2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,977 Member
    I did a bodyweight routine from Bret C. last night after work. I could only get through 2 sets....my hips were ON FIRE. Poop. I took some tylenol almost right after....good thing, because THEN TOM ARRIVED!!

    And, I'm now fasting (no food OR water) because my eye surgery is this afternoon. The fasting isn't bothering me....but, for some reason, I'm crampy with TOM, and the inability to ingest meds is REALLY bothering me.

  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    I feel like I've missed so much over the last few weeks!

    I'm feeling good that I'm finally getting back into a solid routine. We are currently wading through all the leftover booze from the wedding and deciding what gifts to keep/take back (first world problems, I know). My goal is to get back in the gym 3-4 times next week and keep that up until Honeymoon in mid October. I somehow from something have developed a very strange red itchy rash on my legs and arms - ruled out the fleas, bed bugs etc, so I can only surmise it is an allergy to something. Sigh... :)

    Anyway! Onto happier news - the wedding was all I could have asked for and more. I was very worried about the weather (there was rain and clouds in the forecast all week), but it turned out perfect - cloudy for the pictures and sunny for the ceremony and reception. The whole thing went off without any major hitches. There was a slight wind storm later on in the evening that caused a tree to go down across one of the two exits to the park where we were married, but other than that, everything turned out great.

    Our theme was "fiesta"... think lot's of bright red, yellow and blue. We had mexican food for dinner; chicken and pork tacos, beans and rice, these amazing potatoes and veggies and chips, salsa and tons of guac. Although I didn't eat as much as I probably should have, I definitely had enough to know it was good. I think the highlight of the night was the dance party. That's really all I wanted my wedding to be was a giant dance party, and it was :)

    All in all, I'm glad it's over, but so glad we did it. Once I get more pics, I'll put some up.

    I can't get the stupid pics to load in here, so here is a link to the three I was going to share - let me know if this works!

  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Darn it, I'll edit and retry :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,977 Member
    I can see the pictures!! they're UBER-tiny, but I can see how BEAUTIFUL you look in your dress!!! And how HAPPY you and your husband look dancing! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you, ever so much, for the wedding report....for some reason, I'm a total sucker for weddings and babies!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,977 Member
    I'm pretty amazed that I'm not THIRSTY. The "hunger" part I wasn't worried about (I don't eat before noon, anyway...), but I figured the only reason I can fast all morning WAS BECAUSE of all the water/coffee I ingest. Apparently not....

    Anyway, I'm TOTALLY crampy and it is a b*tch that I can't down an ibuprofen or a tylenol right now....
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Keep it up lady, almost there!
  • DeterminedGirl08
    DeterminedGirl08 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi Everyone, I just joined the group. My goal is 9800 cals a week. From what I have read, it is the total cals for the week after you deduct what you burn for exercise? So if I eat 1700 cals in a day but exercise and burn off 300 cals then my cals that I count is 1400 for the day?
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Welcome Determined! If you are tracking net calories that's exactly it - great goal! :)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I love your dress! Great pics. I'm glad everything went well. Congrats!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Thank you :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,977 Member
    My left cataract is out....my vision isn't "clear" like I thought....maybe tomorrow. Oh, and it wasn't "quite" the Sunday picnic they described....my blood pressure tanked on the table, they had to rush in to put in an IV with some meds, but I had NO veins because I was completely dehydrated/fasted, lol.

    Anyway, next week I've got my right eye - now I know what to expect!
  • dressandtights
    dressandtights Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all, I'm new here. My goal from MFP is to eat 1200 cals a day--more on days I exercise. I've got two trips coming up, but I'm very motivated to stick with it while traveling.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    beautiful bride, ram! love you had a big wedding party:smile:

    I have been in this class all week, all day, it's harder than lawschool, fo sho!

    Female Bible or whatever it's called is on body builiding:

    I see now it's kind of an early Jamie Eason live-fit trainer, but I like the pull ups and pushups cuz I want to be able to do that.

    Tonight we did the cajun boil and it seems really hard to log but I will do what I can!

    And welcome new ladies! When get back to the office I will try and get everything down, so I will post that and then you can let me know Monday how it went for the first week!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Ram - Absolutely gorgeous!!!! You, the dress, the pics, the colors! Wow!! I'm obsessed with "Say Yes to the Dress", "Four Weddings" and "Wedding Island"! I'm planning our vow renewal for the end of February/beginning og March as it will be our 15 year anniversary...although my hubby deosn't quite understand why this is done, lol!!

    Beeps - Glad you made it to and through the surgery :flowerforyou: Hope it heals quicky!

    Amy - Thanks for the link! What class are you taking? And yum, cajun boil!!

    Better - I didn't read the details on resting periods...I just continued when I felt ready to go. No more than a minute on any of them though.

    Did Stronglifts workout B for the first time today. Loved it! Done in 28 min!! Gotta love that. Amy - here are the numbers from today:

    Squats - 120# (+5) --> more than my body weight :happy:
    Over Head Press - 65#
    Deadlift - 125#

    NSVs this week - I haven't done too well on food choices since the Spring...well, last night I went to our fave restaurant with some girlfriends...I passed on the margaritas, chips and salsa because I had a healthy Mexican meal at home. Then today my mother in law invited me to lunch. I skipped the bread basket, ordered a grilled chicken berry salad and even brought my own homemade vinaigrette!! Ok, I think my head is back in the game!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,977 Member
    Nice number, jenomaha....I think you're back in the game, too!

    I celebrated post-surgery with a McDonald's quarter-pounder with cheese, medium fries and a diet coke. Now THAT hit the spot!

    Followed up by chocolate, chocolate, chocolate and popcorn last night! I was over my calories (for sure), but TOM arrived, surgery day, etc and I felt like simply "giving in" and resting.

    Today, I'm back at logging!!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Once again I’m behind! So just a few quick comments:

    Welcome new ladies!

    Ashley—I’ve never done stronglifts, but in general, if you’re not sore afterwards you’re probably not working hard enough, at least not if your goal is to build muscle/strength.

    Jen—great job making good choices with all that temptation around!

    Beeps—Glad you made it through surgery okay! That’s scary about your blood pressure tanking…. For a pregnancy report, all is still going well. I'll be 33 weeks tomorrow, so just seven weeks to go! My weight gain has sort of tapered off even though I’m eating as much as I’m hungry for, but my doctor doesn’t seem to be worried about it so I’m not going to worry either. I've gained just under 20 pounds so far. Here’s the latest bump picture; clearly this kid is growing:

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,977 Member
    Now THAT is a BUMP!!

    20-lb gain is perfectly normal at this stage in your pregnancy....I can see why your dr doesn't care about that!

    YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL!! I can't recall if you told us - son or daughter??
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Thanks Beeps! We're going to have a son.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Beeps - now that is a celebration meal!

    Ris - You are only baby!! The rest of you looks tiny!! You look great!

    Ok, tonight is gonna be a challenge. I have been way under all week, so I have wiggle room, as well as almost 1000cals left for tonight, but I'm nervous. Going to a baseball game with the hubby. The Omaha World Herald (local newspaper) is treating my husband's company in the air conditioned clubhouse suite with free food and alcohol. I hope they have healthy options and I only stick to a couple of drinks...weights at 8 a.m.!! Crossig fingers!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Quick pop in to say Ris! So cute :) You look so happy, and what an adorable bump.