Daily Check In Thread



  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Hey everyone....so many new faces...wow! Good to see everyone! Make sure you check out the thread: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/976388-what-to-do-before-you-start to get some useful tips for when you begin. Good luck on your journey to all, and can't wait till you cross the finish line.

    As for me...6 miles is now my....well you know how that sentence ends, lol. Finished 6 miles in one hour, ten minutes. Not bad for that being the first time I ran 6 miles since in like 10 years. Have a blister I am going to have to cover with some mole skin tomorrow, but it was totally worth it. BTW, mole skin is one of the greatest inventions of all time. Yup....

    Well 4 miles tomorrow...well going to go take a nice hot bath and then stretch out on my foam roller (I totally mention getting one of those as well). Take care all, see ya tomorrow.

    P.s. Good job Florida on finishing week 2.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    As for me...6 miles is now my....well you know how that sentence ends, lol. Finished 6 miles in one hour, ten minutes. Not bad for that being the first time I ran 6 miles since in like 10 years. Have a blister I am going to have to cover with some mole skin tomorrow, but it was totally worth it. BTW, mole skin is one of the greatest inventions of all time. Yup....

    Nice job!! I'm a couple of weeks behind you but I'll be up to six by Memorial Day. That will put me in good shape for my first 10k on July 4th. Boy, I am sore today. Saturday's trail race really killed my calves and my right foot is bruised near the arch. Probably from coming downhill too fast on all the tree roots. Did a 5-mile recovery run yesterday and that felt good, but the soreness came on strong after that.

    To everyone else - nice to see all the great progress here!! Keep it up!!
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Week 3, Day 1 done.
    The program had me going 3 minutes straight running, so I knew I'd have to drop my pace. Running today was at about 11 minute /mile vs 9 minute/mile I'd been doing.
    That got me through pretty well. Felt easy even. I think I'll keep that pace for a while.
  • M00NPYE
    M00NPYE Posts: 193 Member
    I just finished W3D1.. I was worried about 3 min runs but I slowed down to 5 and did fine, feel great, no complaints! :happy:
  • Ghlt4
    Ghlt4 Posts: 241 Member
    I've just completed week3 day 2. It was really hard going, a lot harder than day 1., I slowed right down to a crawl.....lol! I think it was the humidity it's really bad today . Hoping for a better day on Wednesday.
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    Saturday was W1D3 for me.

    Got that new jogging stroller I was talking about. Oh my goodness. It's got to be 15 years old with a purple/turquoise motif, and is bare bones with no basket or even brakes and rusty rims. The only "extra" it has is the strap you put around your wrist so the stroller can't get away from you (which is kind of important since it doesn't have brakes). But I told myself that if I was serious about running I would reward myself with a better one at some point.

    Well, the stupid ugly thing works like a dream. It wasn't any extra work to take the 25lb toddler along. I'm not sure I'll be able to justify spending money on a new one unless it breaks on me.

    On top of that, my husband came along on the run! He has been trying to lose weight off and on for the past year, but he always goes too crazy with the calorie cutting and P90 type workouts and gives up. He complained a little that he felt like he was on the Biggest Loser but more public. I assured him that no one was watching or cared. Of course, then this guy we know from church is in the parking lot of the lumber yard as we all jog by and comes out and claps at him. I know he was trying to be encouraging but as soon as we were past, hubby was muttering "going to kill you, going to kill you." But for all that, he doesn't seem to be aching from the run and is ready to go again Tuesday.

    So it looks like our family is going to stay on Week 1 until my husband has completed the first week, so that puts me back at Week 1 Day 2 for tomorrow :)
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    I shocked myself and finished W1D3. I did the first two in the gym and the one today outdoors around the lake by my house. Definitely a big difference outdoors. I'm off all weekend so I may try repeating an extra day before level 2.

  • wordyroo
    wordyroo Posts: 98 Member
    I finished W5D3 with very few issues. It would have been better if a neighbor's puppy hadn't decided I wanted to play and started jumping on me. That slowed me down quite a bit. :laugh: I did go without the stroller and toddler, so that probably helped quite a bit. The rest of the weeks just look easy from here which is amazing to me.

    Good job everyone else!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Good job everyone with keeping up with your running.

    Today is a 4 miler for me. So loading the pups into the truck and going for the 4 mile run at the dog park today, then will finish with a 2 mile walk. Hope everyone has a wonderful day! Keep running!
  • Veslus
    Veslus Posts: 72 Member
    Just finished Week 7 Day 1.

    I feel amazing.

    When my 25 minutes were up, I realized I didn't want to stop running. So I didn't.

    Then my cool down timer went off, letting me know another five minutes had passed. I still didn't feel like stopping. So I didn't.

    ...then two minutes later I hit the end of the road. I still didn't want to stop but I had looped back to my apartment complex so I figured I probably should.

    I can't believe I ran an extra 7 minutes. I'm not the least bit exhausted either.
  • charlenequinn94
    I get the privilege of running on this country road that is paved and it is just a little over 3 miles in length. Saturday, I did W2D1 for the first part of the jog/walk it was a bit of a struggle. On my way back to my house. I was using the phone poles to gauge or measure my runs. I would walk the space between one. And then jog space between two.
  • itslucyr
    itslucyr Posts: 13 Member
    I did W3 D1 today, was dreading the 3 minute runs but just slowed down and did it :) was barely going faster than my walking pace (8km/h rather than 6km/h) but I did it!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I completed W4D2 yesterday (distance version) and ran both 1/2 mile intervals without stopping!

    Best thing about it was my brother, who just ran his 6th marathon, telling me how proud he was!
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    Rock on everyone!!!

    3.5 miles for me today at a slow 4.3mph. It was my first time out after a first time five mile run last Friday. I felt winded, and my legs were heavy, but it was nice.
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,155 Member
    Tried W2D1 on the treadmill after a session with the trainer and some weights. I managed to do it, shin pain seems to be my issue, moreso than cardiac/breathing. Tried working on the correct stance and foot placement. Got to watch little kids interacting outside at the pool, so that was a good distraction.
  • dmw45
    dmw45 Posts: 73
    I got sick and got "behind" at week7. I tried doing them anyway and failed miserably, but I did a 25 min run Saturday, once I was well again with no problems, so I moved on to w8d1 today.

    I ran outside for the first time in cold weather... well not cold by any real standards, but colder than I ever ran in outside before. It wasnt bad at all. I fear weather.

    I did great but what was a challenge was the hills. The inclines on my route were small but since I'd not run outside before they really kicked my butt. I slowed down but kept going.

    That's the best advice I got.. slow down..
    If I'm huffing and puffing and struggling, I slow down.

    I ran 28 mins straight. Felt like a real runner.
    I've signed up for a 5K in 2 weeks!

    Its very exciting to be near the end.
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    I got sick and got "behind" at week7. I tried doing them anyway and failed miserably, but I did a 25 min run Saturday, once I was well again with no problems, so I moved on to w8d1 today.

    I ran outside for the first time in cold weather... well not cold by any real standards, but colder than I ever ran in outside before. It wasnt bad at all. I fear weather.

    I did great but what was a challenge was the hills. The inclines on my route were small but since I'd not run outside before they really kicked my butt. I slowed down but kept going.

    That's the best advice I got.. slow down..
    If I'm huffing and puffing and struggling, I slow down.

    I ran 28 mins straight. Felt like a real runner.
    I've signed up for a 5K in 2 weeks!

    Its very exciting to be near the end.

    Rock on, that's terrific. Your post made me grin widely!!!
  • shrinking_me
    shrinking_me Posts: 207 Member
    After not doing this for 5 days (birthday and family over from Aussie) I was dreading week 6, day 3 . . . . but I did it!!!! Woop woop!!!!
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    Another run today. Glad we all dressed in warm clothes; it was freezing at 7AM next to the river this morning.

    Edited to add: By run I mean mostly walking with some slow jogging ;)
  • southpaw211
    southpaw211 Posts: 385 Member
    Good morning - just joined this Couch to 5k group. DH and I finished W3D3 last night for the second time. We ran it on Saturday and he felt like he wanted to do it one more time before moving on to week 4. It's funny - I did really well on Saturday, but yesterday we had a cold snap, and it was freezing and really windy and I was bundled up (including gloves). My lungs hurt and it was a struggle to make it through the 3 minute runs. I'm hoping weather was the real culprit there.

    We start Week 4 tomorrow. I'm a little worried about having such longer runs after last night. I really don't want to drop down to a walk. My run isn't that fast to begin with! :laugh: