Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Welcome to all the new people!!! How cool to have some new voices yearning to run longer distances. ;-)

    I ran my first ever half marathon in 2:20:37!!! Way better than my projected 2:30. I finished strong and feeling good!!!! My husband drove me and saw me off at the 7:15AM start. Then he went back home to wait and bring back the kids (we live 5 minutes from the start/finish line. I had to text while running in mile 11 to tell my family to get to the finish line, because I was doing so much better than I thought I would!!! My daughter didn't even get to finish her breakfast! LOL! I popped off a selfie at 8.1 miles. In the last mile I was already thinking about and planning for my next half LOL! Ryan Gosling was waiting for a photo op at the finish. He's so supportive of women running.



    I earned a Sombrero and a moustache mug, enjoyed a nice free massage!!!, and of course bananas and chocolate milk. I had a bracelet for a free beer tent too, but I'm more of a chocolate milk person at 9:30 in the morning. :-)
    My running group gals all did fantastic! So happy!!! I came home showered, walked the dog with my family and then headed for Mexican and ate all the free chips I wanted! Now I'm going to cook myself a steak. All in all a good day!


    Amazing time for your first HM! You deserved those free chips, lol!
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    I had to catch up. I had the flu (aka 3 day plague). Viruses seem to hit me worse now that I've moved from the USA to Europe.

    I'm so sorry to hear your news, Rindy. :( I hope it heals up and you can walk and run free of pain!

    Everyone else seems to be doing great. Ha, getting the 3 extra miles in to make 100 while having a fever. I hope you are ok and feeling better. I only did some planks while I was sick and felt like that was going to kill me. Lol

    I did yoga (felt amazing) and ab+back exercise program (Denise Austin). My body feels so nicely stretched and warmed up. I want to run but hitting the pool first thing tomorrow morning. Hopefully a run too. (Running is taking a backseat since I realized my strapless bridesmaid dress are going to show off my flabby arms but completely hide my toned legs! Not fair :P) Happy running, cross training, stretching, healing!

    Lol about the bridesmaid dress!
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Back from my cruise. If you ever want to try a 5k marathon, try running in the Bahamas at 9am. It was a slog, but it was a great start to the day and my kids and I loved the mouse ear medal.

    Anything over 10°C is too hot for me to run in, that would kill me!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    I ran my first ever half marathon in 2:20:37!!! Way better than my projected 2:30. I finished strong and feeling good!!!! My husband drove me and saw me off at the 7:15AM start. Then he went back home to wait and bring back the kids (we live 5 minutes from the start/finish line. I had to text while running in mile 11 to tell my family to get to the finish line, because I was doing so much better than I thought I would!!! My daughter didn't even get to finish her breakfast! LOL! I popped off a selfie at 8.1 miles. In the last mile I was already thinking about and planning for my next half LOL! Ryan Gosling was waiting for a photo op at the finish. He's so supportive of women running.

    Way to go!!! Congrats on your first HM! That's an awesome finish and it looks like you had fun. Great job!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Lol. I'd do 2.3 and call it a day. You aren't building fitness with a fever.

    Yeah, stupid me did 3 miles. No fever before the run but by the time I got home it was 102°. I totally rested Thursday & Friday and felt 100% better Friday. Saturday morning I did a slow 3 miles and felt good.
  • aliciadalicia
    aliciadalicia Posts: 73 Member
    Glad you are feeling better, Tim.

    I got a 2km swim in this morning. It is beautiful outside so I'm going for a run after lunch has digested a bit!
  • aliciadalicia
    aliciadalicia Posts: 73 Member
    Glad you are feeling better, Tim.

    I got a 2km swim in this morning. It is beautiful outside so I thought I'd end up doing a 4 or 5km run but did 10.86km with a long walking cool down. It is the furthest I've ever run. A total of 16.7km by foot. I feel liked a hopped up endorphin junkie from both sports. Lol I feel great though! Happy running!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Rindy, I hope you can figure out what's going on! I can't even imagine how frustrated you must be.

    Beth -- you're all kinds of awesome. And Varda is right that you look super fit & healthy. Love the smile in your selfie! No tortured, tired face after 8 miles, which is astounding. And way to finish strong!

    Tim, glad you're feeling better.

    Today is my one year anniversary of running, and earlier this week I was ready to quit running completely. I had a few people help talk me off the ledge. At my trainer session on Thursday night, where I happily took Jason up on his offer to do a spin bike workout instead of having to do legs then run 4 miles afterward, we talked extensively about how to fix it. So I'm heading out today for a mystery run. Jason told me to go out today and do whatever feels good. If I'm miserable a few miles in, quit early. If I feel good, run long. if I want to do run/walk intervals, do that. If I want to run hills, do that. If I want to do a HR run, do that. Right now it's primarily a mental issue for me and I need to break through that, so hopefully going out with options will help. I am going to head out to where I did my first 10 mile run where I can do a 2.5 mile loop instead of heading out for a long loop or an out-and-back. The past 8 days it has been cold & raining (mostly freezing rain/sleet/snow) and the sun is shining this morning, which helps immediately.

  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Laura, I hope you have a good run today. I have been really frustrated with running lately too. I've been injured for 3 months and when I did run it was hard and I didn't enjoy it. I am coming out the other side now and had a really good 6k run over my hardest, hilliest route this week and I loved every minute of it. There have been times when I've only ran 2k or walked/ran 3k, sometimes you have to just do what you can and not worry about speed or distance. So if it doesn't go well don't worry about it.
  • AlbionOakley
    AlbionOakley Posts: 169 Member
    Finished 4.5mile fun run in 39:39 for a 2:16 PB!
  • aliciadalicia
    aliciadalicia Posts: 73 Member
    Congratulations, Laura, on your first running anniversary!!!

    I'm glad you are just going to do what you want. That's how it should be. I used to not like to have an unplanned run but I'm enjoying just following where a run takes me. It is fun! Pilates, yoga, swimming made me feel more excited for running too since it can wear my body down if I only run (I have past injuries that can cause issues too)

    Nice PB, Albion!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    My run was good. I realized running itself wasn't stressing me out so much as everything that goes with it - there seems to be a tremendous amount of stuff I need to haul with me on my runs (adequate fluids, gels, a cell phone in case I twist my ankle or pull a muscle 5 miles from home and need a ride, etc.). I wished I could just go run and not worry about all of it. And then I realized I could, so I went back to where I started a year ago - the track. I dumped all my stuff on a bench, turned on my iPod, started the Garmin, and just ran. To keep things fresh/even I switched lanes every lap and changed directions every 4 or 8 laps. I did keep getting slower, but I didn't let myself worry about pace. I did pause my timer a few times to stretch, but that was okay too. I veered over to the bench and drank every couple of miles (had one bottle of Powerade and one bottle of water with a Gu electrolyte tablet in it). I fueled a few times when I felt like my energy was flagging. By the end of the 13 miles I felt really good. An acquaintance of mine lives across the street and she headed over for her walk just as I was finishing, so I walked a mile with her to stretch out my legs.

    I went through 40 ounces of fluid. It was a beautiful day for running (50 & sunny) so certainly not overly warm. Not sure how I'm going to carry that much on my body unless I start running with a full-on backpack.

    ETA: This is the same track where I ran W5D3. I had ventured out onto the road by then, but was nervous about the 20 minute run so I went somewhere that felt safe. Somewhere in the 7th or 8th mile I remembered how I felt that morning and got a little chill just thinking about how far I've come since then. Today's Laura gave a mental shout-out to the Laura back then that refused to quit when 20 minutes seemed like an eternity. That day I was literally saying out loud to myself "just keep your feet moving" in order to finish.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Finished 4.5mile fun run in 39:39 for a 2:16 PB!

  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member

    ETA: This is the same track where I ran W5D3. I had ventured out onto the road by then, but was nervous about the 20 minute run so I went somewhere that felt safe. Somewhere in the 7th or 8th mile I remembered how I felt that morning and got a little chill just thinking about how far I've come since then. Today's Laura gave a mental shout-out to the Laura back then that refused to quit when 20 minutes seemed like an eternity. That day I was literally saying out loud to myself "just keep your feet moving" in order to finish.

    This is one of the most amazing posts ever. I got a chill reading it. Amazing what can be done through determination and dedication. Just think how far you have come! Physically, mentally and spiritually. What a great runaversary. Poetic!

    And you ran 13 miles!!!!! Awesome!!!

    As for hydration...That is a lot of water! Wow! I thought the 24 ounces that I drank during my last 10 miler was a lot! LOL! I see a camelbak in your future.
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    Finished 4.5mile fun run in 39:39 for a 2:16 PB!

    Congrats!!! Awesome time!!!!
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    I hate to focus on appearance over performance -damn good time- but you look so fit and beautiful in these photos, it makes me tear up.

    Aw. Thanks, Varda! You are such a true and good friend. I feel good inside. There is still a lot that could be done for the outside...but I'm not so worried about that. I just love what I can DO now! I am better than ever! LOL! And pretty darn happy!
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    Back from my cruise. If you ever want to try a 5k marathon, try running in the Bahamas at 9am. It was a slog, but it was a great start to the day and my kids and I loved the mouse ear medal.

    I know it's shallow, but I'm all in for the medals...I want to see it!
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    Confession time....In my last few weeks of HM training I felt I was losing a little love for running. I know. *Gasp!* It was so hard to fit in those long runs and my non-running life was (is) out of control. I was so afraid that I would fail because I was hardly able to get in two runs a week. But then I realized I just needed to quit worrying about whether what I was doing with my training was good enough, and to just enjoy what I WAS doing.

    I finally got my head right last week, and I decided that no matter what I was going to go out and enjoy my half marathon. I gave myself the freedom to walk if I needed to(I didn't) and to be last (I wasn't). I ran my own race. I let myself go with flow, get a groove and ride it. Running as it should be!

    Alicia, I have been reading back through posts to catch up with everyone here, and I have to say that your braidsmaid dress predicament gave me a good laugh! Really. She should have consulted you in the choosing of the dress! Unfair!

    Tim, so sorry you were sick. 102 is a really high fever! How did you run with that??? Yikes!
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    So, I ran most of my 9.5K trail race! It was raining when I got there, but cleared up for the start, which was awesome! I learned that I need to buy trail shoes. It took me 1:07:10 to complete, but there were MANY sections that were so slippery, that I had to slow down for safety, not for tired. Including one massive slip & slide hill at the end of an out and back portion. Traffic both ways. THAT was a total ****show! Mud mud mud mud mud, splat (tho I didn't fall). It took me a long time to navigate up & down, as I went off the path onto the side of a steep hill and pulled myself up & down with the aid of any sapling I could grab on to!

    I also learned that trail running = HILLS. Big, tiring hills going up and up and up again. And then down (which can be harder than going up). I took it a bit easy, overall, for a couple of reasons - I didn't know what to expect and wanted to make sure I didn't come out too hard and bonk before it was over, and most importantly - so I didn't hurt myself/bruise myself somewhere visible considering I'm getting married next Saturday. On my next trail run (and there will be one), all bets are OFF!

    Now excuse me while I go look for other races I can sign up for!

    This race sounds amazing!!! Congrats on your wedding too! LOL!!!
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    My run was good. I realized running itself wasn't stressing me out so much as everything that goes with it - there seems to be a tremendous amount of stuff I need to haul with me on my runs (adequate fluids, gels, a cell phone in case I twist my ankle or pull a muscle 5 miles from home and need a ride, etc.). I wished I could just go run and not worry about all of it. And then I realized I could, so I went back to where I started a year ago - the track. I dumped all my stuff on a bench, turned on my iPod, started the Garmin, and just ran. To keep things fresh/even I switched lanes every lap and changed directions every 4 or 8 laps. I did keep getting slower, but I didn't let myself worry about pace. I did pause my timer a few times to stretch, but that was okay too. I veered over to the bench and drank every couple of miles (had one bottle of Powerade and one bottle of water with a Gu electrolyte tablet in it). I fueled a few times when I felt like my energy was flagging. By the end of the 13 miles I felt really good. An acquaintance of mine lives across the street and she headed over for her walk just as I was finishing, so I walked a mile with her to stretch out my legs.

    I went through 40 ounces of fluid. It was a beautiful day for running (50 & sunny) so certainly not overly warm. Not sure how I'm going to carry that much on my body unless I start running with a full-on backpack.

    ETA: This is the same track where I ran W5D3. I had ventured out onto the road by then, but was nervous about the 20 minute run so I went somewhere that felt safe. Somewhere in the 7th or 8th mile I remembered how I felt that morning and got a little chill just thinking about how far I've come since then. Today's Laura gave a mental shout-out to the Laura back then that refused to quit when 20 minutes seemed like an eternity. That day I was literally saying out loud to myself "just keep your feet moving" in order to finish.

    Good for you Laura! You are an inspiration to us all, roll on 7 weeks!