Daily Chat Thread



  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Will lift - I got up early and got to the gym by 5:15, but it was crowded! I go early about once a week, but it has never been busy that early. I waited almost 20 min to do rack dls, I "saved" all the bodyweight parts for tonight(push-ups, planks,and my physical therapy leg lifts).
    I was miffed but I had a good workout.

    Martyrs are annoying.

    I am up for renewal at my gym- it is convenient and with our epic bathroom remodel. It has taken almost four months and counting to redo just a shower. So I have "appreciated " the convenience of the gym shower since January.

    Breakfast is usually Greek yogurt at time coffee with protein powder.
    But I am thinking about going gluten free- it helps some people with chronic pain, and I haven't tried it yet.

    Nrolw helped me develop some back and shoulder muscles, but I didn't lose weight and lost little in inches(really less than an inch off my waist. But it helped me get through a time when I felt betrayed by my body and feeling strong is awesome.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Rant on, Beeps! I have a few women like that in my life.

    Manic, great job on the protein!

    Pmag, that's an awesome way to look at it.

    Sam, I think you will love Supercharged if you enjoyed the first workout. I'm always amazed at your story. I feel like sometimes I'm eating at maintenance when I think I'm in a deficit and I get discouraged. Then I see what people like you can do just eating at maintenance for the most part and it's not as frustrating.

    Bepee, you're such a cardio queen(and I mean that in a good way)!

    So my 5-year-old is having a minor surgery tomorrow. As someone who works in Surgery, I'm fine. As a mom, I'm freaked out. Add that to TOM approaching, my worries about stress eating....ya, not a great combo. And I won't be able to lift but twice this week.

    I need to schedule a massage for next week and just chill. I'll try to do a body weight routine today and get back to the gym on Saturday.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Oh, and breakfast: I skip it and drink coffee with cream and sugar at 8 or 9. My actual eating window is from 11 am- 7pm. If I do eat breakfast it's usually eggs with veggies or just whey with some fruit or with a Kashi cookie. Like others said, if my first meal is high in protein, I do much better through the day.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    As far as the discussion on body changes, here's my view based upon reading way too many articles regarding fat loss and what has worked for me: Fat loss comes from eating at a deficit or from eating at maintenance and lifting heavy. The latter is a very slow process that can take years (not always- see Sam's story above). Retaining muscle (or building a small amount in newbies) happens when you do progressive load resistance training.
    So eat at a (moderate) deficit to create fat loss while lifting heavy to preserve muscle and increase strength if your goal is to lose fat.
    Lyle McDonald recommends (and there's a lot of research to back it up) that you take full diet breaks (eating at maintenance) for 10-14 days every so often (usually every few months). The leaner you are, the more often you take them. This helps decrease the adaptive thermogensis response, helps cortisol and leptin levels regulate, gives you a mental break, and makes going to the gym so much more fun(strength levels tend to shoot up when you're not eating in a deficit).
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Beeps, rant on my friend. *joins you and dnamouse in a round of cold brews*
    Manic, wowza! 115g!!
    Sam, those stats are impressive. 21 inches is insane!
    Pmagnan, sorry your AM w/o was crowded, I can't even imagine. One thing I do like, is there is a bigger female to male ratio in the mornings than the evenings, for whatever reason. I sometimes make eye contact with them and feel like we have a comradery lol
    Barbell, I hope all goes well with your baby's surgery. I'm sure it will, but I can empathize with your concern. A massage sounds perfect, doooo iitttt.

    Okay, Dnamouse and Barbell, question for you ladies. I noticed ya'll mentioned you are not big on breakfast. I've just started to skip as well and am doing a 1-9 eating window, which I quite prefer as I also love big dinners and snacks. However, I've just started doing my lifting about 5:30-6:30 in the AM. (2nd day today, woohoo!) My concern is this: if I start my fast at 9pm, lift at 5:30, but still don't eat until 1, am I risking my muscle eating itself? Lol ok, maybe not that dramatic, but I've always read you need a protein heavy meal after your w/o to preserve and help build the muscles you're working. If I go without for another 6-7 hours, am I risking muscle loss? Do I need to break my fast early with say, a protein shake on my lift days?
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member

    WillLift, these don't directly address your question, but there's enough research in there to assume that working out fasted can be somewhat questionable in spite of the fact that it seems to be a trend right now. Not getting any nutrients around the time of lifting appears to be counterproductive. When I workout in the mornings (not very often), I usually drink my coffee immediately before. Then I eat some carbs and protein immediately after. At the very least, I would get some BCAAs to take during and after the workout. If you can do a protein shake or some cottage cheese (contains casein- a very well-absorbed protein) with fruit it would be even better.
    But there may be some better research out there that I haven't seen. I don't like eating in the mornings either. It really pushes me into "eat everything" mode and I have a hard time keeping under my cals. It's hard to find a good balance between nutrition and calories sometimes. :ohwell:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    WillLift - I will only speak from my own experience....no research to offer....I have been working out fully-fasted (i.e. last food ingested about 7 pm and then I go to the gym and work-out about 11 am the following morning) for about 18 months without any problems....I'm pretty muscle-y! So, nope, I don't think fasted work-outs hurt, at all. Not everybody likes 'em and for 100 years I would have thought, "gosh, if you aren't FUELING your work-out, how can you even HAVE a good work-out????" but I don't believe that, for myself, anymore.

    Saturday mornings I do cardio....usually fully-fasted....but, Friday night last week I ate late (TOM), and when I worked out Saturday morning, i did, in fact, have MORE energy, and made it through the class with ease (normally I struggle because my endurance is not that great anymore - price I pay for choosing to lift at the gym rather than cardio at the gym). So, I do think fueling for cardio, for me, has some basis in fact.

    I rarely do cardio, though....so, not gonna eat just for THAT. I prefer to keep my calories lower and in-check because I still have bodyfat to lose....



    Why did I remind myself of that?!?!?!?!?

    Okay - got to get to the gym to LIFT HEAVY THINGS. Bye.
  • Hello. I just joined this group today. Not sure if this is the right place to post and say hi but here I am saying hi! ::flowerforyou:

    I turn 40 this year and figure if I'm to get the body I want the lifting is the way to do it. I do like a bit of cardio though, I love a good sweaty workout :laugh: But looking forward to mixing it up a bit with strength training.

    I just started NROLFW this week, did my second workout today. I have been terrified of lifing for such a long time, I don't know what I was so worried about!! It's fab. I'm not following the nutrition bit so far as by looking at the meal plans I eat kind of similar foods anyway. I just need to up my protein a bit now and start taking protein shakes.

    I look forward to more lifting and seeing what results I get (and getting stronger!!).
  • marieann82
    marieann82 Posts: 150 Member
    Some dude totally dominated the squat rack the entire time I was working out today. So no squats for me today (my favorite!) I ended up getting there later than my normal time, so I hope that if I'm not late again, it won't be an issue. I feel like too much of a newbie to try to squat without the rack. I subbed the leg press machine at the end since he was still there even after my HIIT. Not the same but didn't know what to do.

    What should I do next time? Just ask if I can bust my 2 reps out?
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Thanks for the feedback ladies. It seems that there is still conflicting evidence on both sides here. Some say no harm, some say at least take BCAA, some say no BCAA as long as your daily protein is on target, and on and on. It's hard to get a clear picture, especially as most of the fasted w/o data summarizes a fast ending with a w/o and immediately eating afterwards. :shrug:

    It may be I continue on unless I find noticeable differences in energy, strength, or muscle. Or I might swig a protein shake only on my lift days, but keep my IF routine otherwise. I need to be better about my protein intake regardless. We'll see how it goes.

    Welcome Emma! I'm glad you're loving the workouts, I remember having a similar feeling of 'why didn't I start sooner?' And don't be fooled just yet, you may find you work up a nice good sweat with this too!
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Some dude totally dominated the squat rack the entire time I was working out today. So no squats for me today (my favorite!) I ended up getting there later than my normal time, so I hope that if I'm not late again, it won't be an issue. I feel like too much of a newbie to try to squat without the rack. I subbed the leg press machine at the end since he was still there even after my HIIT. Not the same but didn't know what to do.

    What should I do next time? Just ask if I can bust my 2 reps out?

    you can squat with dumbbells. i did that once or twice - the heaviest on could manage was 40lb though, felt pretty awkward. i hear you about the gym - it can be hard to work your way in to the right area if it's busy. for sure.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    As far as the discussion on body changes, here's my view based upon reading way too many articles regarding fat loss and what has worked for me: Fat loss comes from eating at a deficit or from eating at maintenance and lifting heavy. The latter is a very slow process that can take years (not always- see Sam's story above). Retaining muscle (or building a small amount in newbies) happens when you do progressive load resistance training.
    So eat at a (moderate) deficit to create fat loss while lifting heavy to preserve muscle and increase strength if your goal is to lose fat.
    Lyle McDonald recommends (and there's a lot of research to back it up) that you take full diet breaks (eating at maintenance) for 10-14 days every so often (usually every few months). The leaner you are, the more often you take them. This helps decrease the adaptive thermogensis response, helps cortisol and leptin levels regulate, gives you a mental break, and makes going to the gym so much more fun(strength levels tend to shoot up when you're not eating in a deficit).

    What she said!! lol You should show your side by side Cowgirl. Your story is pretty cool too. You're no slouch yourself.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Some dude totally dominated the squat rack the entire time I was working out today. So no squats for me today (my favorite!) I ended up getting there later than my normal time, so I hope that if I'm not late again, it won't be an issue. I feel like too much of a newbie to try to squat without the rack. I subbed the leg press machine at the end since he was still there even after my HIIT. Not the same but didn't know what to do.

    What should I do next time? Just ask if I can bust my 2 reps out?
    This sucks. You can always substitute with goblet squats :) and never be afraid to ask if you can "work in" I meet the best people that way ;)

    Speaking of fasted... Not something I can pull off, but Lou does talk about it in Supercharged. He seems to come down on the side of "hey as long as you get enough fuel for the DAY, and meet your macros, you should be fine... unless you are a SERIOUS lifter."

    Trying to get to ZUmba tonight. Told the girls I'd see them there. Super hungry today after lifting yesterday ROAR! I'll tell you what though, DOMS+ platform sandals+ lots of stairs= aches and pains. (They took a math exam today but do BWM for me today lol)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    I need to up my protein, too....I think I will see what manic does and whatever she posts for the day, I am gonna BEAT it!

    (...a little competition never hurt ANYONE.)

    And, as for "side-by-sides", I think this thread is VASTLY lagging in having pictures, of any kind, being posted with regularity!

    Sheesh, women, we are LIFTERS and we are developing AWESOME physiques!! Show me your muscles!! I LOVE ME SOME PICS!
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    Hi ladies I have a question...........actually maybe two now that I'm a thikin bout it.

    I upped my weight on my deadlift last night, and I started to lose grip. Do you think I will lose grip strength if I switch to a mixed grip, or should I just struggle a little until my normal grip equals out?

    What are your thoughts on Strong Lift 5x5 (I know it's a good program) when I am done with NROL4W Where would a good source to start researching it be? How should I incorporate it with my kickboxing, is only 2 days a week OK with Strong Lifts?

    Sorry that is way more than two questions, but once I started they just poured out. I am sure I will have more questions too.

    OOO! I thought of another about squats. I want to get away from the Smith machine, but my gym does not have a rack. Do you think loading the bar at the bench, and sitting down on the bench. Getting under it in a seated position, and standing with it to move away from the bench.... then doing my squats is OK, or am I risking my back that way?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Nancy - I do a mixed grip on my deadlifts. I don't think it has affected my grip strength (which is still improving with various other exercises I do that might be DB only, for e.g.)

    I am sure StrongLift 5 x 5 is a great program....so many people have done it! I haven't, but I know many who have done it and really liked it!

    I think if you want to continue improving your strength, mobility, flexibility, then lifting 3 x per week is pretty necessary. 2 times is kinda "maintenance" and 1 x is barely gonna result in much improvement (although it would certainly result in some).

    Re: squats from bench-press set-up. DON'T - NOPE. If your gym doesn't have a squat rack or a power rack, then I think you should choose a squat-alternative that doesn't require a BB at all....goblet squats, bowler squats, DB squats, etc.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I need to up my protein, too....I think I will see what manic does and whatever she posts for the day, I am gonna BEAT it!

    BRING IT :wink:

    Yesterday was 115. So did you get more in than that today?

    I"m pretty sure you'll beat my totals today. :grumble: I'll finish my logging here in a few.

    Only 58 g protein today . I am slightly under calories. stoooooopid bites of chocolate cake at lunch. anyway, I WiLL drink protein shake IF I get hungry later.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Nancy, why don't you stay at the bench? You are already there and I'm sure it will be easier to stay in one spot than to move around with that much weight.

    I like what the other girls said about squats. I can't do back squats due to shoulder injury . I do goblet, box squats, sumo squats, and I do a squat machine just for extra exercises.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I snacked on candy and I'm having pizza for dinner :embarassed:

    Finishing Stage 1.

    Somewhere in Stage 2.

    End of Stage 2.

    It all looks the same to me.

    Beeps, do I win prize? :laugh:
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Okay, Dnamouse and Barbell, question for you ladies. I noticed ya'll mentioned you are not big on breakfast. I've just started to skip as well and am doing a 1-9 eating window, which I quite prefer as I also love big dinners and snacks. However, I've just started doing my lifting about 5:30-6:30 in the AM. (2nd day today, woohoo!) My concern is this: if I start my fast at 9pm, lift at 5:30, but still don't eat until 1, am I risking my muscle eating itself? Lol ok, maybe not that dramatic, but I've always read you need a protein heavy meal after your w/o to preserve and help build the muscles you're working. If I go without for another 6-7 hours, am I risking muscle loss? Do I need to break my fast early with say, a protein shake on my lift days?

    I don't think it will do too much damage, so long as you're eating properly within your window. I include a coffee (skim, no sugar) or a black tea in my fast, because Mama needs her morning caffeine or all hell breaks loose :ohwell:

    I've been consciously doing IF in various forms for a little over 12 months now, its really just the way I naturally eat. When I tried following the "you must have breakfast every day" thing, I was starving and put on weight because I over-ate.

    At the moment I workout after I get home from dropping the kids at school (its the only time I can slot it into my work day - the perks of being my own boss lol). If I need something afterwards, I have a coffee and not long after it's lunch time anyway.

    It all comes down to you and what you feel happy doing, and how your body feels. If it works, keep going, if it doesn't, try something else :smile:

    Welcome Emma :smile: :flowerforyou: Just wait til you get further into the Stages - sweaty is an understatement lol

    oooeerr photos!! Runz, you look awesome :smile:

    I shall get the husband to take some pics this weekend on my birthday :happy: Or maybe I'll get one of the girls to take some when they take me out for lunch :heart:

    Hoping to go look at some kitty cats tomorrow. Our old darling girl (14yo) passed away at the start of December last year and we are just about ready to adopt a new cat/s. The shelter I rang has two 6month old sibling for dual adoption, if they like us, they sound just about perfect :bigsmile: Good incentive to finish cleaning out the garage as well as that is where they will sleep :wink: