Daily Chat Thread



  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I need help! I pushed myself really hard on Monday, for my 9th B workout (doing the 12-version of stage 1). I was nearly in tears the rest of the day. I could barely move after that, but was a "good" sore the next day. On Wednesday when it was time for my A workout, I was terrified. I did a half-hearted workout at home. Tomorrow I'm headed to the gym again for B10 and am scared silly. Mentally, I feel like I want to give up, like this is over my head, etc. WTH is wrong? I've loved it until now! I know I can back the weights down, so why am I off balance? I feel like I've completely lost my momentum. Part of me wants to do the same weights as Monday, hoping it won't be nearly as bad and that my body will step up and really transform for these last couple of weeks. But I can't end up immobile and fending off an emotional outburst in fetal position the rest of the day...

    Did any of you go through something like this? It's so weird!

    Motivation has always been my biggest detriment. Eventually it becomes an excuse. I forced myself to get it done. I found that when I went to the gym and starting up again, I remembered how much I LOVED it and I'm glad I went oooh, that reminds me. be right back!

    Ok, My friend posted this today. I don't run and probably never will, but I think this applies to anything we find difficult;
    So funny. So true
    My thoughts during a run

    Me: This sucks, can it end so I can love it already!?
    Me: Why am I doing this?
    Me: Don't look at the distance. DON'T LOOK AT THE DISTANCE
    Me: ****, I looked. TF, that was longer than .36 miles you liar!
    Me: Power song? Let's do this
    Me: Oh look, I burned off breakfast, yay!
    Me: Oh dear God this is the longest break between songs in the history of the life
    Me: I will smash you with a hammer if you fall out one more time earbud. Seriously.
    Me: Who glued cinder blocks to my feet?
    Me: This still sucks
    Me: I'm hungry
    *Finishes run*
    Me: Dude that was awesome!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    SAM :laugh: that is so me too! I would have never written it as eloquently as you though
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Wrote? shoot no. That's a cut and paste from one of my friends.:bigsmile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member
    ....thanks for all the suggestions of where to buy "cute workout wear".

    I think the photo-shoot is a "pipe dream"....almost as quickly as it was suggested, my gf's and I started throwing out "dates" and we all have conflicts nearly EVERY weekend!


    Anyway, on the "good news" front, I got the afternoon off work! So, I headed to the gym....did my weights (X-sets for the next 3 weeks!) and then got my husband to play hookey from his work for a couple hours.

    I'm now kinda buzzed on rum and diet coke!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I had an incredibly busy but really great work week and now it's Friday and look at you all talking it up! I do have fun plans for the weekend. After I go to the gym tomorrow I believe a few of my girls and me are taking the bikes up to a chili cookoff planned by another club chapter (I ride with Women in the Wind). Oh and my guilty pleasure has to be ice cream. I could eat it by the quart!

    I am going to cut. And I'm going to add a day of cardio - I know I thought/talked about it before, but I really didn't make a clear decision abut it until recently. My trainer keeps saying "you're strong" so I feel as if I can start cutting now and work on the body fat. The carb cycling actually seems to be working. I lost 1 pound last week, despite eating more cals than usual. So I think it's time to cut - just 100 cals per day. That's going to be very weird, I haven't even been looking at cals for 6 months! Mary you are motivating me girl! I think we are shaped very much alike and have the same weight loss issues.

    Beeps, I hope the photo-shoot isn't a pipe dream! It sounds like so much fun!

    I hear all of you talking about how drinking bothers you. My issue wasn't that it hurt me physically, my issue was that I got too stupid when I drank - I'd pick arguments with dudes 6' 200# and not even remember the next day - or I'd wake up somewhere and not know how I got there. I was a blackout drinker! Not so good! It's been 19 years since I had a drink and honestly I'm grateful every single day!

    I don't know how "cute" but I love Kohl's TekGear. They fit really well, don't bunch, don't fall, don't cling and wear like iron!

    LB and Em, my key to failure is taking off guns ablazing and with no balance at all. A few days, I'm all worn out, bored and done. I'm not going to let that happen this time, so I've been taking everything slow, thought about all my decisions before committing and been able to stick with this for a year now!

    I think it's odd that there are so many of us in the legal profession! Em, we're an appellate filing notice on Monday. Boring? Nah!

    Cowgirl I see that 7/8 reg tag you're sporting! Congrats!

    Sam I love lifting, but I always have to convince myself to roll out of bed and get to the gym!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Yes, Sue , from the pics on FB, we are shaped EXACTLY the same. We got it though. :smokin: I am motivated to get it going. I 've finally lost all the weight from the holidays and a few months after for a total loss of 8 pounds. Took me a while but it is gone. Now to work on the rest. Which is depressing because I gained all that.

    My booty is sore from the hills yesterday. No lifting today. i might do push ups, squats, and whatever I can do here at home tonight. Any suggestions? I don't have weights.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Sounds like a plan Mary.

    I need to start using youtube or something on these weeks I get stuck ay home because of hubby's schedule.

    Sue, I pretty buy everything I own at Khol's...or Unique
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member
    bodybuilding.com is a pretty good resource, samntha!

    sue - I'm cutting with you!

    mary - don't worry about where you've been - where you're going is MUCH more interesting!

    Happy Saturday - 20 cm of snow falling here....I'm taking a FULL pajama day!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Beeps, YUCK! I can't imagine snow this time of year. But YAY for an early day off! Athleta and Title Nine have really cute workout outfits. I LOVE anything from Athleta. The clothes last and last and last. And their sports bras are amazing. If I were as close to goal as you are, I'd buy some even if you don't get to do the shoot.

    Sam and Mary, I keep seeing the nerdfitness routines posted as good alternatives to weights. Maybe see what they have?

    Sue, thanks! I haven't worn a 7/8 in jeans in...well... I don't know how long. I think I was much lighter (scale weight) when I did. Good luck with your cut! I think doing a very slight deficit is probably best. I am sure you will get amazing results. You work so hard, the fat will probably melt off your body once you focus on cals.

    I didn't get my Friday lifting session in yesterday, so I need to get to it today. Someone give me a virtual kick in the rear!
    Our trip next week is canceled. DH's parents are farmers and he was going to go watch and help with some planting, but it's too cold and wet for them to do anything in the fields. So we're going another week. I was relieved as I wanted to get BTII finished before I take a break from lifting. I hate taking a break in the middle of a stage. Plus, I stepped on the scale this morning and I am .4lbs from 20 lbs lost! I should hit it next week if TOM doesn't screw it up! Maybe I should schedule that spa day now :)
  • cphaneuf16
    cphaneuf16 Posts: 85 Member
    Nerdfitness has a great body weight workout if you don't have weights. It's what my husband has been doing, and he says it's tough!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Got my lifting in, woot! AND I made myself do 4 sets instead of 3 like I have been doing (he gives an option of 2-4 sets for these workouts). A lady at the gym told me I was "inspiring". What a way to end a great workout!

    CP, I am going to have to check those out for the next time I don't have access to a gym.

    ETA: Since no one else has posted yet, I'll ask the QOTD(hoping to get some ideas from this, LOL).

    QOTD: What's your favorite pair of jeans?

    I have a really hard time finding a good pair as my hips and thighs have not decreased as much as my waist. Right now I like Maurice's "Taylor" $29 jeans. They are "curvy" cut and loose enough I don't have to size up to fit my legs in them. AND they don't cost a fortune. Second place would be the Silver Natsuki.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    THanks for the nerfitness idea. I will definitely look at it. Hmm back to the gym on my birthday? Eh, why not! I'll go in the morning and fully enjoy my birthday dinner.

    Beeps I hope you enjoyed your pJ day. We all need one once in a while.

    Cowgirl, I'm with you. I'm wearing a FAR SMALLER size now than when I was 20lbs heavier. I tell myself it's not vanity sizing because my pants are really old. As far as jeans, I hate pants shopping. I have a tiny waste and wide hips. 30, 36. Now that I am more comfortable in lower rise pants, it's a little easier, but I will try on 20 pairs of pants and buy 2. That's not even an exaggeration. I like Lee, Levis, Banana Republic, and American Eagle, or at least that's what I have in my drawer at the moment. I don't shop brand. I shop fit of the day. I used to LOVE old Navy jeans, but I find their jeans are now cut indecently low and I'm NOT comfortable in those at all. Grooming should not be required when wearing pants.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member
    I have to go lift today - my son has a dr appt tomorrow during my regular lifting time! I hope the gym isn't too crowded today when i go.

    I don't know anything about jeans....last time I bought some was about 3 years ago in a Montreal jeans store. Now, only 2 of those pairs fit, so I'm going to have to figure out something.....but, I hate shopping and I REALLY hate jean shopping (2nd only to bathing suit shopping!).
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I'm going with the theory that Birthday Calories don't count. Already my husband brought me entenman's for breakfast, I'm having lunch with my dad and Grandma, and dinner out with the family, topped off by our traditional ice cream cake. First year I didn't have to buy my own cake and My husband got almost exactly what I asked for. Great day so far.
  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    I'm going with the theory that Birthday Calories don't count. Already my husband brought me entenman's for breakfast, I'm having lunch with my dad and Grandma, and dinner out with the family, topped off by our traditional ice cream cake. First year I didn't have to buy my own cake and My husband got almost exactly what I asked for. Great day so far.

    Happy Birthday Sam! You're right - birthday calories don't count. Love your profile pic too!

    *goes back to lurking*
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Happy Birthday Samantha! Birthday cals definitely do not count!! Enjoy!

    Beeps - how is your snow? Did you enjoy PJ day?

    Cowgirl - four sets?! awsome!!

    QOTD: I don't really wear jeans...
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I just posted this on my feed

    Crap, I really blew it today. It's a high carb day - 75-150 carbs and I'm way below. I'm already at 1400 which is what my calorie load is on a non-workout day. I don't know if I should eat the carbs or stick at 1400.
  • LB2LL
    LB2LL Posts: 240 Member
    Wow! Lots of catching up.

    Sam, that's pretty much how I am when I am forced to run on the treadmill. I hate it! Also, I've been tested for a bunch of things but it always comes back normal so they just labeled me with "IBS" which I get but there has to be more to the issue than just your garden variety IBS.

    Happy Monday! I'm tired even though I slept like a log last night. I was supposed to run an 11 miler last night but some serious stomach issues kept me house bound all day. Thankfully I was able to scrub the whole apartment from top to bottom and catch up on some laundry and burn a few calories that way. Today I'm hoping to get a 3-4 miler in. We will see how that goes!
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Happy Monday everyone!

    Beeps - I agree, buy the hot workout clothes anyway! You can always have your hubby take the photos...

    Ok so 5 months away from Bikram made for one EXHAUSTING first class back. But I loved it and am going to try and make it to one class a week (I know it is good to go twice, but time and $ do not allow for that...also the studio's schedule is not conducive to those of us with jobs). I also did some cardio both Saturday and Sunday - so not bad overall!

    QOTD: o jeans, everyone's nemesis. I only buy my pants at the Limited. I have a VERY odd waist to hip ratio (a la kim kardashian my waist measures at 27" my hips measure at 42"...and i don't lose inches there lol) and for some reason The Limited's size 6 jeans fit me.

    Happy birthday Sam!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member
    I always think about re-joining Bikram hot yoga for one day per week (because I couldn't keep up with the 3 x per week schedule), but then I remember that first 10 minutes of breathing exercise and I just can't do it to myself. I just can't....THAT drives me nuts! Well, that one and half-moon.....THE PAIN! Having said that, NOTHING feels like I do at the END of a bikram work-out - I just feel like a MILLION (relaxed!) BUCKS!

    I did get my pajama day - it was awesome. I worked out on Sunday - mostly a tough lower body work-out....and, since I can't do M/W work-outs this week, I'll do lifting on Sun/Tues/Fri instead. Odd, but that's the way the week is shaping up.


    I did 9,700 calories last week - gives me A PLATINUM STAR!!

    How about you??