Today I Will ______________



  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    Today I will (did) complete my Combat workout and make the best food choices I can while traveling and attending a work dinner. I hope the restaurant has some grilled fish or chicken! Next two days in meetings all day with all the food provided.
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    Looks like today will be a day of rest for me. I was awake from 2-5am, but slept until 7. I do not set an alarm on running days, but I usually wake up. Oh well, I will walk to DDs soccer game tonight even if my family drives, if it is not storming. It is not very far but we drive because we don't have the extra 10 minutes to walk. It won't matter to anyone if I miss the first few minutes of the game.

    Our house is a high stress place right now. DH is cranky working 7 days a week & kids are very argumentative. I am feeling the strain of being a business owner. Running keeps my stress level down in the chaos around me.

    Hope your day goes well and you get that walk in!
  • arya67
    arya67 Posts: 7 Member
    It is simple - today I will get back on track. My work hours changed A LOT and it totally threw me off my game. I have journaled everything today and I'm drinking my water.

    Just trying to keep it simple and on track. :)
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Today I will (did) complete my Combat workout and make the best food choices I can while traveling and attending a work dinner. I hope the restaurant has some grilled fish or chicken! Next two days in meetings all day with all the food provided.

    That's a new one for me. What is the Combat workout?

    I haven't eaten out since I started getting serious about my diet a month ago. I'm sure you will do great, but I would be so nervous! Here's hoping they have healthy choices during your meetings.

    I got a phone call today at work, letting me know that today is the last day to purchase lunch tickets for an upcoming charity event we are having at work. It's for a good cause, but the meal is jambalaya, white beans, and bread. I'm sure there is some delicious, fattening dessert included as well. I held firm and declined purchasing a lunch, but I did feel bad since it is for a good cause.
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Today I did JMBR p3w12. Didn't get many steps in as had to train staff today and was sitting a lot.

    Maureli - I am not following the JMBR eating plan, but just trying to stay under 1200 calories per day. Didn't do so well today. My boss brought fresh donuts from the bakery located in the small town where I grew up. Haven't had one of those donuts in years and caved. Had a REALLY hard time logging it in MFP tonight! Will have to be good for the rest of the week for sure!
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Hello friends.

    Brenda, thanks for the laugh on hard time logging the donut. I picture myself in that situation and think of true it is. Log it and be okay with it. It's far and few in between so it's okay. Now if you say this again tomorrow, you won't get the same speech from me :)

    I did C25K today …. went pretty well, but ran into a neighbor 1/2 way through so had about a 10 minute break, but I still sweated a ton and my legs are feeling it now so I guess it was good!

    Tomorrow is kettle bell day and I'm going to throw in some more dumbbell 5 lb (ha ha) exercises so I can work my way up to the bazillion pounds you all do ;-) well Maureen can do 5 lbs with me.

    Have a good night all…..thanks for continuing to check in and say hello - I love having someone to report to :)
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Yesterday I did w4d3 of c25k. I wasn't very confidant after the first running interval, but by the last 5 minute interval, I felt strong! I think (hope!) I'm ready for week 5 where things start to get really serious!

    Today I'm going to do my weights. I'm very happy this morning because I didn't forget my vanilla whey protein to mix with my yogurt, but I did forget my spoon! Looks like I will be eating yogurt with a fork today.

    Cindy, last week my father-in-law came over to walk his dog (we live on a small farm and he comes over twice a day to get exercise for himself and his dog). He often walks the same route I do, but I was glad I didn't run into him until my cooldown. I'm can be very OCD about following the program exactly, so I remember thinking I'm glad he didn't interrupt me in the middle of my workout! A workout or so before that, my husband called me on my phone to ask if I wanted him to come pick me up since it was starting to rain. I was very brief with him, and I don't think he will call again during my workout unless it is an emergency! All made me wonder, what would I do if I lived in a neighborhood and neighbors/friends were out and about. I need to learn to let up a little bit on being such a strict rule follower. I'm sure your break in the middle did not affect anything, and it was probably nice to speak to your neighbor for a few minutes!

    Brenda, I'm sure I couldn't have resisted the doughnut either! It is funny how logging makes us more accountable though. I would have had to give myself a good talking to to make me log it. Cindy's right, though, we have to ease up on ourselves sometimes. I want to be in this for the long haul this time, not just for a quick fix. No way, I'm going to be perfect and never slip up for the rest of my life. There has to be some wiggle room in my lifestyle for life's little pleasures.

    Which brings me to the Red Dress Run in New Orleans in August. I have several friends who go every year, and I've always thought it was the craziest thing ever. This year I'm thinking about going and participating. I'm having a hard time with it, though, because it's not really a "run" in the strictest sense of the word. It's a short two mile run, squeezed in with a lot of partying in the French Quarter. I'm not a huge drinker, but in the past, I would usually have a few drinks once or twice a month with friends. I haven't had anything alcoholic since I started this, and I'm already worrying about logging those drinks into my diary if I go.
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Today I ran for 30 minutes. No donuts today:) Although there was one left, but I resisted.

    I too am a little OCD about my workouts. I workout at home, but I get up at 5:15 am so I can get my workout in before anyone else gets up!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    I am suffering from crazy slow high-speed internet tonight!! So very annoying.

    It it poured all morning, and blew like crazy. even had some thunder and lightening. all settled down late afternoon and I made it out for a 6K run. I was planning on doing nothing today due to the weather, so was happy to get that done.
  • Super_Pamazon
    Super_Pamazon Posts: 91 Member
    Hello all! I'm new to the group and hoping to jump in and have a place to come check in regularly. You can read about me on the intro page, or ask questions, I'll be glad to answer.

    Today was my day to recuperate from a very busy couple weeks traveling with my sister-in-law her four children and my two boys. We traveled to Nashville, Charleston, then back to Atlanta. There was much eating and a real sad weigh-in after we returned from all that delicious road-tripping. But I put them all on a plane last night back home and started reclaiming myself today.

    I woke up early and got my strength training in at the gym, I logged my food and stuck to eating clean today, and I'm working on some accountability by making a weekly weigh-in graph that I'll post on my wall with some pictures to motivate me.

    Hope you've all had a good Thursday!
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Hello :)

    So I woke up thinking it was Friday … ya, rough start. But, I made the day work.

    Whoopie Pie Truck came to work today. I stayed far far away!

    Ate great all day.

    At 8:15pm was still too lazy to do my workout, but realized if I didn't get out there immediately, I'd be disappointed. So I got on the jogging shorts, shirt, and sneakers and went out there. And I have to say it was my best day yet. Got the entire 1 minute in without feeling like I wasn't going to make it. I was on a high. Then I came home and my son told me my shorts were on inside out and I had a big white tag hanging out of the back - ha ha - had to laugh.

    Emy, I was thinking YOU can do week 5. And no pressure, but you doing it and telling me you did, will push me to graduate to week 2 one of these months.

    I forget who it was that said they started with C25K and are now running miles everyday, I'm curious do you go straight through the miles or pause in between? I wonder how I'll get one day.

    Tomorrow is clients at work which means we bring in lunch …. I'm going to have to be good as I'm going out with my friend for drinks after work and am letting myself get 1. I'll try to fit in some exercise at my work gym, but with clients in the office, it may be hard.

    Hope everyone had a great day and a better tomorrow :)

    PS: signing my name. Was thinking if we all do this, it can help the newbies catch on to who we are quicker :)

  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Good morning all!

    I got my weights in last night. Was a little slower and more tired than usual, but still managed to do all what I had planned. The twinges/aches are getting better, so hopefully I'm on the right track.

    Today I will do w5d1 of C25K. I was trying to look over it yesterday to see what was involved. It looks like just three intervals of 5 minute jogging. In week 4, I did two of the following: 3 min jog, 90 sec walk, 5 min jog, 3 min walk. So, I actually jogged a total of 16 minutes for each workout last week. I'm thinking today's workout will be okay, since it is only a total of 15 minutes jogging. I think the next workout must bump up to 8 or 10 minutes jogging intervals though. That makes me nervous!

    Sounds like everyone is doing well and staying motivated! Have a great day!

  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    I have been slacking a little with my exercise. I did not go to the gym yesterday because my mom cancelled & I am afraid to try to put 170lbs away after my deadlift. It was storming all day so I could not run. It is still raining this morning! I was busy at work, moving stuff around and helping customers all day so I was still very active.

    oh well... I am not spirally out of control as I usually would at this time of year. My diet is still on track, I was actually under my calorie goal yesterday, and was not hungry. I need to run though, it helps with my stress level.

    @Cindy. I think it was me that spent weeks doing the C25K. I redid so many weeks, so many times. I had a hard time running 1 minute at the beginning. Now I run the entire 5km & I have run 10 km. I am slow, so it takes me a long time, but as the weight comes off I am sure my speed will increase. The longest time I have ran is for 1.5hrs.

    I love the idea of putting our names, because I am starting to lose track!

    Have a great day!
  • iwannabinnarnia
    iwannabinnarnia Posts: 179 Member
    Morning all! I really would like just one day/evening with no 'excitement'.... I have not been able to really do any exercise in several weeks now except some hula hooping here and there.. and my squats in the morning as I'm blow drying my hair. I'm up to 125 each day. Next week I will push myself to 150 each morning. Even though I have several 5ks under my belt I plan to start the C25k program.. will probably start it Sunday... since it's three days per week I plan to do those days as Sun, Wed and Fri. I still have to paid training sessions left at my gym I need to use. And I need to go to the gym and use my membership. Today I will eat at/just under my calorie level, drink my water and try my hardest to at least get in 15 to 20 minutes of cardio (either hula hoop or my treadmill)...

  • Super_Pamazon
    Super_Pamazon Posts: 91 Member
    Thanks for the names ladies!

    Cindy & Emy - I've done C25K several times over the past 8 years. I clearly remember the daunting task of those first runs with the 8 min run interval, and then the dreaded 20 minutes. I thought I would die! It isn't like after that is over you magically become someone who can run for 2-3 miles without feeling like death. But after you graduate from C25K you just have to find the run/walk intervals that work best for your body. The Galloway running program has you run for 8-11 minutes, then walk for 1 minute. It doesn't seem like much walking, but I love that run/walk thing. I'm a much happier runner when I'm taking regular, short walk breaks. And I have, at times, been the type of runner who can crank out a 5k in under 30 minutes with not walk breaks. But when I've done 10ks and the one half marathon, I did run/walk intervals.

    I have a birthday dinner to look forward to at one of the best steak restaurants in Atlanta tonight. So I planned for a healthy start to the eating day and I got my 3-mile walk in first thing this morning. Only thing standing between me and dinner out with friends is a ton of housecleaning before the sitter arrives and some strength training.

    Cindy, I also thought today was Friday (probably the bday dinner that got me confused) which is why I signed off on last night's post with a "Hope you HAD a good Thursday" Doh! Anyway, hope you all have a good one today.

  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Pam, so in 8 weeks I won't be running a marathon with my hair in tact, makeup looking beautiful? Maybe I should quit ;-) I guess a workout isn't a work out if it's not hard!

    Today was a bit of an off day for me. I went out with a friend for dinner and I knew I wanted a drink and ribs; so I'm sure when I log in a few minutes I'll be shocked how bad they really are! I tried to make up for it by a 45 fast walk at lunch and eating excellent the rest of the day. I figure I'll tack on an extra 10-15 mins to my weekend workouts as well to make up for it.

  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Today I did JMBR p3w11. Knew I'd be eating out tonight so ate healthy all day. Will be going to a family potluck tomorrow so will probably add an extra workout tomorrow or try to behave at the potluck!

    Have a great evening!

  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Yesterday I got in my 10 000 steps just by working. Our store is crazy busy, which is a good but exhausting thing!

    Today I woke up at 3am, with bad menstrual cramps, and couldn't get back to sleep. I cancelled heavy lifting & will just relax until I go to work. It is going to be a long day.

    Next week I will be full of energy & back into my weight lifting & running routines. On a positive note, I have lost 1.4lbs this week!

  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Last night I did w5d1! In my version of the app, it wasn't very different from week 4. Just three 5 minute running intervals with walking in between. Today I'm going to do my weights and hopefully get in my grocery shopping. My uncle had back surgery yesterday, so I'm going to try to get to New Orleans to see him as well.

    Diane,you are amazing with those squats!

    Pam, thanks for the words of encouragement. Congrats on running a half! I would like to one day be able to say that I've done it as well.

    Cindy, an evening with a friend is worth it. You will make it up this week I'm sure.

    Brenda, have fun at the family potluck! I have one coming up soon and I know it will be hard to behave!

    Lisa, so sorry about the cramping but congrats on the awesome loss this week!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    I thought I had posted yesterday but I guess I didn't. Made it to my strength/cardio class last night and boy was it a sweaty one. Love it when they are like that. I did some yard work during the day. Today I am going to run, but I find that when I have class the night before my legs feel somewhat tired the next morning. I like to do my run in the morning so hopefully it will pass!

    Lisa - great job on the loss this week! Hope those rotten cramps ease off for you today and today passes quickly for you. You will be raring to go next week!

    Brenda - we usually eat out once a week as well...can be hard but very possible to make right choices. Good luck at the potluck! I'm sure the extra workouts will help.

    Cindy - ribs and a drink....Mmmmm. I love both! But I guess if this is a lifetime thing, you can work them in as long as you log them and like you a little extra sweating for them! I'll quite likely be having some wine this weekend.

    Pam - its great to have you here, and hope you enjoyed your dinner out!

    Diane - good luck on the c25k, I'm sure you will do fine seeing that you have run before.

    Emy - glad that your back is feeling better...hope it keeps up!

    Have a great day all!
