2 week challenge



  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Oh! Hi Jen! Whew...I'm worn out just reading about all you have going on! Good luck with it. Are you still doing stronglifts? Did you modify anything? Amy, how about you? 3 weeks in, I'm already bored and modifying. Go figure.

    OK, back to work.......
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member
    jenomaha - my goodness, you ARE busy! Good luck with all the various "events" on your calendar and, yep, logging can wait!

    Better - hmmmmmmmmm, I know a little bit about hand-and-mouth, but not enough (and, frankly,I don't want any "first hand experience" to find out about it, lol!). I do know that I had NEVER heard of "slap cheek" syndrome and then, about 3 years ago, my son caught it? Or had it?? It was WEIRD.

    Fast is already over. I have a tummy ache....so, I ate my chicken + salad to try and fix that. Didn't work, so I'm thinking it's actually menstrual cramps, lol!! I probably should have tried an advil, first, before wrecking my fast. Anyway, it's fine. I have only had 400 calories and I can still have some more before day is through!

    here's my left eyeball. 3 weeks post-cataract surgery. I was able to apply MAKE-UP to it, today (I'm SO vain! It's been VERY challenging to come to work, everyday, withOUT make-up!). And, I'm cleared for lifting, TOMORROW!

  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    oh, I responded yesterday and it didn't stick!

    Good eye, Beeps! Yah for mascara! I was eye makeup free the last couple of days, wore my glasses. My eyes felt scratched but I think it was allergies.

    Jen, I am sorry Estes was ruined for you! I live in Denver and we saw some rain but no flooding where I live, so that was good.

    I am doing a good job of logging but not a good job of staying under on cals. The scale isn't moving, so I guess that's good and bad, good it's not going up and bad it's not going down.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I'm so behind, but sounds like you all are keeping busy and generally doing pretty well! I've had a cold for the last few days and haven't really been working out. Normally I'd just push through it, and I generally feel better for it, but I haven't had the energy in the morning or evenings and I haven't had the time at lunch. I have friends coming in town this weekend and they're staying with us, so that will make it tough to be good about food or exercise this weekend. After this weekend the rest of my weekends are pretty free until the baby comes so at least I'll be able to catch up on relaxing and exercising at some point....
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Thread is moving quick this AM!

    jenomaha - Sounds so busy, but a good busy hopefully? Way to keep kickin butt!

    Better - yeah I have a D, so I was kinda worried - but I just tightened the straps as tight as they would go and plugged through my Strong Lifts. I am on week two and I am already bored of it as well. I told myself that I would keep doing it until vacation (3 more weeks) but I've already found myself doing extra stuff on the side. What kind of modifications are you doing? I just really feel like doing only 3 moves per workout isn't doing a damn thing. I am kind of thinking of doing a modified version of Jamie Eason's Live Fit plan. The only issue I see here is that it's a pretty big commitment. I just like the variety. So jealous about group fitness classes, I wish we had something like that at my work...

    Beeps - I feel so naked without mascara its rediculous. Yay for being cleared for lifting, has to be a great feeling.

    Amy - I feel you on the logging but not staying under. Last week I did REALLY well, this week not so much. I did gain a pound last week, but I usually do when I start back up a lifting routine. Hoping to see that number go back down.

    Ris - feel better!

    Hoping to keep my cals in check this weekend, the only day I'm worried about is Saturday (football game+Oktoberfest+not much time to workout). Just need to make some good choices!

    Have a great Friday ladies.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member
    September 20, 2013 2:11 pm


    ^^^ Sept. 20, 2013.

    First weight-training work-out post cataract-surgery. I'm 5'9", weight is 147 lbs - no "scale shock", but also not as pleasing as I had hoped. Mind you, I haven't hit the weights in 6 weeks, haven't "worked out" in 3+ weeks, and I *know* when I was on my August holiday that I weighed MUCH MORE because I couldn't button my capris by the end of Hawaii!

    All-in-all, I'll be okay. I do want to move more bodyfat off my frame this fall (I have an "end-number" in mind), and am eating at a calorie-deficit to accomplish that.

    I'm a woman with a plan!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    you look great, Beeps!

    I was revisiting the fitness blackbook and was struck by the advice for the skinny-fat-to workout less and lower cals. So maybe it's ok that I can't do both-workout and eat right, but if I can just focus on the calories for awhile and really focus my energy there, I know I will have to give myself time to see results, calculating only 2.5 pounds of fat loss per month sticking to 1300 cals per day, which I only did for 2 weeks, the last two weeks have been bad and really more like maintenance cals so I can't really expect results there.
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Good Morning!
    Beeps - you look fantastic!!! I'm glad you didn't have too much scale shock, you did great :) Congrats!

    Amy - Really? for skinny-fat they say to workout less and lower cals? I'm surprised!! Worth a shot though, let us know how it goes!

    Ram - I hope your weekend went well!!

    Ris - I hope you're feeling better and that you had a great weekend with friends :)

    I did pretty well this weekend, surprisingly well actually. I definitely budgeted calories by skipping meals and saving it for when I knew I was going to eat a lot! Saturday bf, friends and I went to a local vineyard and helped them harvest their pinot noir grapes for 2 hours and in return got 3 bottles of their wine for free! It was great, and next time we go back we can get a glass of wine to have there for free too! It was cool to be a part of the whole process :). Yesterday we had people over for football as usual, so I had spanikopita (again.. yum!), cheese & crackers & wine... for most of my food for the day :P So good though!! I then made 3 meals in prep for the week. Bean chili, burrito fillings & eggplant parm quinoa casserole.. should be good and will save me a TON of time this week!

    For the STAR challenge I get a GOLD again.. only 143 over this week!! This week I will try to be at/under I hope!

    I hope all of you have a great Monday!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey all. Quick check in. We had a busy busy weekend as usual. I need another day. We leave for South Beach Friday morning and have something every night after work and every day at lunch so I will do my best with workouts, but not going to stress too much. I'm already stressed over laundry, packing, and cooking for the week.

    Ram - I have been subbing less weight, narrow stance squats for one squat (in order to engage my glutes more). I also subbed Bulgarian split squats for deads one day. And then I've been subbing 1 legged deads for squats. I do 3 sets of 8 for the squats and 1 legged deads. I do the upper body stuff the program has. It was my goal to complete 8 weeks. I have done 3 (but missed 1 of 3 last week) so we'll see.

    Gotta run. Hopefully I survive the week!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    no star for me this week, again, I just sort of blew it when I realized it wasn't going to happen. Got my period so that's why I was so hangry all the time, too. Trying to learn from the week and move on!

    Shan, where do you live? that is really neat about the grapes!

    This week I will try to get some workouts and try to get back on track. Two weeks til my friends wedding in San Fran:drinker:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member
    I didn't get a star this week, at all. Had a GREAT week, and TOTALLY BLEW over this weekend. My brother + family came to visit....so, card-playing, snacking. Ugh.

    I have to STOP this. We have company coming to stay with us the next 4 weekends! And, I really want to move off this bodyfat, so I will work really hard, this week, to undo damage and this upcoming weekend, I'm just going to leave the room everytime ANY 'Nibble-fest' is about to start.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    I actually ended up having a pretty good weekend. My friends are big sleepers so I managed to get in a run before they got up on Saturday and I walked after they left on Sunday. The excercise seemed to help my cold a lot, and I'm feeling much better today. We ate out a bunch I almost skipped logging on Saturday, but on Sunday I went back and logged everything. I had to guess at a few things but I think I was at least in the ballpark. I actually didn't eat too bad considering that I usually go way overboard when I go out to eat a lot--just one cupcake and some cake for dessert on Saturday.

    For the star challenge, I get a gold--142 calories over.

    Beeps--having people over is hard! Having a plan will definitely help.

    Amy--that is funny that the blackbook recommends working out less. Though I guess it is tough to workout hard and eat less at the same time....

    Ashley--good luck with all of the vacation prep! Having a busy week will help you appreciate the vacation that much more!

    Shannon--sounds like a really fun weekend! I love the idea of helping to harvest grapes in exchange for wine, I would totally do that!

    That's all I can see, but I hope the rest of you had a great weekend!
  • ajidllensi
    ajidllensi Posts: 71 Member
    Beeps - wow you just look great!! :love:

    I am doing great with the workouts, but continue to struggle with my food intake. This week my goal is to just get this under control better and STOP overeating!! My scale is up 2 lbs and I know it's because I have been pigging out. grrrr......

    At least I have been getting my workouts in - 4 workouts last week with 3 lifts from NROL4W (stage 3) and 1 day cardio. I start tennis lessons too in 2 weeks and that extra cardio / calorie burn will be good for me.

    On the other hand, I "used" to think that I had so much weight to lose, but having seen many women who weigh about the same as me, or even a bit more and look pretty dang good once they got in shape. I am 5 feet 5.5 inches and weigh about 145, so maybe once I get into shape that weight wont look SO big, or maybe I am dreaming cause I like to eat....lol

    Happy Monday ladies!!
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Lamb - I'm glad you saw that just getting fit can make a difference instead of losing weight!! I'm sure you look just as good as those other girls you're talking about!

    Ris - Great job on working out while you had company!! That's awesome :) And yeah, I'm totally doing it again next year!

    Beeps - At least you have a plan, that's what counts!

    Amy - I live in Rhode Island :)

    Ashley - You have a busy week! I hope it goes by quickly so you can get to South Beach!

    To keep myself on track this week I pre-logged all my dinners to see what allowances I have for each day.. hopefully this will work! :)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I have decided to tweek my calories. This week, my calorie-goal will be 10,500. So average 1500 per day but I will not subtract workout cals. this might be better. I plan to get in 4 strength sessions and 2 cardio. We'll see how it goes... You know what they say-if you can't meet your goals, lower your expectations:tongue:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member
    That's actually the right way to think about it, Amy. If you think about a trip from earth to the moon, and the "goal" is to 'reach' the moon, if they don't make it on "day one", because there's all these "mini-goals" that have to be met, first:

    1. line up some astronauts
    2. do medical testing
    3. prepare and build rocket ship

    etc., etc.

    Aim for the GOAL that is just out-of-reach and GO FOR THAT!

    Nicely done. I like the new plan and I have amended the spreadsheet, accordingly!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Hi gals!

    Busy day today, hope to catch up more tomorrow. I don't even deserve a STAR for the weekend I had... sigh.

    Being better this week, starting with a much needed workout tonight.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,989 Member
    *STAR* challenge report for Mon - Sept 16 through Sun - Sept 22:


    Week 5 of the star challenge is "on"!! Mon - Sept 23 through Sun - Sept 29
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Bronze for me last week.

    I am feeling like I did in the beginning of the pregnancy, not very hungry, but everything I want to eat is bad for me foods. This is making me feel like crap. I need to get it together or these last 5 weeks are gonna be bad! Like last week I think I ate cereal and ice cream 3 nights for dinner! Totally out of character for me. I will work on cleaning it up a bit this week and keep up with my walks.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Shannon – great strategy! Let us know how it works out!

    Amy – glad to hear you avoided the floods. Your plan sounds great. Nice and steady ;)

    Beeps – I saw your pics and you just look freaking awesome! I am thrilled for you!! And your eye looks beautiful! Glad you are
    able to wear make up again AND lift :glasses:

    Ramalem - Have a great workout!

    Chloe – I go on those “bad for ya” food streaks myself, and you’d think as aweful as it makes me feel, I’d stop…but noooo, smh.:grumble: Hope this week is better for ya!

    That’s all I can see/remember. Working the Mud Run was a blast! My new pic is from that :) I wrote the editor to that magazine and they did bring me on board!! I start the first week of October! I have a meeting with that aqua facility this Thursday, so I’m getting ready for that. Lasty, I am 48 days from my 40th bday. My Plan (which I started yesterday):

    Eat as clean as possible (clean carbs)
    Lift 3x/week
    No alcohol except maybe a glass of wine on the weekend (no more beer and tomato juice, football season is killing me!)
    Post meals, so it still keeps me accountable, but not log
    1 green smoothie a day (supplement, not substitution ;)

    Alright ladies, new week, new goals, new mindset! Let’s go!! (ok, y’all are already going, but I’m coming too! :laugh: