Daily check in



  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    Doing the 3dqf made me realize I probably eat way too many carbs in the day usually. I should start watching that.

    Got cardio fix in. Blah. I felt like vomiting when I was done. I now hate Friday's because of cardio fix lol. At least it's over now though! Til next time, lol.
  • mrsewert
    mrsewert Posts: 430 Member
    I ended Round 1 today!!! Results were 10 lbs lost and 6". I'm going to start Round 2 on June 1st. Have a great weekend everyone.
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    @mrsewert great results!!! Amazing for just one round!!! Congrats!!!

    @SatiaRenee what a relief that you won't lose everything. Can't believe you weren't starving with so few calories!! How do you modify burpees? I have my own goofy method since I can't do the real ones but I'd like to hear a more "official" way.

    @dkwi04 you're doing great and I love the new pic!!!

    @Lauracharder you've lost a lot, guess your body needs a week to adjust. I'm sure more will come off next weigh-in.

    I'm starting another round on Monday. I've been, well, I suppose the technical term is "half-assing it". And I've been getting the expected results, which is to say NONE. So Monday it's GO time. 21 days. No cheats. 100% commitment. I'm not traveling anywhere and I don't have any big events so there are NO excuses. Hopefully I will be posting great results on the board 21 days from Monday!!

    Have a great weekend everyone!!
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    edited May 2015
    D16/R1 21DFX almost done. It was Upper Body Fix day and I also modify burpees. I put my hands on the edge of my old Reebok step vs. the floor. I also do push-ups from my knees and planks from my elbows. I modify the modifier, lol. Planks with extended elbows hurt my shoulders and I don't feel it in my core enough.

    I'm completely off the recommended food plan, doing my own thing and down a total of 3.4 in 2 weeks...I'll take it.

    I think I'll start the Couch to 5K program next week, in addition to continuing daily Fix Extreme workouts.
  • cindip63
    cindip63 Posts: 36 Member
    @walkdmc I do the same with push ups & planks, it works just as well. Great weightloss too, congrats!
  • cindip63
    cindip63 Posts: 36 Member
    Missed the pilates workout yesterday, did cardio fix today and I really struggled. Not sure why, sort of feeling under the weather, hope to pick it up again with renewed energy tomorrow.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Not Feeling It Today

    I'm having one of those "phone it in" kinda mornings. That doesn't mean I wasn't sweating or going deep in my squats. I just wasn't present with the exercise, if you know what I mean.

    Morning Workout

    21 Day Fix R4/W1/D6
    Nothing new. Still can't do the Renegade Rows in full plank. Still have to use lighter weights on the Triceps Kickbacks. Still have to remind myself that I'm using heavier weights than I was when I did Round 1. Seriously, why are we so damn hard on ourselves? Sheesh!

    PiYo Strength Intervals
    I was relieved when I saw this only a 20 minute workout. Seriously, just not feeling it this morning. I didn't want to exercise at all. Pushed through and, at the end of the workout when Chalene talks about focusing on how you feel at the end of a workout the next time you feel like skipping a workout . . . yeah. For once I just didn't wholeheartedly agree with her. I need more endorphin or dopamine or something. Meh.

    Later Today

    Meeting with my walking buddy at 10am today. Hopefully, I'll come back from my walk in a better mood than I woke up in. If not, whatever. I'll deal with it. Just one of those moody days, I guess. We all have them. I just seem to having more of them lately.

    Carb Cycling

    Well, my cleverness got away from me yesterday and I'm going to have to go over what I thought would work and do some tweaking. Today is my "high carb" day so it should be easier but I still need to keep a close eye on my choices. Seriously, the containers make all of this so much friggin' easier.

    Laptop Update

    Sent it off yesterday but it's a holiday weekend so that means I will be without my laptop for a little longer than I would be otherwise. On the plus side, my husband bought some new toys for me yesterday (some free weights I've been wanting for ages!) and he said he has another surprise coming for me. I think he knows I've been very stressed (waiting is not my forte) and unhappy (I haven't had this laptop for a year and I've had to send it in twice now, plus take it apart every few weeks or so) and frustrated (looks like I'm looking at another week where I've gained weight in spite of my being oh-so-careful with EVERYTHING).

    Bah humbug. I'm looking forward to having my laptop back and catching up with everything and everyone. In the meantime, I'll keep checking in.

    I promise to read back through everyone's check-in's as soon as my laptop is home again.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member

    So my husband just woke up and told me that he ordered two more programs last night:

    21 Day Fix Extreme

    I know he ordered both of these for me because he's not interested in doing anything but P90 at this time. He's playing it off a bit, though, saying that he might give them a try "later" by which he means after he gets bored with P90 and/or P90X. (I believe his plan is to do the former until he's ready to do the latter. And he likes Tony Horton so it works for him.)

    Anyway, both are ordered and will be on their way before I know it. I told him that at this point I could probably do some form of exercise for the next year without actually repeating a program once. Is that an exaggeration? Yes. Slightly. I could "only" get though April. Oh well. I guess we'll just have to cross our fingers that someone gives us Tai Cheng. LOL!
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    Satia, what a nice surprise! That has to take some of the sting out of the laptop issue.

    Out of curiosity, how do you think PiYo is helping you? I'm considering ordering it but typically don't like workout DVDs longer than 30min. (21DFX and JM's 30 Day Shred spoiled me).
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Did 30 Day Shred L1, 21DF Upper Body, 21DF Dirty 30 and 30 Day Shred L3 back to back.
  • venuila
    venuila Posts: 190 Member
    Sorry you're havin such trouble with your laptop @SatiaRenee that's exciting about your surprise! You'll have to let us know how you like them.:)

    Impressive @dixiewhiskey ! Way to go!

    Just got dirty 30 in. My son had his first tee ball game this morning and then I had to work. It's bad but I never eat when I work (waitress so it's kinda hard to) but by the time I got home at 4 I only had 300 calories in for the day. Not good. I need to make some healthy to go snacks for when I'm working. Maybe some wraps or something easy to eat when I get a chance.

    Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    D17/R1 21DFX almost done. Did Pilates Fix today with bands. I'm not comfortable doing all the moves with bands although I tried. Towards the end the backs of my knees were on fire so I dropped the band.

    Don't get me wrong, it was a nice break from doing a zillion squats and lunges.
  • cindip63
    cindip63 Posts: 36 Member
    edited May 2015
    Round 2/day 20, whew! Dirty 30 done & Jari Love Ripped done! Thought I'd double up today and I loved it! Now, dinner time with a much needed glass of wine & a few squares of dark chocolate for dessert.
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    edited May 2015
    If you want a quick chuckle, go to the link to read the conversation that went along with this image:

    Morning Workout

    I have bad vertigo days every now and again. I never know when they will occur and today is a bad day. I also occasionally have bad osteoarthritis days where my joints hurt more than on other days, particularly when I've gained any weight. Today was a double whammy of imbalance and joint pain. Nonetheless, I pushed play.

    PiYo Drench
    I realized this morning that yesterday I did today's workout so today I did what I should have done yesterday. It was tough, especially with my body being not at its best. I felt frustrated to the point of tears (exercising through pain is NOT FUN!) but I am proud of myself for doing it anyway because I know that the best thing for my aching joints is movement.

    Well, the best thing would be for me to lose weight or at least stop gaining but since neither of these seem to be happening right now . . .

    21DF Yoga Fix
    Definitely what I needed this morning. The balance parts of the practice were obviously difficult but my ankle is definitely feeling better for my having done something to keep it from being stiff.

    Carb Cycling plus Weekly Weigh-In

    Sent my BB Coach the news that I gained weight. Again. That's technically four weeks in a row that I've been gaining weight. (I say "technically" because last week it appears like I lost weight but really I had done the 3 Day Quick Fix and, up until that day, I had been gaining.) Of course, it didn't surprise me when I weighed myself this morning because, yes, I am a daily weigher which works for me. Nothing makes me feel more defeated than being blind-sided by a weight gain after a week of disciplined eating and exercise.

    Anyway, it's time for me to eat some breakfast and ice my ankle, which is especially bothering me today. I don't plan on doing anything else today. If I do decide to do anything more, it will be the bike. I just don't think walking is a good idea right now.

    Grrrrrrr . . . so frustrated.

  • Northern37
    Northern37 Posts: 86 Member
    Starting the 21DF tomorrow. Meals are planned and prepped for this week.
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    Totally fell off the wagon today. Very upset with myself. Probably gained a few pounds too. Ugh!
  • cindip63
    cindip63 Posts: 36 Member
    @Northern37, great! You will love the program! You are off to a great start. When I started; did my grocery shopping on Sunday, chopped & cleaned veggies/fruits, prepared a few meals and stuck to it, I didn't realize how much you really eat on the program. In the beginning (my opinion) I thought the prep was a lot of work, but tomorrow is Round 3/Day 1 for me and I love it! Good luck! If you get stuck or have a question, you will get the help & support from others on the board. Enjoy!!
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    dkwi04 wrote: »
    Totally fell off the wagon today. Very upset with myself. Probably gained a few pounds too. Ugh!

    Did a holiday cookout get you? I was worried about that myself.
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    Don't beat yourself up about it. It's what we do after we fall that counts :smile:
  • dawnkwiatek
    dawnkwiatek Posts: 324 Member
    A cookout that I hosted! I don't know how or why I let it happen. I started the day so good with my yogurt and fruit while I cooked the kids pancakes and bacon. I went for a four mike run. . I had lots of fruit, salad and grilled chicken but still over did it and then just went for the kill. I feel horrible - especially after stepping on the scale today.

    Totally disappointed in myself but I'm back at it today.