100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Congrats Roger on going farther than planned! I'm at 12,000 steps and still going ... And that is before and after a full workday plus errands. My dogs are so happy that were wogging again. They're so sweet...when I was sick, they mostly just stayed by me...and when I walked near the leashes they'd perk up and wag. They really are great wogging buddies...happy to go out for as long as mom can...and happy to be near if mom just can't.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    It is a sort of gloomy looking day outside, Not rainy just cloudy. It was showing in the 60s when I got up this morning and is still showing 65 degrees Not that bad a set of temperatures. I have not gone walking yet, I may just take the day off :)

    Have a Great Weekend
    Congrats Roger on going farther than planned! I'm at 12,000 steps and still going ... And that is before and after a full workday plus errands. My dogs are so happy that were wogging again. They're so sweet...when I was sick, they mostly just stayed by me...and when I walked near the leashes they'd perk up and wag. They really are great wogging buddies...happy to go out for as long as mom can...and happy to be near if mom just can't.

    Hi Val
    12K Steps, great work. The drawback of going further than planned is running out of energy before 10PM :(

    It sounds as if You have great Dogs.

  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Yesterday I ended w more than 18,000 steps. Today I'll hit 10,000. Woke w a horrendous headache, but fortunately Tylenol n water took care if it, do the rest of my day was pleasant and active. Need to 'encourage' her yo write her science report. Thus year's experiment will be why of different chemicals burn w different colors?
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Val
    18K Steps, Wow. I consider it a good day when I'm over 10K steps :)

    I need to go look at my latest NS order since at 6PM today it will closed to changes. make and adjustments etc.

  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Some days it's all I can do to get to 10k, but an 18k day is invigorating. Today I'm struggling w a headache again n might not get all my steps in.
  • ssflbelle2012
    ssflbelle2012 Posts: 321 Member
    Hi Everyone
    So sorry I haven't been around for 15+ pages worth of posts. I didn't read them either. Hope you will welcome me back! Was busy all October with Dr visits and getting ready for a craft show. The Dr visits went well but I have more this month but no craft shows just a garage sale. The craft show wasn't worth the time, effort and expense of the space. I have come to the conclusion that since no one is interested in my beaded 3 dimensional items any more that I will either sell some of the hobby/business or donate it to a teacher resource center. I will concentrate more on making the beaded banners for the garden stakes. Plus use my time to make scarves for the homeless in the Northern States.

    I started back to the gym last week as I said to myself months ago once I got to 320 I would do the gym. It helps that a friend of mine has also been going for several months, so I joined her on Mondays and Wednesdays. We do an 11 piece equipment circuit- it takes me about 45 minutes to do it.

    I had 2 NSV this past week. I wrote about it in another thread. It involved my being able to pass my canes and purse between my tummy and the steering wheel instead of over the top of the steering wheel. Also my butt has gone down enough now that my back can rest against the backseat. Hope you understand what I mean by that.

    I am looking forward to Thanksgiving Day but want to prepare some low carb sweet potato and stuffing. Don't know how possible that is but have been searching for recipes.

    Now that I am not so busy I hope to be around more often. Hope everyone is doing well and getting healthier and happier. I know I am!!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited November 2015
    Walking comes When the Bank is open. Temps in the 30s right now hence the wait for warm Sunlight today. Three stops planned, Coffee, Bank, Pharmacy for some Vitamins, In that order too.

    I got out walking, and Picked up a nice Birthday card for my brother and a Bottle of Oban Single Malt. I figure he is so helpful and supportive what the heck, he deserves a nice gift. He got me a Kenkel Hardshell Nutcracker

    Designed to crack the toughest black walnuts, the Kenkel Hardshell Nutcracker, effortlessly cracks all types of hardshell nuts.
    He heard me saying I was having trouble finding the right hit on them with a Hammer and was mashing the nut meats or spraying the pieces all over.

    Have a Great Start of the Week
    Some days it's all I can do to get to 10k, but an 18k day is invigorating. Today I'm struggling w a headache again n might not get all my steps in.

    Hi Val
    Good Luck beating the headache down.
    Hi Everyone
    So sorry I haven't been around for 15+ pages worth of posts. I didn't read them either. Hope you will welcome me back! Was busy all October with Dr visits and getting ready for a craft show. The Dr visits went well but I have more this month but no craft shows just a garage sale. The craft show wasn't worth the time, effort and expense of the space. I have come to the conclusion that since no one is interested in my beaded 3 dimensional items any more that I will either sell some of the hobby/business or donate it to a teacher resource center. I will concentrate more on making the beaded banners for the garden stakes. Plus use my time to make scarves for the homeless in the Northern States.

    I started back to the gym last week as I said to myself months ago once I got to 320 I would do the gym. It helps that a friend of mine has also been going for several months, so I joined her on Mondays and Wednesdays. We do an 11 piece equipment circuit- it takes me about 45 minutes to do it.

    I had 2 NSV this past week. I wrote about it in another thread. It involved my being able to pass my canes and purse between my tummy and the steering wheel instead of over the top of the steering wheel. Also my butt has gone down enough now that my back can rest against the backseat. Hope you understand what I mean by that.

    I am looking forward to Thanksgiving Day but want to prepare some low carb sweet potato and stuffing. Don't know how possible that is but have been searching for recipes.

    Now that I am not so busy I hope to be around more often. Hope everyone is doing well and getting healthier and happier. I know I am!!

    I do Know what You mean. Originally I had to use a seat belt extender and now I now longer do and I was able to move the seat nearer the steering wheel where before it was rubbing on my tummy :(

    A darn shame about the craft show experience.

    Congratulations on the Loss rdb.gif
    Well Done, I know from experience it is not easy :)

    Have a Good Week

  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi Everyone
    So sorry I haven't been around for 15+ pages worth of posts. I didn't read them either. Hope you will welcome me back! Was busy all October with Dr visits and getting ready for a craft show. The Dr visits went well but I have more this month but no craft shows just a garage sale. The craft show wasn't worth the time, effort and expense of the space. I have come to the conclusion that since no one is interested in my beaded 3 dimensional items any more that I will either sell some of the hobby/business or donate it to a teacher resource center. I will concentrate more on making the beaded banners for the garden stakes. Plus use my time to make scarves for the homeless in the Northern States.

    I started back to the gym last week as I said to myself months ago once I got to 320 I would do the gym. It helps that a friend of mine has also been going for several months, so I joined her on Mondays and Wednesdays. We do an 11 piece equipment circuit- it takes me about 45 minutes to do it.

    I had 2 NSV this past week. I wrote about it in another thread. It involved my being able to pass my canes and purse between my tummy and the steering wheel instead of over the top of the steering wheel. Also my butt has gone down enough now that my back can rest against the backseat. Hope you understand what I mean by that.

    I am looking forward to Thanksgiving Day but want to prepare some low carb sweet potato and stuffing. Don't know how possible that is but have been searching for recipes.

    Now that I am not so busy I hope to be around more often. Hope everyone is doing well and getting healthier and happier. I know I am!!

    Hi Ananda. Glad to have you back on his thread too. Congrats on those significant NSVs. Super progress. Kept up with the good work. Sorry that the craft fair didn't pan out how you had hoped. Take care, Val
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi Roger, thanks. I'm not sure what us up w my headaches lately. But it could either be a new medicine I'm taking or a new type of herbal tea (that I really like, do I've bent having a lot). So I stopped both..and will try reintroducing with no other changes. Take care, Val
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did a shortened walk today, weather not that nice. OTOH I went back out walking Yesterday and Between Yesterday and Today I am currently at 25K Steps. Since My Daily Step Goal is 10K and today is not nearly finished I am well over that :)

    During the Morning Walk Yesterday I stopped at a CVS and checked prices :( $67 at CVS, Vs $35 for the same item and Quantity at the Local Non Chain Drug Store where I walked to in the Afternoon. Quite a Significant difference. Boo to CVS :)

    Bottom Line do not be afraid to check pricing, The Large chain may not be Your best price. Costco later this week and I'll be looking at their prices too.

    It is most likely the last day for Apples on my walk. Tree is pretty bare and the Drops I have been harvesting were not looking that good. I picked up 4 and I figure I may get the equivalent of two Apples out of them when done prepping them.

    Have a Nice Tuesday
    Hi Roger, thanks. I'm not sure what us up w my headaches lately. But it could either be a new medicine I'm taking or a new type of herbal tea (that I really like, do I've bent having a lot). So I stopped both..and will try reintroducing with no other changes. Take care, Val

    Hi Val
    In My case I get the Pounding headaches if I do not get my daily dose of caffeine :)

    I hope You are successful in tracking the cause of Yours.

    I Agree, Nice to See Amanda Back too

    Good Luck
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Over 11 miles so far today! Still dancing w my kiddo. Wore the dogs out.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking today, Cool and comfortable and in my area the rain had moved on earlier. I wore a Sweatshirt and gloves starting out, Later I removed the gloves.

    Have a Good Holiday
    Over 11 miles so far today! Still dancing w my kiddo. Wore the dogs out.

    Hi Val
    I consider it a good walk if I break the 3 mile mark :)

    Congratulations on that
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out Walking today, Weather is nice except for a bit of wind, No Gloves needed and only a Sweatshirt for the walk. Then I Hit the Recycle Center on the way to Costco @ $163, large economy sizes of Vitamins and Minerals. Then Two bags of Frozen Vegetables, two 10 packs of Kleenex @ $17.69 = Large Kleenex @ $1.79 per. 18 Pack of Greek Yogurt, Plastic Bubble pack of Honey Crisp Apples Clementines and 32 AAA Batteries, Charmin (Please Don't Squeeze the Charmin :) ) Then Stopped for a Decaf for me and a regular Black Coffee for my Brother and $18 to fill the tank on the car. That'll hold me for a more than a month.

    Happy Friday the 13th unless You have Triskaidekaphobia :)
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi Roger, I did tons of wogging Tuesday. Then I had a huge blister...it popped and the skin ripped off when it got stuck to the band aid. Wednesday, I used ointment and non-stick gauze...couldn't wear a shoe, so I duct taped my mule on...that worked! But Thurs, I was in mega pain all day...I let the raw skin dry out...and then if I even wiggled my toes it would hurt horribly. The blister covers are all way to small...I'm missing a 3-inch circle of skin on my heal. Today I bought huge Tegaderm. That keeps the skin happy, but still cannot wear a shoe...so the duct tape mule was the right move again!
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    A week from tomorrow, I'm going to drive to Arkansas, sleep...then Indiana Sunday....spend the week...then drive back the following weekend.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I went walking today, Breezy and not very warm in the Mid 40s + 13 Cents. I got hit with some light rain on the way to the post office. It Cleared up right after that and the Sun came out. I was over 10K steps by the time I got home.

    I Picked up a 2016 Calendar while I was out so I'm good for the upcoming year that way.

    Have a Good Weekend
    Hi Roger, I did tons of wogging Tuesday. Then I had a huge blister...it popped and the skin ripped off when it got stuck to the band aid. Wednesday, I used ointment and non-stick gauze...couldn't wear a shoe, so I duct taped my mule on...that worked! But Thurs, I was in mega pain all day...I let the raw skin dry out...and then if I even wiggled my toes it would hurt horribly. The blister covers are all way to small...I'm missing a 3-inch circle of skin on my heal. Today I bought huge Tegaderm. That keeps the skin happy, but still cannot wear a shoe...so the duct tape mule was the right move again!
    A week from tomorrow, I'm going to drive to Arkansas, sleep...then Indiana Sunday....spend the week...then drive back the following weekend.

    Hi Val
    Wow, Bad news. Poor fitting shoe? Lucky me I have not had any Blisters in a while, Knock Wood :)

    Road trip!

    I think the longest drive I did in one day was Central NJ to south of Jacksonville Florida. I was very tired or I would have tried for Orlando / Cape Canaveral area.

    Enjoy the trip
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I got my 2016 calendar too. Normally I choose oceans or beaches. This time I chose the power of nature (lightning, storms, etc.). My body hurts! It started Tuesday when I bought OTC sports gel shoe inserts. Then I did more steps than ever....33,000. My right heal hurt, so put a band aid on, then kept going. End of day, took the bandaid off...it tore the skin off w it. Since then, I've been wearing mismatched shoes (one w no back)...bad idea!!! Cause now, my knees are shot...killing me. Elevated on pillows with ice packs on top. I've been hobbling and limping most of today. I'm officially an old lady...smell of Bengay...and I'm ok w that.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was walking today. Partway into my walk I passed a time & Temperature sign showing 35 degrees at 8:15AM. I was glad I remembered the earmuffs and was wearing warm gloves :) It was colder this morning than yesterday :(

    Have a Great Sunday
    I got my 2016 calendar too. Normally I choose oceans or beaches. This time I chose the power of nature (lightning, storms, etc.). My body hurts! It started Tuesday when I bought OTC sports gel shoe inserts. Then I did more steps than ever....33,000. My right heal hurt, so put a band aid on, then kept going. End of day, took the bandaid off...it tore the skin off w it. Since then, I've been wearing mismatched shoes (one w no back)...bad idea!!! Cause now, my knees are shot...killing me. Elevated on pillows with ice packs on top. I've been hobbling and limping most of today. I'm officially an old lady...smell of Bengay...and I'm ok w that.

    Hi Val
    I wonder if those Gel Shoe Inserts contributed to Your woes. Yup Mismatched shoes can be a killer.

    I picked up the freebie calendar at the Drugstore, Saturday Evening Post and Norman Rockwell illustrations. I suspect sponsored by Windmill Vitamins as each page has a coupon for them :)

    Get Well Quickly
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    My misuse of the inserts started my problems. I was supposed to remove the one that came with the shoe, and then put the insert in. I added it on top...which then made the shoe too tight and my foot to high in the shoe that caused the mega-blister. Then my faulty use of a band aid (tape on the blister) caused the skin to rip off. Then my mismatched shoes messed my knees up. Well...today, I wore crocks (with socks!) all day and my feet and knees are happy! Did almost 20K steps.

    Went shopping because I realized I have no casual pants (I have work pants and gym pants, and that's it). So, I bought a new pair of jeans today...size 12!!! (and they fit comfortably...I can sit, and bend, and even ride a horse.) As a teen, I went from size 10 to 18 in a single hop...so I think this is my first time (or at least it is the first time I can remember!). Here's my progress photos...still have another 40# to go.
  • ssflbelle2012
    ssflbelle2012 Posts: 321 Member
    Wow you two are doing so much walking! I can't imagine going 11 miles Val that is fantastic. So sorry to hear about the blister.
    Roger good deals you found on your walk. Did I mention I started back to the gym? Have been doing 11 pieces of sit down equipment in about 45 minutes. I know I am very slow but at least I am able to do some more exercise other than riding just my trike.