Daily check in log



  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Body Beast Day 49/90 End of week 7 (Check in for 1/13)

    Water A, drinking it all day

    Nutrition Still a little early to tell. Have over 200 calories left to eat to balance out my macros which right now are a little low in fat.

    Workout A. Did Bulk arms and Beast abs. Beast abs is pretty easy really, think it is about time to go back to ab ripper X. Arms workout was good. Went up again on weights while keeping good form. Also played 18 holes of golf and shot just 3 over par (75), pretty happy with that.

    Watched a good football game and then the Sony Open in Hawaii (golf) All in all a nice relaxing day. Back to work tomorrow, everyone have a good week.
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Huge Beast Day 50/90

    Water A, never a problem here, all I drink is water, and I drink it all day

    Nutrition still have a few hours before bed and 600 calories left to eat, will get macros balanced out before I am done

    Workout A- Had to work late today so workout was later than normal by a few hours. Ate dinner first ( I usually don't) Didn't use E&E as it is too close to bed and didn't want it to keep me up. So workout suffered a little. Raised some weights but not like usual. Struggled a bit on the reverse flys progressive set at the end(Sagi would have been yelling at me like he was Scotty!)
  • jar41yo6m
    jar41yo6m Posts: 108 Member
    Bulk Beast Arms and Cardio. I had a great workout, but too many interruptions.

    Water, 12 cups.

    Nutrition was within 5% of my goals. Not too shabby, i usually get off on my fat and I finish my protein goal regardless.
  • ShawnDMuth
    ShawnDMuth Posts: 270 Member
    I did Legs yesterday and Chest today. I have a training partner for some of the workouts now. My eating has been ok I am still settling into my new place so I have been eating out more than I would like. I did make brown rice, lentils and chicken breast tonight- not the yummiest thing but healthy. I have often said, the first thing I would get after winning the lotto is a healthy chef to make all my meals! lol
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Huge Beast Day 51/90

    Nutrition A+ macros 25/50/25 and right on target for calories as well :bigsmile:

    Water A, plenty of water as always.

    Workout N/A scheduled rest day.
  • ShawnDMuth
    ShawnDMuth Posts: 270 Member
    Huge Beast Day 51/90

    Nutrition A+ macros 25/50/25 and right on target for calories as well :bigsmile:

    Water A, plenty of water as always.

    Workout N/A scheduled rest day.
    Rest day for me as well. I need some YOGA! I am working a Jeff day... 10 hour shift!
  • jar41yo6m
    jar41yo6m Posts: 108 Member
    Nutrition and water are going well.

    Bulk Shoulders today while home with sick kids. I'm hoping I don't catch this crud! The workout was okay, I got it done but I wasn't really in the right mind set.

    I hope everyone is having a great day!
  • ShawnDMuth
    ShawnDMuth Posts: 270 Member
    Nutrition and water are going well.

    Bulk Shoulders today while home with sick kids. I'm hoping I don't catch this crud! The workout was okay, I got it done but I wasn't really in the right mind set.

    I hope everyone is having a great day!
    True, it does take certain clear mind to really get into the workout and crush it. Hope those kids get healthy fast.
    I knocked out Bulk Back and abs today. This is actually an easy workout compared to the others.
    Eating is really good today A.
    Water is not as much on my mind with colder weather and less sweat but still doing well. A-
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Huge Beast Day 52/90

    Nutrition A 26/49/25 on a goal of 25/50/25 36 calories from goal, so good day overall

    Water A- Had a three hour meeting where I was stuck without much water (one 16 oz bottle) Playing catch-up tonight. Might have an extra trip to bathroom tonight.

    Workout A- Bulk Chest; didn't have quite the normal energy but worked hard and kept good form
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Huge Beast Day 53/90

    Nutrition A++ 25/50/25 and within 30 calories of goal:bigsmile:

    Water A+ Drank 14 8 ounce glasses and have another in front of me now

    Workout A. Bulk legs: Raised the weights and kept good form. Bulk Legs is a tough one, was shaking by the end.
  • ShawnDMuth
    ShawnDMuth Posts: 270 Member
    I did Bulk Arms today. Got a really nice pump in the guns.
    Eating is on track A
    Water is on track A
    Intensity of workout was good A

    You just gotta love the pump these workouts give you. ;)
  • jar41yo6m
    jar41yo6m Posts: 108 Member
    @Shawn, I love that feeling too.

    I got Bulk Chest in late last night. I had a great workout and worked in my new 40# dumbells in surprisingly well. I was thinking I would never finish the sets but only failed on the upright rows.

    Nutrition, I've got these macros figured out. I hope I can figure out the next set of macros when we change it up.

    Water, 17 cups.

    Rule #3 is you gotta have fun. I want to be patient with the fat gain, but why be stressed about it when I can cut to where I am happy and do another cycle? So I am going to jump to the Lean Beast calendar for the Beast Phase.
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Shawn: Straight A's today, nice! Way to set the bar high.

    Jar41: 40 lb dumbbells must have been expensive! I have the adjustable ones so I didn't have to buy them all separately. Saved me some money but when they do progressive sets, sometimes I am a little behind due to switching the weights.


    Huge Beast Day 54/90

    Water A, drinking it all day.

    Nutrition A+ macros right on target at 25/50/25 and within 60 calories of goal.

    Workout A Bulk Back. Raised the weights. Trying to really concentrate on the legs. No growth after 30 days on the legs. Hope to change that come day 60 measurements.
  • ShawnDMuth
    ShawnDMuth Posts: 270 Member
    I did cardio and abs yesterday. Today will be Bulk Shoulders after work.
    Sounds like we have pretty good momentum going right now. The holidays are gone and focus is coming back. Body Beast is done with some traditional body building concepts. You gain first then cut up. It is the FASTEST way to the ideal end result.

    Eating is really good A
    Water is good A
    Cardio is not my favorite but I did it A-
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Huge Beast Day 55/90

    Water B-, Didn't drink as much as usual and going out to dinner and a club after that. I think there will be a few beers and not water in my future.
    Nutrition B so far. Going out for Sushi which we both love and is healthy. Will try and not go overboard with the beer tonight. But since my goal is 3200 calories per day, I have room for a few.

    Workout A+ Did Bulk arms. I love this one. Makes my arms feel so pumped and tight! Decided to do Ab Ripper X instead of Beast Abs. Was surprised how easily I breezed through it. I have read that when you are lifting heavy you use your abs allot. Seems like that is true, because I haven't done Ab Ripper X since November and it was not too stressful.
  • dabascom
    dabascom Posts: 20 Member
    Day 71 / 168
    Phase: Huge Beast
    Body Part: Legs

    Program: B+ I did my own thing today. Every now and then I need to mix it up a bit. I love training legs. I only wish they responded better :-)
    Nutrition: B- I missed most of my meals because I worked out and then was on the run. Poor prep, no excuses. Had a good dinner, probably too many carbs for one meal but what's done is done.
    Cardio: A+ I love my cardio + weights. It is my peaceful time of the day. Whenever I'm stressed or need to think, I hit the gym. One benefit of living in an apartment building (I can just walk across the street).
  • jar41yo6m
    jar41yo6m Posts: 108 Member
    A few beers would be good!

    Legs and Back for me since last check in, both workouts went great.

    Nutrition has been very good.

    Water was behind today, but has been very good lately.
  • jar41yo6m
    jar41yo6m Posts: 108 Member
    Daba, one only has to watch their news feed to know how much you like your cardio. I never felt as though I liked it, but I do miss it. Keep at it! I don't see much for lower body results for myself either.

    Arms and Abs today. I wasn't very strong today for some reason, strange for a morning workout.

    Nutrition was off, my father in laws 63rd birthday party took most of my day.

    Water wasn't great either.

    Today was my biweekly measurement day, here are the results

    Arm: 1.5" gain from 13 to 14.5". 0.25" the last 2 weeks.
    Calf 0.25" gain from 14.25 to 14.5"
    neck 1" gain from 14.5 to 15.5"
    Chest 4.5" gain from 40 to 44.5". 0.5" the last 2 weeks.
    Waist up 2" from 31 to 33". 0.75" in the last 2 weeks
    Thigh up 1.5" from 20 to 21.5"
    Shoulders up 3.5" from 46 to 49.5". 0.5" the last 2 weeks.

    The last two weeks were probably my best water and nutrition efforts to date. I'm still getting results, but they are getting more subtle in the mirror.
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    dabascom: Nice to see you logging in here, hope in becomes a habit. My legs haven't responded much either, I will keep pushing them though.

    Jar41: The beers were good, had too many today though, need to cut back a bit. Really nice improvements in your numbers. I will take mine after day 60 which is coming up this week. Hope to see some nice improvement as you did.


    Huge Beast Day 56/90

    Nutrition C. Didn't track very closely today.

    Water A never and issue for me.

    Workout A: Did bulk shoulders. I really like this one. Raised the weights again while keeping good form. Also played golf and shot 75. My increased core strength has me hitting in long and straight. Now just need to putt a little better
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    Huge Beast Day 57/90

    Water A always have plenty

    Workout N/A scheduled rest day. Played 18 holes of golf again today, three days in a row. 75,74,78 not bad, Think I am finally remembering how to play.

    Nutrition B. Out on the golf course today. Took a protein bar and a banana. Ate lunch before I went so not too bad 25/53/22 A little carb heavy