Beginner Team Chat Board



  • tracymayo1
    tracymayo1 Posts: 445 Member
    just posted my scoreboard.
    Also have70 minutes CARDIO over.
    If you need it, take it - also mentioned I will give to any Begginner member needing it on the scoreboard forum.
    - GO TEAM!
  • julebg79
    julebg79 Posts: 377 Member
    CindyB97 wrote: »
    Congrats Tracy! That is an awesome achievement!!
    Note to team: I will probably NOT make the calorie goal this week. It's awful. I am already about 1,200 calories over for the week! I will try my best but it's not looking good. Too bad we can't share our calorie deficits with each other like the exercise minutes, lol! But that wouldn't really help me. I will do better next week, even with Thanksgiving.

    Sadly, I am in the same boat with calories this week. I just had one of those major falling of the wagon kind of weeks. I was running a work conference, working 16 hour days and stress eating everything in sight before bed each night (and no time to earn exercise calories). I just finished an hour long walk so I'd hit my exercise goals for the week, but the calories were out of control for me. I'm sorry to bring the team down, and likewise promise to do better next week!

    1. Be like Carol: I had both of my retinas detach when I was in my mid twenties (9-10 years ago). It was by far the hardest thing I had gone through in my life to that date, and nothing since has been as difficult. The fear of losing vision is really horrible and I was scared, depressed, and stuck face down in bed post op on both surgeries (about a year apart for the two eyes). I lost touch with many friends, and defintely turned inward and, to be honest, a bit selfish. But modern medicine is amazing, and I can see very well from my right eye (my left is pretty wonky, but I count my blessings!). I have no doubt that had this all happened even 50 years ago, I would probably be completely blind in my left eye, and quite possibly my right as well.

    Though it was horrible, that experience really taught me not to take things for granted. I gained a lot of weight during that period (being depressed AND not allowed to exercise for fear of detaching newly fixed retinas). But as soon as I was able, I was out there, and that is when I actually reached my goal weight for the first time in my entire life, losing 87 lbs! I have gained quite a bit back over the years and through pregnancies, etc. But I feel like I can do it again, and so, I will!

    2. Be like Daryl: This week I had a lunch date with a friend who has been struggling with finding motivation for weight loss, and after our conversation, she decided to make some dietary changes. I plan to keep up with those conversations with her, and I think it will help keep both of us motivated!
  • julebg79
    julebg79 Posts: 377 Member
    Whoever posted this plansgiving challenge - Thank You! It's totally kicking my butt and I hate it....but I love it! My favorite jeans are too big in the waist and saggy in the butt and even my family noticed how different my shoulders/arms and upper body looks just 3 weeks in.

    That was me!!! You're welcome! My husband is not quite so thankful as you. LOL. I am a day behind, but proud of myself for pretty much keeping up it, even though I've had a tough week. I have to do tonight's assignment after we get back from our dinner date. Then I plan to do two days worth tomorrrow (one morning and one night) so that I can be back on the correct dates!

  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    Just posted. I have extra cardio minutes if people need them. Remember- take them. No need to go with zeros :)

    I tried something new this week. I joined a gym. Its really helped with my strength training (personal trainer appt Monday). I still have gone well over my cardio goal, but for some odd reason, its left me well under my fitbit step goals 4 of 7 days this week. Odd. I still feel great about the week.
  • Be like Carol: I have always felt overweight from when I was 11 or 12, and when I was at my fittest in my early 20s I finally felt “okay” with my body- I was a dancer and a runner and I didn’t give myself enough credit. Life happened- I easily gained 60lbs. I accepted that I was gaining weight, and just didn’t seem to care enough to change it. I would try periodically over the last two years to lose weight, making an honest attempt and dropping anywhere from 10-15lbs. Then I would try to give myself a cheat day, and it was game over from there. I’ve only ever been called “fat” as an insult twice in my whole life, but other than that no one has ever addressed my weight. Then I went to a new Dr this year, and man was that a wake up call for me. I went in for a completely unrelated reason, but she brushed it off and spent the entire appointment addressing my weight, how I was considered obese, and that she was pretty sure I was pre-diabetic. Well, all testing came back normal, but some of the things that were said during that appointment I would never like to hear again. So here we are~

    Be like Daryl: My wonderful, amazing, supportive boyfriend sees the change that a clean diet and daily exercise has done for me, and has taken interest. So, I am always willing to give advice on meal plans, as well as inviting out for walks or partaking in challenges.

    Off to post totals now~
  • Bmercy21
    Bmercy21 Posts: 88 Member
    Kept my word except for the first thing in the morning part
  • Bmercy21
    Bmercy21 Posts: 88 Member
    Bmercy21 wrote: »
    Kept my word except for the first thing in the morning part

    Just completed the punishment. Did the bring Sally up challenge and How to run from a zombie workout video
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    New challenge is posted.

    However, I have to run in to work so winning team and MVPs won't be posted for a few hours.
  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    I wasn't sure who to message so I'll put it here for now: I'm headed out of town tomorrow for the holiday. I hope I'll be able to check in on Saturday night with my numbers, however complete they are. But I have no data signal or internet access where I'm staying. So I plan to do the challenges, punishment if applicable, etc. But don't count me eaten if I can't get online Saturday :)
  • MsTiffamee
    MsTiffamee Posts: 137 Member
    I just wanted to let the team know that I have been excused from the challenge this week. I will be out of town for the holidays. I have messaged Cindyinpg to let her know. I hope you guys kick tail this week. I'll be returning next week!! :)
  • maphammonds
    maphammonds Posts: 362 Member
    Hey Folks - just being transparent here - I really don't know if I'll be able to to the 'Get it In' challenge on Thursday. We'll have a house full of people and are actually starting celebrations Wednesday evening.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Hey Folks - just being transparent here - I really don't know if I'll be able to to the 'Get it In' challenge on Thursday. We'll have a house full of people and are actually starting celebrations Wednesday evening.
    All the character/all player challenges are just optional ways of getting to your cardio or strength goals so you can change it up to another day or activity. :smiley:

  • maphammonds
    maphammonds Posts: 362 Member
    Cindyinpg wrote: »
    Hey Folks - just being transparent here - I really don't know if I'll be able to to the 'Get it In' challenge on Thursday. We'll have a house full of people and are actually starting celebrations Wednesday evening.
    All the character/all player challenges are just optional ways of getting to your cardio or strength goals so you can change it up to another day or activity. :smiley:

    Thanks Cindy! That's good to know, I totally read that as doing the challange Thanksgivig morning. I get it in on Wednesday then!
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Morning Beginners!! Sorry I have been MIA.

    How is the Planks challenge you guys have going?
  • maphammonds
    maphammonds Posts: 362 Member
    tj1376 wrote: »
    Morning Beginners!! Sorry I have been MIA.
    How is the Planks challenge you guys have going?

    Hey TJ, hope you were able to do some fun stuff in your time away.
    Planksgiving is the devil, no joke! I don't know which I despise more, plank walks or two point planks (both of which I modify on my knees, but they're still killers!) Just a few more days, then it's over. Over, over, over! Then I will truly be thankful :)
  • julebg79
    julebg79 Posts: 377 Member
    <--ditto to what she said! I have done every planksgiving day workout so far (though have skipped some days and had to double up a few times--man did I regret that!). The plank walks and 2 points are also my least fave, but I definitely am getting better (at the walks at least--I think I'm too clumsy to improve much on the other). I have also modified the walks to knees.

    I honestly didn't think I could make it to the 75 seconds, but i did 65 tonight and im so close to the end I plan to just work thru! I literally have wounds on my elbows, though--plank induced rug burn gone scabby. :(

    I'm starting to wonder if I should do another strength exercise challenge after this one. Any suggestions(no burpees!)?
  • Bmercy21
    Bmercy21 Posts: 88 Member

    Unfortunately while on vacation I lost my Planksgiving inspiration and when I got back it was too far too off to double up. But I am doing this squat challenge bc although I do squats I do them during my cardio intervals and they have helped my knees tremendously so I Am giving myself a holidaybooty this year
  • tracymayo1
    tracymayo1 Posts: 445 Member
    hmmmmm, squat challenges are more my speed. I think I may try this...
  • jamielynnmobile
    jamielynnmobile Posts: 68 Member
    Can't do planks, but I'd be all for that squat challenge!