2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    Here's what I have for the STAR CHALLENGE, so far:


    Please advise if you have data to add to the chart. Also, if I have anything recorded incorrectly, please advise and I will correct the chart for Monday, Sept. 16th check-in.

    I'm fasting today!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Sorry for the late check in, work is insanely busy....

    But, for week 1 I had a silver star, I was over by about 800 cals for the week.

    This week I did not log Saturday, but I had about 3000 leftover for the week and I know I did not go over that. So I will say gold just because I didn't log and I shouldn't get a Platinum if I didn't log every day.

    I have alot of meals out this week, but I would really like to keep it as under control as possible. I think I am actually to the point in the pregnancy that I can't eat as much because I feel full all the time from the baby. So I'm not sure staying under cals will really be too much of a challenge. And my cravings are pretty much gone. I could probably live on ice cream though, but I don't call that a pregnancy craving because I have always been an ice cream freak!

    Still keeping up with my walks although I have had to cut them down to 2 miles from 3 this week because my bladder cant make it that long. And I went to the doc yesterday and he said that he is sitting right on it, so that would explain that!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Last night I thought it was going to be bad because I planned on rotisserie chicken but they were out so I got fried chicken instead but I didn't want stuffing with fried chicken so I just had a big salad so it worked out and I was under. I almost poured a drink but thought better of it, I'll save the cals for another night!
    and a Chester Fried chicken breast is only 250 calories. I thought it had to be wrong but I went to their website and confirmed it. That's not too bad, really...

    I finally brought my gym clothes and I am going to try the Female Fitness Bible workout tonight. I haven't lifted for so long!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    Hi Chloe!! Poop on baby-bumps sitting on bladders....mine NEVER recovered (bet you didn't wanna hear that!!)....I still have to go to the bathroom every 45 - 60 minutes!

    Amy - nice choice to "save the calories" for another time. I bet you'll REALLY enjoy them when you indulge!

    Brad Pilon's post today - GOSH this one REALLY SPOKE TO ME!

    Because I deserve it

    by Brad Pilon

    217d1373051767 official i ve placed my stingray corvette order thread corvettestingray2014 Because I deserve it

    I want this car. I read about it. I stare at pictures of it late at night. Every aspect of it is perfect in my eyes, but the simple truth is, I cannot afford this car.

    That is the truth, and it is the only truth that matters.

    Sure, we can debate all the reasons why I can’t afford this car – I don’t make enough, or I’m bad with money. Maybe it’ my parents fault. Maybe I already own 5 sports cars. We can theorize and try to find a deeper blame, but the simple, unemotional truth is – Right now, at this present time, I cannot afford this car.

    But man… do I ever want this car.

    I know what color I want (white), what interior I want (red), I even know what rims I want (black).

    And, I can think of all the reasons I should have this car.

    Most importantly – I deserve it – I work hard.
    You’re only young once.
    Why work so hard if you’re never going to treat yourself?
    Why should other people have this car and I shouldn’t?
    Interest rates are great now…
    It’s a corvette, so it’ll probably be a collectors car and actually go up in value.
    If I’m going to buy it I need to do it now, because at this point in time I can still out run Mrs Eat Stop Eat, a skill I will definitely need if that car shows up in the driveway icon wink Because I deserve it

    When you look closely at all these reasons, you see that the underlying theme is that I deserve it… All the other reasons are really meant to reinforce the idea that I deserve it, which is supposed to be the great overriding factor that trumps the ‘I can’t afford it’ truth. ‘I deserve it’ is the emotional reasoning that (at times) can override the unemotional truth – ‘I can’t afford it’.

    So why are we talking about cars ( other than the desperate idea that some bigwig at Chrysler will read this and send me a new Stingray)?… Because it’s not much different than food.

    It’s the same battle. The simple logic of ‘I can’t afford to eat that’ battling the emotional reasoning of ‘I deserve to eat that’

    The problem is the food decision is much quicker.

    If, when I went to the car dealership the salesman simply said “You know what? Take the car, we’ll figure out the finances later” there would probably be a new car in my driveway. Luckily, cars don’t work that way, but food does – You can just take it. And, the results aren’t immediate – you don’t eat a dozen donuts, look down, and watch yourself gain fat. It’s a slow process… often times an unnoticeable process – as people say – it just sort of ‘creeps up on you’.

    Because it’s so slow we often don’t perceive not being able to afford to eat a food. Instead, it becomes something much less concrete – ‘I shouldn’t eat that food’. But ‘shouldn’t’ doesn’t really imply a reason, and without a reason it is very simple for the ‘I deserve it’ argument to win out. The reason is still ‘you can’t afford it’ and it will always be a battle of knowing you can’t afford something vs the feeling that you deserve it.

    The very first step in winning this battle is knowing what you can afford. Whether it’s food or money you need to have a basic idea of your budget. If you can afford it – then you can afford it. Buy two Stingrays, eat a dozen donuts, it’s no one’s business because you can afford it (sure, we’ll talk about you behind your back because your jealous, but still it’s not really our busines)

    No matter how much you can afford, there will still be a budget… and you need the discipline to stay close to this budget.

    If you want something, save up, cut costs in other places etc. Do what you have to do to make it fit, but make it fit.

    This is why I fast once or twice a week. It’s how I balance my budget. It allows me to eat the amount of food I want on the day’s I’m eating because I did a bit of saving on the days I was fasting. It isn’t a cycle of fasting and feasting, instead it’s just the best way for me to management of what I can afford.

    In the end this is what almost every diet is – calorie management – creative ways to stay within your budget. The diet that works for you is the one that is the most manageable way for you to stay within your budget. And, as your budget changes (exercise, job, changes in your body etc) so does you budget – so the diet that fit best years ago may not be the diet that fits best now.

    But in the end, you need to know whether or not you can afford something, and then have the discipline to act on that truth, and not the “I deserve it” lie.

  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Beeps--love that post! It's a great analogy.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Chloe - I can't imagine having a baby sitting on your bladder feels that great, but good for you for still walking!

    Amy - good work on saving those cals. I'm trying really hard to do that this week too - saving up for the weekend. Trying REALLY hard to be at or under my calorie goal this week. Good going!

    Beeps - awesome post. I really like how budgeting works so well with eating well. Just save up for something if you want it!

    I feel really good this week and have been getting back into the groove. I'm nervous about the weekend, but I WILL have willpower I WILL have willpower... maybe if I just keep repeating myself it will actually happen :) I started stronglifts on Monday and really like it. Man am I sore! Day two will be tomorrow and I've been running on off days. Here's to hoping I can keep up this routine.

    Happy hump day!
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    That was a great post Beeps! thanks!!

    I've been good so far this week, not staying as far under my goals as I would like though.. I need to save some calories for this weekend! This will definitely be a tough weekend for me.. Friday is my cousin's baby shower and she's sleeping over with me that night so we can have pancakes the next morning (her craving!) and then Saturday is pancakes, friend's baby's 1st bday party, and then my bf's family get together/Uncle's band's show (aka, lots of booze!) Then Sunday is of course football (although my Pat's are playing Thursday, so no big party Sunday!)

    I will try to budget calories for the rest of the week to get through those!!
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I worked out this morning. YEAH!!!!! That is all. :-)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    kclynch - I'm jealous.

    shander - you are a PARTY-HOLIC, lol!! September sure is a "busy" time of year, isn't it??

    ramalem - hopefully you're feeling back into "routine" and hitting your calorie-targets and your work-out targets.

    Today is a 1,400 calorie day, for me. I planned it that way since I was having lunch out with a colleague! My lunch was VERY salty, so I can feel my belly swell as I type this. I'm grateful there isn't a scale around, because it will take me a few days to move off this bloat.

    Tomorrow it's back to fasting and then Friday, again, I get the comfort of a 1,400 calorie day. Yay!

    The weather is GORGEOUS, so I cancelled the "volunteer" activity I had this evening. I'm going to go for a nice long (leisurely!) walk!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Quick check in!! So sorry I've been MIA...I am around, I am lifting 3x/week and eating is good. I am just busy as all get out and haven't been able to log or get on the website with my laptop. Reading/commenting on the Newsfeed is easier but I can hardly even do that!! I leave for Colorado at 6 tomorrow morning through Sunday. Will catch up with everyone when I get back!! Have a great weekend!!

  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. Quick check in:

    Choloe, towards the end of my pregnancy I would only run on my mill because I had to stop every 15 or so minutes to either pee, or sometimes more. Good for you for staying actice nonetheless!

    Amy, good for you! I've been trying to save up for things too.

    Beeps, glad you all are having nice weather. Yesterday was brutal in KY. I sweat like crazy during my morning run to the park with Daphne. And then got dumped on by 2 pop up storms. I'm going to read that article later.

    Ram - I'm with you! I WILL have willpwer this weekend too! I'm taking my "free" day Saturday. I think I'm going to pick one day that I don't log, but try to not go nuts.

    Great job Kelly!

    Hi Jen!

    I'm pretty proud of myself this week. I practiced restaint myself last night. I ended up getting a bottle of wine because I was making homemade pizzas (one with store bought mix and the other cauliflower which was still awesome even though I forgot to pre-cook my cauliflower). Typically I'd have half the bottle (=2 glasses by my pour) and then have at least one more drink, probably 2, maybe even 3 more. But I didn't! I did eat 2 popsicles. No, I didn't need them, but yes, I was rewarding myself for not drinking more and still stayed under my calories. I probably could have cut out almost 200 in dessert, but I do need some sort of treat daily.

    Food has been ok. More salt that I'd like. Drinking has been good. Only 2 drinks so far this week. I've lifted twice and ran 2.4 with the baby yesterday. This morning I did the heavy leg day. I backed my weight off on squats (down to 115) and did narrow stance and really focused on keeping weight in my heels and felt my glutes working more than my quads. Then I backed off my weight (to 95) on deadlifts. I'm really just not good at deads. I can lift more, but I don't think I'm getting as good of range of motion. I did 55 for OHP.

    You all probably saw my status this morning, but I "lost" a pound in an hour this morning. Weight 134 (highest in forever) at waking. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, lifted, sweat minimally, drank 16 oz of water, weighed again and 133. Which is actually a 0.5 pound loss from last week I forgot to log. But who cares? I'm hiding my scale for a while. I will take measurements again before South Beach. And I think I'm committing to Stronglifts for 8 weeks, so I've got 6 more weeks after this one, and I'll measure again then. Then maybe I'll weigh. I feel a little liberated.....

    Have a great day ladies!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi ladies!

    Ashley--nice restraint last night! I love having wine while cooking and with pizza....

    Jen--nice to see you! Glad you're still able to lift and eat well while so busy!

    Beeps--glad to hear you're enjoying the nice weather! It's still super hot here tomorrow, but it's supposed to cool off tomorrow.

    Kelly--great job!

    Shannon--sounds like you have a lot to budget for!

    Well I'm definitely slowing down these days; I have a lot less energy and less of an appetite. So I don't have much to report, other than to say that you ladies continue to inspire me!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    Better - I'm not going to lie, having been "without" a scale, for the last 5 weeks, has been VERY FREE-ING!! I don't know what I weigh. But, I am watching the tape measure go DOWN.

    All I can do is limit my calories and get my work-outs in (impossible, just now)....those are the INPUTS.

    The OUTPUTS will have to take care of themselves!

    I *am* getting curious about my weight, so might take my gym membership off hold on Saturday, go in and weigh, and then still not be able to work-out for one more week. But, then I'll *know*.

    And THEN, I'm determined to ONLY weigh once-per-week and let the chips fall where they may.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I just realized I forgot to say Hi Shannon! Hi! I'm with you. Our September is busy. As is our October. Festivals every weekend, our birthdays, our anniversary, company....etc. etc. etc.

    Beeps, I am pretty much a weekly weigher. But at times in my life was a daily weigher. And there were times in my life, I hardly ever weighed.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    I am hoping to get back to once-a-month weighing come 2014. Until then, I'll aim for once-per-week.

    And, I have to trust that the once-a-day habit is (now) behind me! Not to be picked up, again....
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Lots of great posts, here, and thanks Beeps, that reminds me of an article I read awhile ago and never posted:

    It is so interesting, I hope some of you have time to read it. But basically, the more stuff we can make a habit the easier it will be. Its not as simple as doing something for two weeks, but that is part of it.

    I will do my legs workout tonight but I might have to do some more running if I want to drink beer tonight;)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    I *loved* that article, Amy. Loved it.

    thank you for passing it along!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Really interesting article Amy - thanks for sharing!

    I'm off work tomorrow, so likely won't chat with you gals till Monday. Have a good weekend everyone :)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I started the article and realized it was really long. I already haven't produced much work and I've been here almost 2 hours. :noway: It's cool and sunny here today, UK/UL football is on at noon tomorrow, and there's a festival in my neighborhood. It's like fall is coming all at once and I don't want to work today!

    I was over on my cals last night, mostly because of wine, but I had a nice time and didn't overdo it, so that's that. I'm going to try to be good tonight and hopefully get a run in after work. Then I'm down only one lift to hit my goal. Not sure when that will occur. Maybe Saturday before the game.

    I'm ready for the weekend! Have a great one ladies.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Well, Ashley, I guess I made up for you not overdoing it!
    last night I could not stop eating, and drinking! it was a free for all...

    I really think it's because of working out, it makes me ravenous.
    I don't know exactly how to handle it, part of me thinks maybe the cals are too low if I am working out, but I don't know how much to give myself for strength training.

    I think getting more protein might help, so I am going to work on my meal planning.

    Last night, I logged everything on my binge, and I went over by almost 1000 cals! I know the star challenge is sort of blown for me this week, but I am determined to keep to my original plan, and well, Monday is a new day, and a new week for the star challenge.

    Have a great weekend everyone!