Graduation Announcements!



  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    Congrats to both of you that's fantastic! Woo hoo!!!!!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Congratulations Emzilee and Mrs. Malcolm! You should be proud of yourself! This is a great accomplishment.
  • wadedawg
    wadedawg Posts: 315
    Congratulations to you both. I still tell anyone who asks that doing the C25K program to its completion is the best thing I ever did.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Hey everyone. Never really checked in here when I finished the program. I did a 5k at the end of week 8 back in mid March, did another one in mid-May and yet another this past Sunday. I've knocked almost a minute off of each time (38, 37, 35:49 exact times in my profile)

    Next race is the end of June so I am locking down my diet and training for the next month so see how big a leap I can make for this race.

    Good luck to everyone who is close or who is just starting, it's worth the effort!
  • carolinesparkle
    carolinesparkle Posts: 60 Member
    Finished this morning with my 5K in 31 minutes. First 5K race on the 23rd June, really looking forward to it too! Now I'm moving onto the bridge to 10K. I never thought I could do 5K and never in my wildest dreams did I think the 10K would ever be an option but its onwards and upwards!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Finished this morning with my 5K in 31 minutes. First 5K race on the 23rd June, really looking forward to it too! Now I'm moving onto the bridge to 10K. I never thought I could do 5K and never in my wildest dreams did I think the 10K would ever be an option but its onwards and upwards!

    Great victory, Caroline! Congratulations on your hard work.
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    Congrats to you both! Woo hoo!!!! Feels great, doesn't it:).
  • IDontLikeRegistering
    IDontLikeRegistering Posts: 51 Member
    There. I started nine weeks ago, and spent the whole of the w1d1 workout wanting to die. Today I ran for 30 minutes and cleared well over 5k. So that's that done. Yay me.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    There. I started nine weeks ago, and spent the whole of the w1d1 workout wanting to die. Today I ran for 30 minutes and cleared well over 5k. So that's that done. Yay me.

    Wow! You ran under a 10 minute mile? That's phenomenal! Way to go!
  • IDontLikeRegistering
    IDontLikeRegistering Posts: 51 Member
    There. I started nine weeks ago, and spent the whole of the w1d1 workout wanting to die. Today I ran for 30 minutes and cleared well over 5k. So that's that done. Yay me.

    Wow! You ran under a 10 minute mile? That's phenomenal! Way to go!

    Yep! Helps to have long legs, I guess :)
  • babybl00310
    babybl00310 Posts: 75 Member
    Started C25k on 22nd April and graduated today. Had to take two weeks off due to Hip Bursitis but as soon as I was ready I got right back into it again. Finished a week ahead of the original schedule and today's average pace was 11.30 minute/mile. My first goal is to complete the 5k, run a parkrun then start training for a 10k in November. Plenty of time right?!
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    Congrats to our recent grads. Amazing paces to both of you! I think when I finished I was still around 13:30! Now I'm around 12:30 so you rock, rock, rock! Yes, 10k by November, no problem. You sure can!!!
  • ssizmur
    ssizmur Posts: 14 Member
    I finished the program today!! I was not able to complete the 5k in 30 minutes but I was determined to run my first 5k! I did it... in 39:13! Feeling awesome!
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Congratulations, ssizmur!!! Your time is great. Way to go!!
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    Woo hoo! Congrats and rock on!
  • imafitmom
    imafitmom Posts: 116 Member
    Finished c25k this morning. Ran my 5K in 30.28. Never in my life would have thought I could do this. Now looking onward to 10K.
  • woodwardtm
    woodwardtm Posts: 361 Member
    I did it! YAY! I ran my W9, D3 run today to complete the program. Now to find a race to test my skills. :-)
  • jessiekanga
    jessiekanga Posts: 564 Member
    Congrats to both our recent grads. Woo hooo!!!! Amazing feeling isn't it:) Nice work!
  • shrinking_me
    shrinking_me Posts: 207 Member
    This app rocks!!!! Makes what seems impossible, well possible!!!

    Did my first 5 km run - non-stop - today in a time of 34 mins!!!! Have been super proud of myself all day long with a silly grin going on :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Woop woop!!!!
  • whirlybirdknits
    whirlybirdknits Posts: 23 Member
    I graduated!

    I can now run 30 minutes without stopping!

    Too bad it's so slowly that it's only about 2 miles. I have signed up for a 5K in less than 3 weeks (July 20), so I'll be spending the next three weeks extending my time and distance so that hopefully I don't let myself down on the big day.