2 week challenge



  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hearing all these first day of school stories makes me dread those days..... However my kid does pretty well getting dropped off at day care now most days. She used to run up to me when I picked her up. Now she just keeps playing.... I think having a kid really is like walking around with your heart outside of you all the time. I was never much of a sap, but certainly am now. :smile: So hearing all the positive first day of school stories makes me happy.

    I did stronglifts last night. I really liked it but thought I'd be more sore today. I could probably go up a little in my weight but not too terribly much in my tiny gym without a spot. (I did 130# squats, 75 and then 80# for bench, and finally up to 65# in rows once I got comfortable with my form) . I was just reading over the web page again though and find this interesting, "Now, with StrongLifts 5×5 your goal is NEVER to get sore or “pumped” because the only thing that matters for building muscle is gaining strength. That’s why you will always try to lift 5 pounds more (that’s 2.5kg) than last workout on each exercise." Ummm....not sure I'll be adding 5 pounds each time but will try. I'm just going to stick with this 3x a week + 2 days cardio for as long as I can, i.e. until I get pregnant.

    I did okay at the bbq last night. I could have eaten a little less. I was just hungry! But I only had one Corona Light and one cider. I came home and had a popsicle even though it put me over because I was really proud I didn't come home and drink 300 more calories in beer, so a littlle 60 calorie reward seemed warranted.

    I will probably do a stroller run tonight. It's only getting up to 80! Come on fall!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Better - I was really jealous of your dinner last night, it all looked amazing. I looked into stronglifts yesterday and it certainly looks interesting. It looks easier than NROL4W... so I may give that a go instead.

    Finally worked out last night! Ran 20 minutes and then did some circuit work at home. I'm hoping to get into the gym on Friday and maybe even Sunday but that might be pushing it. A gal can dream right?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I can see some men being able to handle 5 more lbs every day, doing stronglifts - but, yes, I think as women near their genetic "ceilings", that just won't happen.....at least not without sacrificing "form". Also, Better - let's face it, squatting 130 or squatting 135, long term, makes no *real* difference. I'm glad you're taking the 'safe' route - you are still doing resistance training and your muscles will thank you for it!

    I'm soooooooooooo dreading those first few work-outs back at lifting. On the other hand, when I'm doing them, it also means I'm "recovered", and I'm soooooooooooooo looking forward to being THERE.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Beeps I am with ya on looking forward to getting back to working out hard!

    Ram- I would love to hear your opinions on NROLW, I know Beeps loved it. But, I love hearing others POV. I need to figure out a game plan once I am cleared to workout. I do know it will have to be at home though, so my options are limited.

    Better-I can't wait to cheer you on through your pregnancy! :wink: Plus that will hopefully mean mines over!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Chloe - I never got past the first stage. I really struggled with how to do deadlifts, and I got really frustrated and just quit about 2 weeks away from finishing stage one. Now that I got a solid lesson, and feel less of an idiot when I go to the gym, I'm excited to get back into it. I did skip to stage 6 before my wedding to try and work on arm toning, but ended up injuring my shoulder because I used too much weight. I think they key is to just take your time and slowly add weight. I got cocky and it cost me. Of what I did, I loved. Hoping I can stick with it this time and finish out the whole thing. I like it because it has a solid plan, is relatively easy and can definitely be done at home with the right equipment.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Any of the NROL series can be done at home. Chloe, I wouldn't start with NROL4women if you have a choice to do others in that series....the "supercharged" is the newest in the NROL series and there's some good research in there on why the author now selects the exercises that he does, in the order that he does. I'd start with NROL4Abs, frankly, and then do "supercharged" when you're a little more into the D-I-Y mode.

    All can be done at home - I'm a gym rat and much prefer the gym....but, I know tons of ladies who do their heavy lifting at home!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    I’m in for the star challenge! My goal is the same—net of 13,370 for the week. My “platinum” goal is to be within 100 calories of my target, rather than to be under my target.

    Amy—glad your dad is doing okay.

    Beeps—middle school is a tough age, but glad to hear your son had a good first day! And good luck with your surgery; hopefully it’ll go more smoothly this time!

    ramalem—I like your determination! Sometimes we all need a break, but I have no doubt that you’ll be able to get yourself back on track this week.

    Ashley—Great job at the bbq! And glad to hear you’re liking stronglifts.

    Abi—Great job getting back to logging!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Just kidding about not being sore.....not "hurts to sit on the toilet sore", but it just took a bit to set in, and I'm still sore today from Monday afternoon. Did my second series of stronglifts this morning. Sort of rushed it because I got up late, and did the overhead press seated instead of standing. But I tried one rep at the end standing, and my low ceiling does not prohibit me from pressing.

    Beeps, I'm with you on the adding 5 lbs. Stronglifts on the website is very geared towards men. I may go buy some 1 pound plates though, just to get a bit stronger, slowly. I do think I'll tire of all these squats. They are in both workout A and B, which means I'll be squatting 75 reps a week. Did 130# again for squats, started with just the bar for OHP, but ended up with 55, and I think I can do more standing as sitting with my equipment was a little awkward. I deadlifted 110.

    Ram, I watch youtube videos. I've been lifting in some capacity for a long time, but it's only been in the last year I feel like I'm really doing it right and getting my form down. I feel like just in the last 4 or 5 months I've learned to deadlift properly. I used to rely heavily on my back. It's a wonder I never injured myself.

    Chloe, we're not going to start trying till October, so yes, your pregnancy will definitly be over. :smile: I secretly hope it takes at least a couple months as we have a family vacation planned for Hilton Head next June and I'd rather not be 8 months pregnant in the care for 10 hours and 10 hours away from home. My sister got prego her first try with kid #2 so.......

    Ris, I meant to tell you how cute you look! You truly are ALL belly. I see you're still lifting. I did not lift at all during my pregnancy and am pretty bummed to omit it completely once I do get prego. What types of things are you doing? I was told no heavy lifting by my dr. last time.

    That's all I can see. Hellos to everyone else!

    Today is my Friday. We head out for St. Louis tomorrow afternoon. I hope to get a walk in tonight and probably another run in tomorrow. Doubt I'll get my 3rd stronglifts in, but I probably could use the extra burn instead of lifting for the weekend. Oh, and I'll be trying my friend's Dailey Method class Saturday morning too.

    Have a great weekend all!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Better - I don't even hardly do squats anymore. If I do, they are bowler squats or goblet squats. I'm just too damn quad-dominant and they just don't work my glutes the way they are supposed to. I've subbed in weighted glute bridges or weighted hip thrusts when squats show up in my work-outs!

    Anyway, I'm determined to make today a success.

    Of course I've had no food or liquids because of the surgery, so that part will be fine. I'm also going to try to look at this process with "curiosity", rather than "dread", which is a skill I want my kids to have when they are trying new experiences, or going into experiences (dentist, blood draws, whatever) that they don't really like. There are parts of this surgery I am NOT gonna like (having just gone through it). So, hopefully, with curiosity, I can simply ask, "Hmmmm, wonder what my leg feels like right now? Hmmmm, wonder if I breathe a little slower if that will help?" etc, etc.

    Hope springs eternal!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Just wanted to check in. Last night was close but I stayed within 2 cals of goal, tonight might be high...
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Good luck with surgery Beeps!

    Better - good call on the YouTube videos. I too feel like I'm relying way too heavily on my back, and am also surprised that I haven't hurt myself. We are also going to start trying for baby number 1 in October, and am very curious about lifting during pregnancy as well since I really love it. I see some girls at the gym doing it, so Ris any tips on that will be much appreciated!

    My legs are toast today - 2 days in a row of 2 mile+ runs and burpees/squats/Mt. climbers after not doing a damn thing for over a month will do that to you. Thinking about trying our stronglifts for a bit before I decide if I want to venture over to NROL supercharged. Managed to stay within 150 calories with bookclub last night, took some serious self restraint!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Ashley--thanks! I've been pretty happy with the with the weight gain during this pregnancy. For weights, I just use dumbells and my kettlebell at home (I generally use my kettlebell as a dumbell or as a barbell). My routine is generally to do bicep curls, triceps extensions, overhead presses, upright rows, kneeling one-armed rows, dumbell bench presses, lateral raises, squats, and romanian deadlifts. I start with 20# dumbells and then eventually switch over to the 25# kettlebell. So rather than increasing weight (which I can't really do without getting more equipment or going to the gym) I'm working up to all three sets with the 20# dumbells. Eventually I'll have to add weight, but I'm okay with waiting until after the baby's born to do that.

    Beeps--I hope the surgery went well!

    Amy--great job on staying within your calories! Hopefully yesterday went well too.

    ramalem--I love that feeling after getting in a good workout! And great job restraining yourself at bookclub! As for lifting during pregancy, I think that as long as you have good form and you use common sense (i.e., make sure you're not dropping weights on your bump or anything) you can keep up your pre-pregnancy routine. I haven't been adding weight (see my response to Ashley above), but I know people who have. The things you have to be most careful of when exercising are not to get your heartrate up too high, not to get overheated, and not to get dehydrated, and at least for me lifting doesn't really trigger any of those risk factors. I've had to change my running routine pretty dramatically over the course of my pregnancy, but that's really the only thing that I changed.

    I've had a pretty good week so far. I've been within 100 calories of my goal every day, and I've gotten in at least a little bit of exercise every day. I have a pretty free weekend coming up so I'm hoping to get in some long walks and a run or two.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Surgery was WAY easier this time! Thank goodness....much more like the "walk in the park" they promised!

    I am SO glad to be on this side of this whole experience. 2 more weeks of recovery and I can lift again!

    My eyesight is PERFECT (for distance) - crystal clear and glorious! Yes, I have to put on "cheater readers" to read the newspaper, but that's no different than what I was doing before. I threw out my contact lens' yesterday! And, I've buried the solution in my bathroom (my husband wears contacts when he scuba dives).
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Yay Beeps! So glad to hear it went well :)

    Ris - thanks for the tips. I need to get my routine started to I can keep it up!

    Happy Friday everyone.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Beeps--glad the surgery went okay!

    ramalem--I just saw this thread and thought of you: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1092162-lifting-and-pregnancy
    A lot of it is relative to what you're doing now, so like you said it's a good motivation to get your routine down now so you can do more down the road!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Thanks! Reading now :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    My dr actually said i could start lifting in a week.

    But, i'm going to stick with the original plan. Take 2 weeks no lifting. And then ease back into it. I don't want to *kitten* with my eyes!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Glad everything went well, and the clear vision must be really nice!

    I did not get started with lifting this week but I did get two runs so that is something. I think if I can control myself this weekend I will be up for a star. I haven't been tracking everyone this week so let me apologize for being a poor host of the star challenge. If anyone wants to take over, I am cool with that. Or if you want to keep it informal and say-I was under goal, or 500over or whatever, that is fine too.
    It is working for me! I track everything and plan and I don't just eat midlessly. Even if I have the donut, or the wine, I make it work.
    I think it's easier to keep cals low when I am not lifting so I don't know how to maintain or lose while lifting, I get so hungry. But I do want to get started on my goals for strength!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Amy, i can track and post what *star* everyone gets for the week. Please just post handles of who is in the challenge, and their expected weekly calorie goal.

    I've got an excel spreadsheet from the last star challenge, so i can just re-use that!
  • jemes01
    HI Ladies,

    My name is Jane, looking for a thread that can motivate me to get my butt widdled down to where I'd like it, where it was before I moved cities four months ago! This seems like a good start :) That's only 10 lbs away!!

    About me - I'm 31, 142 lbs, 5'6, no kids and not married, living with my boyfriend. I eat at home and leftovers for lunch most days of the week, and have been logging with MFP for 30 days, and have LOST 5 lbs (feel like I have to shout that cause I keep getting so down on myself when I should be proud!!). I do Jillian Michaels videos at home (30 mins) 5 days a week, was a former runner but am contending with a leg injury - which is super tough for me bc I found it so easy to shred weight when running!!

    I seem to have stalled out of late even though running a 600 calorie deficit but don't want to lose my resolve just cause that number isn't budging!!!

    Beeps - can you tell me how the *star* thing works?

    Nice to meet you all and good luck with your goals!!!!