Senior Golden Sneakers



  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Just an example of chaos here. Anne, you are right. The doggie beds are on each side of our reading chairs, the tree is in the dining room. No room in the living room. You can see tufts is Mazzy hair on the carpet. She is molting! Being inside so much during the wet winter, I suspect is the reason. Her daily brushing isn't enough.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    It looks lovely and cosy PATSY! I wish Tabitha was still here to cause havoc with my old fashioned tree! Anyway, a gloomy Sunday afternoon at Anne's. Cinders the exuberant pup will be over on Friday to disrupt things.
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Just popping in this rainy Sunday to say Happy Holidays to the Sneakers. I say holiday to be inclusive as I know some celebrate Hanukkah and others Christmas.

    It's been an up and down 2015, and I'm glad to see the year come to an end. Hopefully 2016 will be better. On the other hand, I had hoped to be at my goal weight by the end of the year but still have 8 pounds to go. I don't think I'll make it. So hard to lose weight with so much good food and holiday cheer floating around. I was a MFP drop out for too long. Got started again in July and have lost almost 25 pounds since then.

    Other than some achy bones, I'm healthy. DH is too. Our boys (dogs) are hanging in there. The youngest just turned 9, and the older will be 11 the end of January. They take more pills than I do!! They are big dogs, and that is long-lived for their breed.

    Connie Schachel
    Pomona, MO
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,140 Member
    edited December 2015
    Good evening - nice to read all the lovely posts and look at the pictures. I think both homes look wonderful and cozy. The day really evaporated today. I ended up helping with some unexpected things at church and didn't get home until quite late. I've had both my breakfast/lunch combo and my supper. Finally got to change into comfy clothing and now am trying to decide what I can still accomplish today. I am watching Father Brown right now. I am not motivated to tackle any of my chores however.

    It was fun pushing paint around on canvas last night but nothing really worked out for me so the canvas will be placed in the trash. I have a picture of the three of us with our paintings but I don't really want to post it given that a number of you actually paint. I got a little souvenir of paint last evening on my sleeve so happy I had an ages old shirt on. One of my friends is quite enthusiastic about painting and has already ordered some beginners supplies and is interested in making this a regular thing. I had fun but was just looking at it as a lark.

    Some flood warnings out for our area now. I must say I am pleased to receive rain rather than feet of snow! I am sure we'll get our turn at that later on.



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    It's 1:03 AM and I just finished some cards and discovered Hallmark's program does not convert envelope sizes (this, after I designed a beautiful envelope for a 1/2 size folded envelope rather than the # 10 they showed. Looks awful and used scads of colored ink, boo-hoo! Off to sleep now, as I'm falling asleep anyway! Nice to see CONNIE and wish her luck on the next 8 pounds! And thanks, LIN, for the wonderfully helpful material you sent me .
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A grey and dismal morning weatherwise but we managed a walk across the moors first thing even though we had our head in the clouds. It meant we couldn't go too far from the car park in case we got ourselves lost in the fog. Yesterday's dog sitting went well and Scruff was a delightful companion for George although today my boy is acting as if he has a hangover because he's so tired. Here he is, snoozing on the sofa and looking bedraggled... I think he will sleep for the rest of the day if I let him.

    Anne ~ Your home has a lovely mix of English retro and Canadian charm and whether cluttered or not it's a place I'd always feel comfortable and able to put my feet up!! That G Plan sideboard is classic and as we've discussed before, would cost a fortune to buy in the UK today if one could even be found.

    Marie ~ That Santa painting of yours is wonderful and shows we have yet another artistic sneaker amongst us. Well at least Blaine offered to fix the problem after the event and thank goodness he hadn't left sewerage running in the open. If the boy has problems and struggles to hold on to jobs then I'm guessing this wasn't too much of a surprise for you although expensive.

    Lin ~ Thank goodness your pump is working hard so you're not having to worry about a basement flood this year. It seems floods are occurring everywhere at the moment as we've had some terrible problems in the Lake District safter 14" of rain in one day that caused devastation in several towns. Whether it's human error or not, the planet is most definitely warming up. Painting is a wonderful way to relax and loose yourself and I think the end result is not really what it's all about unless seriously wanting to create a masterpiece so just enjoy.

    Buzz ~ The thought of beef Wellington has me feeling stuffed without eating it and I'm not sure I could manage such a meal these days having followed a daily 1400 calories regime for so long but it would be fun trying!! A shame Mike couldn't enjoy his quite so much. Your parent's furniture is stunning so you must have been relieved and happy to be able to pass it on to your son and keep it in the family. You're a wonderful lady still finding time to make special cards even if it is done in the middle of the night!!

    Patsy ~ Your room doesn't look cluttered to me but then my little cottage also has beds for George dotted about as well as blankets for the cats.... that's what makes it a home! Love your Christmas lights and if I visited you'd have to watch I didn't roll up that rug and try to sneak out with it when you weren't looking!!

    Connie ~ Lovely to see you popping in but sorry to read your year hasn't always been kind. A great weight loss though and something to work on in the New Year.... no point even trying for the next couple of weeks.

    Barbie ~ You're our 'Dancing Queen' and it's great to read that you are finding plenty of opportunities to do what you love so much.

    Hello Sandy in Florida ~ last but never least!! I'm very jealous of the warm climate you're enjoying. B)

    Time for my lunch and then move the last of my furniture downstairs that's going off for recycling in the morning. Hooray, I will then be able to truly relax and get my home back in some semblance of order, whatever that is!! Here's my almost empty dining room but we have a local auction on Thursday so I'll be viewing a few pieces on Wednesday that from their internet catalogue look interesting.

    Amazing what can be done with vinyl floor covering these days.

    Happy Monday everyone and hopefully you all have a much brighter and dryer day than mine is turning out to be.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Nope JACKIE, it's gloomy, rainy and foggy here! The floor looks gorgeous, and I love your sofa in the kind of colours I love, I haven't seen anything like that here, BUT even more, I love the little boy snoozing on it. You have inspired me, at the moment I stress, to have a go at painting my place come stay at home January. It's starting to look a bit tired. I love having a peep into everyone's homes and seeing all the different styles we enjoy and often find inspiration. For instance you and I would be having a tug of war over PATSYS rug! I haven't had a "3 piece" set of furniture sine the Ercol, mainly financial in the past and bought bit by bit, but now I'm very happy with things not "going" together and if I won the lottery and a super new home, I guess I wouldn't change.
    And talking of homes, I do hope you are safe, and warm and dry LIN. After seeing the Cumbrian floods in the UK my heart goes out to all those poor people dealing with silt and mud, and water damage, and throwing their loved furniture away.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,093 Member
    Happy Monday! :) First cloudy day so I don't think I will be sunning today. My grandson is going surfing at the beach and wants me to go watch him, but with no sun, I am not thrilled about going. We went to the Jaguars football game yesterday and it was fun. My SIL works for the Jaquars so he got us free tickets and food. They played the Colts and won 51 to 9 I think. We left in the third quarter to avoid traffic. We had steaks on the grill and then went across the street to see the neighbor's. Usually it is called Palm whatever day of the week it is and they sit outside under the palm tree, but it was raining so we were indoors. Good times. My daughter is working today (she works only on Mondays for a guy who is a millionaire and does some accounting for him out of his home). Her husbands Christmas party is tonight so my grandson and I will go out for pasta which he requested. I am really missing Robby but having a great time in Florida.

    Love all the pictures, good to hear from Connie and wish I could respond to each of you but it is hard typing with one finger on my IPad.
    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member

    Picture taken at Opryland Resort in Nashville, Tennessee where we were staying the past few days. (All of this is actually inside the building!) We had a wonderful time, but it's great to be home. I guess today will be spent unpacking, doing laundry and grocery shopping for the week. It was nice to start the day, though, by reading Sneaker posts and enjoying a cup of coffee. Have a wonderful day everyone!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hello Sneakers,

    Our concert was a success yesterday, we sang 17 songs with no intermission so my back as well as
    the other ladies are sore today that was a lot of standing. We marched in singing and then went
    onto the alter of the church in our line up but someone managed to step on the back of my shoe
    so I had to be cool and raise my leg up there and pull down my show and I could feel my leg going
    into a cramp but nothing serious. Dave, my MIL and my sister attended as well as other family
    members and friends. We went out for dinner after that to Swiss Chalet.

    I managed to get to Yoga class even though I was really tired, partly I think from the antibiotics which
    are working and I am feeling alot better. I have made two batches of rocky roads so far and now today I plan on almond crescents. One batch will be going to our choir Christmas party on Tuesday night.

    Thank you for the compliments on our tree I call it a memory tree, the kids ornaments plus ours.
    Some people have theme trees and others I call it designer trees. I did buy some new ornaments
    at Frankenmuth on our trip.

    Kathy's tree is up and they put large cardboard boxes in the front with Christmas wrapping to
    keep Issaac busy and not getting at the ornaments. Smart thinking.

    Everyone's furniture is lovely and Jackie your flooring is very nice! George looks so cute sleeping.
    Lin - Your Santa looks wonderful great job!

    Well I better get baking.


  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    I've enjoyed all of the photos and posts. Good to hear from Connie and Barbie. No time for commenting.
    Have safe comfy days, everyone.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member

    Off shopping for groceries but wanted to post my Merry Christmas photo for you all.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Lovely, Jeri!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,140 Member
    Good evening. Gorgeous pictures. Jeri I love that picture. Lovely. And Jackie I adore the picture of the sleeping George. He looks so comfortable.

    It was a rain followed by snow followed by cold wind kind of day. After getting a few Christmas cards ready to mail and making chili I did quite a few errands and tonight I got a couple more cards ready. I picked up the things I plan to give several families who are struggling this year. I hope it helps.

    While I was out running about I happened to find a few lovely organic vegetables so I was very happy!!

    Tomorrow it looks like I will be able to pick up my glasses. That's a week early! Wahoo.

    Hugs. Wishing everyone happiness and no holiday stress.

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Jeri - Beautiful picture!

    I'm off to renew my driver's license today. I tried to do this before going out of town but their system was down. Hoping for better results today. Think I will take a couple of books to read just in case there is a long wait.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,093 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Drizzly day so my sun tanning is done. I really didn't get much of a tan but hopefully someone will notice. I did go to the beach with my grandson, the sun came out sporadically so it was nice. We only stayed about an hour since it is very tiring surfing. My other grandson had to work so the surfer and I went to dinner together, then came home and watched a documentary on Patagonia with surfing and mountain climbing. Today the movie, tonight meeting the same friends for what is known as Taco Tuesday because they meet at a taco restaurant. I leave tomorrow morning and can't wait to go see Robby.

    Jeri, your Christmas photo is beautiful, I don't think you or Ed aged a day from last year.
    Marcella, good luck with your license.
    Lin, still running doing errands, hope you get some me time.
    Shirley, agree, your tree is beautiful. Mine also has memory ornaments.
    Phoebe, hope your Honey has recovered from the trauma.
    Jackie, love the picture of George, I know he is thrilled to have you as a mommy.

    Can't remember or go back any farther so sorry if I missed you.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    I read your posts but can't comment like I would like. Sandy, thanks for your posts while away.
    Lin, stay warm, tricky weather for you. Good of you to get some provisions for the families in need. We have an Angel Tree at work, but I usually get for the animals at the shelter. This year, while in Walmart, I found a big sale on jackets so grabbed a bunch and few other things and took it all to the women's shelter.
    With Honey, our expenses have been a bit more than expected.
    It was so windy in the area of Barstow CA. yesterday. My glasses blew off and skittered for a ways! Luckily, only tiny scratches and no breaks. I need to put one of those chains on them.
    We pick up our load tonight, then head home. Friday is an all out go day, several Dr appts.
    Be safe!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Running late as usual. Tonight is Gala Night and I really don't love dressing up, but I must shower and fix up by 4:30. I see rack of lamb and lobster bisque on the menu. How will my weight ever go in the right direction? After January 7, when my DS and bride leave, I will try to get serious! JERI, you both look fantastic! what a lovely group we have! PHOEBE promised us a new picture, too, so....?
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,140 Member
    Good evening. I did get my new glasses today and while I was there I walked around a bit in the mall and looked at purses and all the beautiful holiday decorations in Dillard's. It was a lot of fun--didn't buy anything. Just good old-fashioned looking.

    Sandy will be home soon. It seems the week has flown by. Safe travels home Sandy!

    Buzz, a Gala Night sounds wonderful! I hope you are enjoying it.

    Marcella, I hope you got you DL renewal. We have kiosks to use so you don't even have to go to their office. There is a Kiosk in the library. I haven't tried it yet.

    Phoebe, safe travels to you as well.

    Shirley, I trust you are feeling better today.

    Hugs to everyone.
