Daily Chat Thread



  • pikminprincess
    pikminprincess Posts: 21 Member
    Finally got off my butt and started the program yesterday! Loved it...very sore today but a good sore! Then I did a CPR course today that so arms are even more sore...woohoo! Excited to go to the gym tomorrow!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    DAMn Beeps! 26'' is BEYOND tiny. Hell I'm 30'' and If I lost another inch I'd be a walking stick figure. I like the dresses :)
    Cowgirl, you are looking great, from the side. Actually you look my size. I wouldn't be surprised.
    Jo, I hope you feel better.

    I beat myself up at the gym last night finishing stage 4. I have some kind of hematoma on my left palm and a bruise on my right tricep. I have NO IDEA how I got either. My wide-DLs sucked last night. Riddle me this. Why is is that when I set up on the floor verses the rack my form completely sucks and I can't go nearly as heavy?Oh and here's a good laugh. I was supposed to be doing Cuban snatches in Stage 4, but I was doing YTWLs, which I HATE!! As soon I figured out I was doing the wrong exercise, during the last workout, I immediate dropped my weights and switched. I HATE YTWLs!!!!!!!!!
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Sam I hate those Ytwls
    Ccg looking good
    Beeps 26 inches is pretty tiny-where'd you get three dresses for 80$$$??!?
    Jo feel better soon
    I just started this stage so maybe I need more weight ...but I think it was just that the workouts are so short in stage six. I added some barbell hip thrusts.
    I am having a busy work week- with lots of 7 am meetings- I am on track with workouts but I'm tired. Back to lifting fri and I will try yoga again
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Sleepy take a photo of your back !!! Now
    I thought not much had changed until I did
  • RedBess
    RedBess Posts: 111 Member
    The dresses look great on you. Love #3!
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Stage 2 Workout B yester was a little awkward, but I guess I will get used to it. It takes longer to do it than Workout A.

    I had tried to do the Cuban snatches, and they were painful...after watching the videos, I realised I was over doing it, and over extending the upward move...it is a very small movement...whew!

    I also am not doing the 15-minute interval training. I do about 1.5 to 2 hours of cardio on alternate days, and I think that makes up for it :smile:
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Oh no! I hope you get better!!
    Just checking in..... managed a few workouts, still recovering from what they think was now a ruptured ovarian cyst. I have a lot of pelvic inflammation which can be very painful at times but is improving. Have managed to be well enough to start placement and have done 2 shifts there - one lovely birth and one shift yesterday with a woman who was experiencing a very long, slow labour poor thing. Am just doing whatever workouts I can slot in..... today will be a home DVD. We are having a heatwave here this week, forecast is 45/ 46 degrees C (115 degrees F) with overnight lows of 30 degrees C so its pretty much too warm at the gym anyway, LOL. Did combat in that heat yesterday, even with air con the sweat was disgusting, hahaha. Think I'll be standing right under the vent in my lounge room today!

    Have a great day all xxx
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Looking good! And the dresses are all dynamite. I love #2 on you!! :flowerforyou:
    This is just for fun....I waited until 2014 to "invest" in some new clothes (at my smaller size....), but I'm still too lazy to shop! So, below are the 3 x dresses that my EA chose for me:


    Dress #1 (the top one) is a summer cotton, but the peplum on only one side is pretty cute.

    Dress #2 (middle) is a very heavy winter tweed ~ this one was my husband's favourite! I do like the racer-front....gives it some modern appeal, and I can wear a blazer over it for daytime and then whip off the blazer for evening!

    Dress #3 (bottom) is a beautiful jersey fabric ~ I desperately wanted SOME colour to get through this Canadian winter! In real life, it is bright fuchsia, violet, black and white.

    Oh....and all 3 of these, including shipping, cost me $80.

  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Those dresses are awesome! The tweed is my favorite. Where did you get three dresses for $80? Wowee!

    I bought a dress that I planned on wearing in NO but never did, because I'd bought another one in the meantime that was a little quieter and the place we were going seemed a little quieter. I did wear it to Christmas parties, anyway, and plan on wearing it whenever I can. I got it on Modcloth. Here it is:

    [img]<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/57743657@N00/11979877134/&quot; title="fancy dress by jen/sweetpea, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2861/11979877134_90f2dbfe96.jpg&quot; width="375" height="500" alt="fancy dress"></a>/[/img]

    I can't seem to get the image to show. Here's the link. http://www.flickr.com/photos/57743657@N00/11979877134/
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    sleepyjen - my EA is a "shopping addict" at beyondtherack.com ~ since I hate shopping and never do it (unless, in fact, it *is* online shopping, which I will indulge in from time-to-time...), my EA has introduced me to the pleasure! Problem, for me, is that I really didn't know what my "size" is, anymore. These dresses were all size "8". I'll take it!

    My Tuesday "koo-koo cleanse" meant that I didn't ingest many calories on tuesday - good planning because I ingested PLENTY O' calories at date night last night, lol! Today, I am fasting (again!) in preparation for our (much-delayed and *re-do*) Xmas supper on Saturday. I will be glad when this whole week is behind me! My sleep is awful (too many late nights ~ and at least 2 more VERY late nights, tonight and tomorrow, on my radar screen....can't be helped!), my calories are high, then low, then high, then low ~ NOTHING like what I prefer. I will be happy to return to my boring ol' "same ol'/same ol'" by Sunday or Monday. NO EXCUSES.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I haven't done much of anything since Tuesday. Wednesday night sleep was poor so I skipped lifting and slept an extra hour. And last night was just a total sleep fail. I had a really difficult time falling asleep which is very unusual for me, and then after only 90 minutes or so I woke up and couldn't fall back asleep for hours. So I turned off the alarm, skipped spin and finally slept for 3 hours. I HATE when that happens. I am cranky, and looking for excuses to consume massive quantities of crappy junk. So far I've done ok, and thankfully although I'm going out to dinner with gfs, we're doing sushi tonight so I should be ok.

    I doubt I will lift tomorrow, I am going to sleep in again.

    Beeps I really like each of those dressed. Congrats on size 8! And like you I really hate shopping in the stores, especially around here. I'm def. an online shopping addict. Like you, I really don't know what size I am these days, it varies so much on style etc. I get frustrated with trying to figure out by their sizing suggestions because so many times I've followed them only to have the desired article not fit at all. So I've declared a hiatus until everything is swimming on my again.

    BPJ I never did the intervals. I started spinning on non lifting days 2x/wk and warm up with 10 min of elliptical plus I walk to and from my office in Times Square to Penn Station.

    This is my last check in until I get back on Monday. Hope you each have a great weekend!!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I'm back. I am taking my life back. I gave my heart and life to my kids and one has decided she can do without me. No more laying in bed crying and wondering what I have done or what I could have done differently.

    30 min elliptical and 15 lifting . My boot-tay will be sore tomorrow. I can feel it tightening already.

    3 sets of 8:

    sumo squats
    deep lunges
    leg curls
    bicep curls
    hammer (something or other LOL)
    skull crushers
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Good for you, Manic. That's really hard to do, but you need to self-preserve.
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Today my back is sore, I think muscle sore but still need to be aware of my DL form.

    NSV today, I noticed I can no longer look down and see my belly past my boobs, woohoo!
  • feltlikesound
    feltlikesound Posts: 326 Member
    Stage 1 Results, most visible changes were from the rear:

  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Very noticeable! Congrats!!
    Stage 1 Results, most visible changes were from the rear:

  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Manic and Terri, you go girls!!!

    Just got my high from core and Zumba...my HRM recorded the maximum I have ever hit - 188!! And calories burnt? Well...wohoo!! Em..sorry MFP, I will not be eating back those calories.

    Aahhhh...good to be all well and back!!

    Tomorrow is Stage G- Wkt A...Happy Lifting, ladies!!
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Great work, Sound and TErri! I didn't take photos after I finished STage 1. I'm all bloated today so I surely won't be doing it. And I think I took pre-NROL4W shots in my skivvies, so I'll have to photoshop on some shorts :)

    I did notice my calves shrunk .5" in the last few weeks, down to the smallest they've gotten in my adult life (I'm genetically blessed with serious calves).
  • sami_83
    sami_83 Posts: 161
    Hello all! I recently joined this group so thought I would pop in and say g'day :happy:
    Tonight I finished stage one and am feeling pretty pleased about that! I am looking forward to getting stuck into stage two next week, yay! Am loving all the inspiring posts on here :love:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    feltlikesound - YES you can TOTALLY see the difference!! AWESOME!! BOOM!

    manic - wb....I'm glad you are taking care of YOU!

    I'm supposed to lift, at lunch, but I am VERY over-tired from 2 nights of very bad sleep. However, seeing "PINK" last night TOTALLY motivated me to get stronger and stronger 'cause I want to flip myself around (acrobatically) like she does!! She has a HOT HOT BODY! (And a great voice....it really was a very, very entertaining show!)