Daily Chat Thread



  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I am glad yall got a laugh :blush: But I do hate them. The 12 inch step at my gym is too short but the 18 inch is too high. My knee goes beyond a 90 degree. I asked Alwyn on FB which was better "a shorter step with greater weight or higher step with less weight?" If I am remembering correctly he stated a higher step YUCK!

    I don't see the Orthopedic doctor until January 5th . I am so ready to get to lifting.

    Keep lifting, ladies, work hard.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    I kind of liked the step up (more than lunges and way better than core cause the crunches were boring for me). But I always used the shortest step cause I'm short. Lunges bother my knees more than anything, though I'm finding I like the back step ones more than the front step as I try different ones over time.

    Feeling a fair amount better, no medicine or anything, so went to the gym after work to get back on schedule with training. In about a week, I'll have to switch when I go because we'll be closing at midnight instead of 10 pm, so I'm probably going to hit the gym before work instead of after. While I prefer late night with less people, after 12:30 am is a bit late to drive over plus not getting done till after 1:30 then have to travel the distance home. Better to go earlier since I won't have to be in to work until 4 pm.

    37 - lower hypertrophy

    front squat 3x10 @ 85 and 1x8 @ 105 - did a little better than last time but barely got all 8 on the 105, that's near my limit in that rep range for even cross arm stance
    barbell curtsy lunge 4x8 @ 70 - tried a different one just for fun, not bad though a bit off balance with the weaker leg (left)
    good morning 4x12 @ 70 - paused on the last 4-5 reps, not bad
    leg extension 4x8 @ 80- decent
    leg curl 4x10@ 70 - still challenging, but getting better and feel it more in hamstring now
    seated calf 4x10 @ 110 - getting more challenging at this point

    Didn't increase on much of anything except the calf and that was a small amount, but it was a good workout overall.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Leg day today - front squats up to 100lb for 3 x 6. Split lunges up also. Back to 132llbs for 3 x 10. Calf raises 4 x 10 @ 265lbs on the leg press.

    Then combat for the third day in a row, just because I could
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    So, after yesterday evening's mega session in the gym, which I worked really, really, really hard at......is it wrong or sad to be a little disappointed that I didn't feel my muscles SCREAM at me when I woke up this morning!!!

    I dare say it will catch up with me during the course of the day, but I quite like that sore feeling - it makes me know that I am working my ar $ e off.....literally!!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Haha yes Kimi - my butt was hurting yesterday but not as much as I thought it would!

    So hungover workout today after one glass too many last night and chocolate for dinner :/ My mindset was shocking but somehow my body performed! Got all my reps with OHP (5 x 3, was 2 x 3, 3 x 2 last time), all my reps with bench and upped on seated row. Less reps with pull ups but that was after OHP so cool with that. Good stuff
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Office party for me last night. Another one today and a football match to go to. No lifting for me today!

    Happy Saturday everyone!!
  • mmebouchon
    mmebouchon Posts: 855 Member
    edited December 2015
    I tried a new gym this morning that is really close to me. I met a really friendly woman in there which was great. But the place was like an oven which was not so great. The good new was when I dropped the bar in the squat rack there was only one guy in there. Pretty embarassing but he was nice about it and just asked if I was okay. Someone had tied a skipping rope to the bar and I somehow missed seeing it when I started doing back squats. Anyway, it kinda swung around and threw me off and I missed the supports when I tried to rack the bar. It was my first time using the 45 pound bar and it was okay, much better once the skipping rope was off it. NR 4a plus
    Back Squat 45
    Goblet squat 35
    Bent over row DB 50
    Step up 20
    Push up still incline
    BP 2 x 12 @ 40 1x 10 @ 50
    Tricep 2x 10 @ 10
    Bicep 2 x 10 @ 12.5 1x 7 @ 15

  • mmebouchon
    mmebouchon Posts: 855 Member
    Kimi I hate when I am sore. Well maybe a little is okay but mostly I am happy not to hurt.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Managed to get to gym after work. We didn't clock out until later than scheduled, so it was late by the time I got done lifting. Left gym after 12:30 and that was with skipping cardio. Need to run soon though as I haven't done it much, so maybe tomorrow night since I won't have work or anything Monday. Been raining a lot so pretty much most days are rainy and very wet out. Lifting went okay tonight but failed on bench and had to drop down a little on OHP, need to work back up a bit after having the cold this last week.

    38 - Upper Power

    bench press 1x2 @ 105, 3x3 @ 100 - failed on the 105, 100 was tough but managed.
    db incline bench 2x10 and 1x8 @ 32.5 - found the mid range so did that instead of 35 and got challenging by the last set though might have needed to rest a little longer.
    pendlay row 3x5 @ 100 - not bad, decided to do pendlay instead of other one
    lat pull down 3x8 @ 80 - challenging but managed
    ohp 1x3 and 2x4 @ 75 - 65 warm up was super easy, 85 not even close, so did 75.
    bar curl 3x10 @ 40 - meh, did between tricep exercise
    overhead cable tricep extension 3x10 @ 30 - challenging by the end.

    Then for fun since it was too late to start jogging, I used the smith machine to do a few negatives cause my arms were too tired to try a pull up. On the top notch I can still reach the bar and my feet are on the ground so it's useful since I'll want to work on the pull up thing to get ready for the spring obstacle run.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Man Dawn! Even your post sick failed lifts are heavier than mine! Go girl!
    Mme-you're doing well! Glad you didn't get hurt in the rack!!
    Kim-have fun at your parties!
    Jo-good job with hungover exercise! Impressive!
    Manic-I added step ups yesterday...inspired by you guys! I thought it was the high box, noted it as such in my log, then looked over and saw 2 higher boxes still... :s Oh well, at least it's a start!

    I lifted with Dh yesterday. It went ll, deloaded my squat again after my first set at 115. I didn't like my form, my right (bad) knee caved in one one rep and I wasn't going very deep, so I humbled myself and dropped it down to 95 again for better depth and form. Same with bench. Stuck at 60lbs if I want 5x5 :(. Sigh. But, I did good accessory work-back ext, Arnold presses, incline DB bench and step ups! Thinking about getting Strong for Christmas... ;)
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Same with bench. Stuck at 60lbs if I want 5x5 :(

    This is why I stopped doing SL. Couldn't progress. Now I just aim for "more than last time" on reps and/ or weight with my big lifts. Progression is essential for my motivation!

    Up early today - DL day. Form a bit crappy today - my body doesn't function well early in the morning lol. Upped leg press, upped calf raises. Got through the single leg DLs which I skipped last time - both because of time and the fact that I hate them :D
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Parties all done. Daughter dropped off for her travels to Switzerland. alarm set for going to the gym before work tomorrow.... All is well!!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Hi everyone, sorry I've been absent but I have literally been absent - I spent a good portion of the week out of town for a Jury Focus. Wish I could tell you I worked out or ate well. I did neither. We got the word on Friday, trial is going forward as originally scheduled, unless the defendants decide they want out and settle.

    This weekend, holiday parties. Not as bad as the weekday foods but still not great.

    I felt crappy all week, but I picked up where I left off and today I ate well, and got a little exercise - back to the gym tomorrow morning before work. I'm looking forward to being back in my routine!
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    mmebouchon wrote: »
    Kimi I hate when I am sore. Well maybe a little is okay but mostly I am happy not to hurt.

    I don't mind it - it is a sign I have worked hard and my body is progressing. That said, when my shoulders are feeling crunched up, I find it difficult to get comfortable sometimes, so sitting at my desk at work becomes even more of a chore. A darned good massage would be welcome right now!

    I've had a scoot through the last few days' worth of posts and everyone seems to be doing ok, despite the occasional setbacks - feeling under the weather, a million other things to fit in life, etc. Look after yourselves - this is a busy time of year, and juggling those balls doesn't get any easier!

    I've also been reading the NRoL4W stage 2 threads (of which there are pages and pages and pages!) and one thing that does strike me is that some of the names that were posting back then (2011/12) are still posting now - this is probably the first time I have been part of a programme that people really do stick to. Yes, it changes, it gets modified, we get stronger, we have time off for "life" or illness, but people are still here, still lifting, and still setting challenges and seeing results.

    I think I've found myself a nice home haha!!

    So, I've been to the gym this morning - I am tired, my shoulders are crunched up, but I went and I lifted. I wore a new dress for a party on Saturday which was very strappy. I will put it up as my profile pic for a while because I really did feel good in it and got some fabby comments. THAT is why I got up and went to work out today!!
  • mmebouchon
    mmebouchon Posts: 855 Member
    Dragging my butt the last couple of days. I'm not sure why but I could really tell at the gym this morning. I did 4b so onto 3 sets on Wednesday, yeah. It was really good I didn't have to do 3 today though. I hope it is just lack of sleep.

    Dawn and Jo I just can't imagine working out late at nightu. It really shows how we all have different internal clocks.
    Sue thumbs up to you for just getting right back at it.
    Kimi you look great.

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Well, I went to the gym last night after work. We got out late again but figured since it was my days off (Monday and Tuesday) that being there late wouldn't matter. So, did lifting and cardio, left the gym just before 1 am. Went to bed after 2 am. Got a text message after 8 am and was clocking in to work at 9 am this morning. Yeah... Ended up staying until after 4pm, so now I'm sleepy. Had fast food for dinner cause reasons. Now I can report what I lifted last night and after cat is done napping on my lap, maybe do a little laundry before early bed.

    Lifting went okay but think I need to drop deadlift weight a little to work on the form. Lockout is a struggle and may have a little rounding to work on as well. Might try rack pulls but would have to stand on a plate or something to get the height right because the safeties don't go low enough on the power cage for my height). I also hit right below my left knee during one of the sets cause afterward it ached. Didn't help the leg curl machine involves a padded bar that goes right over that spot. Got a decent bruise out of it. Also, jogged on treadmill for 20 minutes and hope to do long run outside tomorrow (along with lifting at coworker's gym).

    39 - Lower Power

    squat 3x4 @ 165 - after cold had to feel how things were and ended up doing this instead of 170. Felt heavy and slow but managed okay.
    deadlift 3x3 @ 200 - rough. Should have gone lighter but was stubborn. Need to work on form.
    sumo deadlift 2x5 @ 155 - not heavy but had issues with hand placement and calluses on hands ached by them.
    leg press 3x8 @ 220 - not bad but had slight ache below right knee, found out why later.
    leg curl 3x10 @ 70 - doing okay with these.
    standing calf 3x9 @ 90 - eh

    5 minute warm up, 20 minute jog, then 5 minute cool down

    Julie - Thanks. It feels heavy yet always wanting to do more.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Good lifting ladies! Even with life getting in the way (Sue and Kim) we always get right back to it! Woohoo us!

    I had a good workout today! I deloaded my squat and really worked on going a bit deeper today, which actually felt great! I'll do that weight again next time, then start slowly upping it again. I think I'm in such a hurry (vanity!) to up my weights I allow my form to suffer and am not really getting the true benefits from the lifts, KWIM?. So, I deloaded OHP (55lbs again!) and nailed all 5x5 with great form! Threw in leg press btw sets, and added a third plate to each side! Finally over twice my body weight!! I upped my DLs and maintained good form, but did rack pulls since I'm not up to the 45lb plats yet, should be soon though. I even added some weight to my WHTs! 125lbs on those after a week off. So, even without skyrocketing my numbers, I am seeing progress.

    Jo-yes, I'm in that boat with SL. I like it as basic routine it add 3-4 extra lifts at the end. I should switch bench and OHP to 3x5 or 3x8 at this pointl and see if I can make better progress that way.

    I'm bigger than I was last year at this time. 10 lbs, and actual size too. But, I'm more solid, less squishy, which I like better. Dh was complimenting me on my "reshaping" this year...says he can see huge improvements and is inspired to lift from seeing my progress. :D I think that eating mor th past week or so is actually helping my workouts too...which is nice. I'll be continuing the higher calories and un-dieting through the holidays then revisit healthy eating. Maintaining is enough of a challenge right now!!

    Keep lifitng ladies! Inspiring and challenging me to keep with it too!
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Re form - I have been watching other people in the gym recently and some of the form is just shocking - whether they have been shown wrong, guessed, or just got into bad habits (or just think they look good because they are picking up a heavy weight) I don't know, but it makes me more determined to get mine as good as I can. I figure that lower weight at good form is better for me than ploughing on through regardless, just to say "I lifted xyz kg today", so that's got to be a good acknowledgment of how I am doing and what I want out of it. Much of that is down to the comments, and checking in on here - when you guys say you are de-loading, or stuck on a particular weight, or working on your OHP etc, I realise that it is normal and ok for me to do so to!

    **TMI alert coming up**

    Hubby and I shared a bath at the weekend and he said "and another thing.....my legs aren't squished against the side of the bath" Of course, he has never complained in the past about being squished by my substantial lower half, but it was still good to hear that there is a practical and very real difference now! A proper NSV for the weekend!

    Julie - I too have had to get out of the habit of "being on a diet", which I have been yo-yoing on for 30 years or so. I have to say, now I am into the routine of eating the right amount of calories, I am actually enjoying my food more! No guilt - something that took a while to get used to, but another very big PLUS of being on here and getting into the lifting life!!!

    Gym for me after work this evening -my first "B" workout of NR stage 2, so getting ready for that Cuban snatch haha!!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    kimiuzzell wrote: »
    **TMI alert coming up**

    Hubby and I shared a bath at the weekend and he said "and another thing.....my legs aren't squished against the side of the bath" Of course, he has never complained in the past about being squished by my substantial lower half, but it was still good to hear that there is a practical and very real difference now! A proper NSV for the weekend!

    I had to laugh..... I conjured up the image of my hubby and I trying to fit in our tiny bath (in which I have my knees around my ears - and he's a foot taller than I am!) - can't think of anything less romantic :D Nice NSV tho! Great work

    mmebouchon - I don't work out late at night really. Sometimes I do combat at 7.30pm but that's about it. I'm in Australia though so maybe it just seems to you guys that it is the night when I post but actually it's daytime here? Usually I workout in the morning :)

    No workout for me yesterday - no childcare/ had to go watch their dance concert/ got my hair done. Lots of sitting on my butt. Good job its combat tonight!
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    I did my first attempt at stage 2b Nrol4w today. Normally I do my SL 5x5 first then nr workout but as I couldn't get on the squat rack today I just did the one session. I think may ache in new places tomorrow!! I'm enjoying adding the new bits in. Stops the routine getting boring I guess.

    Hope you enjoyed your day "off " @jo_marnes!