Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,359 Member
    Wonderful Marie!!!!

    Off to church this morning although it is very cold. (Layers, the answer is always layers right?)

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited February 2015

    Very cold this morning -7 today it's very sunny out but cold.

    Dinner tonight with friends at a German restaurant and an NHL hockey game.
    I will have to bundle up.

    Enjoy the day.

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    They tried to stop me with sub-zero weather and ice-covered doors – but I didn’t let them. (LOL). Burned 412 calories doing 75 minutes of cardio exercises…then a nice low calorie breakfast!



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Sunday! :D Very cold here as well but I am still going to go to Mass, like Lin I will layer up. I was lazy yesterday and didn't do any exercise and feel so guilty today. Of course I gained a little because I went over my calories. Today I will make up for it and try to do much more on exercise including riding the bike and Wii. Only two weeks left to lose 5 more pounds, can I do it?????

    Bob, your breakfast looks so good, since I am short of time I will just have some cheerios.

    Marie, doing great on your one, one, one, I am so happy you found something you like and stick with. Congratulations on the weight loss.

    Shirley, have fun with your friends and keep warm both outside and in the hockey rink.

    I am going to go grocery shopping after Church but might stop by and see Babe and Daisy first. He is still miserable and depressed but maybe he will cheer up a little if I stop.
    Have a great day everyone.

    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good morning sneaker friends! After an amazing Valentine dinner and dessert, it is back to work on the PLAN. It is to be sunny today but this promise has failed to materialize. I still have high hopes. It is chilly and damp right now. I am struggling with the protein thing currently. I have never been crazy about meat but there is a lot other protein that it good. It takes a bit more effort to fix dinner however. Hearing about all the cold and snow makes me realize that rain isn't so bad. This really isn't the prettiest time of year even though we do have daffodils up and smiling. Thanks everyone for the info about vitamin D. Looking into adding more after a quick chat with my DR.
    The old puppies are so demanding but loveable. One of the doggies is an early riser. (4:30) and we are night owls. This is cause for cranky comments from me and hubby gets very grumpy. There is always a nap I suppose. We have been able to avoid the flu but it is everywhere around here. The idea of a trip is so tempting. We worry about the dogs and they are at the age they need meds and extra attention. Boarding them would be cruel. So we will enjoy being home, looking after the dogs and getting out on the a parka and wool cap instead of a swimsuit!
  • pdgizzo
    pdgizzo Posts: 3 Member
    Does anyone have the thread or link to 70's and steady?
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    No, sorry have not heard of it. Have to tried searching first?
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Where does my time disappear? At least I was able to read your posts, which I hate missing. Sorry for JACKIE's loss, but she is no longer suffering, at least. Mike wanted to see the afternoon movie, so we watched "The Judge". Have you ever seen a movie where you disliked all the characters yet couldn't tear away? Very intense movie, right to the finish! Robert Duvall only gets better and Robert Downey Jr does an incredible acting job, veering from loving father to despicable lawyer, to heartbroken son! You might need a strong stomach, but I never dozed off even once!!! Restless Leg problem so I must walk around. I wish you all sunshine!
    <3 Buzz
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    delraybuzz wrote: »
    Where does my time disappear? At least I was able to read your posts, which I hate missing. Sorry for JACKIE's loss, but she is no longer suffering, at least. Mike wanted to see the afternoon movie, so we watched "The Judge". Have you ever seen a movie where you disliked all the characters yet couldn't tear away? Very intense movie, right to the finish! Robert Duvall only gets better and Robert Downey Jr does an incredible acting job, veering from loving father to despicable lawyer, to heartbroken son! You might need a strong stomach, but I never dozed off even once!!! Restless Leg problem so I must walk around. I wish you all sunshine!
    <3 Buzz

    Love Robert Duvall..Open Range, Godfather, Tender Mercies, The Judge, Civil Action and others.

    As for Robert Downey Jr. – so glad he cleaned his act up. Loved him since the movie Chaplin (superb performance), Iron Man, The Pick- Up Artist and admittedly some turkeys.
    Saw The Judge on the “big screen.” It was, as you said, intense at times – liked it!

    Bob :)
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Sandydur wrote: »
    Happy Sunday! :D Very cold here as well but I am still going to go to Mass, like Lin I will layer up...Bob, your breakfast looks so good, since I am short of time I will just have some cheerios....Have a great day everyone.
    Sandy One Day at a Time

    Sandy - Just don't eat the Wheaties -- look what they did to Bruce Jenner :)
    Re: weather - we are now told (-) 35 is possible with windchill -- and -30 was bad enough. I would tell you I also made it to church today - but my nose might grow an inch or two.:)

    Going to watch some of the SNL 40th now... but its 3 hrs - so might miss some of it.

    Have a great night everyone.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    :D Took a long nap this afternoon because we have someplace to go tonight that starts at 7:00 which would normally be my bedtime. Spent a lot of time riding the exercise bike and watching TV and knitting or watching TV and folding laundry....not much time on the computer...beautiful sunny day and many signs of spring being right around the corner.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,359 Member
    Watching SNL now. Hoping my furnace continues to work until the repair people get here.......I'm on the list for a repair call tomorrow. It took over 5 hours to get the temperature up about 6 degrees this afternoon. Now the furnace can't hold the temperature at the thermostat setting. I have my gas fireplace going in my family room so may sleep down here tonight. We'll see.

    Making a list of stuff to do tomorrow. I hope it's warmer.

    Nothing like your weather Bob but cold enough for me.

    See you tomorrow.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    I just had the same experience some of you have had. My post disappeared! Makes me crazy! I also saw The Judge and loved it. There is also a charming little movie called Chef with a cameo of Robert Downey jr. That was a hoot! The movie was cute and had a sweet story. The down side was all of the beautiful shots of wonderful food being prepared. Made me want to run into the kitchen and cook up something delicious and most likely high calorie. I have been collecting photos on my iPad to share but so far unsuccessful. I tried emailing them to senior golden sneakers but that didn't work. Any suggestions? I love seeing the photos. Happy Presidents' Day. I will eat cherry jello in "celebration." Patsy
  • We got home today and we leave tomorrow. Cold here. Just finished reading the posts.
    Lin we have several electric heaters, those little ones can bring the temp up a few degrees.
    Hope you all are warm and stay safe. Honey and kitties are good.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,359 Member
    Yippee---the furnace has run continually overnight but it kept running! A service guy is on his way right now. More later.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    yippee lin. o happy you did stay warm and the guy is on is way out now

    Yip yip phoebe home for today. Such a short time. I know you got a flew of things to do.

    on my agenda for today. bake me a pumpkin spice burnt gluten free cake for my snacks. and a big pot of Hamburger soup for lunches

    yippee to everyone else
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Off to leg treatment. Concert tonight. Hope to find time to join you later this afternoon. Yes, I agree Robert Downey Jr was worth waiting for to clean up his act. It CAN work for some!!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,359 Member
    Hello all - furnace is all mended. You will not believe it but according to the technician, running two individual room humidifiers in my home with the type of water we have in this suburb created this white powdery dust (which I have seen on my furniture) and that the furnace sucked in and totally clogged the filter. So since I have the annual service plan, a mere $100+ for the new filter and all is well.

    Hi Marie - your items to cook sound good and filling. Enjoy!

    Buzz - another busy day. I am glad you are getting these leg treatments. Everyone wants to be as healthy as we can be. Enjoy the concert!

    Phoebe - you are just so busy busy busy now. You guys are working all the time now! Stay safe and I am so glad you do not have a Northern route. (Sorry to anyone living up that way--the snow is crazy in the NE!)

    Talk to you later. I gotta walk!!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Monday!! :D School holiday so no Robby. I am doing laundry and then going to the Mall. My cleaning girl is coming this afternoon and I prefer not to be home when she is cleaning. Two weeks from today I will be sailing, just can't come fast enough.

    I have wasted time on the computer so I have to get moving now, will try to check in later.

    Have a good one!!
    One Day at a Time
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Another cold day but sunny. Out for breakfast with Dave this morning, hard to find a place open due to Family Day here which is a holiday for some.

    Doing laundry as we speak and still have to get my exercise in and practice my choir music as I have practice on Tuesday night.

    Still adding some items here and there to my suitcase. Departure is Saturday and now that the temperatures have plummeted I can't wait to get going to the beach.

    Last night was a hockey game and the Flyers won 2-l against the Sabres. I haven't been to a game in 10 years, lots of things changed in the arena but not the players. I heard they are at the bottom of the league this year. Dinner at the German restaurant was good but I expected more. Famous place before hockey games, so pretty much like pub food but quasi German. I guess when you go to the country and get the real thing nothing tastes like it. :| We had fun anyway, but it was -9 walking back to the car.

    Ontario, Canada