Daily check in



  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    Thank you all for the feed back on calorie levels! Coady how is the higher calorie intake working for you? My 1500 is gross, not net (well except for yesterday!) and I'm wondering if that might be stalling things.

    So much better - on the lower calories I slipped up more often, completely obliterating my deficit in the process, and I didn't see much progress. I also found myself thinking about food slightly obsessively, which I don't think is good. Now I'm seeing steady (if slow) progress and rarely want to binge. It's not as if I was really undereating either - I was aiming for -250/day or .5lb/week loss, but in reality averaging about -500/day (1 lb/week). So just a little bump has made me a lot more satisfied.

    I can also confirm that. I eat lots of food now and still lose pretty fast (faster than i'd thought). And i'm so much happier. It's scary at first "oh no what's going to happen".. but its great in the end!!!!
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    Ashley--sorry about the before-bed pizza, It's not the end of the world though :) enjoy your weekend!

    Yesterday was a good day, I was right at goal. Tomorrow is supposed to be my weigh in day, but I did a cheat weigh in this morning, and was at the same weight as last week! I have been netting about 1350 calories per day, so this should not be the case. The only difference is I weighed myself at 6am, and usually I do it after sleeping in till 9 or so. I don't know if that extra 3 hours of laying in bed should make a difference, I don't know why I seem to be stuck at the 130 plateau.... I will do my weigh in tomorrow and hope for a better result.
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    The only difference is I weighed myself at 6am, and usually I do it after sleeping in till 9 or so. I don't know if that extra 3 hours of laying in bed should make a difference, I don't know why I seem to be stuck at the 130 plateau.... I will do my weigh in tomorrow and hope for a better result.

    If it helps, I find that if I weigh in (usually at 7 am) on a day after I worked closing and had dinner at 10 pm I always weigh more than if I ate at 7pm.... hopefully tomorrow will be good for you :)
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    Running day for me - two 8 minute intervals and nailed them on the first try :) Met goal as well. This week's averages are going to be up thanks to eating maintenance half the week, so I didn't log my weigh in, but I was only up half a pound.
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    Coady--nice job on the run! Thanks for the encouragement. You are right that the finding of the weigh in could really effect it,

    So I did my weekly weigh in this morning and am only down .3 pounds, I did have a later dinner last night and slightly earlier weigh in this morning , but it is especially frustrating that I was up a pound and a half a week ago and thought that would disappear as water weight -- it obviously did not disappear. I do feel like I am at a plateau. I have been doing the same run for a year now, and I wonder if I need to change my work out, but I don't really have many options other than running...
  • lambie14
    lambie14 Posts: 27 Member
    Hope you all had a great long weekend!
    And happy first day of school to all of you with little ones!

    Dana, I think we are in the same weight-loss boat. I'm stuck at the 130-132 plateau as well...Would love to know what has helped others push into the 120s...At least a plateau is not a gain!
  • ashleydawndill
    ashleydawndill Posts: 242 Member
    Hope you all had a great weekend!

    Did my weigh-in on Friday-- was down 1.5 lbs from the previous week, and gained 1 lb of muscle? I thought it took quite a while to gain muscle, but hey I'll take it. BF is still the same, wah.

    Ate total crap on the weekend, and had a bottle of wine. Went for a short run the next day to try to combat the hangover. Had a bit of a cold as well, so I was feeling generally lazy and unmotivated. Going to drag myself back to the gym today.

    I agree with Lambie, Dana-- even a small loss is better than a gain! ;P
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    Lambie--yeah, this plateau is so frustrating! I'm not giving up yet though...

    Ashley--that's great! Does your trainer actually tell you how much muscle you gained?

    I also had a bad weekend--got way too cozy with a a bag of popcorn Sunday. Now I have to spend all week trying to make up for this. Monday and Tuesday were good days. Tuesday the kids were with grandparents for a couple hours, which should have been a time to run, but it was too hot, so that was disappointing. I did go for a hike instead. I don't know if I will exercise today, so it is going to be hard not to go over today...
  • lambie14
    lambie14 Posts: 27 Member
    Dana, I know what you mean! :smile: Hang in there--one day we'll be at our goals!
    I had a doughnutty weekend so I think this week will involve a lot of running!
  • ashleydawndill
    ashleydawndill Posts: 242 Member
    Dana-- Yep. Or rather, the scale we use tells me. One of those fancy things that sends electricity through your feet or something.. Not a clue how it works, haha.

    Lambie-- YUMMM dougnuts. More runs = more doughnuts. :P

    Did pretty well yesterday, until I realized I was WAYY under calories. I think I ate around 800-900.. Oops. Couldn't find anything around the house that was high enough in calories and lower in carbs so I just said "screw it" and snacked on some carrots and hummus. My bf tried to talk me into Pizza Hut, but I dodged that one (barely.. I have a fear that it may happen today though).
  • Count me in for having a bad weekend. Drank way too much on Sunday night, skipped my workout Monday and Tuesday, and now I'm trying to play catch-up, which I hate. Doing alright today though - at least I got my lifting in.
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    Hi ladies!!!

    Whew, first week of school for my oldest so it's been so hectic the last couple of days!! And work is crazy too, so I havent been able to check in very often.

    So everyone had a bad weekend!! I did too. Drank way too much. But it was lots of fun lol

    Today I didnt bring enough food at work I think. I'm starving!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to dinner with a friend though so I tried to save a couple cals for that. Bad idea :angry:

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • ashleydawndill
    ashleydawndill Posts: 242 Member
    Just want to say-- Gen, your pic is gorgeous!! In love with your hair too :love:
  • Gen - Looking great!

    I've been bad about not weighing in consistently, but today when I got on the scale I was down two whole pounds to 126.5. I have no idea how that happened because I've been snacking and craving all this week, but I hope it's a trend and not a fluke :)
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    Im back! I've put on so much weight in the last 10 days! I think I forgot to say I was going out of town. Went to visit my brothers and my parents...

    Not going to bother with weight until it's equalised again. Then I'll figure out what the damage was :((((

    Not to mention, I think I have a sinus infection...
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    Well, I guess a bunch of us are in the same boat with the bad weekend :). Can't believe it's already Thursday--don't know if I have undone the damage yet!

    Lambie--hope they were good donuts and your running is going well!

    Ashley--I wish I was ever accidentally under calories! Was. 8-900 net after exercise calories or is that really all you ate? Still, dodging Pizza Hut was probably a good call!

    Coady-- nice work on the two pounds down ????

    Gen--how is your son's first week going? Hope you enjoyed dinner! Great picture!

    Kiwi-- sorry you've had a bad week. It's funny that we are in opposite seasons. We had a HORRIBLE winter illness wise and are now enjoying the end of summer. The tables will be turned soon--things will get better :)
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    Forgot to do my actual check in! Was just a little over yesterday. The week has been ok but I dk if it's been enough to make up for the weekend. I haven't had a glass of wine all week! I'd love one tonight, but don't know if I will have enough calories...
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    Thanks for all the love ladies!!!!!!!!! You all look fabulous too, by the way :flowerforyou:

    coady: wow great job on the 2 pounds!!!!! i'm sure its not a fluke!! Keep it up (or in this case, down... hee hee! lol)

    kiwi: oh no sorry to hear about your sinus infection that really sucks. get some rest!!!

    Dana: the first week of school is going great. So far he loves it. He's so good when I leave him at school he doesnt cry or anything (omg thank god.. he was the worst when he started daycare when he was little. He cried all day for 6 weeks I think... it was horrible). And sometimes, screw it you need the glass of wine regardless what your calorie count was ;)

    Yesterday I went out for dinner with a friend for her birthday. I probably ate close to 2000 calories just in one sitting hahaha I felt like I was going to explode... I logged it in and moving on!!! It was so good, so worth it. we even had red velvet cake.. :bigsmile: we did share it though ;)

    It's cottage weekend. I'll really try to at least maintain.. so that means no alcohol!!! Go me, I can do this! :)
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    Just want to say-- Gen, your pic is gorgeous!! In love with your hair too :love:

    Thanks so much!!! The pic was taken by my hairdresser after she had done her magic ;)
  • Gen - that dinner sounds awesome :) Glad your son is enjoying school
    Kiwi - Hope you're feeling better soon!

    Aaand right back up again, but still .1 under 128 so I guess I'm still ahead. I knew that such a big loss was probably not going to stick right away so I'm not too disappointed.

    And sometimes, screw it you need the glass of wine regardless what your calorie count was ;)
