Beginner Team Chat Board



  • tracymayo1
    tracymayo1 Posts: 445 Member
    Ok so let me get right on the Character Challenge now:

    1. Be retrospective like Carol : talk to your team about a fire in your life or smoke you saw that "consumed" you and made you rise like a phoenix from the ashes in a new direction, especially if this story relates to health and fitness like a sport's injury or regaining weight you had lost.
    When I decided to quit smoking (again) what will be 2 years ago November 19. I did it cold turkey - I did have my friends doing it with me - but they had started up again just before the 12 month mark. I had to do it for me, and my boys - who asked me almost every day at that point to stop. So I did. It wasn't easy but I knew I had to make the change. For myself, and my family. Now, I have to lose the weight I gained from that chapter of my life. I just recently got past my 180 lb bump - down to 177.2 - I can tell it's working from the numbers... and now, I have to motivate and force myself to get the weights in.. I HATE weights... but I don't want to be skinny fat either. So this upcoming chapter is for ME.

    2. Be determined and optimistic like Daryl and encourage someone in your own life who is experiencing difficulties in reaching their goals or is having similar setbacks.

    As per last week, I am encouraging a friend who just came back into MFP recently. We live in the same building and talk often. I will continue and have been sending positive messages, encouraging words in conversations etc... I will stay on it, because I feel that this person can and will get discouraged quickly - Im not sure she is 100% committed to doing what is needed.
  • DucMouse
    DucMouse Posts: 113 Member
    1. Be retrospective like Carol : talk to your team about a fire in your life or smoke you saw that "consumed" you and made you rise like a phoenix from the ashes in a new direction, especially if this story relates to health and fitness like a sport's injury or regaining weight you had lost.

    About a year ago at this time I started to have really bad knee pain and it contiuned for about 3 months(until I could get into see a orthopedist). Well come to find out the muscles around my knee had atrophied, due to a motorcycle accident many years ago. As a result my patella was coming out of place whenever I would try to bend, etc. After doing my sessions of therapy I really wasn't seeing or feeling much change. I would continue to workout and just suffer. But then after starting this challenge I have felt more relief than i could have imagined. I realized that I wasn't pushing myself enough to make myself better. I'm a small person and not overweight, but people laugh when I tell them that I'm doing this challenge. I realized that doing a fitness challenge is more than trying to loose weight it's about learning better habits, to eat better to get into a workout routine and most importantly to push yourself. Everyone is capable of doing it you just have to believe and push yourself. It may have only been a few weeks but I have to say this has changed my life and I hope to continue doing other challenges and push myself.

    2. Be determined and optimistic like Daryl and encourage someone in your own life who is experiencing difficulties in reaching their goals or is having similar setbacks.

  • hummerjl
    hummerjl Posts: 17 Member

    1. Be retrospective like Carol : I'm going to be short on this one, mainly because I feel I am still in the middle of the "smoke/fire", and not quite made it to the "rising from the ashes part". Its a hard time in my life right now, and I know whats been going on has affected every part of my life, including my physical well being and fitness. But I hope to be able to come out of it stronger in the end, whenever that may be.

    3. Be determined and optimistic like Daryl: Along the same lines, I know my mom is having a rough time right now, so I try to be as supportive and optimistic as I can be for her. We encourage each other and help inspire each other.
  • MsTiffamee
    MsTiffamee Posts: 137 Member
    1. Be retrospective like Carol : talk to your team about a fire in your life or smoke you saw that "consumed" you and made you rise like a phoenix from the ashes in a new direction, especially if this story relates to health and fitness like a sport's injury or regaining weight you had lost.

    I don’t have an injury to blame for my weight issues. I have myself to blame. I guess in a way I could say my obesity is a fire that consumes me. It keeps me from doing so many things that I once loved and enjoyed, still would love and enjoy it I were able. It has caused me health problems as well. However, MFP has helped me start to extinguish the fire I suppose. I’m working to become a healthier person. A person that can enjoy the things I so dearly miss. Maybe when this is all over and I reach my goal weight I will truly feel like a phoenix rising from the ashes of fat that no longer hold me back from being who I want to be!

    2. Be determined and optimistic like Daryl and encourage someone in your own life who is experiencing difficulties in reaching their goals or is having similar setbacks.

    As I said last week, my husband is struggling terribly with his weight loss right now. He texted me just an hour ago and said he is ready to quit because he isn’t seeing results as he did in the beginning. I refuse to let him quit. I told him that the weight loss cycles, at least it did for me. I reminded him of how I went 3 weeks without losing weight, and then I lost almost 10lbs in one week. I reminded him of how well he has done so far (60+ loss in 88 days) and told him I’m proud of him. He won’t give up because I won’t let him. We are in this together and we are going to stick to it until the end because I KNOW we will both be much happier WHEN we make it!
  • ashleybreanna13
    ashleybreanna13 Posts: 249 Member
    1. Be retrospective like Carol : talk to your team about a fire in your life or smoke you saw that "consumed" you and made you rise like a phoenix from the ashes in a new direction, especially if this story relates to health and fitness like a sport's injury or regaining weight you had lost.
    A. Well, my journey all started with a JCPenney mirror. I had just left a funeral feeling down, and decided to go to JCP for a new black dress because the one I had wore that day was old. I had no idea what size I was anymore so I just grabbed. Once in the dressing room, I took off my clothes... and it was like the lighting in that room opened my eyes to what I saw in the mirror. My thighs were big and dented, my stomach rolled over my underwear, my arms drooped, my face looked swollen, my neck, too... And none of the dresses that I picked out fit. I left, empty-handed, went home, & took my dog on a walk. The next day, I walked him again. And then the next day I walked over 6 miles... I was fueled with determination. That day at JCP was June 3rd, 2013, and here I am, on November 18, 2014, 36lbs down. I am in a "healthy" weight according to the graph my doctor has. Finally! But I must trek on & not lose sight of that girl in the dressing room....

    2. Be determined and optimistic like Daryl and encourage someone in your own life who is experiencing difficulties in reaching their goals or is having similar setbacks.
    A. Last night actually, my boyfriend James, & I decided on Key West for our winter vacation this year. We were goofing off & I had him bench press me (haha!) He did, and then I had him do 10 sit-ups while I pulled on him. He is hoping to lose a bit of fat before our trip!
  • maphammonds
    maphammonds Posts: 362 Member
    1. Be retrospective like Carol : talk to your team about a fire in your life or smoke you saw that "consumed" you and made you rise like a phoenix from the ashes in a new direction, especially if this story relates to health and fitness like a sport's injury or regaining weight you had lost.

    I've always been so hung up with the number on the scale (I still am, to a degree), but I've started realizing that just because I'm not 135# doesn't mean I don't look good. This weekend my youngest told me, right outta the blue, 'wow, mom, you're looking very slim these days'. I really haven't lost any weight, not even with this challenge. But my strenght minutes are crazy and it's true....a pound of muscle looks so much better than a pound of fat!

    2. Be determined and optimistic like Daryl and encourage someone in your own life who is experiencing difficulties in reaching their goals or is having similar setbacks.

    With winter upon us, it's really hard to keep up a fitness routine (and easy to cover up in bulky sweaters!) I encouraged a friend in another challenge I'm part of to hang in there and keep her eyes on the prize. I reminded her why any of us really participate in challenges anyway - to be accountable. I promised I would hold her accountible....and I will!
  • AnutChelle
    AnutChelle Posts: 51 Member
    1. Be retrospective like Carol: About 3 years ago I lost enough weight to finally feel good about myself. I no longer had to take blood pressure and cholesterol medicine. I was active. I even felt good enough about myself to start dating and then get married. I eventually gained all the weight (plus some) back. I had to start my medicines back and once again I started making excuses about going anywhere. I finally realized that I am not happy like this. I actually feel better when I eat better and I want to live my life, not hide until I finally die. I also know that I can do it (and I am doing it), because I have done it before.
    2. Be determined and optimistic like Daryl: I am doing this weight loss with my husband who has a lot more weight to lose than me so he gets very discouraged that even though he is losing weight, he still has a long way to go. I am determined (he says stubborn) enough for us both and I try to find different ways to keep him focused on just taking it a week at a time.

    By the way, for all who suggested the recipe for the brussels sprouts with olive oil and parmesan cheese, it was wonderful!
  • Bmercy21
    Bmercy21 Posts: 88 Member
    1. Be retrospective like Carol : talk to your team about a fire in your life or smoke you saw that "consumed" you and made you rise like a phoenix from the ashes in a new direction, especially if this story relates to health and fitness like a sport's injury or regaining weight you had lost.
    I too agree with @maphammonds! I have always been about the scale and never realized muscle ways too since I never really did strength training. I try not to obsess too much about weight in front of my daughter because even though she is only three she is a sponge and soaks it all in. I am always stressing in front of her about being healthy. The other day while on vacation I put my bathing suit on and she said "mommy you look so healthy!" I almost died laughing but it is true it is more about being healthy and around for her than looking good. And that is me starting over for the last time with my weight! It has been a battle my whole life and after having yo-yod back and forth one too many times. This time i mean business!

    2. Be determined and optimistic like Daryl and encourage someone in your own life who is experiencing difficulties in reaching their goals or is having similar setbacks.
    So two years ago when I did weight watchers I dragged my mom on that journey and she lost a lot of weight with me. But last year she had complications during a routine surgery and gained some of it back :\ However on my my new quest of "healthy" choices, I have encouraged her to start walking during her lunch! (which I did today during the coldest day and I cannot believe I was so determined to get in those 30 minutes of cardio)!

    And on a side note I still see a lot of beginners posting their numbers even though they are short cardio or strength... We are a team and a pretty tough team so please ask before you post we always have many members willing to donate! Lets rock this week as the group gets ready to rock the hospital and all of them in there!!!!
  • tracymayo1
    tracymayo1 Posts: 445 Member
    Morning all, not thread related per se but I just wanted to toot my own horn and announce that 2 years ago today was the first day that I decided to stop smoking. The ultimate result of course brought me here, which in and of itself is not a bad thing, as I get to know you all!
  • maphammonds
    maphammonds Posts: 362 Member
    Congrats @tracymayo1 - That's wonderful.
  • MsTiffamee
    MsTiffamee Posts: 137 Member
    Congrats Tracy! My mom was a smoker for all of my childhood. She quit several years back and she always says, "If you can quit smoking, you can do anything!" It was the hardest thing she has ever done, so you should toot your own deserve it! :smile:
  • jamielynnmobile
    jamielynnmobile Posts: 68 Member
    1. Be retrospective like Carol : talk to your team about a fire in your life or smoke you saw that "consumed" you and made you rise like a phoenix from the ashes in a new direction, especially if this story relates to health and fitness like a sport's injury or regaining weight you had lost.

    Hmm...I guess my fire is happening now? I've spent the last two years fighting injuries (wrist and posterior tibialis tendon), which have forced me to modify most of what used to be my favourite fitness activites and pretty much demolished my goal of running a 5k a month last summer. I gained 14 lbs after switching to a desk job last summer, and I'm fighting to get back down to my starting weight and back to my old level of fitness. But I took a 10-week bellydancing class and then I signed up for this challenge and started logging again, so I am making the right decisions to support those goals. Now if we can just add a few more hours in the day so that I can get my workouts in, that would be grrreaaat...

    2. Be determined and optimistic like Daryl and encourage someone in your own life who is experiencing difficulties in reaching their goals or is having similar setbacks.

    Oh man, when DON'T I do this? I'm a case manager and between work, husband, and my friends, it seems like some days all I do is support & encourage others. I'm taking a pass on this.
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    So this week,
    1. Be retrospective like Carol : talk to your team about a fire in your life or smoke you saw that "consumed" you and made you rise like a phoenix from the ashes in a new direction, especially if this story relates to health and fitness like a sport's injury or regaining weight you had lost.
    I've had a few. But recently I was about 5lbs away from my goal. (took about 2 years)Only to find out I was expecting a baby. 3 months after giving birth I am just under 200lbs and working towards my goal weight again.
    3. Be determined and optimistic like Daryl and encourage someone in your own life who is experiencing difficulties in reaching their goals or is having similar setbacks.
    [/My co-work and mom are struggling with health issues. I try to encourage them step by step because i was once there . As well as currently go through change.b]
  • CindyB97
    CindyB97 Posts: 146 Member
    edited November 2014
    Congrats Tracy! That is an awesome achievement!!

    1. Be like Carol: When I first started running (C25K program) a few years ago, I was well over 200 pounds. I really enjoyed it but my knees started hurting almost immediately. I finally dragged myself to the doctor. He ordered xrays and determined it was severe degenerative osteoarthritis. He didn't really offer much advice except to prescribe naproxen (Aleve). So I soldiered on and kept running. Something the xray technician said to me helped tremendously. She said she was diagnosed with arthritis in her hips but kept exercising because strengthening the muscles around those joints really helped relieve the pain. So that's what I've done, and she was right. I still have bad days when I've done too much during the week and they are sore, but I keep going. I take Aleve maybe once every 2 or 3 months at most.

    2. Be like Daryl: I saw a post on MFP about someone who was struggling with a particular aspect of her weight loss journey. I offered advice then sent a friend request. It's a little thing, but sometimes those little things stick with you (like the xray technician in the above example).

    Note to team: I will probably NOT make the calorie goal this week. It's awful. I am already about 1,200 calories over for the week! I will try my best but it's not looking good. Too bad we can't share our calorie deficits with each other like the exercise minutes, lol! But that wouldn't really help me. I will do better next week, even with Thanksgiving.
  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    Be retrospective like Carol : talk to your team about a fire in your life or smoke you saw that "consumed" you and made you rise like a phoenix from the ashes in a new direction, especially if this story relates to health and fitness like a sport's injury or regaining weight you had lost.

    I'm really having trouble with this one. I've certainly had challenges in my life, some bleaker times and some accomplishments I am immensely proud of, but I've been very lucky in that I've not ever faced anything that has really consumed me. I do feel as though this change, this journey has changed me. I feel more confident, more empowered, more proud of myself than ever. Its what keeps me going every day.

    Be determined and optimistic like Daryl and encourage someone in your own life who is experiencing difficulties in reaching their goals or is having similar setbacks.

    I do my best to encourage all of my friends every day in all of their journeys, in real life or virtual. I live about 5 hours from my hometown and most of my family and will be going home for Thanksgiving. Most of my family is overweight-obese. While a part of me is so tempted to just stuff my face full of pecan pie and mashed potatoes on Thanksgiving, I'm going to give some thoughts as to how I can maybe demonstrate to them that there is a logical place that exists between sustaining yourself on salad, and eating all the stuff, all the time.
  • tracymayo1
    tracymayo1 Posts: 445 Member
    CindyB97 wrote: »
    Congrats Tracy! That is an awesome achievement!!

    1. Be like Carol: When I first started running (C25K program) a few years ago, I was well over 200 pounds. I really enjoyed it but my knees started hurting almost immediately. I finally dragged myself to the doctor. He ordered xrays and determined it was severe degenerative osteoarthritis. He didn't really offer much advice except to prescribe naproxen (Aleve). So I soldiered on and kept running. Something the xray technician said to me helped tremendously. She said she was diagnosed with arthritis in her hips but kept exercising because strengthening the muscles around those joints really helped relieve the pain. So that's what I've done, and she was right. I still have bad days when I've done too much during the week and they are sore, but I keep going. I take Aleve maybe once every 2 or 3 months at most.

    2. Be like Daryl: I saw a post on MFP about someone who was struggling with a particular aspect of her weight loss journey. I offered advice then sent a friend request. It's a little thing, but sometimes those little things stick with you (like the xray technician in the above example).

    Note to team: I will probably NOT make the calorie goal this week. It's awful. I am already about 1,200 calories over for the week! I will try my best but it's not looking good. Too bad we can't share our calorie deficits with each other like the exercise minutes, lol! But that wouldn't really help me. I will do better next week, even with Thanksgiving.

    Let me get this straight.. for the calorie deficit, if I am under for the TOTAL of the week (but went over one 1 day) - it would still count as being within my calories?
    Sorry, I just automatically logged that I didn't make this goal in previous weeks because 1 day was over by 30 calories - but the rest of the week was still way under goal.. so now as above im not sure if that is right?
  • CindyB97
    CindyB97 Posts: 146 Member
    tracymayo1 wrote: »

    Let me get this straight.. for the calorie deficit, if I am under for the TOTAL of the week (but went over one 1 day) - it would still count as being within my calories?
    Sorry, I just automatically logged that I didn't make this goal in previous weeks because 1 day was over by 30 calories - but the rest of the week was still way under goal.. so now as above im not sure if that is right?

    I wondered the same thing when we first started and I asked about it in one of the threads, and whoever answered said whatever it means to YOU to be at your calorie goal for the week. So I started the weekly thing and it's really worked out well for me. It's actually helped me stay in my calorie range a lot better than before, for some reason.

    And just for the record, I made up most of my calorie deficit yesterday! I stayed close to 500 calories for the day. I know that's unhealthy to do all the time, but it's similar to intermittent fasting which I plan on starting soon anyway. However, I'm going to see Mockingjay tonight (yay!) and it's so hard to resist movie popcorn. I've been good all day today in preparation for it, but I tend to over-indulge. :-)

  • ashleigh315
    ashleigh315 Posts: 87 Member
    Be retrospective like Carol : I had total ACL/MCL knee surgery at the beginning of 2012 and it completely changed my life. I couldn't exercise like I use to, I was in SO much pain, and the weight just kept piling on. A year after my surgery I decided to stop focusing on what I couldn't do and start focusing on what I COULD do so I trained for and ran my first 5K! I let myself slip back again after that and soon I was at the heaviest I had ever been. When my knee doctor told me my weight gain had contributed to early arthritis in my knee it was a huge wake up call. I have a long way to go, but I've already lost 15lbs and there's no turning back!

    3. Be determined and optimistic like Daryl: My mom has struggled with her weight for the last 10 years or so and lately I have been encouraging her to try new (healthier) foods and get more exercise in. She told me today that she has decided her goal is for us both to run a 1/2 marathon together!
  • mistertripps
    1. Be retrospective like Carol : talk to your team about a fire in your life or smoke you saw that "consumed" you and made you rise like a phoenix from the ashes in a new direction, especially if this story relates to health and fitness like a sport's injury or regaining weight you had lost.

    Interestingly enough, I have never been consumed with weight loss which is probably why I tend to go up and down like a yo-yo. I like MFP and it is the most effective way I have found to keep motivated, but it still doesn't consume me. I suppose the biggest fire in my life was the breakdown of my first marriage. It didn't go up in flames though - it just smoldered and smoke until there was nothing left but a pile of ashes. But then, I met CindyB97 and I found that I could have a meaningful relationship with someone again. 18 years later, the fire of our relationship still burns bright.

    2. Be determined and optimistic like Daryl and encourage someone in your own life who is experiencing difficulties in reaching their goals or is having similar setbacks.

    I think CindyB97 and I tend to do this for each other when it comes to weight loss. She will have a bad week and I try to remind her that it happens and she always bounces back with a good week. I start to lose interest and she brings me back around.
  • maphammonds
    maphammonds Posts: 362 Member
    It's been awesome reading everyone's input for this week's challenge - thanks for sharing - it motivates me :)

    And I agree with the thread on how to count the calories - cumulative for the week. There are days I don't eat back my exercise calories during the week so I can have a glass of wine or a margarita on the weekends.

    Shout out to CindyB97, I think we've talked ourselves into starting the 5:2 Fast Diet - we got this!

    On another note - my cardio work out today included 2 minutes of plank jacks. I was excited because I was going to count it as my planksgiving, but sadly today was not a plank jacks day :( Whoever posted this plansgiving challenge - Thank You! It's totally kicking my butt and I hate it....but I love it! My favorite jeans are too big in the waist and saggy in the butt and even my family noticed how different my shoulders/arms and upper body looks just 3 weeks in.