Summer Weight Loss Challenge



  • Yana150
    Yana150 Posts: 226
    We have another member ladies, her name is Nishie89, and is having some trouble joining the group. Please find Nishie's information below.

    Welcome again, Nishie!!! :)

    SW: 211
    CW: 209.2
    GW: 150

    Non-scale victories I would like to experience before June 21, 2013

    1. Stay away from Fast Food places and cook more healthier meals
    2. Exercise at least 5 days a week
    3. Go back and complete Grad school
  • Nette0309
    Nette0309 Posts: 106
    Ladies, I just picked up Oxygen Magazine for Feb. last night, and in it they have a great body transformation series. It's called "Build Your Best Body" and is a three month series of training and nutrition tips that change each month.

    This 12 week program, and can be started any time and change every month. The moves in this month's portion are both gym and home gym friendly, and the nutrition tips are pretty doable, nothing outrageous. If you'd like to check it out, the name of the article is "Trim Inches All Over" from the February 2013 issue. Check it out at:

    Hey, can you put up the link for us, I can't seem to find it when I google. Sounds interesting
  • soosweet1920
    soosweet1920 Posts: 124 Member
    Just got my insanity workout was hard and I am tired but for sure not regretting it!!
  • SW: 211
    CW: 209.2
    GW: 150

    Non-scale victories I would like to experience before June 21, 2013

    1. Stay away from Fast Food places and to cook & eat more healthier meals & drink more water
    2. Exercise at least 5 days a week
    3. Go back and complete Grad school
  • Thanks a mill Yana! :)
  • Yana150
    Yana150 Posts: 226
    Hey Nette. I don't know why I can't hpyerlink, but here's the URL to copy and paste:

    That's just a preview of the magazine, I just tried to get a copy, but it looks like you have to buy the magazine (either electronic or print) for the workout and nutrition information. However, you can download the grocery list for the month on that site for free.

    You're welcome Nishie!!! :)


    You are a brave soul, Soosweet!! And you're going to look so amazing after you finish Insanity!
  • sfagans
    sfagans Posts: 13 Member
    I'm up for the challenge. Goal weight for the summer should be 225 half way point of my goal weight.
    SW: 253
    CW: 25
    GW: 200

    1 Learn to eat to live a healthy life.
    2 Continue to workout everyday for 30 minutes or more.
  • brownmara
    brownmara Posts: 175 Member
    SW: 302 (1/23/13)
    CW: 299.6 (1/26/13); 2.4 lbs. eliminated :bigsmile:
    GW: 252
  • R105MCEsc
    R105MCEsc Posts: 7 Member
    I love this challenge!!!!
    BTW: Please add me as a friend! I'd love to be friends motivators or people with the same goals as me!
    Here goes!

    MFP SW: 187
    Challenge SW / CW: 153 lbs
    GW: 135 lbs

    Other Stats:

    Non Scale Victories I would like to achieve before June 21, 2013:
    2. Eating clean! Veggies! Protein! Fibers!
    3. BIKINI
  • soosweet1920
    soosweet1920 Posts: 124 Member
    Just got workout 3 on insanity in. Almost didn't happen but luckily my mind took over my body! After laying in my workout clothes for a hour I decided I wasn't doing it. Grabbed my keys and jacket and was headed out the door to go get something to eat! I felt so cheated so I came back in popped in the DVD and went for it!
  • Yana150
    Yana150 Posts: 226
    SW: 290.0 (I forgot to update my weight when I reset the ticker and it was too late to edit the original post.)
    CW: 285.0
    GW: 225.0

    I'm 5 pounds down so far! Yippeee! :) Passing up that cake, pie, ice cream and working out more really helped. I'm more motivated to move more now. I wonder what next week will bring. :)

    Non-scale victory goals for this week:
    1) work out five times this week
    2) meditate everyday this week
    3) do something not related to weight loss or working out that makes me happy at least twice this week
  • Yana150
    Yana150 Posts: 226
    images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSMCmPnaL3UeSg4_uma83s1AWeBiRYjAD65TQSq65JoM-tSVC1B Soosweet12, this trophy is for you!

    Your willingness to go back inside and get that workout done shows great mental strength. Like you said, "Your mind took over your body". What an awesome NSV! Seriously, WTG! Yours is the kinds of NSV I want to experience everyday. You're definitely going to reach your goals with that attitude.

    Bravo, Soosweet12!
  • Yana150
    Yana150 Posts: 226
    Welcome to our newest ladies - R105MCESC and Sfagans!!!! Ladies, please make this challenge your home. We have some seriously devoted women here who are meeting their goals and providing great support to others along the way. Please feel free to jump right in with us! Welcome again, and thanks for joining! :flowerforyou:
  • Nette0309
    Nette0309 Posts: 106
    I am happy to report that I am down 1.2 lbs this week and I exceeded my NSV weekly goals for the week !

    NSV weekly goal for this week:

    1. Take my Prental vitamin daily, gotta get my body baby ready again.
    2. Strength Train on the Bowflex 2x this week.
    3. Cardio 3 x this week.
    4. Try Yoga as a new work out this week.

    Okay I have 7.2 lbs to go for my February 21st goal , I'm gonna keep striving !!!
  • Yana150
    Yana150 Posts: 226
    Congrats, Nette!!! I really like the idea of making weekly NSV goals. I think I'm going to copy off of you if you don't mind. :)

    Ladies, I just found a blog that I am absolutely in love with, and I'm just on the third post. You can find it here: The site is very motivational! I encourage you ladies to check it out. It's started by a woman named Linda James. In addition to blogging, it looks like she also creates inspirational weight loss pics. I always wondered who did those. She has other blogs listed on her page. Looks like a winner! I'm subbing.
  • Nette0309
    Nette0309 Posts: 106
    Congrats, Nette!!! I really like the idea of making weekly NSV goals. I think I'm going to copy off of you if you don't mind. :)

    Ladies, I just found a blog that I am absolutely in love with, and I'm just on the third post. You can find it here: The site is very motivational! I encourage you ladies to check it out. It's started by a woman named Linda James. In addition to blogging, it looks like she also creates inspirational weight loss pics. I always wondered who did those. She has other blogs listed on her page. Looks like a winner! I'm subbing.

    Hey thanks Yanna, and I see you had a big loss this week !! Get it Girl !!

    Oh girl please, there is no such thing, we are here to inspire each other, so copy all you like lol, I have to do weekly goals, so that I can catch things that I need to adjust sooner vs later, and it just helps to build me up mentally.
  • ladyonaquest
    ladyonaquest Posts: 605 Member
    Down 1.8 lbs this week! Come on ONEderland!!!

    SW:209.8 CW: 205.4 GW: 175
  • Yummy208
    Yummy208 Posts: 21 Member
    Hey ladies happy to say im down a pound...yay
    My current weight is 195 I started at 204.
    My NSV after each 10lb loss is going to be a full body massage. One more pound to go...which will be done this week. Lol
    Congrats to everyone on this journey, let's do it together. .
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,320 Member
    I had a great NSV today. I was cleaning out a closet and found a dress I bought last year that I loved but when I got it home I couldn't zip it up in the back. Loved the dress so decided to keep it anyway. Well I decided to try it on today. It zipped up with no problem. Still a little tight but it fit. What a nice surprise! Hopefully this will be reflected in Monday's weigh in!!!
  • Princess721
    Princess721 Posts: 27 Member
    This sounds like a great Challenge

    SW: 405
    CW: 401
    GW(for this challenge) : 370

    I have a couple dresses that I have bought in the past that I would like to wear this summer for my birthday cruise with my besties
    I would like to go on a trip and not have to worry about fitting into the airplane seat or needing an extender piece
    I would like to participate in my fitness classes (boxing and pole dancing) without having to stop due to back pain or to catch my breath.

    I look forward to helping others to celebrate their NSVs and weight loss by the time the summer gets here.