NSVs/Positive Changes



  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    @Karen- that is pretty awesome!!! All those triggers just waiting to pounce on your during a weak moment haha. See, the grocery store is a scary place!
  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    lulu1066 wrote: »
    lovely nsv yesterday. ran into marks as they were having a sale and grabbed some size UK14 things to try on. Had to go back to the rack and get 12s! I have put some weight on the scales after my skiing holiday but it hasn't seemed to have expanded my girth. My hips don't lie. Fasting today in small skirt.

    That is the best present ever!!!

    Also the scale is ridiculous! I always get comments that I look slimmer (especially in my face), when I have gained. I think it is redistributing haha.

  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    cal0rina wrote: »
    What a great thread!
    I am using back pain and stress as my motivation for exercising, my nsv is beginning to appreciate my body for what it CAN do, and not just beating myself up for what it can't do.
    I am gonna use "if hunger is not the problem then food is not the solution"
    Thanks everyone x

    Holy crap @cal0rina...this is amazing! And so beautiful! What amazing progress! Hold tight to that feeling and let it fill you up! Even if there are times when the old ways start creeping up, remember this strength and know that it is inside of you and it is a part of you, even on bad days. This is the real you, and you're amazing!

    (Also, I love that when fasting I notice less pain where I commonly get back pain/soreness. Definitely a benefit of the fasting is less inflammation and I believe it 100%!)

  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    flumi_f wrote: »
    Today's NSV :)

    Had a fast run (1hr / 8.3k / 165m incline up and down). Even after running the downhill part, I had no knee or hip pain. This has been setting in after about 6k during the last few months. The run is one of my longest and fastest in a long while. I have the Jillian Michael's 6 Week 6 Pack video to thank for that. There is quite a bit of leg strength work in there and it has made my legs stronger again in just two weeks. I noticed the same effect last year, while working on her 30 day shred.

    Yay for cross training! It's definitely worth the effort. Oh and my waist was 2 cm smaller this morning even though the scale doesn't show lower numbers in comparison to the last few weeks. I think, that is also due to my work with Jillian. The burns might not be as high as when doing cardio work, but the effects on the body are so worth the work :p

    What amazing physical progress! You have definitely been werkin' it girl! Enjoy those benefits!

    I agree with @jknight- "Congrats to you. Treating your body well and it is loving you for it! " haha.
  • karen_fitzgibbon
    karen_fitzgibbon Posts: 736 Member
    I check this out every morning and omfg this is so inspirational!!! We are all doing fanbloodytastic!!! I know I waffle on a bit and you are all probably getting sick of hearing from me lol but sigh i loooooovvee you guys and you are stuck with me
  • Aadijai1009
    Aadijai1009 Posts: 1 Member
    flumi_f wrote: »
    We are looking forward to your success pics Oricam!

  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member

    Snappy- I didn't know you used to live in the US. I'm in MD, so the other side of the coast, but maybe we're technically closer now??? Obviously in serious need of geography lessons haha.

    Also, I think that is awesome progress even tuning into yourself and picking that up! That's why I get pissed off when people do those "I'll purposely gain 100 lbs to lose it overnight again" stuff. Obviously, if they have been at a lower weight, etc, they aren't currently in the same mental space as people who are 100 lbs overweight, even if they gain the weight on purpose. They can't understand the mental struggles, the emotional ties to food/bingeing, etc, by artificially inflating the scale. Yes, eating less will make you lose weight, but they don't understand the mental struggle and how hard it is to eat less when there is more under the surface and other factors/influences to eat more than just hunger or not having the resolve to say no. Ugh, such a pet peeve.

    Thanks Carb, you're so right! I have been 'chubby' my whole life. The lowest I've ever been is right now (not counting the two pounds from Christmas). So there has been a reason why I have been struggling for this so long.
    they don't understand the mental struggle and how hard it is to eat less when there is more under the surface and other factors/influences to eat more than just hunger or not having the resolve to say no.
    Totally 100%! I know that I'm in a better place now then I have ever been. I used to have such..."oh my gosh! Everyone's looking at me issues"...to the point that I would not come out of my room just to see my parents and sisters without makeup and hair done. Now I can say I am perfectly fine going without makeup or hair at home in front of my husband and kids...to the point that when I do put my makeup on my kids are like...where are you going mommy? I will even do the odd school run without any makeup at all, shock and horror! Some people may say that I am letting myself go, but I look at it as setting myself free. Don't get me wrong I do like to get myself dolled up, but now I don't have to do it everyday.
  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    Got my measurements done today at the gym. In the last month I have lost :
    6cm off my thighs 2cm off my boobs 4cm off my belly 6cm off my hips/butt area Woop woop!!!!! I gained 1 measly cm on my biceps.

    Holy crap, those are epic changes!!! I would much rather have any of those losses than the ones on the scale!!! Do you measure your body fat, too? If you're losing so many inches I would think you are probably exchanging fat for more muscle too :D The scale is meaningless when you are getting real results!!!

    Make sure you take progress pics, too!!! I don't feel like I look any different because my body shape isn't going to be changing anytime soon, but I can definitely see where areas have tightened up or shrunk up in pics. I'm excited to take new progress pics when I hit 50 down (only .6 away!). Obviously, .6 won't make much of a difference in a pic, but I'm doing it more for the symbolism of making this milestone on my journey and making it this far. I hit 50 pounds down in January, but I didn't really "believe it" and spent more time in the same 10 pounds instead of making progress. However, this whole portion of my journey is a BIG NSV for me because I'm maintaining for the first time ever instead of either bouncing all over the scale. Finding a happy place, even at higher weights, is something completely new for me.
  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    snaps27 wrote: »
    Thanks Carb, you're so right! I have been 'chubby' my whole life. The lowest I've ever been is right now (not counting the two pounds from Christmas). So there has been a reason why I have been struggling for this so long.
    they don't understand the mental struggle and how hard it is to eat less when there is more under the surface and other factors/influences to eat more than just hunger or not having the resolve to say no.
    Totally 100%! I know that I'm in a better place now then I have ever been. I used to have such..."oh my gosh! Everyone's looking at me issues"...to the point that I would not come out of my room just to see my parents and sisters without makeup and hair done. Now I can say I am perfectly fine going without makeup or hair at home in front of my husband and kids...to the point that when I do put my makeup on my kids are like...where are you going mommy? I will even do the odd school run without any makeup at all, shock and horror! Some people may say that I am letting myself go, but I look at it as setting myself free. Don't get me wrong I do like to get myself dolled up, but now I don't have to do it everyday.

    Ugh, so happy to hear you feel like you're in a better place @snappy! Sounds like you like to doll yourself up FOR YOURSELF, because you enjoy it and want to reflect how amazing you feel inside, versus using it to hide behind. AHH BEAUTIFUL!!!

    At my first job there were super made-up girls. They were the gossipy type, so even though it's unlikely they ever talked about me, you always felt on edge. I found myself self-conscious and trying to hide/blend in more to avoid criticism. This is actually how I can describe high school to the present haha. I would purposely try to look like I didn't try...like I didn't want to draw attention to myself, especially for doing a "bad job" on my makeup or looking bad even when noticeably trying lol.

    I was definitely at a serious low at my first job, and I haven't felt that extreme for a long time. But I still rarely did makeup or dressed up. It wasn't until recently that my feelings have changed towards makeup. Maybe because I've learned a bit more (thanks youtube), I enjoy it and like playing around with makeup and how it can make my features shine through. Instead of hiding behind my plain exterior, I wanted to draw attention to the things I liked...which is a big change. I still don't wear makeup everyday (oh, the laziness, but I definitely take the time if I have a meeting so I can feel more confident and put-together).

    We should do more things to make ourselves feel beautiful and love ourselves! So glad to hear you're doing it @snappy!

    Ohhh and @Karen- I'm a total sloppy, soppy "let's all group hug it out"-er. But it's not unwarranted- the support of this comm has been amazing and kept me coming back week after week :D
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    edited March 2015
    My mom called me today and asked me if my diet would help her health issues. She's had cancer twice and has numerous other stuff going on like inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, heart condition, migraines...leaving her barely able to walk and on lots of medication.

    I planted the seed before xmas and at that point I could see she just wasn't interested. That she took initiative today is a major victory!

    I'm going to construct an eating protocol tailored for her, who knows where this experiment will end. There's no risk here, only potential wins to gain :)
  • cobygrey
    cobygrey Posts: 270 Member
    edited March 2015
    Foamroller wrote: »
    My mom called me today and asked me if my diet would help her health issues. She's had cancer twice and has numerous other stuff going on like inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, heart condition, migraines...leaving her barely able to walk and on lots of medication.

    I planted the seed before xmas and at that point I could see she just wasn't interested. That she took initiative today is a major victory!

    I'm going to construct an eating protocol tailored for her, who knows where this experiment will end. There's no risk here, only potential wins to gain :)

    Isn't it wonderful when you can help your parents?

  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Foamroller wrote: »
    I planted the seed before xmas and at that point I could see she just wasn't interested. That she took initiative today is a major victory

    That's the way it works best. Plant the seed,no pressure , retreat and they will come to you ;-) I've had this happen several times.
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    Foamroller wrote: »
    My mom called me today and asked me if my diet would help her health issues. She's had cancer twice and has numerous other stuff going on like inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, heart condition, migraines...leaving her barely able to walk and on lots of medication.

    I planted the seed before xmas and at that point I could see she just wasn't interested. That she took initiative today is a major victory!

    I'm going to construct an eating protocol tailored for her, who knows where this experiment will end. There's no risk here, only potential wins to gain :)

    Very cool! B)
  • uptightoutasight
    uptightoutasight Posts: 69 Member
    Down a size in jeans!
  • karen_fitzgibbon
    karen_fitzgibbon Posts: 736 Member
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    My sisters just joined MFP two days ago! I planted the seed a few months ago too. :D:D
  • cobygrey
    cobygrey Posts: 270 Member
    Down a size in jeans!


  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    Down a size in jeans!

    Woo woo rock dem jeans!!! That's major in my book cause these shelf hips aren't going anywhere anytime soon so I'll dream of going down a jeans size hahaha!
    Foamroller wrote: »
    My mom called me today and asked me if my diet would help her health issues. She's had cancer twice and has numerous other stuff going on like inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, heart condition, migraines...leaving her barely able to walk and on lots of medication.

    I planted the seed before xmas and at that point I could see she just wasn't interested. That she took initiative today is a major victory!

    I'm going to construct an eating protocol tailored for her, who knows where this experiment will end. There's no risk here, only potential wins to gain :)

    Sorry to here that @foamroller!!! But glad to hear you're staying positive and being proactive :D

  • uptightoutasight
    uptightoutasight Posts: 69 Member
    Thanks all! I agree Carbmonster. I seem to lose on my thighs and boobs and finally the weight loss inches towards each other to meet in the middle!
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    I think I start the weight loss on my head and feet and they both work their way toward the middle. :smiley: