Talking Dead: Team Beth



  • TiffytVS
    TiffytVS Posts: 71 Member
    Kmoire, awesome job getting it done even when you felt like giving up. I totally believe when you push past the point of feeling like you can't go any further, that's when real change occurs. And I'm pretty sure I stole that from a Jillian Michaels DVD. :laugh: Regardless, I still think it's true, and I think you're awesome for hanging in there this week. Please keep hanging in there!! Team Beth would not be the same without you! :flowerforyou:
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Ummm...I really need that shirt in my life. Like now.

    I feel like I rely on that one single thought that will motivate me no matter what. Like what marieamethyst said about her daughter. If I were a less shallow person, for me that thought would be to get healthier, so my body is prepared to get pregnant next year. Or to have more energy for the middle schoolers I work with. Sadly though, my go-to motivating thought is that I want to look super hot on my wedding day. Vain and ridiculous I know, but it gets me off the couch when no other thought will.

    Another way I think I've managed to stay more motivated this time around is by taking things sloooow. I raised my deficit, so that I only lose half a pound a month. I've found it's way easier to stay motivated when I actually feel full and can have foods I actually like to eat. I'm losing a lot more slowly, but I'm losing more than I would have by eating even less for two weeks and then burning out.

    Don't worry! You'll find what works for you.

    I don't think it's selfish at all to put yourself first and have goals to be your personal best. I honestly think it's the key to success with diet and weight loss. You have to take care of yourself in order to take care of others. You need to be happy about yourself and in return you can share your knowledge and help motivate others. That and you are a healthier person for you kids and your family. That is not selfish.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    For anyone who is looking to contribute a fitspo, the thread is now in part 4. Remember you don't have to do it until week 9, but you can do it any time before then and those bonus points (2) will be counted towards you and your team's totals in week 9. Here is the new thread:
  • TiffytVS
    TiffytVS Posts: 71 Member
    Ummm...I really need that shirt in my life. Like now.

    I feel like I rely on that one single thought that will motivate me no matter what. Like what marieamethyst said about her daughter. If I were a less shallow person, for me that thought would be to get healthier, so my body is prepared to get pregnant next year. Or to have more energy for the middle schoolers I work with. Sadly though, my go-to motivating thought is that I want to look super hot on my wedding day. Vain and ridiculous I know, but it gets me off the couch when no other thought will.

    Another way I think I've managed to stay more motivated this time around is by taking things sloooow. I raised my deficit, so that I only lose half a pound a month. I've found it's way easier to stay motivated when I actually feel full and can have foods I actually like to eat. I'm losing a lot more slowly, but I'm losing more than I would have by eating even less for two weeks and then burning out.

    Don't worry! You'll find what works for you.

    I don't think it's selfish at all to put yourself first and have goals to be your personal best. I honestly think it's the key to success with diet and weight loss. You have to take care of yourself in order to take care of others. You need to be happy about yourself and in return you can share your knowledge and help motivate others. That and you are a healthier person for you kids and your family. That is not selfish.

    Thank you, SaraAlexandre. That's really well-said and makes so much sense.
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Scores have been tallied and turned in. You guys did great this week. Everyone that turned in numbers got all their points. You did have two members not turn in numbers, but you haven't lost any teammates this week.

    Remember to keep talking to each other and occasionally issue a challenge and see if your teammates will pick up the gauntlet and get it done. Also remember if you are struggling, instead of quitting, ask for help. You would be surprised how much more your team will do to help you if you just ask!!.
  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    I have a NSV to share - I was able to pull my best fitting blue jeans off without unbuttoning them today.

    Yay!!! That's always the best feeling. :) Are you going shopping soon?

    kmoiregreen: You're doing great! And you're part of Team Beth, so you're awesome too! :laugh: Watch the show, have a drink, and get ready for next week :)

    Also remember if you are struggling, instead of quitting, ask for help. You would be surprised how much more your team will do to help you if you just ask!!.

    So much this. I've managed to turn my stress reliever from beer to exercise... and this time period during the challenge is really stressful for me. If you have an off week and need minutes to get through a check in, LET ME KNOW! I would much rather donate those extra minutes and help my team. And you'd be helping me focus on one of my goals for the challenge! (and pass the time until I get my husband back and we finally get this move over with) :drinker:

  • Bucky83
    Bucky83 Posts: 1,194 Member
    It's good to know that we're willing to help each other out in order to help motivate! I've had a really really crappy week at work last week and although I hit my targets, it was hell trying to make it happen.

    I plan for this week to be better! A big part of the crappiness was feeling upset that the pole fitness was beating me, instead of me beating it. It's so damn hard and although I'm still going, it's frustrating and upsetting when everyone else can do it and I can't purely because I have an extra 30kg on me to pull up the pole. Feels impossible right now, but I'm sure by the end of the 7 weeks I can do the simplest of the strength task of the pole (can't even do the simplest of them yet).
  • TiffytVS
    TiffytVS Posts: 71 Member
    Okay, is anyone else nervous that they're making Beth this symbol of hope and optimism? Considering this is a show that likes their characters dark and despairing, I'm worried it's an indication Beth's days are numbered. :noway:

    Or maybe I just need to work on cultivating my own optimistic side.

    Oh, and I love how supportive this team is of each other. All the more reason I want us to live!!
  • kmoirecavender
    kmoirecavender Posts: 91 Member
    I want to thank everyone here for the support and words of encouragement! This week is gonna be better!! The show last night was great as usual...hope Beth makes an appearance next time! Going for another job interview today then gonna hit the gym. After that, chiropractor....I can only do lower body strength training right now, but maybe he will give me the ok to do upper body today. I am a little bit nervous, as I want to do some free weights...will have to forge ahead and not care what anyone thinks! Take care this week team, looking forward to seeing our mission for the week!!!!:happy:
  • TiffytVS
    TiffytVS Posts: 71 Member
    It's good to know that we're willing to help each other out in order to help motivate! I've had a really really crappy week at work last week and although I hit my targets, it was hell trying to make it happen.

    I plan for this week to be better! A big part of the crappiness was feeling upset that the pole fitness was beating me, instead of me beating it. It's so damn hard and although I'm still going, it's frustrating and upsetting when everyone else can do it and I can't purely because I have an extra 30kg on me to pull up the pole. Feels impossible right now, but I'm sure by the end of the 7 weeks I can do the simplest of the strength task of the pole (can't even do the simplest of them yet).

    Don't get down on yourself! Pole fitness is insanely hard. I only did it once and my weak little upper body could not lift myself up for anything. The fact that you're sticking with it is awesome!
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    New Challenge will be posted soon on the teams Walking Dead thread.

    Recap is posted here:
    Summary of Kill points Rick 2 for guy in bathroom, Glenn 2 for 2 cornfield zombies.

    Leaderboard and this week's MVP's has been posted.
    Tyreese and Sasha will be deciding the punishment exercises this week. 

    Please note this addition to the challenge this week. This would be a great week to get in the top four! 

    What we learned from the show this week was that some strangers are enemies and some appear to be friends and may help you on your journey. The top four highest scoring teams of this week's challenge (which will be announced next Monday) will get to choose Abraham, Rosita, Eugene or Tara to add to their team and have their kills added to their team's scores for the rest of the challenge starting with the March 1st episode. Winning team chooses first and so on. 
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    New challenge is posted, filling in for TJ this week.
  • Zombieinkpot
    Zombieinkpot Posts: 745 Member
    Congrats on making MVP this week Marieamethyst! :drinker:

    Have a great week, team Beth :happy:
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Tyreese and Sasha have decided that everyone should complete 5 minutes per day (for 5 days) of Wall Squats. These can be included in your strength totals. There are a few versions of Wall Squats, facing or not facing the wall, with or without a ball or weights.....Choose one appropriate to your fitness level.
  • Gambrell104
    Gambrell104 Posts: 282 Member
    did my 1st 5 min wall was tough. I had to take a break every min but its done. Does anyone have any suggestions for the abs or core workouts? any apps or youtube videos?
  • klmeub
    did my 1st 5 min wall was tough. I had to take a break every min but its done. Does anyone have any suggestions for the abs or core workouts? any apps or youtube videos?

    For abs - I remember one back from when I used to take ballet: lie on your back and bring your legs up so they are perpendicular to the floor. Then, with your legs together and straight, slowly lower your legs back down to the floor. On the way down pause and hold your legs up about a foot or several inches from the floor.

    I'm going to try these again this week - it's been 10 years!
  • kmoirecavender
    kmoirecavender Posts: 91 Member
    OMG...5 min wall squats DONE! That was rough, esp. after donating an hour today of weight training on lower body!! :sad:

    had I only known punishment exercises at the time...
  • kmoirecavender
    kmoirecavender Posts: 91 Member
    One day of wall squats done, that
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Sorry the challenge was late yesterday guys. Even captains get sick once in awhile. But Im back and if you need me, hollar!!!

    Reminder of this weeks goals:

    190 min cardio
    90 min strength (30 of it devoted to your core)
    6/6 days hitting your nutrition goals
    5 min/5 days of wall squats.

    Remember you all need to hit your goals and turn in your scores at the end of the week - you want a new teammate to help Beth get some kills, she still seems to rely to heavily on Darryl to save her.
  • maphammonds
    maphammonds Posts: 362 Member
    Sorry the challenge was late yesterday guys. Even captains get sick once in awhile. But Im back and if you need me, hollar!!!

    Welcome Back - Glad you're feeling better!