Every day chats!



  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    The local Lowes was having their annual customer appreciation sale. Ten percent off all purchases. So I picked up my new cardio exercise equipment, a lawn mower. I think Cindy should add a chapter on lawn mowing to her book on non-traditional fitness. :D
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Spring has come to MN, the forsythia, daffodils, magnolias, and tulips are blooming. I told the girls I want to get the moving done so I can start my vegetable garden. The moving is going slowly. We decided we wanted to get some rooms repainted and it is easier to do it when they are empty. So I will be taping and painting this week. My challenge this week is not to eat out too often. I am going to pack snacks and keep food at the new house so I don't feel the need to stop off somewhere to eat.

    I hope everyone has an awesome week!!! :)
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    Hi All~
    Work has been a little crazy the past few nights. I usually pop in on my break but haven't been getting them. Some stressful things going on...I leave a week from today for Oklahoma and I am NOT ready. Kyli's prom is the following week end so I have been busy getting everything ready for that before I go! The good news is we got everything done for that...masquerade mask and all accessories bought and ready to go! Whew...I hate running around last minute for anything so it feels good to not have any of that to worry about!
    Anyone else having issues with MFP? I popped on last night before work and was in the middle of a post...of course a fairly long post....and poof...gone...then I kept getting a strange msg saying my groups weren't available right now...my news feed wasn't available for a couple hrs earlier in the week either...hmmm.
    I hope you are all having a FAB_U_LOSS week end!
  • Femmigirlz
    Femmigirlz Posts: 231 Member
    I finally got a full week of stickers, which means no binging. I don't think I've ever gone a full week without a binge. :smiley: , I've also lost 5.6 pounds in a month and 4 days.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Way to go Karen! Your hard work is paying off. Just one day at a time or even an hour at a time. And you not feeling well, you could have just given in, but you didn't. Awesome!!! <3B)
  • jhaugen445
    jhaugen445 Posts: 92 Member
    Karen- Super job! B) You can keep going binge free! I second the one day, one hour, even one minute at a time!

    Welcome to our group, Pooh! :)

    I'm trying to prepare my house, my boys, and my husband before my surgery next week! Thankfully, My Mom is coming to help for the first week. I suppose it makes me feel more valuable when I realize how much happens around our house & in our lives because I do it! ;)

    To all my friends, have a wonderful week!

  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Jen - Look on this as the family lesson in Mom appreciation. I think they often don't realize or forget just how much we do. You remember to take it easy and don't rush to get on your feet too soon. <3
  • MdwstQT
    MdwstQT Posts: 230 Member
    Awesome Karen! You got this!

    You guys have been busy as heck! I'm just loafing around binge free that is! B)

    Here's to an awesome week!
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    I finally got a full week of stickers, which means no binging. I don't think I've ever gone a full week without a binge. :smiley: , I've also lost 5.6 pounds in a month and 4 days.

    That is fabulous!
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    MdwstQT wrote: »
    I'm just loafing around binge free that is! B)
    Here's to an awesome week!

    Great job!
  • Femmigirlz
    Femmigirlz Posts: 231 Member
    Thank you Liz and everyone. It's not easy for any of us. I just keep telling myself "what's the alternative " and just that scares me as I get older. I had minor surgery lately and they asked me to lift myself off and slide to the other gernie. I wasn't able to lift my hips up to move. It was difficult for them to try and help me too. It took 3 people. I was a little embarrassed but mostly scared thinking that should be such a simple thing and I couldn't do it. I think fear of many negative things continuing to happen is a big driving force for me to lose weight. But the biggest is just so I can move around and walk better so I can actually get out of the house more often and do things that are fun.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Difficult day. :'(
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    Difficult day. :'(
    Wassup Marcella? If you are still online, message me if you like.
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    I finally got a full week of stickers, which means no binging. I don't think I've ever gone a full week without a binge. :smiley: , I've also lost 5.6 pounds in a month and 4 days.

    Fantastic job Karen! Well done for both getting your stickers and losing more almost 6lbs! Baby steps! It is really is very difficult to try to do everything at once. You remained focused on your goal and came out the winner!
    MdwstQT wrote: »

    You guys have been busy as heck! I'm just loafing around binge free that is! B)

    Here's to an awesome week!

    You rock also QT. Well done! And a little bird saw you exercising your bum off also, so I don't believe you have just been loafing around - you go girl!!!

    Liz how is your move going?

    Jen you have an amazing attitude. I'm so glad your mom is coming to help you. And I agree with Liz, don't rush to get back on your feet.

    Cindy how are your preparations for your Oklahoma trip going? Are you all packed?

    Noodle I would love to see a before and after picture of you - you are killing it in the pool!

    Barbs and Nekrebel ... where are you? Come back to us... we miss you :)

    Hi Pooh and welcome. I hope you feel at home here with us.

    And just a little reminder to all of you wonderful, beautiful, dedicated people remember that when things get tougher than usual breath and promise yourself that:

    Just for 1 minute, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month I will or I will not _______________________ (fill in the blank with something that will support you on your journey)

    because the only way to eat a whole elephant is....



    at a time! :D;)
  • FindingCindy721
    FindingCindy721 Posts: 834 Member
    Hi to all my Lovely LOST Ladies~
    I am almost ready for my trip. I will be off Thurs, Fri & Sat before I leave, so I am confident that I will be all set. I am bringing nuts and fiber one bars. The hotel we stay at has a great salad bar and usually fresh fruit available at meal times.

    Julia~ So sorry thatyou too are having a rough day! ((((((((((HUGS))))))))))) to you!!!

    Karen~ Keep up the great work! So proud of you!!! Maybe only weighing in monthly is a good plan for you!!!

    MdwstQT~ You are doing GREAT! Binge free...any tips on what's helping you?

    Liz~How goes the move? I hope you are delegating! We did the same thing when we bought our house,,,we painted before the furniture came.

    Jen ~ I will be thinking of you and sending prayers your way when I a gone. Remember we are here if you need to keep yourself occupied! Take your time mending and be kind to yourself.

    Noodle~ I second aalice's request... I too would love to see a before and after picture of you! You are a great inspiration with all your dedication!!!

    Barlovo~ I hope your trip is going well...can't wait to hear how well you did.

    Ruth~ How are you doing? I hope you are still hanging in there.

    aaliceinw~ I need a little of your AWESOME attitude!!! I am struggling this week....

  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    Cindy - Here ya go! Just loaded a truckload especially for you, wrapped in a bundle of hugs too <3

    One of the hardest easiest things to do?

    to "Just do it anyway!"

    - regardless of the chatter, the tiredness, the fear, someone else etc...

    "Just do it anyway"

    -because it is actually less painful/stressful and stops all nagging (internally and externally)

    Sssht... it quitens the voices in the head :D

    Remember, we are all committed to Fab_U_Loss losses ;)
    Drop me an inmail Cindy...
  • barlovo
    barlovo Posts: 151 Member
    Just a quick hello to everyone! I am briefly at home through Saturday before heading off to my next business trip. It is so great to be home and be able to cook my own food for a few days. Believe it or not, I am really tired of eating out, which is not something I usually say.

    My successes over the past couple of weeks: I've made sure to get enough protein at each meal. Where I fell short was in eating balanced meals, tended to eat more fats and less vegetables, even when there were healthier options. Although - I did consistently order coleslaw or salad instead of fries or onion rings. The last few days I started eating sugared foods and I am relieved to stop that again.

    So my goal for the next few days: eat at home, track my food, and stay off the sugar; and when I start traveling again on Sunday, make more of an effort to reach for the veggies!

    You all are never far from my thoughts even though I have not had much time to check in. I look forward to reading your posts and catching up on your lives when I have a little more time. Sending hugs to all - Barb
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Alice - Thank you for sweet thoughts. I've not been on my computer today, but made it through. I will just say that I set some boundaries in my life and today they held. Feeling a bit stronger tonight. A good night's sleep will make it even better and tomorrow is all fresh and new.

    Cindy - Your hugs made me smile.

    Barb - Welcome home. Even if for just a little bit.
  • mysticlizard
    mysticlizard Posts: 896 Member
    Hi Barb it is good to see you! I am glad you are home for a few days. I am sure it feels good to be there. Enjoy and rejuvenate.

    Jen I know you are probably busy trying to get every last thing done and every contingency that is remotely conceivable you can think of covered just in case. Don't make yourself nuts. If you have missed something, hubby, kids, or mom can do it, maybe not as easily or the way you would do it, but they can do it. Relax, breath deep, and try to enjoy the rest.

    Marcella - I Think of you often when I look at were my garden is going to be. Hang in there and be kind to yourself.

    Karen and QT - Way to go, baby steps.

    Cindy - You have been on my mind, I know graduation is coming much faster that you want it to. (((hugs)))

    Alice - You have been full of joy this week. I have been picturing you dancing in your pretty clothes under the moon on a beach.

    I have interrupted our move. I often do things the hard way or make more work for myself. I wanted to remove these wooden spindles between the kitchen and living room. So I did, then I decided that I wanted to get rid of a double cabinet over a peninsula counter in the kitchen. So the girls and I tore it out. Since the cabinet came out I need to paint, so I took down the ugly apple boarder. There is ugly half wall paneling (so 70's) in the dinette area that I will be removing today. I picked up a nice used ceramic top stove at the Habitat for Humanity Resale Store (a Home Depot like Thrift Store). I have to modify a cabinet and counter so it will fit. Then I will spackle, sand, and paint. Then we will move more stuff. I know it is easier to get this sort of thing done while the house is empty and we are not living there, but I am impatient to move. I know I will be much happier when it is finished.

    To all of you wonderful ladies here - Have a very happy hump day! Enjoy the spring (Alice fall) weather. I am sending happy thoughts and hugs to you all!
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    I have interrupted our move. I often do things the hard way or make more work for myself. I wanted to remove these wooden spindles between the kitchen and living room. So I did, then I decided that I wanted to get rid of a double cabinet over a peninsula counter in the kitchen. So the girls and I tore it out. Since the cabinet came out I need to paint, so I took down the ugly apple boarder. There is ugly half wall paneling (so 70's) in the dinette area that I will be removing today. I picked up a nice used ceramic top stove at the Habitat for Humanity Resale Store (a Home Depot like Thrift Store). I have to modify a cabinet and counter so it will fit. Then I will spackle, sand, and paint. Then we will move more stuff. I know it is easier to get this sort of thing done while the house is empty and we are not living there, but I am impatient to move. I know I will be much happier when it is finished.

    I'm seriously impressed!