Daily Chat Thread



  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    wow this thread is busy! its hard to keep up with everyone. (which is a good thing!:smile: )
    People talk about jerky all the time but I always presumed that it is a really gross food that was basically sweets rather than a form of protein. I'm not sure if i can get it here (i like in ireland) but ill have a look. also, im jealous that you can debate the different brands of Greek yoghurt, I am lucky if I can find ANY brand in the supermarket, i think its just not very popular here. Lately I have started using quark a lot in my cooking but again that is hard enough to find, the supermarket may or may not have it. I eat tons of eggs. Love eggs! and had a brief week or two when i ate lots of tinned tuna and got lots of protein but i got sick of that fairly quickly.

    I'm doing stage 2, workout A3 today. still not sure I am doing the front squats right, the movement just doesn't flow very naturally but i think maybe i just need to practice it some more.

    HI Doumc
    I love Quark! I used to get here in the U.S. A small dairy made in northern Washington. I would make cheesecake with it and a dip or spread by adding good season italian dressing mix.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Got my lifting done today!
    I'm on my second time thru of the Life edition, so today was Phase 1B I think:
    planks x2 I minute
    kettle swings 2x 20 30#
    squat press w/ 15# dumb bells 2 set 12 reps each. ( I press out ward a bit and not completely straight over head to protect my shoulder)
    Split lunges w/ 15# DB 4 sets x 12 reps each leg
    Assisted chin ups about 40% of BW assisted 4 set of 10 reps
    dead lifts 55# 4 sets of 12 reps
    elevated push ups 4 sets
    I did half my RAMP to start as I was pretty warm already.
    the above took an hour, then I took a brisk walk for 45 minutes later.

    I really focused at the gym and didn't care about what anyone thought or feel intimidated (I worked my chin up sets in between a young guy and didn't ask I just did it). I had stuff on my mind so I was distracted by that and the workout helped relieve my stress.

    Over all I feel great today.

    I ate too much at a party yesterday and today I had many cookies....:ohwell:
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Last day of school for me with kids. Workday on Saturday.

    So, AMRAPs. I sucked at Stage 1 and 2. I just totally lost focus. For Stage 3, I set the timer for 2 minutes for each exercise. BINGO. That totally worked for me and helped me stay focus. Today is Stage 3B AMRAPs.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Hi ladies. I've missed so much!

    Had a really difficult/busy past 2 weeks. Between marking papers/writing on reports, going to school, planning my wedding and having a huge falling out with my future mother-in-law, I barely had time to workout but I DID. Because of the fight I haven't really been motivated, especially as it pertains to making good food choices. Plus, the scale is just not budging (and even went up yesterday). I think my body is tired of being in a deficit so I'm going to attempt to eat at maintenance for this week and next and hope that when I go back to a deficit I will see the scale start moving again.

    I missed you ladies! Going to go back now and read the pages and pages of all I missed.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Whew! LOTS to read but I think I'm caught up now.

    redlips, AWESOME numbers. I wish my inches would go down too :grumble:

    pmag, I don't LOVE greek yogurt, but I use it to increase my protein. It's all of 13g for only 100 calories! That's 52% of calories! And some brands give you even more than that as others have mentioned.

    jo and pmag, congrats on the PBs!

    I don't remember who brought this up, but I find BSS (with top of foot on bench) to be more difficult than having toes on the bench. And definitely works my glutes more.

    Cowgirl, a break is good. Hopefully you came back re-energized. I'm planning to take a 7 day break between BTII and III.

    bepee, happy belated bday!

    amanda, I agree with those who suggested you take a look at NROLSupercharged, I'm doing it now after doing NROL and I really like it.

    ari, I've had several bad lifting days. It happens. I don't beat myself up over them anymore, and neither should you.

    So my 3 goals for this month are:

    1. Drink at least 6 cups of water every day. This does not include juice or anything else that contributes to water intake.
    2. Get in at least 110 g of protein daily (on average).
    3. Work on stretching 3 days a week to improve my flexibility. I really really want to be able to do the splits.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I like your goals Temeika! So sorry about the drama with your future MIL. I hope you can get it all resolved quickly.

    Good work, Rocky!

    Enjoy that last day, runz!

    I lift today. And I WILL eat better and log my food.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    And the WINNERS of our 8 week challenge are (drumroll....).........

    runzalot and redlipsticky!

    Pmag was only 1 point behind them!

    Great work girls!
  • Anna_Joys_Journey
    Anna_Joys_Journey Posts: 253 Member
    I'm not even going to TRY to read back through these bazillion pages of chats-lol...but just wanted to pop in and say hi! I'm a new kid around here (started today)! :) Thanks for having this group here. Really saved my sanity when I couldn't figure out how to make things work. :)
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good morning ladies! I have a busy day.. Several sick people in the church that I need to cook for, work out, grocery shop, Mt. Washmore, cook for my own family, and workout.

    Welcome, Anna.

    Yesterday I ate like a pig. HUNGRY. I think it was close to 1900 cal!!!! My son says it is due to gaining muscle. what yall think?

    I need a lower back workout. Any ideas?
  • Kikimonkey1
    Kikimonkey1 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello to all! I'm Kiki. I am new to MFP and this group. I've been lurking for a while...:glasses: Just finished 3 months of tabata style circuit training at a women's boxing gym. Got great results but needed to switch it up now that my son is out of school for the summer. Although our summer plans include quite a bit of travel and a visit from an exchange student for 40 days. I am determined to at least maintain the fitness gains I have made and hopefully continue making more gains.

    To this end, I started NRoL4W today at 6 a.m.! I loved :love: that I was in and out of the gym in an hour (including warm-up and cool down). One of my goals is to be able to do a "real" military push-up. I love that NRoL4W discourages the on the knees style of girly "push-up." I have been doing those forever with no progression to the floor. With the progressive decline method I finally have hope I will eventually make it all the way down to the floor!
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    I won? I WON?!:blushing: :drinker: My god I didn't even have a speech prepared.... I guess first I'd like to thank the academy and body fire protein powder. I really couldn't have done it without them :tongue: :laugh: Just kidding. It's been a rough week and weekend for me. I just ended a two year relationship with my best friend and the person I thought I'd be spending the rest of my life with. We'd gotten to a point where it didn't feel like a romantic relationship. More like mother and child. Dealing with that has been rough. I didn't even work out like I was supposed to so I'll be finishing stage three this week. I DID however manage to eat right. Even when my mother took me to Chick-fil-a. I stuck with my guns and my kids meal so unlike usual I'm not relosing the weight that I lost last week. I maintained perfectly. I lift tonight now that I'm starting to get my head back on straight. Welcome to all the new ladies and happy lifting!
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Aw red lipstick, I'm sorry. That sucks *hug* Good for you for staying on track with eating. Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do to get through certain situations!

    I start stage 3 on Friday...kinda excited. Stage 2 has gone so quickly compared to stage 1!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Ouch, red, just ouch.... That's a tough situation. I hope you can heal quickly. It's always hard to end a relationship even when we know it's unhealthy. Good job sticking to your eating. You know it will be worth it.

    Welcome, Anna and Kiki!

    Manic, it's probably because you've been eating more. I find that when I increase my calories, my body goes into full-blown starving mode. There's a scientific explanation for it (has to do with adaptation) but I can't remember it:tongue:
    If 1900 cals is pigging out...I'm a total glutton, lol.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    I had a great weekend!

    Limited calories...lots of cardio!!

    and i lifted today!
  • kelleybean1
    kelleybean1 Posts: 312 Member
    Hello, another newb here! I've been lurking for a while so I feel like I already know most of you! I started NROL4W last Wed, and talked hubby into starting NROL (he's starting today). We just finished P90X3 and I wanted to try something new.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Cowgirl, if you remember 1200 or less was a lot of food for me for a LONG time. It seems like all i do is EAT now. LOL I don't care I love it! wanna know why? It is a NSV to me.

    Yesterday at church I was talking to someone and behind me someone was waiting to talk to me but I was in a pretty serious conversation so I couldn't put it off to chit chat . I heard someone say "no she isn't losing weight. She said she's just lifting weights." SHOOt! they left before I could turn around and see. AND I was too into my conversation to recognize the voices. AND the Sunday before that a lady asked me if I was losing weight and I said , "nope, just exercising." She said I was looking slimmer. woohoo:bigsmile: BUT the measuring tape doesn't seem to be saying that. I'll take their "eye" on it. :wink:

    sorry, red .

    Welcome, Kiki and Kelley
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    redlipstick: that does suck - sorry things ended and all the feelings that come with it, and you know you made a decision that's best for you. and good for you for having the courage to make that decision. you know what you need and maybe it was not that person. besides, you're the lifting winner this week!!! you've def sold me on stage 3, too. my island of fat is coming OFF!!

    pudding: how was your buffalo shopping trip? lol hope you got some good greek yogurt to bring back. i guess we are at the same stage, i'm finishing up 2 this week and will aim for starting 3 on saturday!

    manic i ate close to maintainence this week and didn't gain, felt so incredibly rested and healed from it, made all the difference in my workout on sunday! maybe the same for you too.

    welcome to this thread of female lifters Kikki - you're gonna love it

    runz like the timer strategy - gonna try for stage 3

    rocky totally impressed you can do chinups - it is a goal of mine that seems far off

    jamaican impressed you got workouts in the middle of all that - when's the wedding?

    what is quark??

    goals this week:

    1. get 110 of protein/day
    2. do some walking and don't reinjure that right hamstring
    3. start stage 3 by saturday

  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    I need a lower back workout. Any ideas?

  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    I won? I WON?!:blushing: :drinker: My god I didn't even have a speech prepared.... I guess first I'd like to thank the academy and body fire protein powder. I really couldn't have done it without them :tongue: :laugh: Just kidding. It's been a rough week and weekend for me. I just ended a two year relationship with my best friend and the person I thought I'd be spending the rest of my life with. We'd gotten to a point where it didn't feel like a romantic relationship. More like mother and child. Dealing with that has been rough. I didn't even work out like I was supposed to so I'll be finishing stage three this week. I DID however manage to eat right. Even when my mother took me to Chick-fil-a. I stuck with my guns and my kids meal so unlike usual I'm not relosing the weight that I lost last week. I maintained perfectly. I lift tonight now that I'm starting to get my head back on straight. Welcome to all the new ladies and happy lifting!

    Redlipsticky that sounds tough but good for you for figuring it out now. And way to go sticking to the kid meal!
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    I had a great weekend!

    Limited calories...lots of cardio!!

    and i lifted today!

    Perfect Beeps!