Daily Chat Thread



  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Thanks everyone. Still sick so no lifting last night and probably not tomorrow. I was supposed to have the day off but I ended up working little over an hour cause yeah. Photo is quite busy.

    Julie - Always wanting a bigger bench. :wink: Great that the form is there for you. I'm still trying to fuss with set up. I almost wish I had someone to do the lift off part cause my shoulders get a little offset when alone but oh well. One day in dream house i can have an adjustable bench.

    Dou - those days back often seem rough. I'll have my own next time I'm in the gym, probably lower body day too, though no deadlift until sunday, which is so far away.

    mme - thanks. Nice with the increases. Overhead press tends to be a stall for many, though since nrolfw I have to admit my lat pull down hasn't increased much, pesky 10 lb increases are challenging.

    I'm just enjoying some star wars themed chicken noodle soup and watching youtube videos. Today is a tad light on the calories so hopefully tomorrow goes better.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member
    I did lift , today.

    And I fasted, too.....i am literally doing diet-911 to just get something good going.

    I will liftm tomorrow, too.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Combat today, shoulders are sore now. Could be interesting as have combat tomorrow night too - don't usually do it back to back but can't go any other day this week due to work shifts.

    Crappy bench session yesterday, elbow feeling a bit yuk. Rows were good though. That's about all. Still not 100% well so can't expect much more really.

    On a different note, think I finished all my Christmas shopping today. Now for the mammoth task of wrapping it all.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Jo, my rows are probably now my worst exercise, technique-wise too - I really do need to concentrate on those at a steady weight for the next few sessions rather than to expect to increase weight - I'm at 37.5kg so if I can get it right at this level it will be most satisfying. At the moment, I can feel the wrong bits of my body moving even if the bar ends up where it should be!

    mme - I have a problem with the OHP in that I can't seem to do it with the olympic bar but I'm ok with the barbells. Don't know why, whether it is a psychological thing, in which case I need to give myself a slap, or whether the additional length of the olympic bar is actually a hinderance on the OHP to me. I can press the bar itself, but even adding a little weight to it then causes failure, yet steadily I was able to increase the barbells which, of course, are shorter, so I am assuming that is it. Only problem there is increasing in 5kg weights which as Dawn says, is tough - no fractional weights on barbells unfortunately!

    But the main thing is, you are improving - small steps WILL get you there. I have been doing this only for 8 weeks but I look back at my records and see the difference in what I can work with and it is quite an increase. Plus, just the way I feel over those 8 weeks and the confidence etc that cannot be measured in lbs or kgs is pretty darned good too!

    Dawn, I hope you feel better soon - take care of you. In fact, there are a lot of people under the weather at the mo, so general get well vibes to everyone who needs them!

    Dou - I'm in the East of the UK, Very wet here at the moment, but then I think most of the country is, isn't it! Re butts...mine wasn't flat, rather the opposite - I am a typical "pear" so my backside was always seen by me (and others) as substantial, with the illusion of being even bigger because my waist is so small as are my boobs. So, although I will always be "curvy" - I now love the fact I have hips, a waist and a booty that is firming up. Its no longer a fat bum, but is working its way towards being a fabulous bum haha!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Hi ladies - I'm switching over from the SL for women group since I have decided to switch to the "Strong" book, and your daily chatter looks lovely and motivating :)

    My name is Steph, I'm 29 and live in Reading, England (close to London). I have been married to Nick for nearly 4 years and we have a 9 month old daughter called Kaitlyn.

    I joined a gym in September because I was so unhappy with my post-pregnancy body, and have used Stronglifts 5x5 since then (switching to 3x5 in the middle of November). SL was great, but was getting so difficult, and I really struggled with each lift being so hard. My current working weights are:

    Squat: 67.5kg
    DL: 80kg
    Bench: 41kg
    OHP: 32.5kg
    Rows: 45kg

    I currently weigh around 90kg (yikes, ~200lbs) so I have a large amount of weight to lose!

    Picked up "Strong" last weekend, and am currently making my way through it, I intend to start very soon (perhaps tomorrow if I can get it together for then, definitely next week).

    Hope you all have a good day :)
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Welcome Stephen....some of us flit between this and SL so you are in good company!!
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    I ache. That is all.....
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    I also ache! But in a good way so its ok. :)
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Welcome to the group Steph. As kim said, lots of people here are doing different programmes including SL. I'm looking forward to hearing how people get on with strong, I'm still hoping to see a copy of it on christmas morning... :smile:
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Hey Steph, congrats - those are some good numbers you've got there.

    Kimi - try changing up your set up/ positioning. I used to row with the Olympic bar from a bench as my back hates the pick up from the ground and I lose any good form I would have had. Now my gym has better racks, I row from the support bars on those. I don't know what they are really called - but the bars that save you from being crushed if you sat down in a squat! :D My elbows also hate rowing for reps so I touch the bar back down on the supports each rep which seems to stop the elbow tension. yeah it's not a perfect way to do it, but I'm up to 55kg doing it that way and I can concentrate on the muscles that should be working rather than fixing the ones that shouldn't.

    The more I speak to PTs, physios etc, the more I have realised that while it's great to want to do everything "by the book", sometimes our bodies actually require a bit of a different method. I have adapted a few things this way - such as bumper plates under the bar for DLs (again, back hates the initial lift from the floor and rounds), the rows, the number of reps on bench etc (I do 5 x 3 not 3 x 5 etc). Squats are another example - can't progress back squat, tried leg press - that hurt my back. Now I'm doing front squats and single leg press and so far that's working. No point flogging a dead horse.....
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Binge ate last night. I ate ALL day long so today I feel bloated and miserable. I haven't been back on the treadmill in a few days. The labral tear is giving me fits.
    I skimmed through the STrong book. Did I tell yall again how much I hate step ups? Well , in case you don't remember and for all you new peeps, I HATE STEP UPS!. He has incorporated those into this program.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    LOL manic, I'm sorry, but that made me giggle. You and my daughter would get along really well - she hates step ups too :smile:

    Today is my 15th Wedding Anniversary. Damn that's a long time lol That's 18 years together...

    Actually speaking of my almost-teen, I better go toss her out of bed so we can get some stuff done today :wink:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member
    Hi steph, and I don't like step-ups, either, manic....although I have plopped one-legged-get-ups back into my workouts and boy, that sucks, too.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member
    Happy anniversary, dnamouse!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,988 Member
    I got my lifting in, today, and I sat down to do a 3-week "calorie-plan" along with a 100-day scale-loss plan. My head is in a GOOD space, today, so I just took advantage of that.

    For now, my "calorie-deficit" plan is to simply eat only half of my "plate". Because i have LOTS of functions out this month, that was a strategy that I have used, successfully in the past (2013 and 2014). So, time to just use it again!

    I don't need to re-invent the wheel....I just need to BE ON THE WHEEL.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Happy anniversary dnamouse!!

    Jobs, thanks for the tip....I look forward to reporting back with some Progress soon!!

    Can I confess..... I don't mind step ups. Maybe I am doing them wrong :/
  • mmebouchon
    mmebouchon Posts: 855 Member
    Steph hi
    Beeps it sounds like you have a plan.
    Dna happy anniversary.
    Maniac sorry but you made me laugh too with regards to the step ups. I can't say I love them either but I think lunges are worse.
    Jo what you say sounds reasonable. I imagine I am going to have to get a bit creative with how I do things as I get to heavier weights. My right shoulder is pretty damaged from arthritis.
    Kimi sorry you hurt.
    Dawn take care

    My dad has been visiting for the last 5 weeks. He leaves tomorrow so I need to be up early to take him to the airport. That shouldn't be too difficult as I don't seem to be able to sleep past 4 am any more, arg. Today is a rest day and I had planned to get in a walk but we are having round I don't know what of rain and wind storm.

  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    You guys are all doing well! I'm on my phone so won't try personals... Just know I'm inspired by you guys!! You're much stronger than I, but we're all getting better each session :smiley:

    Lifted yesterday, ran/walked today, lift tomorrow...all is well :).

    Those of you with Strong...is there a lot if the one legged, balance work in it? Trying to remember how much of it I did in NR? Tried to find it at a local book store, but they didn't have it.

    KUTGW Beasties!! :heart:
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Thanks for the welcome :)

    manic - I'm afriad there are step-ups - they are in the very first workout! I'm also with you on the step-ups. They suck! The first time I tried out NROLFW I used an 18" box to step-up onto. YIKES. Never made that mistake again!

    julie - Haven't been through every stage in detail, but single leg romanian deadlifts are a common feature of the starting workouts, so I imagine there is single legged stuff throughout

    Best parts of strong (so far) is I like the RAMP warmup - I do not do enough mobility work/ warm up in general, although I am slightly concerned that the first thing to do is foam roll? I was under the impression that you should do that once warmed up (clearly I have been misinformed there!)

    I also like doing Core first (my core is non-existent post pregnancy), and I like rounding off each session with intervals. It feels very well rounded (much more so than Stronglifts where I felt like I should do cardio and stretching but never did).

    I'm heading to the gym today to try out some things from the first stage, but am actually starting on Monday. Need a trial run to get the form down first!

  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Thanks Stephanie! How long are the workouts taking? With warmup before and cardio after? Just curious. I'm at about 70 minutes now with stretching and trying to compare :). I like 1 legged DLs, not a fan of the other 1 legged moves though.

    I'm with mme...I prefer step ups to lunges! I'm not doing either currently...which makes me happy ;)

    Happy anniversary DNA!
    Beeps-you know what works for you!! Holiday parties are a challenge to be sure!
    Manic-sorry for the binge, but hopefully it'll get it out of your system? It's hard with all the goodies around this time of year!
    Kim-I agree...maybe I'm not going up high enough?
    Jo-good input! I agree, I have had to adjust some lifts, like my squat, for my own body shape (tiny torso means my legs are a bit further apart than most) . Finding what works for each of us is the key, and of course then working it :smiley: .
    Dou-sounds alike you're doing well! Kutgw!
    Dawn-hope you're feeling better!
    Steph-you're doing great! I finished NR a few months back and am now doing SL. Ironically :)

    Good lifts today! Didn't my regular squat, OHP, and DL, actually upped the weight on DL and feel ok. All good. Added in back extensions, leg press, and lying leg curls today. All good. Scale down a bit and calories up, so I'm a happy girl! Been upping my carbs and calories, carefully I think, and am happy to be maintaining. That's my goal through the holiday season! :)

    Take care all.