2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Chloe - sounds good....what's the "20-week program", again? LIke you, I'm trying to build "consistency" into my regimen....
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I feel better today too. I even peeked at the scale this morning and was back down to my weight 1.5 weeks ago. Maybe I can get a 0.5 pound loss this week. Maybe. I did another round of circuits last night which I am really enjoying. I'm doing 1 minute of some strength moves: chest press, squat, tricep extensions, rows, lunges, etc. I do 3 minutes of that, then run for 3 minutes, then do 4 minutes of strength, then run another 3 minutes, then do 4 minutes of strength and finish with 3 minutes of abs. I have been adding a quick fast run on the end too. Last night I did a 9:10 mile after. This is really fitting into what I want to do. BUT! I actually am missing lifting heavy a bit. I'm missing the soreness that always seemed to bring. So maybe next week when social obligations slow I will try to get back to lifting 3x a week and doing whatever other cardio I want. Running is my go to, but training starts in 6 weeks, so maybe I ought to lay off. I'm afraid I am going to get burnt out on running......
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    The program I am doing is TurboFire....its not heavy lifting and its all DVDs which I think is just what I need right now. It is really fun and gets me pumped up and excited to workout. And the workouts are no longer than and hour and sometimes only 30 minutes, so I don't think I should get too burnt out with it.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Woah! We are way into the new thread...will hopefully catch up this afternoon!
  • schmittie01
    schmittie01 Posts: 31 Member
    Mine are:

    1: go to the gym or workout 4 -5 times a week
    2: Only have one glass of wine on the weeknights
  • schmittie01
    schmittie01 Posts: 31 Member
    I also wanted to add to keep eating healthy and not eat too much over the weekend.

    Tonight going to the gym to get some major circuit work in. Then tomorrow doing 30 day shred and back to the gym on thursday and friday! Saturday i can't wait to do Zumba. It has been a couple of weeks and that class always gets me interested!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Yay on the new thread.

    I was so sorry to hear your sad news Ris - hugs to you.

    I like to take things easy on NYE, especially since I do so much for Christmas. I never go out since the weather is usually lousy, everywhere is crowded and expensive, the roads are dangerous and it is impossible to find a sitter. We take turns hosting dinner with my BF and her hubby each year. They live close by and also have young kids. We have dinner, hang out & chat and then watch the ball drop on tv. That's our tradition.

    Anyways, I lost a bunch of weight between Nutcracker performances - the costume mistress was freaking out when she was helping me into my dress because it was getting too loose. I play a parent in the party scene at the beginning so I had a huge fancy dress with puffy sleeves and a petticoat and my hair was in a Victorian updo with a ton of curls - so cool! I don't think that it will last though with the holidays. My goal is to continue with the P90X program which will be completed the first week of January and I will eat right on normal days and save my splurges for parties & events. That's the best I can do. I have ordered a new DVD set to begin after P90X - it's all based on mixed martial arts which should be fun. I used to love kickboxing class at the gym.

    Hope everyone manages okay through the holiday. I need to work on setting some new goals for the New Year and then will share.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    sounds great, Abi, your costume and that it is getting too loose! I hope you post of a pic, it sounds awesome.
    This week my evenings are a little packed with social stuff so I am combing the strength into two days instead of four which I think is ok since it is upper A upper B, lower A lower B and rest between, so the workout days are tomorrow and Friday.
    Maybe I can do some cardio on Saturday and then get back on track Sunday.
    As far as NYE, I always felt a lot of pressure to have the best time ever and would go to Las Vegas, or New York City but the last couple of years we have celebrated my sister-in-law's birthday at a nice restaurant and that has been fun. Unfortunately, this year she got tickets to a concert that sold out before we got tickets so I don't know what we will do. I would have liked to see the Lumineers, so could look at scalping those tix, otherwise, I don't know. My friend invited us to Vail for a sleigh ride and dinner...
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    Yay new thread!

    I want to see Abi's costume too. I vote that she posts a picture :)

    Ris, I'm so sorry for your news. I hope you can channel your emotion into your running and heal. <3

    I did pretty darn good through the weekend and am super proud of myself. I stayed reasonable on calories, and managed to have waffles for dinner on Sunday night. Not the healthiest thing in the world, but considering DH and I spent the day putting a transmission in our new commuter car, it was well deserved, as was the cherry vodka and diet cranberry Sierra mist I had in celebration of the car running and driving. But, I held it to one, and I got a lifting session in yesterday so that's good.

    I have no excuses to not eat good and workout 4-5 times in the next 2 weeks, at least until Christmas. I have next week off from work, so I can focus on me and mentally prepare myself for trying to be reasonable for the 3 days we spend at my in-laws for Christmas, when they will start shoving cookies, pies, butter, turkey, potatoes and every other food that is a diet killer in my face. I'm also holding myself to 1 drink a week, so I can enjoy it and hopefully not go overboard.

    The scale isn't moving, but I'm going to blame that on aunt Flo and weight lifting. My clothes fit way better this week so that's great. And, I got my new bikini for our vacation and it fits! Just barely (lol) but if I can be good 80-90% of the time until we leave I should be good to go.
  • bdtyson77302
    bdtyson77302 Posts: 86 Member
    get off the ole' bum and exercise!! I've been a bit lazy lately!! I'll do three days of yoga and three of cardio..
  • pratimaram
    pratimaram Posts: 35 Member
    Ris - sorry about your news. My condolences.

    My goals for this week :

    1. Work out. I did spinning yesterday. TRX and Zumba today. P90x and spinning hopefully tomorrow. Friday - Zumba and spinning. Saturday - Yoga, but it's pretty intense. Sunday - TRX again.

    2. I have been eating crazy this week!! It seems as if I have no control and everything tastes SOOOOO good!!!! So, I have decided that I should adopt the following tactic. Each time that I prepare something to eat, I will only prepare half of the desired amount that I think that I want to eat. So that when I go for seconds, I can get the other half and somewhat fool myself into believing that I am eating more and be more satisfied. Let's see how that works.

    3. Drink more water when I am at home like when I wake up and before I go to bed. And keep alcohol to a minimum. So far, I only had one margarita on Sunday. Rather it was half of one. :wink:

    4. Stretch more. Relax more. Sleep more.

    I have no plans for NYE. Probably just a nice dinner with fireworks for the kids. Nothing fancy at all. But, I do want to make it exciting for them. So, I will try to plan something. Will let everyone know......

    Abi - your costume sounds beautiful! I would love to see a picture.

    Rogie - I am envious of you. Your clothes are fitting well....... You got into your bikini........ I need to be as motivated as you!! If only I could get rid of my muffin top....

    Chloe - so excited for you since you started your new workout. How did it go yesterday?
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    The costume sounds fun Abi. I'm 32 and still love dress up. :smile:

    Amy, Ooooo....Lumineers. Great band. You're very into music too right? I think you mentioned Bonnaroo at some point. My husband and I probably average a show a month. WE are going to see Grace Potter in January and Alt J in February I think.

    Rogie, you put in a new transmission?! Impressive indeed. That most def deserves a cocktail.

    Pratimaram, sounds like you are getting great workouts in.

    Welcome new peeps and/or returning peeps. Sounds like everyone has great goals.

    WEll my work party last night (#1 of 4 this week) was LAME! No bar; the refreshments were cookies, coffee and a hot chocolate bar. Our office just moved and I'm pretty sure a ton of money was dropped on moving expenses and lost hours so I guess we went cheap this year. It was so boring we left 45 minutes early. Typically we close down the party. So we went to dinner after, split a bottle of wine and ate reasonably well. I feel pretty good today. TOnight we have a happy hour/holiday social after work and party 3 of 4 actually got canceled so I can work out THursday. Friday I have off but have my girls Christmas dinner that night. I'm interested to see what the scale says tomorrow. It hopefully will be insentive for me not to eat and drink too much tonight.

    Well I just wanted to check in and say hi. I'm dragging @ss today. Since my baby has been regularly waking around 3am, I do too. So even though she actually slept all night last night, I woke at 3 and didn't get back to bed till around 5:30. The baby got up around 6:15 and I have the best husband; he took her downstairs and watched cartoons with her so I could sleep a little longer. :heart: Have a great day chicks!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Pratimarman- I always feel the need to have seconds when I make dinner at home also. So I always just try to take 2 small portions that would actually equal one normal portion....it really does work for me also!

    Another perfect day yesterday. And I have lost 6 pounds since Monday morning.....can we say disgusting water weight! A couple more to go and then all my pounds and all the damage from my terrible week of binging and drinking last week should be undone! Got in my 15 minute HIIT workout yesterday and 10 minutes of stretching. One thing I really like about doing this Turbofire program is that everyday includes the 10 minute stretch and I have a feeling that will make me feel alot better. My body responds well when I am stretching regularly.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I had dinner last night and my friends were talking about the joy of foam rollers! I thought of you girls!
    Chloe, that is great progress!
    Ashley, that is a bummer about your work party! We don't have much, well, a potluck here with the feds. And my husband's work usually has a nice dinner and open bar at the marriott, but this year it's "heavy appetizers" and wine at some place I've never heard of. That's tomorrow, we'll see if we need to go to dinner afterwards!
    And, yes, I do like music and concerts and wish we had gotten the Lumineers tix, but oh well... We are going to see a show Jan 10, Trampled by Turtles...
    Tonight I will do my upper and lower body A workouts! then upper and lower B on Friday.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Yes, abi, please post a picture of the costume - and CONGRATS on all that dancing dropping scale-weight - AWESOME!!

    Chloe - holy cow on 6 LBS LOSE SINCE MONDAY!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S INCREDIBLE!!

    I had 3 drinks last night....not going near the scale today, lol.

    Actually, not going to the gym, either....have a work xmas function at lunch hour, today. I had exactly 90 minutes of sleep last night - I think it's because I was drinking rum with diet coke and the caffeine likely got to me. Blech. Had an early morning meeting and figure I'll be dragging my *kitten* most of today.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Had another great day yesterday. Went over my cals because at about 8:30 I was actually really hungry, but had no cals left, so I just had a piece of string cheese. Which i guess is better than eating cookies or something. Had a great workout as well. We are having pasta for dinner tonight, which will put me over my carbs, but I have been under the past few days, so it should even out. I can't remember if I mentioned it before but I set my macros to follow LP's guidelines and I am really trying to stick with it this time. (Didn't do so great on my last attempt).

    Beeps- I cannot drink caffeine after like 4 or I can never get to sleep at night, captain and diet used to be my drink of choice and I had to give that up
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Amy - LOVE the Lumineers - bummed you can't go...not sure who Trampled by Turtles is...

    Abigail - YES PICS please!!!!

    Chloe- you are having an awesome week!/

    As for me, the scaled loved me yesterday. I celebrated by eating over 2000 calories - YIKES. I'm so tired and just want a day to do nothing...
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Trampled doesn't have the radio popularity enjoyed by the Lumineers right now! I am bummed I can't go, too. But I just saw that Hell's Belles, an all-girl AC-DC cover band is playing NYE so that might be fun.
    Chloe, I just browsed your diary and it looks awesome! You inspire me! protein shake for beakfast, hard boiled egg for snack, chicken with salad for lunch. So many good things there, I could definitely try that.
    I did upper and lower A workouts and it didn't even take that long. I will do upper and lower B tomorrow or Saturday. No cardio this week...
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    My week has been so-so. I weighed today the same as 2 weeks ago. Not sure if that's good or bad. Hopefully I'll have a good weekend. Tonight I am going to try to squeeze in a workout right after work. I'm off tomorrow so at least one workout, hopefully two.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Had another good day yesterday. Got in my 55 minutes of TurboFire. I really enjoying this program right now, which is what I really needed, I was totally in a workout rut lately. Went over in my carbs tho because of some pasta and a candy cane (which was delicious btw). I have today all planned out for food, but I cant decide if I want to do my workout tonight or tomorrow morning, I still get a rest day this week. And then Sunday is a core workout and stretching.

    Asjervan- for me that menu is easy, some people may say boring, but I do much better with consistency. And I really don't get sick of foods often, which really annoys my husband because he can't eat the same thing 2 days in a row and I can eat the same things everyday!