2 week challenge



  • pratimaram
    pratimaram Posts: 35 Member
    Beeps - YAYYY on the 15 pound weight loss. And since September, that is is really great!! Have a fun date night with hubby. But don't fast!! Just eat light and drink lots of water.

    Thanks Ris for the advice. You know... some days are really good especially the ones that I don't spend with my husband. Those days I can concentrate on what I need to eat and not have the distractions of "good food" to tempt me. But I have to be more conscientious even when I am with him. I have to put into effect that 3rd option that you were saying.

    Chloe - What kind of green tea do you drink? Hot or cold? Do you sweeten it? I need to start drinking some, I have a horrible sweet tooth!!

    I am definitely a closet MFPer too. Even my hubby doesnt know! I'm not sure why though. I guess I am conscientious
    and wouldn't take the criticism well. It is comforting to know that in a way, we do NOT know each other here in this group. And so we are more open than we would be to people that we DO know. It's funny how that works....... But, I am glad that we have come together as a group and we can share these common feelings and stories! It makes us all stronger and more determined in the end to reach our GOALS!!

    My Xmas shopping is almost done. I got some new Lego sets and a Lalaloopsey mini-dolls set and playhouse (brand new also) off of craigslist. All I have left to do now is get some books from Amazon and a couple of other stocking stuffers. Then I still have my mom and hubby. I think I will have to go to the store for them. But, I love shopping. I love to look around. I love bargain shopping. Anybody here a Goodwill or thrift shop buyer? I am.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I had a good day yesterday overall. I caved and had one oreo truffle my coworker brought in. But, I see that as a success because that is usually where my problem is, I tend to be all or nothing. Normally if I have one, then I have 5 and then I get home and I'm like screw it I'm gonna skip my workout and drink wine. But, yesterday I worked out and did great for the rest of the night and no wine! Today I have the same plan except we do have a lunch I have to go to at work and I have no idea what will be served, but I will do my best.

    Beeps- WOW on the 15 lbs!

    Prat- I drink whatever brand is on sale, Pure Green Tea, hot and unsweetened
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    I drank 5 light rum + diet cokes! I couldn't sleep a wink! I ate a ceasar salad (no dressing), so my calories yesterday were UBER-low!

    I have a headache!

    It's probably a hang-over!!

    Glad I got ALL of that outta my system!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Haha, Beeps, can't find anything you like more than a rum and diet coke?
    I did my arms workout and a little bit of cardio. My ability to jog drops off dramaticaly if I don't stick with it!
    I think that is all the working out I can manage until after Christmas! I had the last three days of no drinking alcohol but that ends tonight with margs.
    I like thrift store, Prati! My sister is really good at spotting the good stuff so I like to go with her and we fill a cart up and head to the dressing room.
    Have you heard the thriftstore song, it makes me laugh, "I wear your grand-dad's clothes, I look incredible, I got this big-*kitten* coat, from the thrift store down the road..." and I do have a big-*kitten* coat from the thrift store, its black and furry (fake), I call it "whole lotta coat" and it only comes out for especially cold formal occassions like new years eve!
    I had a pretty good day, ate too much candy at night though, I guess I will substitute if I don't have beer/wine.
    I think soup is a good way to diet, you feel like you get a big bowl of food and the cals are so low! plus the broth helps you feel full too.
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    I am also incredibly grateful for this group, since my friends & family tend to think I obsess too much I try not to talk about things like nutrition & exercise around them so this has been a great place for me.

    Chloe, I am the same way that if I have any at all I have a lot, so nice job with the self-control.

    Amy, I am actually the opposite with soup. It's like if there's liquid I don't feel like I am really eating so I end up eating a ton of bread alongside it.

    I finally got some Nutcracker pics, but I don't know how to post them here - any tips?
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I didn't do too great yesterday. We had a work luncheon and all they served was lasagna, beef and chicken in a not so healthy sauce. So I loaded up my plate with salad and a vinaigrette dressing and a piece of meatless lasagna. And I wasn't going to go for dessert, but then everyone at my table just kept raving about how good it was, so I had a peice. It was bread pudding and I do have to say it was delicious. But, I got home from work, had a great workout. I didn't eat dinner, but I did some Christmas baking and had some wine and a few cookies.

    Today should be a good day though. I have fish and vegetables planned for dinner and a good workout after work. Have a great day everyone!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    abi - post the pics to photobucket.com first. Then, you can click the url (link) from photobucket into mfp post....change the capital letters "IMG" at the beginning and end of that url to small letters "img" and you're good to go!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    abi - post the pics to photobucket.com first. Then, you can click the url (link) from photobucket into mfp post....change the capital letters "IMG" at the beginning and end of that url to small letters "img" and you're good to go!
    I like tinypic.com, you don't have to sign up or anything, just upload the picture and select "for message board" so it's not too huge, then they will give you the link and you just change IMG to img
    Can't wait to see pics!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    chloe, I think it sounds like you did pretty well, considering!
    I have the office potluck today and I brought pear gorganzola salad with a vinaigrette so at least there's that! I think that with turkey should be pretty reasonable.
    Last night I had mexican food-tamale and a chile relleno, and a marg and 4 beers, I had two at the restaurant and came home and had two more, which I could have done with out...
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    oooh mexican food sounds so good to me right now!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    mexican food DOES sound good! I already had it on the menu for nanny to do "tacos" (hard shell only - my FAVE!) for Friday supper....sure wish it was tonight!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    It worked - thanks for the help!
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    Actually, it's a scale goal. I want to lose the last pound in December and be my goal weight before 2012.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey internet friends! I've been off the last 2 days, so I've been reading, but not posting. SO to clear up the day care.....she had diarrhea three times in a row, not just normal poo. If it was normal poo, we'd be in trouble! So that's that.

    On another topic, I did pretty well on my days off. I got in a couple good workouts: some lifting and some HIIT, a little running and walking. Chloe, I love that plank series. I've been shortening it which ends up being about 6 minutes total, but it's a great workout. Wednesday I did this (I think memory serves me):

    plank 30 seconds
    elbow plank 30 seconds
    10 plank up and downs
    rest 30 seconds
    side plank leg lift (right)
    40 plank knees to chest
    side plank leg lift (left)
    40 plank knees to chest (sometimes I throw some planks twists in)
    rest 30 seconds
    plank 40 seconds
    elbow plank 30 seconds

    I also got a short stroller run in and walked to do some shopping with the baby yesterday. I finished up Christmas and bought me a new sweater dress and other button up dress thing; both to go with leggings. I'm sort of legging obsessed this season.

    Food wise, I've done okay this week. Yesterday i skipped breakfast and had a relatively light lunch with the intention of eating a ligth dinner and having a low day. Then I saw a friend posted on FB, "Was on my way to the gym for mabye the last time ever and stopped and got a double cheeseburger and fries instead. Now I'm pouring myself a glass of dessert." I don't really think the world will end today, but I just decided F it, I'm having some wine and the pizza my husband is bringing home from happy hour with his buddy. And that was that. I had 2 pieces of pizza and 3ish glases of wine and almost stayed within my cals. I was up a half pound yesterday so after Christmas I need to focus on my diet which should be a little easy since I'm not drinking in January. I'm just going to keep on keeping on with the workouts and then start mini training on towards the end of January. I'm excited to run my first mini, but I think I'm going to get bored running 3-4 times a week. That's pretty much all I'll have time for. We'll see.....

    Anyways, you all are doing fantastic! Sounds like everyone is balancing indulgence with structure. Tis the season right. We could be just going off the deep end, but we're not. So yay us!

    After work today I'm off till next Wednesday so everyone have a great Christmas!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Lots to catch up on….

    Kelly--getting up at 4:45 am is quite ambitious! Trying to fit everything in around the holidays is tough. It will be a lot easier to fit in those workouts after Christmas if you have some time off, I think you're allowed to relax and enjoy the holidays for now.

    Prati--nice work on the Christmas shopping! Thankfully I'm finally done as well….

    Chloe--nice job sticking to one truffle! It's definitely an accomplishment to be able to just work in those treats rather than letting them derail your plans.

    Beeps--sounds like you had a fun date night :drinker:

    Amy--LOVE the soup method of dieting, before my wedding that was all I ate during the day and it definitely helped take the weight of. It is definitely satisfying without a ton of extra calories. And that pear gorgonzola salad sounds delicious!!!

    Abi--I can't see the pics, probably the security settings at work, but I'm sure you look fabulous!

    Mandy--despite all the hype about NSVs, scale goals are allowed too!

    Ashley--that plank series looks intense! And glad to hear you're enjoying what could be your last days, I guess if we make it through the apocalypse you have all of January to focus on your diet :wink: What's the mini that you're doing?

    With the beer at our work holiday party yesterday (it was at a bar) I went a little over my calories yesterday and didn't end up getting in a real workout, but I still logged everything at least. I'm going to log today too, but then my plan is to try to just eat in moderation the next few days when I'm with my family. Luckily my brother is a big runner too, so I'm hoping we'll fit in a few runs during the visit. I probably won't be checking in again until after Christmas, but I hope you all have a wonderful holiday!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,998 Member
    Abigail - LOVE those pics! You look AWESOME and RED IS YOUR COLOUR!

    Ris - Merry Xmas and happy holidays to you, too!

    Better - LOVE the "end of the world" ritual....nice.

    I get to lift, today!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Abi, you do look great, the dress is gorgeous and you look very slender and fit!
    May your days be merry and bright-and may all your christmases be white:happy:

    Kate posted something on my profile and I thought, hmm, this is interesting, maybe the NTH girls want to "weigh in" (I weighed in this morning and I up a bit, I thought my skinny jeans were tight from my huge muscles, but I am not so sure:wink: )

    "I have been coming around to the performance before aesthetics attitude but I honestly believe its more effective in achieving the aesthetic goals. Intuitively, if you want a body that looks strong and fit should you actualy be strong and fit? Also this: "When you’re in the gym, or outside sprinting, focus on your performance, not burning calories. You’ll be more motivated if you’re concerned about getting an extra rep or running an extra sprint than about working yourself to complete and utter exhaustion. Oftentimes when people train for fat loss, they perform grueling workouts that leave them huffing, puffing, and crumbled into a delirious heap of sweat on the floor. Just because you finish a workout exhausted or nauseous does not mean it was an effective or productive workout. The value of your workout is not determined by how tired you are afterwards, or even how sore you are the next day. You should follow a sound training program that emphasizes improved performance to achieve your fat loss goals."

    I fear I do focus on aesthetic goals, except when I was running, I really wanted to be able to run 30 mins straight, which was a performance goal. But I think there's something to this, maybe after Feb vacation I will be able to change my focus a little better. Or set goals about running a 10-minute mile, doing a pull up, 10 real pushups...