Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • aliciadalicia
    aliciadalicia Posts: 73 Member
    Ditto! Great job, Laura! You've come farther than I have in a year too! I started running just 2 months before you and have never run that far yet! What an inspiration! :)
  • aliciadalicia
    aliciadalicia Posts: 73 Member
    Lol. I was asked about the dress, but it is her day! It is a gorgeous dress as well! I had months to work on my arms but ran and ate as I liked. Only 3 weeks before the wedding am I working on my arms (ouch). My excuse is to make the bride look even better :P These workouts are actually making me want to run more. Just before this I nearly felt like abandoning running! I just was so achy and tight with a weak core! I blamed running and not my lack of xtraining and stretching!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Lol. I was asked about the dress, but it is her day! It is a gorgeous dress as well! I had months to work on my arms but ran and ate as I liked. Only 3 weeks before the wedding am I working on my arms (ouch). My excuse is to make the bride look even better :P These workouts are actually making me want to run more. Just before this I nearly felt like abandoning running! I just was so achy and tight with a weak core! I blamed running and not my lack of xtraining and stretching!

    Cross training does make all the difference. And the great thing is that people will see what you do look like - not compare you to what you could have looked like. :)
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Confession time....In my last few weeks of HM training I felt I was losing a little love for running. I know. *Gasp!* It was so hard to fit in those long runs and my non-running life was (is) out of control. I was so afraid that I would fail because I was hardly able to get in two runs a week. But then I realized I just needed to quit worrying about whether what I was doing with my training was good enough, and to just enjoy what I WAS doing.

    I finally got my head right last week, and I decided that no matter what I was going to go out and enjoy my half marathon. I gave myself the freedom to walk if I needed to(I didn't) and to be last (I wasn't). I ran my own race. I let myself go with flow, get a groove and ride it. Running as it should be!

    Things I have learned in the past 18 months of running:
    1. Distance runners are "slow" no matter what pace they run.
    2. Training is never what it should be.
    3. The first race at a distance should always be about discovering the distance, not doing the race.

    I'm glad that you found a good place to run from. I totally get the demands of the training. When I finished my half, I really really enjoyed it but knew that it could only be a once a year thing, and that my life didn't support a marathon at this point.

    Try to keep as much of your base as you can.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Glad you are feeling better, Tim.

    I got a 2km swim in this morning. It is beautiful outside so I thought I'd end up doing a 4 or 5km run but did 10.86km with a long walking cool down. It is the furthest I've ever run. A total of 16.7km by foot. I feel liked a hopped up endorphin junkie from both sports. Lol I feel great though! Happy running!

    That is hilarious. LOVE IT.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Laura, I hope you have a good run today. I have been really frustrated with running lately too. I've been injured for 3 months and when I did run it was hard and I didn't enjoy it. I am coming out the other side now and had a really good 6k run over my hardest, hilliest route this week and I loved every minute of it. There have been times when I've only ran 2k or walked/ran 3k, sometimes you have to just do what you can and not worry about speed or distance. So if it doesn't go well don't worry about it.

    Good Job! Running sometimes seems like an extended series of re-starts. You have to constantly keep in mind where your real improvements are.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Finished 4.5mile fun run in 39:39 for a 2:16 PB!

    Woo hoo!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    My run was good. I realized running itself wasn't stressing me out so much as everything that goes with it - there seems to be a tremendous amount of stuff I need to haul with me on my runs (adequate fluids, gels, a cell phone in case I twist my ankle or pull a muscle 5 miles from home and need a ride, etc.). I wished I could just go run and not worry about all of it. And then I realized I could, so I went back to where I started a year ago - the track.

    I dumped all my stuff on a bench, turned on my iPod, started the Garmin, and just ran. To keep things fresh/even I switched lanes every lap and changed directions every 4 or 8 laps. I did keep getting slower, but I didn't let myself worry about pace. I did pause my timer a few times to stretch, but that was okay too.

    One of the things that I learned is that you've got to give yourself space during your long runs. I used to have a potty break at least once per run after I hit 10 miles and had to stop and stretch a bit at least once. It's all good.
    I veered over to the bench and drank every couple of miles (had one bottle of Powerade and one bottle of water with a Gu electrolyte tablet in it). I fueled a few times when I felt like my energy was flagging. By the end of the 13 miles I felt really good. An acquaintance of mine lives across the street and she headed over for her walk just as I was finishing, so I walked a mile with her to stretch out my legs.

    That is amazing that you can do this - you are a really strong runner.
    I went through 40 ounces of fluid. It was a beautiful day for running (50 & sunny) so certainly not overly warm. Not sure how I'm going to carry that much on my body unless I start running with a full-on backpack.

    The trick is to not carry everything.

    - Do long loops where you can cache some water, either at your car or elsewhere
    - I run on a trail with water fountains, where I can refill my bottles periodically
    - Run in town and learn the stores where you can quickly stop and get a refill. Gift cards work well for this.
    ETA: This is the same track where I ran W5D3. I had ventured out onto the road by then, but was nervous about the 20 minute run so I went somewhere that felt safe. Somewhere in the 7th or 8th mile I remembered how I felt that morning and got a little chill just thinking about how far I've come since then. Today's Laura gave a mental shout-out to the Laura back then that refused to quit when 20 minutes seemed like an eternity. That day I was literally saying out loud to myself "just keep your feet moving" in order to finish.

    The tenacity we had back when our only goal was to get to thirty minutes...if THAT was even possible...is amazing. That 20 minute run was something else - totally outmatches anything I've done since :)
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Loved reading everyone's updates, wish I had time to comment on them all!! Great job everybody!

    In addition to the 50+ miles I put in on the bicycle over the weekend, I ran a few too!

    Completed C25k w1d1 with my co-worker at her pace, then ran an additional 2ish miles on my own.

    Best part of the weekend was the ride with my dh on our motorcycles!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Confession time....In my last few weeks of HM training I felt I was losing a little love for running. I know. *Gasp!* It was so hard to fit in those long runs and my non-running life was (is) out of control. I was so afraid that I would fail because I was hardly able to get in two runs a week. But then I realized I just needed to quit worrying about whether what I was doing with my training was good enough, and to just enjoy what I WAS doing.

    I finally got my head right last week, and I decided that no matter what I was going to go out and enjoy my half marathon. I gave myself the freedom to walk if I needed to(I didn't) and to be last (I wasn't). I ran my own race. I let myself go with flow, get a groove and ride it. Running as it should be!

    I love confessions like these because in my head everybody that loves running loves it all the time. Good to know that I'm not a freak for not feeling that way sometimes too. :smile: Glad you were able to let go of the stress and enjoy the race!
  • AlbionOakley
    AlbionOakley Posts: 169 Member
    Entered a 10k for Sunday, lol
  • aliciadalicia
    aliciadalicia Posts: 73 Member
    Vardaeml, you have such great advice!

    Good luck and have fun Sunday, AlbionOakley.

    Ceci, hearing you bike that much makes me miss long rides!

    I only did yoga, abs, and refrained from eating too much as yesterday's activity usually makes me hanngryyyy.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Loved reading everyone's updates, wish I had time to comment on them all!! Great job everybody!

    In addition to the 50+ miles I put in on the bicycle over the weekend, I ran a few too!

    Completed C25k w1d1 with my co-worker at her pace, then ran an additional 2ish miles on my own.

    Best part of the weekend was the ride with my dh on our motorcycles!

    I had to double check your profile to see if I remembered your age correctly. Your grandkids must be awed by you.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Confession time....In my last few weeks of HM training I felt I was losing a little love for running. I know. *Gasp!* It was so hard to fit in those long runs and my non-running life was (is) out of control. I was so afraid that I would fail because I was hardly able to get in two runs a week. But then I realized I just needed to quit worrying about whether what I was doing with my training was good enough, and to just enjoy what I WAS doing.

    I finally got my head right last week, and I decided that no matter what I was going to go out and enjoy my half marathon. I gave myself the freedom to walk if I needed to(I didn't) and to be last (I wasn't). I ran my own race. I let myself go with flow, get a groove and ride it. Running as it should be!

    I love confessions like these because in my head everybody that loves running loves it all the time. Good to know that I'm not a freak for not feeling that way sometimes too. :smile: Glad you were able to let go of the stress and enjoy the race!

    Me too. It took me a long time to realize that the reason why other runners looked so effortless was because they weren't using my legs. Internally, they were feeling their quads and their footstrike and everything else just as much as I do in my runs.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    It's great reading how everyone is doing. Glad that running is getting better for you, Laura. I think as things become more work and less play, more "have to" rather than "want to", we all lose enthusiasm. It was really important to me when I moved from 30 minutes to 60 minutes of running to add in some fun runs so that I could keep going. That has stayed with me so I try to keep in my mind places and times to run just for fun periodically. The weekend before last I scheduled my errands so that I could have a run in between two of them in a place that I was less likely to drive to, just to run, but looked interesting and fun. I am trying very hard to keep running as a fun thing to do. We'll see how it works out.

    Got a very minor scare last night. I needed to squeeze in a 30+ minute run at aboout 8-8:30 pm. It was still lightish, but the sun had definitely set and the light was going quickly. I was just running randomly without a set direction in mind, but found myself running along a familar route, but much later at night than I am used to running it. I know from past years, that some teens can congregate and get drunk and mean after dark at one part in the path during the summer, but I forgot. I was running toward that area when I went to pass two woman, leaving the area, one carrying a child on her shoulders. One of them said, "Ma'am, I wouldn't go down that way of I were you." and I remembered. I don't know if that was the problem or not, but I immediately turned and started back the way I came and thanked them. I don't know what was down there and for all I know they could have just been trying to scare me for no reason (highly unlikely, but that's part of what I was thinking when I continued on. I didn't know them, why should I believe them), but I had absolutely no reason to have gone that way anyway. So I got scared and I didn't even spend the time to find out what I should have been scared about.

    I entered the Skirt Sports virtual half marathon and the way they're doing it, most of the entry fee is immediately given back to you in a store coupon. So I just bought a lot of the clothes they have on sale. I got two more of the Easy Rider shirts in different colors then the one I have (and a smaller size), a Happy Girl skirt, a Gym Girl Ultra skirt, and Redemption Run shorts. I love the Easy Rider shirts because I can put my phone, some money, and/or a gu packet in the huge back pocket and not have to wear a belt for long runs, gps distance runs, or errands in the hotter weather. Some of my shorts last year had no pockets at all or one small one that I wanted to use for dog treats and the Easy Rider shirt I had became my favorite. One of the new shirts was to go with one of the new skirts and the other was to go with the other skirt. It worked out with one outfit, but not with the other.

    My idea was to have outfits that I can wear when travelling in the car and be able to look okay in them and also be able to do some running along the route. The 14+ hour ride to and from St Louis this month and the 8+ hour ride to and from Toronto in the first week of June are really going to impact my running on those days. Plus, it would be nice to have a couple of small breaks where I can move. I wanted something that I could wear and be comfortable on the trips, not look out of place, and be versatile enough to handle some exercise if I found a place that the dogs and I could run and/or walk.

    Like I said, the first outfit works, but the second doesn't really go together the way I wanted it to. I have a soft pima cotton v-neck t-shirt that looks dressy enough and is the right color to match the skirt. With a exercise bra, and not for a long run, do you think that cotton would be okay for my idea of driving and short run(s) along the way? Or do you think this whole concept is silly?
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I'll sometimes wear cotton shirts for shorter runs if nothing is clean. The major problem with it is that if it gets wet, it stays wet which can cause chafing, etc.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    I'll sometimes wear cotton shirts for shorter runs if nothing is clean. The major problem with it is that if it gets wet, it stays wet which can cause chafing, etc.
    Hmm, so for what I think of, where the runs/walks will be short and I will have plenty of changes of clothes semi-available, this might work! I'll just make sure I have a back up tech shirt around. It might not match as well, but it'll only be used if I need it, due to wetness.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'll sometimes wear cotton shirts for shorter runs if nothing is clean. The major problem with it is that if it gets wet, it stays wet which can cause chafing, etc.
    Hmm, so for what I think of, where the runs/walks will be short and I will have plenty of changes of clothes semi-available, this might work! I'll just make sure I have a back up tech shirt around. It might not match as well, but it'll only be used if I need it, due to wetness.

    I have this shirt in a variety of colors: http://www.target.com/p/c9-by-champion-women-s-power-workout-tee-assorted-colors/-/A-15006956#prodSlot=large_1_18

    It looks/feels like a light cotton but it's a wicking fabric. I wore one to church on Easter Sunday with a skirt. I wear them to work. I often wear them when I have to run on the treadmill at the gym and it's super hot in there - these feel lighter weight than a tech shirt.

    It runs small so I would suggest sizing up.

    Also I seriously need the shirt with the pockets. Do you have a link to one?
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Confession time....In my last few weeks of HM training I felt I was losing a little love for running. I know. *Gasp!* It was so hard to fit in those long runs and my non-running life was (is) out of control. I was so afraid that I would fail because I was hardly able to get in two runs a week. But then I realized I just needed to quit worrying about whether what I was doing with my training was good enough, and to just enjoy what I WAS doing.

    I finally got my head right last week, and I decided that no matter what I was going to go out and enjoy my half marathon. I gave myself the freedom to walk if I needed to(I didn't) and to be last (I wasn't). I ran my own race. I let myself go with flow, get a groove and ride it. Running as it should be!

    I love confessions like these because in my head everybody that loves running loves it all the time. Good to know that I'm not a freak for not feeling that way sometimes too. :smile: Glad you were able to let go of the stress and enjoy the race!

    Me too. It took me a long time to realize that the reason why other runners looked so effortless was because they weren't using my legs. Internally, they were feeling their quads and their footstrike and everything else just as much as I do in my runs.

    That is an excellent point!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I have this shirt in a variety of colors: http://www.target.com/p/c9-by-champion-women-s-power-workout-tee-assorted-colors/-/A-15006956#prodSlot=large_1_18

    It looks/feels like a light cotton but it's a wicking fabric. I wore one to church on Easter Sunday with a skirt. I wear them to work. I often wear them when I have to run on the treadmill at the gym and it's super hot in there - these feel lighter weight than a tech shirt.

    It runs small so I would suggest sizing up.

    Also I seriously need the shirt with the pockets. Do you have a link to one?

    Sob. You guys are the greatest!