ton of weight; (well like 20-25 pounds which on a 5'2" person, is a lot). I got down to 106! I now weigh in the high 120's which is on my historical low side. I basically didn't eat. Or drink really, which always helps. Anyways, this was prom that I didn't go to #1 because I was too cool for that and #2 my most of high school boyfriend and I were broken up at the time and he was taking my best friend. Ah, high school drama. I almost married that guy, and glad I didn't and the BFF is actually still one of my BFF's. She was at my house last night.

    Party #1 was good. There was no real meal, just servers with egg roll, fried risotto balls YUM!, wonton wrapped shrimp, etc etc etc. I know i went over my cals between that and the bottle of wine I drank when I got home. I'm a little rough today. Ugh. Other that yesterday, I did pretty well with eating, drinking and working out this week. We have little planned so hopefully we'll stay in, eat in, I'll get some workouts in and no drink much. That's the plan anyways. Next week I have something Tuesday - Firday. Ugh. Tis the season.

    Gotta get back to work. I hate having real actual work to do when I'm hungover.... Have a great weekend chicks!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,979 Member
    All I can say is that yesterday was a horrible day, nutrition-wise. I ate. And ate. And ate. I could not control myself! Not sure what the "binge" was all about....I think my period is coming, but it isn't here, so not even sure I can use that as an excuse.


    Anyway, today is a new day and I'm going to challenge myself to stay under my calories every day, including weekend days, because I have NO idea what happened yesterday, but it wasn't good.

    As a favour to myself, I won't weigh until Monday or Tuesday, just to let some of the "bloat" reduce.


    I do get to lift, today! Yay!

    PS - nice pic, Better!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    :love: wowzer, is that feather trim? If you didn't go to the prom, where did you go? You look great-not to reward that slim fasting behavior :huh:

    Ok, I did the upper body B workout last night and I wanted to do cardio but I did not bring a good enough sports bra, so I will have to do the cardio tomorrow-even though I am supposed to do lower body workout tomorrow...

    Ok I took some pics of pics the one in the floral dress is 9th grade and the other is highschool graduation:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    :love: wowzer, is that feather trim? If you didn't go to the prom, where did you go? You look great-not to reward that slim fasting behavior :huh:

    Oh yes that's feather trim. I had several articles of clothing with feather trim. My closet looked pretty much like an African safari.

    Several of us non-prom goers went to dinner for prom, and then had a honeymoon suite at a hotel, but like dumb@sses we ordered our complimentary bottle of champagne which initiated close watching by hotel staff. We had some visitors show up, hotel staff saw a bottle of vodka sitting on the counter through a not-closed-curtain-window, and we got kicked out. All the other hotel were on as strict of "lock downs" so we couldn't find anywhere to go and ended up at my BFF's (not the one banging my ex, but this one was at my house last night too) house around 1am with a full bottle of coconut rum and went to bed sober. Total bust.

    I love you pics Amy. I think everyone had some version of that floral dress.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,979 Member
    ....rolling over the thread....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,979 Member
    as we head into 2013 (in 3.5 weeks), what's YOUR 2-week-challenge ladies? Post it here!