2 week challenge



  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Better - we're friends on Pinterest right? I have a whole board of slow cooker/pressure cooker recipes on there.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Better - we're friends on Pinterest right? I have a whole board of slow cooker/pressure cooker recipes on there.

    I think we are. I will have to check them out! Thanks.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    Good morning Ladies!

    Better_Balance: I do live on Hawaii. I am military and moved here in April; but this actually the 3rd time I have been stationed here and spent most of my summers here has a kid b/c I have some family here.

    Yesterday was a good day (as most Mondays are LOL). Calories came in a little over what I was aiming for but at least there was a deficit. We had meetings all afternoon where I was trapped so I think that helped with any afternoon snacking LOL. I barely made it out of here on time to make the trek to the running group. It is only 10 miles away but HI traffic is horrible! It took me about 45 min but I got there on time. The group is kinda big (about 20 folks) of varying abilities (racers, triathletes, and people just starting). We ran about 45 min and then the coach took note of who we came in with to try and get our pace groups sorted out. I am still in limbo since I started off with a group way too slow, and the picked up folks who started faster but most dropped off...I finished with a woman who was keeping the racer company and we jogged in b/c she was dying. So I don't know if I have an equivalent in the group. I would love to run with the racer but she is built for speed and I don't want to hold her back. Hubby and I got home about the same time (7:20pm) and dinner was chia pudding and 2 slices of leftover pizza.

    Not sure what is for dinner tonight. I should be home by 5:30pm so maybe I can cook :) I never got into the whole crock-pot thing. I am too scared to leave it on all day LOL. Not to mention it has been stupid hot here and anything with heat is completely repulsive...even in the house b/c most houses in HI don't have a/c. But all the calories are counted for the day, not to just stick to them. Body sculpting tonight...my legs are D.E.A.D! Not sure if I am ever going to do hills again without doubling up or giving up a rest day LOL.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I want to check out your Pinterest board, Ram! I have pinned a lot of freezer meals but never tried them. I have to meal plan or we will eat frozen pizza! My girls play a lot of sports so we don't get home until 6:30 or 7 many nights. I like to dice chicken and freeze it and keep frozen pasta/veggies/potatoes from Trader Joes. I can have a meal made in less than 30 min.
  • jess1jane
    jess1jane Posts: 176 Member
    Hey all! Just a quick drop in because I should probably go to bed soon, gotta get up early because I volunteered to make breakfast for the family. It is our last week together before us kids go off to college. Trying to be nice about. Trying to also get ready for moving out, while getting in some fitness time too. Sure is hard.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    I went to the gym tonight all cranky from stress and my trainer had me lifting heavy! felt so great and really made me feel empowered and I needed that. I am getting really cranky not being able to run - especially when I am stressed out! I did make an appointment to see the doctor again on Monday after I get back from my business trip. Really feel like I am going 1 step forward and at least 2 back :huh: I suspect though that I will be really sore and cursing him all the way on the plane tomorrow!
    It has been crazy at the house with in-laws coming and going and now more work getting set to start on Thursday (new windows) and I will be in SC!

    Jess - once you are back at school things will even out and you can get back into a routine with your schedule and that will make it easier to get that fitness in and eat right!

    Kelly, you are so organized! I am sure it is a teacher thing :)

    Chelneal - you will thank yourself for doing those hills now the next time you race with hills!!

    Happy Wednesday everyone!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Why can't you wear a suit for presentation, shanaber? I have one tomorrow, I will wear a suit...

    I like the crockpot but I haven't gotten very adventuresome-I often dump chicken breasts in there and then have a bunch of recipes for shredded chicken-chicken tacos or enchiladas, bbq chicken, lettuce wraps, chicken salad sandwich, or just add it to vegetarian frozen lunches for some protein. The chicken in so many of those meals are ick.

    I also feel bad about throwing out food, I try to look at what we have and build around it, but cooking for two is hard. Last week I was picking up food quite a bit, I was totally uninspired...

    Scale was down a pound this week, yah!

    I was reading about this "diet" plan that sounds totally do-able, where you eat low-cal twice per week (600-1000) cals and the rest of the time you eat about 2,000. I think that is the kind of thing I could stick to. Has anyone heard about it? It's supposed to maximize fat loss while retaining muscle. The other days of the week you are supposed to stick to a Mediterranean diet, though, so I don't know where the splurges come in...
  • riirii93_
    riirii93_ Posts: 475 Member
    1. meet my calorie goal at least 6 days each week
    2. get at least 30 mins exercise in daily
    3. do strength 3x this week. tues fri and sun
  • jess1jane
    jess1jane Posts: 176 Member
    Hey riirii! Welcome to the group. Awesome bunch of ladies here:)
    My family got together to play tennis this morning. I didn't feel my heart racing too bad but I did break a light sweat. Probably shouldn't put it in my exercise diary because then I will feel like I don't have to do any real work. Just saying I have never had formal tennis lessons. I just like hitting the ball as hard as I can haha
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    Hooray, Wednesday is starting like a Wednesday...not like a Monday :)

    Yesterday went well and had fun at body sculpting...we did circuits with 7 stations and so I never got bored. I do really really really need to work on my upper body strength though. I think when I get back from this trip next week, I am going to start the 100 pushups in 6 wks program. Calories were good, about 50 over but that wasn't so bad.

    I got on the scale this morning and it was up a pound, probably still from my weekend binge. I figure it will take me a full week to undo the calories consumed in 3 days...that is IF I don't overeat this weekend...which will be tough as I am traveling from HI to FL...ugh, I hate flying. Today's calories are looking good :) Planning on the coveted McD's today since I promised hubby he could get a PS4 when we got a coupon...and we got a 5% coupon in the mail...I guess next time I need to state a coupon that will actually save us money LOL. Tonight is hill training with the group. Not sure how that is going to work exactly since there aren't any good hills where we ran Monday. But maybe we have different ideas of hills....hills for me is a gut busting 7-9%. But my legs are even more DEAD today...they don't hurt but I can feel the inflammation heat in them. The instructor for the class last night was giving me grief b/c I can't touch my toes right now I am so tight. I would love to do something tomorrow but with the heat lately, it would probably have to be a treadmill walk (boo!)

    Food is good today so far, might even have enough for a glass of wine tonight :) Hubby has dinner duty tonight since he is off...always a surprise what it is going to be LOL
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    Amy - we are presenting to a fashion industry company so they 'don't want us to look like a bunch if bankers or nerds coming in our suits' . We aren't bankers but we are pretty much all nerds so... I did find a couple of super cute tops to wear with my skirt and a sweater so it will work. Congratulations on the loss!!

    Chelneal - all I can say about traveling is make sure you eat first and take food with you. I ran out of time and didn't get breakfast, there was nothing I wanted to eat at the airport (I did have Clif bar in my purse from who knows when so I ate that on the plane so my stomach wasn't growling!) and no time at the layover. Literally had to run. Nothing left on the plane when they got to me except a turkey wrap thing that was pretty terrible. It came with chips and cookies and I ate a few chips and threw the cookies away... By the time we arrived and went out for dinner I was ravenous! Dinner was so good too - roasted chicken on a bed of quinoa and vegetables. We'll see how it goes tomorrow with our all day meeting and the client presentation on Friday - hopefully they will have some healthy choices for us.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. After checking out Ramalem's Pinterest, I am inspired for next week's meal planning. I'm going to do the crock pot tikka massala as my new recipe to try. :smile:

    My day off yesterday was nice. I ran two ten minutes intervals with 2 minutes of walking in between and walking before and after and then another 20 or so minutes of walking. Running is starting to get harder. Not only am I slower (more like an 11 minute + mile instead of my usual 10 minute or a little under), but I am starting to feel the pressure on my bladder so it feels like i have to pee after I run a couple minutes. I want to stick it out as long as I can. Last pregnancy I ran till around 36 weeks, but the last couple cold months I actually loved my treadmill because I could hop off at any time and walk 10 steps to my bathroom. :wink: Anyways, I'm still sore from lifting Monday and class Tuesday so am looking forward to resting today. Three workout days in a row! Woo hoo!

    Food has been okay this week but I really splurged at dinner last night. Went to dinner with girlfriends and had chips and salsa, a mini chile relleno, 3 small tacos, and we split a brownie. And a virgin daquiri. I figure if I'd have been drinking, I'd have consumed at least 300-400 calories in wine, soooo...... But I woke up not hungry at all. Didn't eat breakfast till almost 9:00 which is rare.

    Eric is going to have beer with a buddy tomorrow after work, so I may take Daphne on a nice long walk through the park after work. My parents get in town late Friday and I will be busy prepping for a baby shower brunch Saturday morning. I'm making egg sausage casserole and monkey bread. We'll also have hashbrown casserole and fruit, so I can eat halfway decent if I choose. I make no promises on the hasbrown casserole; it's one of my favorite casseroles. My goal is to go for a solo run in the morning and hit the farmers market for flowers. Hopefully I can relax some Sunday after my parents leave.

    Better get to work. Have a great day all!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hey ladies!

    I need to check out Ram's pinterest board as well, I believe I follow her on there.

    I am having a pretty good week overall. Did PiYo Monday and Tuesday. Yesterday I ran 3 miles and then did a PiYo workout, I had some extra time because I had to bring the baby to the doc and I went into work late. This morning I only ran 2 miles because my leg was bothering me. Tomorrow I will take a break from running and do PiYo, Saturday I plan on a longish run (5 miles), and then Sunday PiYo and maybe a stroller run if my leg is feeling ok.

    I have been withing cals so far and the hubs is going out of town for his brothers Bachelor party this weekend, so hopefully I get keep it under control since I really have no plans. And also get in some meal planning.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi ladies! So far getting back to logging hasn't been as painful as I thought. So far I'm on pace to meet my calorie goal for the week. I've been prelogging as much as I can, which helps. I got in an okay run last night (slow, but better than no run at all), and I'm doing 16 miles with a friend on Saturday. I've also been throwing in pushups and ab work here and there. My beach trip is just over a week away so I'm not sure how much I can do between now and then, but I'm going to try to shave off one more pound. If I'm good over the weekend (which is a lot easier these days; chasing after the baby doesn't leave much time for eating), I think it's doable.
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Holy crap I just scrolled through about three pages of posts. I thought I had only been away from the board for a week, but it may have been longer. I am absolutely swamped at work. We are implementing a new accounting software so I am doing trainings & getting things set up during our busiest time of the year (construction industry) - kind of annoyed about the bad timing. I asked if we could do this last winter. Anyways, my final race was rained out last night so I am kind of bummed, but I am looking for some new ones to sign up for in the fall & my husband is considering getting into trail running with me so that would be nice. I am out of the star challenge since I am not currently logging. I am just focusing on avoiding sugar & bad carbs. Will get caught up later.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Last night I was pretty good, I picked up Japanese pan noodles and ate half, so I had a little chocolate and 3-2-1 cake.
    I did treadmill but it was only 30 mins with burpees every 1/4 mile. I plan to do a long slow run tonight and then rest tomorrow for warrior dash, and carb load:happy:

    Still looking for a program for after warrior dash, I should check Pinterest! Groupon had some classes too, maybe Barre or something?
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 916 Member
    Shanaber: Thanks for the advice! I hate hate hate hate flying (not a phobia, just an annoyance) and since my flight is going to 9+ hrs one leg and 2 hrs the second leg on the red eye (I can't sleep sitting up) I am going to be cranky which = eating LOL. I am going to try and pack some stuff and hopefully TSA wont steal it LOL.

    Yesterday was a spot on day! 3 in a row :) The run went really well, I had to dig deep but I got'r done! We ended up doing hill repeats for 4 miles and I made it all they way except for the last maybe .3 miles where I walked. We were told to run between 50-70 mins and I made it 45 min before muscle failure. My coach is an ultra runner and there is a spark of interest....hmmm. Dinner was spaghetti and meatballs courtesy of the hubby....with wine :) It was a good night LOL.

    Today I can barely move. I really really need a massage but just no time :( I am so stiff it is crazy. Breakfast is testing my "true hunger" as I discovered my protein powder is not microwavable....it turned into this frothy cottage cheesy, powdered egg texture in my oatmeal. It is almost gone but it has taken me nearly 2 hrs to choke it down LOL. Not sure what I am going to do today if anything exercise related...I am still struggling with the concept of active recovery. Maybe rowing and yoga? Or maybe just sleep LOL. Hubby has dinner again tonight so can't wait to be surprised!

    Onward and forward...4 races...4 months!
  • jess1jane
    jess1jane Posts: 176 Member
    I got on the bike for the first time this week! It felt so good, and seemed to go by. I'm on my third TV series to watch while working out. "Alias" that old Jennifer Garner show is going to have to last me til I head to college. Yikes! That is coming up soon and I got so much to do!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    I was falling asleep at my desk so I just did some pushups and a 30 second plank. Better than coffee!

    jess--having a good show to watch while working out is great for motivation! I need a new one.

    cheneal--great job on being consistent! Sounds like a great workout yesterday! Yoga is great for recovery. Plain old walking works well too.

    Amy--I have a friend who swears by Barre. She looks great too! Never tried it myself.

    abigail--trail running is such a great workout. My friend and I will be doing a couple miles of trails on our long run tomorrow, I can't wait! I've never done a trail race though. So you should definitely sign up and let us know how it goes!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    I'm too much of a klutz for trail running that's for sure!

    I am still doing good this week. Did end up having a glass of wine last night. But I did have two booze free days, so I am proud of that. I also did meal planning for next week and have my grocery list ready. I am going to do a chicken, black bean quinoa bake for lunches, a chipolte chicken chili for lunches, and chicken fajita bowls for dinners when I am alone. The nights Mike is home I will just do grilled meat of some sort and veggies.

    Goals for next week:

    1) no drinking Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
    2) Eat 3 meals with no snacking in between. I need to get back to that. I know the whole eat 6 small meal craze has been around, but I think I do better eating 3 times a day and its seems better for digestion.
    3) Get in 2-3 runs and all 6 Piyo workouts (I might double these up some days, some of the workouts are short)