Hourglass figure after weight loss - but I'm a dude :(



  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Great work so far.

    At this point we'd like to dial in more accurately on your macronutrient intake. We would like you to also focus on increasing your logging accuracy and consistency where possible.

    So for the following week we are going to increase your caloric intake to 2000/day with the following:

    170 carbohydrate
    70 fat
    170 protein

    Let us know if you have any questions or concerns and enjoy the extra calories. You're doing great so far!
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    I read the 1st page, and skipped to the last.

    Holy crap - that's a great transformation in just 2 months.
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member
    Great work so far.

    At this point we'd like to dial in more accurately on your macronutrient intake. We would like you to also focus on increasing your logging accuracy and consistency where possible.

    So for the following week we are going to increase your caloric intake to 2000/day with the following:

    170 carbohydrate
    70 fat
    170 protein

    Let us know if you have any questions or concerns and enjoy the extra calories. You're doing great so far!

    Wow, ok. That's gonna be some kind og jigsaw puzzle to figure out, but I'll definitely do my best.

    For logging ill double check everything. I've noticed there's a lot of products that don't include the macros on Mfp, only the calories. The inconsistency in my logging was only during my short vacation, I'll do better now.

    about the numbers though 170-70-170 - why THOSE numbers? (Just trying to understand the reasoning so I can "follow along" responsibly, not questioning the numbers :) )
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Great work so far.

    At this point we'd like to dial in more accurately on your macronutrient intake. We would like you to also focus on increasing your logging accuracy and consistency where possible.

    So for the following week we are going to increase your caloric intake to 2000/day with the following:

    170 carbohydrate
    70 fat
    170 protein

    Let us know if you have any questions or concerns and enjoy the extra calories. You're doing great so far!

    Wow, ok. That's gonna be some kind og jigsaw puzzle to figure out, but I'll definitely do my best.

    For logging ill double check everything. I've noticed there's a lot of products that don't include the macros on Mfp, only the calories. The inconsistency in my logging was only during my short vacation, I'll do better now.

    about the numbers though 170-70-170 - why THOSE numbers? (Just trying to understand the reasoning so I can "follow along" responsibly, not questioning the numbers :) )

    First we set your protein intake based on a rough estimate of your LBM. I went slightly over this estimate due to the fact that you're losing weight rather fast so erring on the side of "a bit more" vs a bit less is probably a good idea. This is also around 1.8g/kg bodyweight which again is right in line with a reasonable recommendation for protein intake given your stats/bodyfat/etc.

    I set your fat intake to just under .35g/lb bodyweight which is a reasonable baseline. This is also just over 30% of total cals.

    I took the remaining calories and stuck them all in carbohydrate because carbs rule.
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member
    First we set your protein intake based on a rough estimate of your LBM. I went slightly over this estimate due to the fact that you're losing weight rather fast so erring on the side of "a bit more" vs a bit less is probably a good idea. This is also around 1.8g/kg bodyweight which again is right in line with a reasonable recommendation for protein intake given your stats/bodyfat/etc.

    I set your fat intake to just under .35g/lb bodyweight which is a reasonable baseline. This is also just over 30% of total cals.

    I took the remaining calories and stuck them all in carbohydrate because carbs rule.

    Ok sounds great - now let's see if I can get this jigsaw puzzle to work ;)
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Just dropping in and mentioning that you are kicking complete *kitten*. No more smiling though, we need you looking meaner and meaner as you go along. It makes you look leaner. ;)

    Keep on rocking it! Those macros are very close to what I use btw, you will have great success on them.
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member
    Just dropping in and mentioning that you are kicking complete *kitten*. No more smiling though, we need you looking meaner and meaner as you go along. It makes you look leaner. ;)

    Keep on rocking it! Those macros are very close to what I use btw, you will have great success on them.

    DEAL. I'll make sure I'm in full "gonna *****slap someone NOW" mode for all future pics ;)
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    WOW dude I just read through this whole thread. Freaking inspiring as hell! Congrats!

    So you lost...ugh your going to make me convert from kgs..2.2 times..uh carry the one...ah screw I'll just goggle it....90 lbs...holy shat! Nice work!

    This seems like a great group. I've already learned so much just by reading through these threads.

    This thread was so inspiring it makes me want to do this (@~56 sec) :drinker:

  • catfive1
    catfive1 Posts: 529 Member
    Awesome profile pic. :smile:
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member

    Weight July 23, 2013: 94.6 kg (208.5 lbs)
    Weight July 30, 2013: 93.7 kg (206.5 lbs)

    Been at about 2000 calories since you told me to, so almost a week. Looking back on my diary, I actually think I was at 2100 for 2 of those days, since I noticed this morning I made an error, using a different product than I usually do (0.5 % yoghurt instead of 0.1%)

    I've desperately tried to keep the macros in check, and it's worked for the MOST part - that is, assuming the nutrition info on mfp is correct for the macros. I had a cracker the other day that mfp listed with 0.1 g carbs, so yeah - not always trusting the numbers.

    Keeping the macros in check has been... interesting. My usual fruit yoghurt yesterday evening got some coconut and protein powder added so I could make the numbers hehe

    Still wondering if my belly skin will ever be tight again - I want my abs to look like the do when I'm upside down lol

    p.s. Thanks EVERYONE for the support, and thanks Sara and Sidesteel for putting up with me during this SLOW process :)
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Weight July 23, 2013: 94.6 kg (208.5 lbs)
    Weight July 30, 2013: 93.7 kg (206.5 lbs)

    Been at about 2000 calories since you told me to, so almost a week. Looking back on my diary, I actually think I was at 2100 for 2 of those days, since I noticed this morning I made an error, using a different product than I usually do (0.5 % yoghurt instead of 0.1%)

    I've desperately tried to keep the macros in check, and it's worked for the MOST part - that is, assuming the nutrition info on mfp is correct for the macros. I had a cracker the other day that mfp listed with 0.1 g carbs, so yeah - not always trusting the numbers.

    Keeping the macros in check has been... interesting. My usual fruit yoghurt yesterday evening got some coconut and protein powder added so I could make the numbers hehe

    Still wondering if my belly skin will ever be tight again - I want my abs to look like the do when I'm upside down lol

    p.s. Thanks EVERYONE for the support, and thanks Sara and Sidesteel for putting up with me during this SLOW process :)

    It is a slow process, but you seem to still be losing at a fairly regular pace even with your increasing calories. The upside down statement confused me, and I was going to ask what you were doing hanging out upside down. Then I noticed your profile pic...

    Congrats on the progress, you're looking great in your photos!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Your progress continues to just be so effing inspiring! Everything is totally falling into place AND you are eating a healthy amount vs when you first started this thread!

    Great work sir, your hard work and dedication is paying off!

  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    You're killing it. Keep it up :)
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member
    Damn I love you guys. You have NO idea how much everyone's comments motivate the poop outta me! (which is good on weigh-in day... pretend I never said that, ok?)
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member
    Ok staying on the 2000 calories I guess? (translation: BUMP, where are Sara and SS? ;) )
  • Brizoeller
    Brizoeller Posts: 182 Member
    Just read through this entire thread and you are amazing!! You really listened to what Sara and Sidesteel had to say, and your results show it. Good job :) You inspired me!!
  • PitBullMom_Liz
    PitBullMom_Liz Posts: 339 Member
    I've been lurking but had to join the group so I could say, DAMN! What an amazing job you've been doing!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Ok staying on the 2000 calories I guess? (translation: BUMP, where are Sara and SS? ;) )

    Ooop sorry. We discussed you and never actually told you what the conclusion was...not exactly helpful.

    Yes, please keep to the 2,000. We were debating whether to up your calories this week but think it best to give you one more week to get used to the macros.
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member
    Ok staying on the 2000 calories I guess? (translation: BUMP, where are Sara and SS? ;) )

    Ooop sorry. We discussed you and never actually told you what the conclusion was...not exactly helpful.

    Yes, please keep to the 2,000. We were debating whether to up your calories this week but think it best to give you one more week to get used to the macros.

    Gotcha. ;)
  • grggmrtn
    grggmrtn Posts: 171 Member

    Weight July 30, 2013: 93.7 kg (206.5 lbs)
    Weight August 6, 2013: 95.3 kg (210 lbs)

    Not sure why I put on weight. Thinking that maybe the 93.7 was a fluke, lack of water, having weighed myself a few hours later than usual (I got to sleep in that day) or something like that?

    I see 0 difference in the pics (edit: ok maybe there's a difference from the one from July 23 - am I leaner even though I've gained??), but on the other hand, my skin feels a bit... looser - if that makes ANY sense at all. I guess you gotta be an ex-fattie for that one.

    In any case, I stuck to the 2000 calories really well, was good about hitting my macros (thank gawd for whey), and got to the gym as planned. Upped the weight on most of my lifts, even did my first unassisted pull-ups!! BUT my cardio was slightly down from where it usually is.

    Tomorrow I'm off to London for a few days - meaning that I'll miss a couple days lifting, but I'll be making up for it tramping around the city, and doing a lot of BW workouts in our rented apartment before hitting the town. I'll log EVERYTHING, and I think it'll be ok.