Senior Golden Sneakers



    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    hmmmmm....I was asking that their story be cut and pasted so it could be shared with as many people as possible. They need financial help. Pictures of a dog will go around the world on Facebook. There is something wrong here.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Sorry Maddie, misunderstood
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited November 2014
    you would think we were over run with bugs and creators the way Sammie is carrying on the lasts few days. Sniping and really looking for them. I guess they came in out of the cold. We have not seen any but Sammie sure has heard and smell them somewhere. Mostly in the bathroom and laundry room. Hope we don't have any rats. He is overturning our thrash cans. scathing at all of the doors. and windows. We have had a few lizzards baby ones. But not lately. Now he is trying to get in Jerry closet

    I share picture of my great grandson on facebook. Not due till January. though. Its amazing now a days. of how they can take pictures of The baby inside of its Mommy


    hope it was a good one.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,179 Member
    Long was a bit warmer. Lots of dad phone calls today. I know he's upset but still cannot understand most of what he's trying to say. Continues to tie my stomach in knots and I am having nightmares and periods of anxiety. Sorry, I think I should read or try to knit now. Hugs to everyone.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member


    We got another 3-4 inches of snow this morning. I skipped my Yoga Class as we still have to clean off the cars and Dave will be snow blowing the driveway soon and I will help.
    Not as bad as our neighbors in Buffalo, NY who have at least if not more 4 feet and another storm is on the way. Way over what is normal. I have been watching the news and
    they have had 5 deaths already from this storm. The majority of people are not going

    Ontario, Canada

    19F and more snow is on the way
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,179 Member

    Light snow here today. I've spent the day cleaning and chopping fresh vegetables, baking a butternut squash and a sweet potato, making the cranberry sauce with pear and apple chunks added, talked to my dad, then have spent a lot of time trying to shop online for things my dad needs at discount prices. Have done pretty good. Also have the handyman stopping by later to change a filter in my water system. I don't have a filter wrench and don't want to tackle it myself.

    Walking, walking walking around the house and I've gotten all the winter stuff into my vehicles, and have my winter bag packed to put in the car whenever needed. Plan to read a bit later, do some more knitting. I'd like to get the first of the 6+ pieces to the point where I can take it to the shop tomorrow to make sure I know how to cast off properly without messing it up. Ha. As far as doing crochet and/or knitting to help the arthritis in my hands, so far, I don't see where it's helping. Still pain, stiffness, and I drop things all the time. Thank the Lord for Otter boxes---my phone still works (dropped it again this morning).

    God Bless You my friends. I could use some remedial help from Phyllis and Barbie regarding knitting. Still finding it challenging as a left-hander to figure things out. I hope we can all keep in touch this winter. It may be one where I stay home A LOT!

    Lin in Central Iowa..........let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Got back from the eye doctor. May have more laser surgery next week. my eyes are not any better.
    I have one done about a year ago. not the same kind but I don't think anything will help me. The last one was suppose to help my right eye but never notice any change. They did dilate my eyes this morning And that sunshine is really bright. We are up to 64 and really feels nice. after Our cold spell last week.
    I am planning on adding whole wheat in my diet plan. I am reading the prevention Fiber up book.

    Keep warm all of you that is getting snow. New York looks bad.
    Hugs Marie

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    Just a short check in. Went to court with Bryanna and the attorney got her ticket dismissed so she has her license back in her possession. My son watched Robby today and I took a nap when we returned. My cleaning girl is here now so I am leaving early for bingo
    Tomorrow Robby comes here at 6:00 am. so hopefully I get home early.

    Have a good night.
    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    smiley-sport040.gifJake's new treadmill looks great in the living room. It's a bit more crowded now but still OK. We rarely have company and when we do, we all sit around the dining room table. He paid $20.00 for the treadmill at a thrift store and a friend helped him bring it home and set it up and refused money or lunch in return for the favor. So this afternoon we watched TV while Jake walked and I rode and the dogs lay on the couch in between.

    :D It's warmer here today---temps above freezing---my new coat came today and it's beautiful---I'll wear it tomorrow and it will be great even in cold, rainy, windy weather.

  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Good Morning or good night to you all. Tonight I am taking my daughter in law to see the musical HAIRSPRAY. The HS students are putting it on over at the school. Try usually do a really god job so I am anxious to see it. My son works afternoons and nights so my daughter in law gets bored sitting at home all alone so I had her over last night for a while. She works days so they don't get to spend a lot of time together. She wanted to learn how to make COOKIES and learn how to knit. We only got the cookies baked and then it was getting late so we will do knitting another night. AFTER she buys her some yarn for a scarf that she wants to try to make.
    I finished a pair of slippers and she also wants to learn to make a pair for her husband. I'm attaching a photo of them. I put them on but they are a bit big for me. ex0eht01ns8u.jpg Love reading all about everyone daily activities but I am not so good to comment on everyone post. Love ya all,
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Quick hello and goodnight! Feeling guilty about MADDIE's plea, and of course she's right about Facebook, dog pleas, etc, so I just want to say we have expectations here in my community of high contributions to our servers, to help scholarships for underprivileged kids, problems they might need help on, etc, and I assume that poor family also might belong to a church or other group that could offer help. Such a sad situation, and I'm sure we all wish we had the means to help.
    We had a very bleak cool rainy day, but no complaints from one who does not miss the beautiful snow!
    I can wear a pair of buckled Birkenstocks, very loosely buckled, for the short distance to my treatment. By this morning, I had lost 8 inches off my 2 combined legs, foot to knee!We are hoping for only 2 more weeks treatment, perhaps less.
    Bedtime, and I'm sleepy as can be!
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    Happy Thursday!! :D Robby is down for his first morning nap. Usually it is a short one from 30 to 45 minutes, then he takes a second short nap before noon. If he follows pattern he should sleep a couple of hours this afternoon. He is a good baby who loves to smile and laugh. Although it is a long day, time seems to go by quickly. It was nice having the day off yesterday, once Lisa's mom comes back it will be better watching him three days a week instead of five but for now it is working out fine, I did not win at bingo but did get home early so went straight to bed. :D

    Buzz, your treatments seem to be working great, congratulations. The weather seems to be awful in most of the Country, especially New York. I do hope Jacksonville Florida warms up when I get there for my visit.

    Phyllis, nice slippers, you are so talented. What a great MIL you are to keep your DIL busy and happy. My DIL, Robby's mom, birthday is tomorrow, I am thinking of surprising her and bringing Robby to her on lunch break. Will wait and see what the weather is like first.

    Barbie, a couple who exercises together stays together. <3 What a great deal Jake got on the treadmill. Unfortunately I can't use a treadmill, too hard on the knees. I hope you both agree on the TV show you watch while working out.

    Hello to everyone else, I hope all is well.

    One Day at a Time

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Just checking in. Went away up to the community I grew up in for a funeral. No wifi so couldn't post. The funeral was for my cousins wife's father. Huge rural funeral, we had to stand up through it as so many people came. Sorry for her loss, but he was ready to go, know he'll be sadly missed.

    It was nice tho to see lots of people I have for seen for awhile including my last 2 aunts. Had fun staying with my cousin and her husband too.

    Heading out to take our grandson to kindergarten.

    Have a great day.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited November 2014
    Good morning all,

    :D Phoebe are you at home yet? Sure missed you popping in. <3 jeri thought I was missing you. Glad to see you back.

    ;) lin are you off to see your dad?

    Gayla I sure do missed you. Hope all is well. o:) and your family too.

    phyliss you amaze me of all of your craft They all look so lovely. Your Daughter in law is a lucky girl. to have you to teach her things. My mother was not a crafty person. Now my grandmother was but I did not take after her in her many ways of doing things. :\

    Shirley I am off on this new diet, Prevention slimming up on fiber.
    The first week I take Breakfast of upping my fiber The second week learn to upped my fiber on snacks. I do not keep track of anything but fiber. Last night I was not hungry and I took an adventure on my dinner. Had a bag of microwave popcorn for 8 grams of fiber and 5 dry apricots for 4 grams total of 12 grams of fiber and check my blood sugar before bedtime and it was 105. so I guess the fiber in my food kept my blood Sugar down.
    . For breakfast this morning it will be oatmeal 4 grams of fiber, 5 Apricots half with skim milk. for a total of 8 grams for breakfast. Maybe I have found what may work for me. Lets hope so My goal for the next for the next weeks is to get my fiber count up to 30 or 31 So about .


    This is me.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,179 Member


    Lin <3
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited November 2014
    Excuse my bad memory Gayla Just look it up last week but did not put it on my notepad.
    happy Birthday Gayla hoping you have a good one and that your family is all well. miss getting your updates. love you bunchies
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member



    A sunny day and snow removal again on the cars and the driveway. I can't believe they are predicting rain this weekend with temps nearly 60F.

    A busy day for me yesterday, got the house decorated for Christmas and managed a 30 min walking with Leslie Sasone. I did get in 10,152 steps and I sure can feel it. I barely
    got out of bed this morning.

    I do have some errands to run today and I am skipping my exercise to rest this tired and
    sore body.

    BARBIE - I hope Jake enjoys the treadmill. They do take up a lot of space. I had one a long time ago but got rid of it for $100. I also had an elliptical and that is when my lower back pain started so I gave that to my daughter who just recently sold it.

    SANDY - Glad to hear Bryanna's ticket was dismissed. That must be a relief to you.
    I hope she learned her lesson.

    LIN - Are we having fun knitting yet? ;) I hope you can complete your project. Typing is enough for me with my arthritic hands. Since the cold has set in they are very sore.
    I think I need another injection of cortisone in one of my fingers I am having trouble
    bending it and it swollen. Knitting is also good for quieting the mind.

    Enjoy the day, hope all is well with everyone else.

    Ontario, Canada

    Sunny 28F no snow
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    I just checked the birthday list and its GAYLA'S birthday today.

    Have a wonderful day!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member