Summer Weight Loss Challenge



  • Nette0309
    Nette0309 Posts: 106
    Weight loss for the week = -.8
    Not exactly as much as I wanted but a loss is a loss.

    SW: 184.8
    CW: 184.8
    GW: 160

    01/21 weight: 184

    Non-scale victories:

    1. Complete the Insanity series - Completed the first week...On to week two
    2. Add in morning workouts ...Only able to work out once this past week in the a.m.
    3. Eat cleaner and lift heavier .....Diet has been pretty clean (I like a little coffee in my creamer :) Trying to cut back on coffee; just can't drink it black

    Welcome, and Congrats on your loss; a loss is a loss !
  • Nette0309
    Nette0309 Posts: 106
    Good evening ladies!

    How was your weekend?
    It's a new week put any and all mistakes behind you, stay positive and stay on the course, you got the power and support to make a difference.

    Let's hit those numbers hard!

    Hey Serene, I had a great weekend overall, I burned over a 1,000 calories today with run/walk intervals ( really pushed myself OMG) and 3.5 hours of walking in the science museum with my family, it was crazy crowded, don't think I stood so much in my life ! I am so beat, but happily :yawn: We went out for dinner and I made some great choices, really proud of myself, I had a good extended weekend.
  • UNC_Brittany_84
    Hello ladies! Hope everyone is doing well so I weighed in today and went from 154.8 to 152.8. Whoo hoo! 2 pounds lost this week. Thanks for your support. Only 28 to go till goal weight.

    Hello Everyone! I'm in for a good challenge. Hope I'm not too late.

    SW: 180.2
    CW: 154.8
    GW: 125.0

    Some NSV I would like to accomplish are:
    1) Begin to strength train with heavy weights
    2) Get a more consistent and healthy diet
    3) Lose weight at a slow and steady pace to help keep it off


  • Alycee38
    Alycee38 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I would love to join your group!!!!
    SW: 193
    CW: 190
    GW: 160
  • keshia1976
    keshia1976 Posts: 9 Member
    Heyyy, I am happy to report that I lost 3.6 pounds this week.

    SW: 181.4 (from day of challenge)
    CW: 177.8
    GW: 145

    Goals for this week:
    * No cheating and sticking to my healthy clean eating plan.
    * Add a day more to my cardio routine.
  • Nette0309
    Nette0309 Posts: 106
    Heyyy, I am happy to report that I lost 3.6 pounds this week.

    SW: 181.4 (from day of challenge)
    CW: 177.8
    GW: 145

    Goals for this week:
    * No cheating and sticking to my healthy clean eating plan.
    * Add a day more to my cardio routine.

    Wowzer Great Job !!
  • Nette0309
    Nette0309 Posts: 106
    Welcome new folks!!! :smile: Ukloveme, ravenrxx, and FloridaCali01! I see that Nette has already given you a warm welcome! Please join right in and make yourselves at home! :)

    Nette, you really are the Miss Sunshine of this group! :flowerforyou:

    Hey, Shaybelle, we're in the same boat. I didn't lose either, so I'm just going to make working out and eating healthy my goal for this week. I may even give that terrible, awful, painful, but so much fun African Dance class a try again this week. That was a monster calorie burn!

    Based on my weekend detox, this week my goal is to heed my macros - especially sugar. While on the detox (which left me quite bloated until this morning - I forgot to take the psylium) I ate a hearty breakfast of steamed kale, yellow squash, and sweet potatoes, which came in at just over 200 calories, but it was very low sugar, high fiber (10 g) and a good amount of protein (9 g). When I added some almonds and walnuts, those numbers got even better and my level of satiety improved.

    The macro that posses the greatest challenge for me is sugar. There seems to be a plethora of it in everything, and based on my full reports on this site, I've been eating far too much of it. For the two days on the detox, I only ate 12 g of sugar for the day all from vegetable sources. I looked over my full reports, and sometimes I was eating anywhere between 50-100 grams of sugar a day. I had NO IDEA!! This becomes quite alarming when you consider that granulated sugar is counted as weighing 4.2 grams per teaspoon. No wonder I feel so lousy so often and my weight loss is at a virtual standstill. Fortunately, I'm not diabetic or pre-diabetic, but I don't think that I would be able to say that for long if i continue eating that way. While there is sugar in the healthy foods that we eat, I think my problem is with added sugar. Sauces, jams in yogurt, candy and other treats, etc.

    I'm going to adopt the breakfast from the detox into my regular life, and make more soups and salad for lunch with dressing that does not contain added sugar. The salad dressing from the detox plan is actually quite good, as are some others that I've found that don't contain sugar.

    I'm going to continue eating steamed veggies for this week until all that produce is gone, and I'm going to smash those lentils as well. I want to see what the end of my week will look like after I've limited my sugar intake. I have a feeling that it's going to go pretty good.

    I hope you all are off to a great week! :heart:

    Aww this hun !!!
  • Yana150
    Yana150 Posts: 226
    Good morning everyone, and welcome to Alycee36!!!! We're so happy to have you! :) Please, jump right in!

    Keisha1976 - congrats! 3.6 is a GREAT loss!
  • Nette0309
    Nette0309 Posts: 106
    Good morning everyone, and welcome to Alycee36!!!! We're so happy to have you! :) Please, jump right in!

    Keisha1976 - congrats! 3.6 is a GREAT loss!

    Hey I agree with you 100 % A year 2 years ago, my blood work showed taht I was pre-diabetic, I missed my physcial last year, wedding planning, and I just went this month, I have to get my blood drawn to show where I'm at, I have a terribel issue with sugar, I love swee treats, I am currently just consuming one whole grain carb a day, and getting natural sugars from fruits/veg. I just started eating only 1/2 banana, to help me out to, it just seem so sweet to me know. But I really need to educate myself, what is a health amount of sugar grams to consume a day without sending my body into ketosis ? Do you know ?? Right now I'm being more mindful and it's helping but knowledy is power. I'm sure my doc will tell me more once I get the blood work done.
  • ladyonaquest
    ladyonaquest Posts: 605 Member
    Down 1.6 lbs this week!

    SW:209.8 CW: 207.2 GW: 175
  • Nette0309
    Nette0309 Posts: 106
    Down 1.6 lbs this week!

    SW:209.8 CW: 207.2 GW: 175

    Congrats Chica !! Keep up the good work !
  • Yana150
    Yana150 Posts: 226
    Nette, I am not certain how much sugar is safe/healthy. I think that Serene will know the answer to that. I know that I'm so paranoid about sugar consumption now. I am striving to ensure that the bulk of my sugar consumption also comes from fruits and vegetables and other healthy carbs. I'm wishing you well when you go back for your check up.
  • crazysexykoo
    crazysexykoo Posts: 129 Member
    count me in...I need accountability!
  • Yana150
    Yana150 Posts: 226
    Welcome CrazySexyKoo! :) We're glad to have you. Feel free to jump right in and post your stats when you're ready! :)
  • ravenrxx
    ravenrxx Posts: 455 Member
    Welp, I started Insanity yesterday, I like it.. Really kicks *kitten*! I'm very familiar with Insanity though, I've done their workouts over and over but I've never finished the whole program. The farthest I got was completing the first week of it and already saw more definition and I don't even think my diet was on point. I skipped the fit test, cause I've done that so many times previously and plus, one of the moves just make my back hurt and I cant pin point which move it is so yeah. I hope I can at least get month 1 completed! I just really want to get rid of this stomach fat ugh!!

    Hope everyone's doing well!(: Keep it up.
  • SereneRose
    SereneRose Posts: 499 Member
    Evening everyone and welcome new members just checking in before I get my burn on. Oh yeah!

    Nette, like you i'm pre diabetic I had the Glucose tolerance test done to confirm and I an also a sugar junkie. Forget chocolate sweeties is where it's at especially Haribo's, bonbon's and jelly beans ooh i'm drooling :love: combine that with my love of fish and chips i'm well and truly screwed.
    So i'm not sure exactly how much sugar I should consume max a day but I keep mine set on here at 10g I assume that counts added sugar not naturally occurring in foods. Cutting out all pop helped loads as I was no longer constantly bloated and up until recently I hadn't touched any in months and didn't miss it and I was drinking at least 3 cans a day now i'm drinking pepsi max occasionally and stopping that too.

    Not sure what plan your following but you mentioned ketosis and you didn't want to enter it I actually aim to enter and stay in it as that is the only way I lose weight so I cut carbs and sugar to minimal amounts and eat high fat moderate protein and what I can lose in 1 week would have taken me 2 weeks and more to lose and i'm doing it safely and I'm rarely hungry as the fat keeps me fuller for longer.

    Not trying to push my way on anyone just telling you a little about where i'm at because losing weight with pcos is a definite uphill battle but it can be won.

    Keep a positive attitude no matter what obstacles may get in your way. :flowerforyou:
  • Nette0309
    Nette0309 Posts: 106
    Evening everyone and welcome new members just checking in before I get my burn on. Oh yeah!

    Nette, like you i'm pre diabetic I had the Glucose tolerance test done to confirm and I an also a sugar junkie. Forget chocolate sweeties is where it's at especially Haribo's, bonbon's and jelly beans ooh i'm drooling :love: combine that with my love of fish and chips i'm well and truly screwed.
    So i'm not sure exactly how much sugar I should consume max a day but I keep mine set on here at 10g I assume that counts added sugar not naturally occurring in foods. Cutting out all pop helped loads as I was no longer constantly bloated and up until recently I hadn't touched any in months and didn't miss it and I was drinking at least 3 cans a day now i'm drinking pepsi max occasionally and stopping that too.

    Not sure what plan your following but you mentioned ketosis and you didn't want to enter it I actually aim to enter and stay in it as that is the only way I lose weight so I cut carbs and sugar to minimal amounts and eat high fat moderate protein and what I can lose in 1 week would have taken me 2 weeks and more to lose and i'm doing it safely and I'm rarely hungry as the fat keeps me fuller for longer.

    Not trying to push my way on anyone just telling you a little about where i'm at because losing weight with pcos is a definite uphill battle but it can be won.

    Keep a positive attitude no matter what obstacles may get in your way. :flowerforyou:

    Hi, Oh your not being pushy at all, very informative, I actually didn't get any additionally test to confirm that I was pre-diabetic, only a hemoglobin blood test, which what I will get again this time, I just have to take precautions cuz of genetics, I also have mitral valve regurgitation and heart disease run in my family, so hight fat wouldn't be a good fit for me, I just need a solid balance and control over the sweets. I tried atkins and SB in teh past and all kinds of other plans in the past and ketosis, is just not for me, I can lose wieght with a balance diet so far. But I just need to be educated more on the sugars, I wont' jump the gun, gonna wait and see how my blood work comes back and talk the my doc. I heard about issues with weight with women with PCOS tho, Now, I'm wondering if I shoulda had more test before, I was deem pre-diabetic tho.
  • SereneRose
    SereneRose Posts: 499 Member
    Good luck! My mum had diabetes, type 2 and it made her so ill and under weight that the last time her blood sugar levels fell she fell into a diabetic coma and never woke up so I've got that to look out for. Plus my dad has high blood pressure and after recent tests doc said so do I and put me on meds so I've got to get that down too.

    I do hope your tests come back with the least issues, this journey can be tough enough as is and I know some doctors can jump on one issue and ignore other factors. :smile:
  • Nette0309
    Nette0309 Posts: 106
    Good luck! My mum had diabetes, type 2 and it made her so ill and under weight that the last time her blood sugar levels fell she fell into a diabetic coma and never woke up so I've got that to look out for. Plus my dad has high blood pressure and after recent tests doc said so do I and put me on meds so I've got to get that down too.

    I do hope your tests come back with the least issues, this journey can be tough enough as is and I know some doctors can jump on one issue and ignore other factors. :smile:

    Your right, my doc said she is not really worried about my heart, because it's mild, but I am ! okay ! she is more conerned about the sugar, I will try and give some blood this weekend tho. Just gotta honor myself and treat myself with care, I am 32 y/o and I wanna live a good quality of life and have more babies. This my motivation right now, baby # 2
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,274 Member
    Checking in with my latest stats...
    SW 1/7: 218
    1/14: 216.4
    1/21: 216

    This week down .4 - Overall 2lbs

    GW: 185

    I'm going to have to kick up the exercise to reach my goal. Welcome everyone...let's do this!