Daily Chat Thread



  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    It is mentioned in the book, some people take it, some don't. I do take the rest...I then increase my cardio, while taking time to learn the form for the new stage - I do a "dry" run, approximate the time I would need, whether all the equipment I need is available, what would have to modify etc.
    Today was the last workout of Stage 2..but I hate finishing mid/start-week so I want to repeat workouts A (Wed.) and B (Fri.), so that I will have a full week. The next week will be one of rest afore beginning Stage 3.

    Is it recommended to take a week break between stages? I haven't since I get enough rest otherwise this time of year.

  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Jo, if your goal is to build muscle and strength, you probably need to be eating at a surplus of your TDEE. Recomping (eating at maintenance while trying to build muscle) is very, very slow for women. Bulking really is the easiest way to put muscle on for us- and it's not very easy. How much you should be eating for that to happen is usually pretty easy to determine with a calculator. I eventually plan to do a bulk myself. Just gotta get all the fat off me first. FWIW, I eat 2000 calories a day to lose. I'm 5'5" and 147lbs and do 1 cardio session a week. My maintenance calories are 2300-2400. I'm on my feet at work 1-2x week and keeping busy with the kids and farm stuff.

    Beeps, you're going to WOW everyone in Mexico with you sleek figure!

    Sam, hope your little guy feels better. Your friend is dynamite! I love it. You would have loved the instructor I had in Zumba yesterday- she was a hoot! I don't understand parents who send their children to school/daycare/church sick. If my kids get sick, it is always a day or two after church. Drives me nuts.

    Bepee, enjoy your rest!

    I wore a skirt to church this morning that was too tight when I bought it in the Fall. It's now very loose. Sometimes I feel like my progress is so slow, but then I have a little NSV and it reminds me that as long as I keep moving the right direction, I will reach my goal eventually.

    YOu sound like me Cowgirl. I'm 5'6'' 146 and I eat between 1800-2300 but stopped losing a long time ago. Unfortunately I'm not on my feet this year like I have been in the past. I need to move around more to compensate.

    Way to stay active Rocky. I have a friend in Portland from here in NJ, he's used to the ice and snow. He's like, "six inches with some crust, no big deal." He's at the marina today clearing off his sailboat lol. Be safe. Yes you should take a rest week where you can. I doesn't necessarily have to be every stage, but you progress in recovery. And do you see that the bras you recommend don't come in an A. Seems like if you are anything but average (B or C) you are SOL.

    bepee, I'm with you. I take a rest week (more like five days) every month usually around my cycle because I have time working through the hormone induced fatigue. It can be fun to bump up the cardio and do other things just to keep the fit life motivating.

    I really want a coach. Just saying. Home today nursing the DOMS and caring for the little man, who seems fine when he dosed with advil. Might need to call mom to pinch hit tomorrow if this damn fever doesn't break today. Luckily Monday is my scheduled rest day, but I'm curious to see what I can find on youtube for a quick workout.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sam, I can eat so much more during the Summer. Winter time means more sitting around. My goal is to be able to maintain on 2000 cals/day once I hit my happy weight. That might mean doing some bulking to increase my metabolism a bit.
    Has anyone tried the Victoria's Secret sports bras? They sell a 32A up to 38DD. If their sizes are like their regular bras, I'm betting that even the petite ladies could find one that fits. Their sizes tend to be smaller than any other brand I've tried.
    In the 39lbs I've lost, I've 6" in my chest. While it makes me sad to see my chest deflating (hubby is a boob guy), I have to admit it makes finding tops, bras, and working out much easier. Who knows if I'll even have any left by the time I'm finished losing.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,124 Member
    I married a BOOB GUY, too....mind you, I didn't have any boobs when we met, and I have even LESS boobage these days. I've never minded my AA's....I've never had back problems due to breasts and I've never worried about jumpin' around at all my cardio stuff - my boobs don't move, lol!
  • elgray26
    elgray26 Posts: 212 Member
    Hello all,

    Finished stage 1 on Jan 31st. Starting stage 2 Monday Feb 17th. I am giving myself a 2 week break of just cardio to give my shoulder a rest.

    When did you start seeing results? I might just be being impatient. I have a bad habit of that. I have been playing with my calories, but I have been mainly maintaining weight and inches.:ohwell:

    Thanks in advance.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I'm back ladies. I am tired of moping around and feeling yucky. I haven't dared to step on the scales. The 10 lb loss maybe more like a 3 or 5 loss by now :sad:

    Anyway, I've tried to read back few pages .... So If I question you, forgive me, I may not have made it back that far.

    30 minutes elliptical and 15 lifting. I don't rest between lifts so I think that is a pretty accurate time. I would like to increase my weight lifting time but..... yall know how it is with time.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,124 Member
    elgray - I started noticing increasing strength by about the end of week 4. For sure by the end of week 8.

    manic - welcome back! So nice to have you back with us....

    Got my lifting in-and-done - BOOM!

    Going to hit 1/2 a cardio class, after work - ZOOM! - and then go for a nice jacuzzi and steam....yeah!!
  • elgray26
    elgray26 Posts: 212 Member
    Beeps- I've definitely noticed an increase in strength but my measurements and weight have been increasing or staying the same.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Cowgirl, so funny that you mentioned the VS sports bra. I recently bought one, 32AA. It is the worst of both words because you must both pull it over your head AND clasp in the back. YOu basically have to dislocate your shoulder to get it on and off, but it feel great and seriously does the job when it's on. Tell you what, pressing sore boobs against the back of the bench doing cuban snatches, es no bueno.

    Beeps, my hubby WAS a boob man, seriously, none of his ex's were less than a D, and I have successfully converted him to a butt man.

    Elgray I saw a difference almost right away, but I was coming from being insanely sedentary. I lost 10lbs practically overnight, then stopped (water :)) my cousin saw her shoulders get bigger and her waist get smaller, we both saw strength increases pretty much in stage 2.

    Welcome back Manic.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,124 Member
    elgray26 - oh, well, re: tape measure - I didn't see changes like I wanted on the NROL4W program and re: scale - my weight went up 5 lb during my NROL4W program....

    samntha - I don't know if my husband's ex-es had big boobs....but, I kinda don't think so. I think my husband is EVERYTHING guy - he's a boob guy. He's a butt guy. Mind you, my STELLAR feature has to be my legs and he doesn't really care about legs and he HATES feet!! (He just TOLD me this after 15 years together....usually two times per year I request foot massages - had no idea how much he HATES it, lol ~ MEN!!)
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Beeps- I've definitely noticed an increase in strength but my measurements and weight have been increasing or staying the same.

    I'm going to post my results in the Stage 1 group for measurements this weekend I think. I think I'll be disappointed if I post this week.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sam, I bought one of those styles from Title Nine. It's great when it's on, but it's a workout to get it on and off, lol.

    Manic, good to see you again! Keep it up!

    Got my workout in today. It was a good one. My cals are perfect today (just under 2000) and I got 190 grams of protein in and plenty of veggies and healthy fats. Now to make this last the rest of the week....TOM is due next week, so I'm hoping for a "whoosh" this week!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Beeps- I've definitely noticed an increase in strength but my measurements and weight have been increasing or staying the same.

    I noticed changes immediately, but I went from doing nothing and eating crap to eating better and lifting 3X weekly. If your main goal is fat loss, I would look at cutting cals by 200/day and be very consistent. Sounds to me like you're eating at maintenance. If you're not too concerned about quicker fat loss and just want be stronger, you can get some recomp over the course of the program. But it may not be drastic. Really just depends on what you want and how your body responds.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Rocky I live near you!
    I did not take breaks after a stage, because I took plenty of breaks during stages. C

    Sam hope your son is better

    Jo I am not sure how it works but if you log regularly you can figure out your tdee and then plan from there.i don't weigh food and I don't log olive oil or salad dressing but I probably maintain at 1600-1700. I am short at 5'. 2" and skinny although I'd like to lose some belly fat. I would consider a bulk just to try and get stronger but I am worried about how to foot.

    Beeps I wish I was headed to Mexico
    Cowgirl I like your attitude
    Beepejay- good luck with your next stage
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Sounds like a great plan! I wish I could do that - if my cycles weren't so dratted irregular!! :sad:

    bepee, I'm with you. I take a rest week (more like five days) every month usually around my cycle because I have time working through the hormone induced fatigue. It can be fun to bump up the cardio and do other things just to keep the fit life motivating.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,124 Member
    I'll be taking a forced lifting break while I am in Mexico next week....but, in exchange, my cardio will jump tremendously as we snorkel the mornings away and walk/hike the afternoons away....BOOM!
  • elgray26
    elgray26 Posts: 212 Member
    Thanks everyone for your responses. Basically I am just being impatient. Good to know. I am dropping 100 cals for a few weeks to see what that does. May drop 100 cals more If I don't see a change. What I don't want to do is feel like I'm starving again.

    I go to a personal trainer for measurements because its free at my gym. She has never read NROL4W and tells me that I am eating too many calories and that she would never put someone my size (round up to 5'5" and weigh 161 at the moment) on more than 1500 cals.
    It just floors me how many people (women) in general think they have to eat so few calories to look better. When I was just dieting and trying to loose weight I was eating 1500 cals or less and starving and bingeing. I decided on NROL4W because I was tired of starving myself. I love food too much.
    Not to mention that this personal trainer is overweight herself and lifts like 5lb dumbbells.
    **END RANT**
  • M00NPYE
    M00NPYE Posts: 193 Member
    Hi All! Ok... so started stage 7 last week.. (I don't post there because that thread is dead) and after workout 1 I walked like baby Bambi for 3 days!! I was finally able to go to the gym and do work out 2 yesterday and only did 3 sets of everything so I would not feel handicapped for the rest of the week and possibly get to workout 3 this week too. I feel fine on this one ( surprised that my calves are a little sore since I haven't felt soreness from my calves ever. I guess it's the heel raised squats). I fell like a slacker for skipping that last set since I also lowered my weights significantly... any of the veterans have to modify stage 7?
  • M00NPYE
    M00NPYE Posts: 193 Member
    I'll be taking a forced lifting break while I am in Mexico next week....but, in exchange, my cardio will jump tremendously as we snorkel the mornings away and walk/hike the afternoons away....BOOM!

    wow... sounds so fun! I'm super jealous!
  • elgray26
    elgray26 Posts: 212 Member
    Thanks everyone for your responses. Basically I am just being impatient. Good to know. I am dropping 100 cals for a few weeks to see what that does. May drop 100 cals more If I don't see a change. What I don't want to do is feel like I'm starving again.

    I go to a personal trainer for measurements because its free at my gym. She has never read NROL4W and tells me that I am eating too many calories and that she would never put someone my size (round up to 5'5" and weigh 161 at the moment) on more than 1500 cals.
    It just floors me how many people (women) in general think they have to eat so few calories to look better. When I was just dieting and trying to lose weight I was eating 1500 cals or less and starving and bingeing. I decided on NROL4W because I was tired of starving myself. I love food too much.
    Not to mention that this personal trainer is overweight herself and lifts like 5lb dumbbells.
    **END RANT**

    edited post... wrote loose meant lose (that bugs me. sorry)
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Yeah, I don't get it either, elgray. My dear friend who was a trainer for years said to me, "You don't want to get huge, do you?" I love her dearly, but it does seem that there's been rhetoric in the field--even in its writing--that's been going on for so long folks don't think otherwise. You hear it enough times, it's true.

    What I miss about doing NROLW are the greater #s of calories :) Being injured is no fun, and I just don't feel comfortable eating too much more than 1200 net when not on the program, which is silly. eta: I should really consider using the scooby TDEE, esp as I add back upper weight lifting….mmm, calories, delicious calories!
  • elgray26
    elgray26 Posts: 212 Member
    Well I hope you get better soon Sleepyjen so that you can enjoy those calories. I know I enjoy eating more than 1500 calories on my days I don't lift and even more on days I do.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Completed workout 3B of the life edition yesterday. Felt great. I feel like I could lift heavier but my first goal is not to get injured so I'm not really sore today..... I did my heaviest back squats yesterday at 95# since starting the program.

    Do you gals know of any product thats like a 2.5# piece that could be added to a dumbell? I get to where say 20 pounds is a bit easy but 25 is too hard and I need the in between weight which isn't available. I thought about using ankle weights on my wirsts maybe?

    I slacked off on my food diary the last couple of months and am getting ready to recommit to keeping it again.

    Had the best prime sirloin steak last night with roasted apragus. So good. :tongue:
  • elgray26
    elgray26 Posts: 212 Member
    Rocky--Do you have dumbbells at home or are you talking gym dumbbells? I bought a vinyl dumbbell weight set from Walmart that has the bar and you add the weights to it. It has 2.5lb weights and 5 lb weights.

  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    elgray, I had a personal trainer start talking to me about nutrition once. I told her how I was eating at a 15% cut with 40/30/30 macros and her eyes started glazing over. Most personal trainers that I've been around have no clue about nutrition. It's like they're still spewing info from 20 years ago. They don't seem to understand calorie deficits. And, oh my, the ignorance regarding heavy vs light weight is astounding....

    Rocky, sounds like a great workout.

    M00npye, stage 7 is brutal. I found I had to keep weights low to complete all the sets.

    My glutes and back muscles are soooo sore today. I guess the squats, single leg DLs, and wide grip pull downs did their job.
  • elgray26
    elgray26 Posts: 212 Member
    Barbell-- I just find it hard to take advice from an overweight personal trainer, much less one that is trying to tell me to eat less than what I've calculated my BMR to be. Crazy people. It almost makes me want to become certified. I would just hand them NROL...and tell them to read it and then we'll talk.
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Elgray - Are you sure it was someone certified? My gym has girls that work the front desk and when you sign up, they show you workouts, take your measurements and do followups including new workouts. I don't think any are certified, simply just hired by the gym. My girl wanted me to do everything with bands and low weights. My gym does have PT though with their credentials listed on the walls, but most of them just train the older ladies that pay (lots of cardio).
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Rocky--Do you have dumbbells at home or are you talking gym dumbbells? I bought a vinyl dumbbell weight set from Walmart that has the bar and you add the weights to it. It has 2.5lb weights and 5 lb weights.


    I work at two different weight rooms and they have static dumbells (not adjustable). I've tried using ankel weights it's just akward. Thought it'd be cool if there something that could be attached to a hex or round dumbell to add 2 or three pounds. I looked at ****'s yesterday and nothing, I couldn't find the lifting strap things either.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Rocky--Do you have dumbbells at home or are you talking gym dumbbells? I bought a vinyl dumbbell weight set from Walmart that has the bar and you add the weights to it. It has 2.5lb weights and 5 lb weights.


    I work at two different weight rooms and they have static dumbells (not adjustable). I've tried using ankel weights it's just akward. Thought it'd be cool if there something that could be attached to a hex or round dumbell to add 2 or three pounds. I looked at ****'s yesterday and nothing, I couldn't find the lifting strap things either.

    Well I got censured I guess , ****'s is a sport store...
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Wow they censored the name of a store because of the connotation. Ugh, I hate prudish censorship.
    I have heard of attachments that can clip on to dumbbells for the incremental weights, but I've never gone looking for them.
    Well, I had and NSD: non- scale defeat. Couldn't button my size six pants, had to wear the size 8s. They usually fit tight on a good day., but today was a nonstarter. Did it motivate me to go to the gym? Yes. Did I go to the gym? No. Hubby got home well after nine because he was out buying a "new" car. It's beautiful. I hate him. He always has the cool car. I may try to go tomorrow before Armageddon. I'm in the ,over foot of snow zone nor'easter complete white out conditions Thursday. Sigh