Daily Chat Thread



  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    I'm frustrated in not being able to do what I want to do! My back hurts, and I know that the sensible thing is to rest it until it is better. After a night earlier in the week of literally no sleep, which reduced me to tears, I know that I cannot afford to mess it up longer term. So, I have had a couple of rest days, taken some anti inflammatories, and am concentrating just on getting through the working day!

    I had scheduled in a gym visit after work tomorrow, before festivities begin. I am thinking I might go and do some bodyweight work or have a swim rather than my scheduled session, but I'm not sure. Part of me says it is Christmas Eve so no one will think anything of having another day off exercise. Part of me says that is an excuse, and therefore I *should* get myself in there!

    Gah, I'm torn!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,978 Member
    The best exercise is the one you will do. Since you have a back injury, choose a shorter routine and lengthen your stretching session at the end of whatever exercise you choose to do.

    I had to skip lifting session yesterday because i was up all night with kids with stomach flu.....i did not want to spread it! And i was exhausted....to go would havemeant certain injury.

    I have a cardio session tomorrow....not a good replacement, but it is what it is. I can go lift saturday or sunday and the world will still turn.

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Kim - take care of yourself. It's no fun but back issues can be quite pesky. I injured mine in my early 20's and tried to take care of it but still ended up with arthritis. It's not too bad but gets achy from time to time. Have to be careful lifting but so far no issues. Still, better to take care of the best you can before other problems develop.

    Beeps - Hope the kids are feeling better. I'll be lifting this weekend too. :smile:

    I was quite tired today because lack of sleep. However, I was up until about 7 am for absolutely no reason, just couldn't go to sleep. I didn't use that time for anything productive either aside from lying in bed trying to sleep and occasionally looking online cause it wasn't happening. I managed to get less than 4 hours of sleep overall, then had to work a 4-midnight shift. Instead of trying to gym before work, I opted to cook, then left my packed lunch on the counter *le sigh*. I went to the gym after work despite the lack of sleep and it was a decent session. No more lifting till the weekend but that's okay as I'll still be busy with work as I have the midnight shift for Christmas Eve and we are back to closing at 10pm, which I work, on Christmas Day.

    45 - lower hypertrophy

    front squat 3x10 @ 85, 1x10 @ 105 - same as before but wrist was a bit cranky the for most of it. The 105 felt better this time.
    curtsy lunge 4x10 @ 75 - getting used to these though still falter on occasion
    good morning 4x12 @ 75 - nothing unusual here
    leg extension 4x10 @ 80 - feeling decent, might increase next time, maybe
    lying leg curl 4x8 @ 70 - decided to try this one, first set the bar shifted but got more used to it in the other sets once I tightened it up.
    seat calf 4x12 @ 120 - eh, calves

    Soon I shall sleep, I hope.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I'm here - night shift this week so have been antisocial - apologies.

    Stuck to my workouts - today (after only 1.5 hrs sleep) I did a 'whatever I fancy' workout. Did back squats for the first time in ages, then all my fave things from my current plan but lower weights and higher reps.

    Tired now = understatement. 59 mins until Santa arrives here. Desserts (my job) are baked. Fudge is made (and much eaten!). Presents are under the tree.

    Oh - and the best Christmas pressie EVER - found out I'm going to be an Aunty :D<3

    Merry Christmas everyone
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Merry Christmas one and all. Thank you for your support these last few weeks! Xx
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Merry Christmas all! ❤️

    I've already been for a run along the beach, took the kids on an inflatable Wipeout course here at the resort and have enjoyed lunch lol

    Small boy wants to head back to the beach or pool in a little bit.

    I'm starting to feel my butt and legs lol Should sleep well tonight
  • mmebouchon
    mmebouchon Posts: 855 Member
    edited December 2015
    Merry Christmas. I have been away and out of touch. Lots of eating going on and not doing much more than walkng but I plan to get back to the gym soon.
    Take care everyone.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,978 Member
    This was not my favourite christmas....i was sick xmas eve (we had ten for turkey supper,that day!) and hubby sick xmas day....the kidlet tummy flu eventually got us both.

    I will try the gym, today....mostly to get out of the house. I don't have any real energy to do a workout. And i am sleeping like shyte.

    Anyway, i hope everyone had good holidays....I did not get "Strong" as a lresent, so will order it online, today! BOOM!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Hope everyone had a great holiday. Beeps, I hope you are feeling better.

    The only thing saving me sleep wise is I can sleep in since don't work until afternoons. But we are back to normal hours. Glad the midnight close shifts are done. I worked until midnight Christmas Eve, then worked 1:30 - close last night (cause I got a text asking to go in early instead of 2). We also had a call in, so closing cashier didn't come in yesterday. We did get someone to fill for a few hours, but then she started throwing up and finally listened to us and went home. By the end it was just me and the manager. We were also very busy for Christmas Day because we were one of the only stores open. Both days I never even clocked out for a lunch break, I just paused on occasion for cookies and such. At least, photo department is slowing down now (where I work most of the time as the unofficial head of the department) because I don't have many of the supplies as we got barely anything I ordered. I spent part of Christmas Eve driving to other stores hunting down some supplies to finish orders for customers. Still don't have everything I need but got enough. Normally we get our ordering done by Monday night but I just have to check canvas supplies, everything else is already ordered. Including the thing I'm picking up on my way to work today because I didn't know we were almost out until after this recent order had gone through, so I ordered Tuesday night and hope we get some next freight day.

    So... yeah. My holiday was me working. I only have one day off this week so that will be my December really: work. We are a tad understaffed. Come new year it's not a lot of people and less hours available since shopping slows down after the holidays. Fun times.

    Going to gym tonight after work. The last two days were my rest days as scheduled, so today is upper power. We'll see how it goes after two days of cookies and such.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hello everyone, and Merry Christnas, Happy Holidays to you all! It has been WAY too long since I last posted.

    I too hurt my back, about a month ago now. I wish I could say I did it doing some heavy lifting but no, something happened when I bent over to pick up a pipe cleaner my boys left on the floor while crafting :blush: It has had me out of the weight room for a good 4 weeks (ack!) and then about ten days ago I came down with a wicked sinus infection. Up until yesterday it had been about a week without a workout and I was NOT happy. Mama needs her exercise! I finally got out for a brief walk/jog yesterday and today. I figured a warm, sunny Christmas and Boxing Day in Canada were good times to get back out there. They weren't good runs - I am down to five minutes run, 1 walk, instead of a half-hour of straight running - but I am still coughing a bit and can definitely feel I have weakened :( Now that my back is finally feeling almost 100% better, I am planning to hit the gym tomorrow to test out the weights. I was almost done Phase 1, Stage 1 of Strong (and loving it, even the step-ups y'all! ;) ) but I think with so long away from the weights, I should start over. Annoying, but at least I was only four weeks in and not more. I will take the next week to do a few light lift sessions just to prepare myself and see how my back fares, and hopefully restart Strong the first full week in January once the kids are back at school. We have a hot vacation booked in May and I want to look good and feel fantastic.

    Kim, not sure if you were here before my last post, so welcome! Hope your back is feeling better. It is such a touchy thing.

    I've read through all the posts I'd missed but can't remember much else aside from everyone being busy, some being sick like me, but everyone still doing their best. That's what matters!

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Not a bad night at the gym though I wasn't sure how it would go when I was heading over. However, I didn't jog after lifting because I forgot my headphones. Not having music is reason enough to skip cardio but means I'll have to do it after lower power tomorrow. Oh well. Didn't increase weights much but did feel decent in the end with the lifting.

    46 - Upper Power

    bench 3x5 @ 100 - 95 felt a tad heavy so I didn't do 105 this time. 100 was okay but the last rep each set was really slow. Hope to try 105 again next time.
    incline db bench 3x9 @ 35 - it's heavy and hard to get into position but managed well enough.
    bent row 3x4 # 105 - not bad here, might try 110 next then do 115 pendlay, we'll see.
    lat pull down 3x9 @ 80 - okay, it's odd how it depends on which one I'm on as to the resistance struggles
    OHP 2x5 and 2x4 @ 75 - didn't try 80 this time, first sets were okay but tough last reps, couldn't quite get 5 on the other two.
    pull up negative using smith machine 2x5 - did these instead of bicep curls, not good at them but need to work on that pull up thing in case skill comes in handy in obstacle 10k.
    overhead cable tricep 3x10 @ 30 - getting easier.

    That is all for today. Need to figure out any end of the year goals to work out then get ready cause it's almost 2016.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    100kg (220lb) deadlift PR. That is all.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Hello lovely ladies! I hope you are enjoying the festive season. my husband is in retail so he's been working but I've got a much needed long weekend. Back at work on Tuesday but relishing not having to set an alarm for a few days. We are both off today....a rarity..... So will enjoy "just being" I think!

    The week away from the gym is doing my back good. Getting better slowly but surely. I am aiming to be able to get to the gym tomorrow but will take it easy. It is only a week since I last went but it feels so much longer!!

    Definitely need to think about goals for 2016. I don't do new years resolutions but do like having things to aim for.

    2015 has been an amazing year for us...my husband donated stem cells for transplant at the beginning of the year which was quite special, we got married had an amazing honeymoon in Italy, I climbed my first mountain (and want to do more) and obviously discovered lifting! I am looking forward to 2016!! Bring it on!
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    edited December 2015
    jo_marnes wrote: »
    100kg (220lb) deadlift PR. That is all.

    Oh wow.. @jo_marnes .missed this while I was typing my missive.

    You rock, girl!!!
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Go Jo!
    Good to see you pudding! Missed you!
    Kim-glad 2015 was so good! looking forward to 2016!! Hope your back feels better!
    Dawn-busy Chrismtas for you! I'm sure your managers appreciate you! Great lifitng!
    Beeps-feel better!
    Mme-enjoy it! The gym will be there ;)
    DNA-sounds lovely! Enjoy your holiday!

    Well, I lifted yesterday, and tweaked my back on a rep squatting :(. Didn't realize how bad it was till I bent over for rows, and it really screamed at me :(. Bummer. Resting is helping. Failed on my last rep on bench too, so not a good day lifting yesterday! But I went! Been consistent with it, but not much rest, so I'll take a few days. I'm gonna switch it up in the new year, alternate heavy days with higher rep days, probably bach to a split with fewer days squatting. Looking forward to new goals and opportunities in 2016!!

    Hope you're all enjoying this season. I'm so thankful for all my blessings! Including you lovely, inspiring strong ladies!
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    edited December 2015
    Oh no Julie! So many back issues here lately :( Do you have a heating pad and/or access to a TENS machine? I found both super helpful when I tweaked my back. I'm sorry this has happened to you. Definitely rest. You don't want to make things worse.

    I finally went back to the gym to test the weights today. I basically did one of the P1, S1 Strong workouts (minus the intervals) but lowered my weights about 50% for he first set, and that went well. Then I increased them all by about five pounds each and that also went well. I lowered the reps from 12 to 10 just to make sure I didn't overdo it. My back feels pretty good and lifting again felt great. I'm going to try to do the same thing twice for each workout (A and B ) this week and hopefully restart Strong properly next Monday.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Oh and Jo, that is unbelievable! Amazing :smiley:
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Jo - Awesomesauce! :smile:
    Kim - Sounds like you had some great things this year and I'm sure you'll figure more out for 2016.
    Julie - ick about the back, good luck and take care of yourself there. Good on you for the consistency.
    Pudding - Nice work and good luck with Strong.

    Today was okay. I didn't do much in morning then had to go to work. On the previous schedule, I would have Monday (tomorrow) off, but the schedules are off a bit with some issues and such, so I'm working tomorrow with just Tuesday off this week. At least, things aren't as crazy busy as they were before the holidays. I wasn't sure how lifting would go tonight though because my back bothered me a little earlier in the day. I have arthritis in my lower back so it gets achy from time to time. Just ached a bit during first part of work shift but didn't bother me by the time I was at the gym. I also did things a bit out of order (two guys were doing bicep curls in the deadlift area) and for fun I filmed my deadlifts, so didn't end up doing a couple of things I want to do, plus had to get in some cardio. Overall, a decent night. Oh, and I tried squat and deadlift without shoes. Not bad, except where I'm even shorter without shoes so the power cage pins don't go quite low enough so I struggled a tad re-racking after each set. Still kind of liked it without the shoes though.

    47 - Lower Power

    squat 3x4 @ 175 - tad slow but not bad
    leg press 3x10 @ 230 - feel heavy but manageable
    standing calf 3x10 @ 105 - I think that was the weight, it wasn't the same as last time, up a bit higher.
    deadlift 2x3 @ 190, 1x3 @ 210 and for fun 1x1 @ 225 - Filmed most of it, made about 3 videos overall, but probably won't share much. I did the 225 just to make sure the max test wasn't a fluke and to show family the video one of these days.
    sumo deadlift 2x5 @ 160 - okay but hands/calluses ache at this point

    Then did about 20 minutes of jogging with 5 minute warm up and cool down sets of walking on the treadmill. Skipped leg curls today. Wanted to add hip thrusts and maybe try rack pulls but will do it when I'm not taking forever filming deadlifts and when I don't do cardio on lower body day. Plan is jog on upper body days, so need to get back to that in the future.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Thanks all - very happy with the DL. Form would have been crap but the bar came up relatively easily after the first few inches. That was 1.8 x bodyweight..... inching nearer to the goal of 2 x :)

    I have been working/ eating/ working out. Pretty tired and though I haven't overdone it with the food, my body is not used to so many carbs lately and I am noticing the difference. Although, my lack of energy is also probably due to a lack of good sleep!!

    My birthday tomorrow - I intend to combat.

    Hope all the sore backs/ injuries heal for everyone asap. As someone who has also suffered this year, you have my sympathy - can be so frustrating!
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    I went to the gym. Woohoo!! Was careful and very conscious of my back. Warmed up on the elliptical then deloaded on SL 5x5 stuff by 10% which was fine.

    Followed with NR stage 2 workout 6 of 8 so again was careful taking less weight where needed but keeping form good. finished with 15 min intervals on the spin bike which was fine.

    Most painful bit was stretching at the end!! But I am very encouraged and will go again in a couple of days as planned, just upping the weight a little from today if all ok.

    The gym was crazy busy this morning...everyone trying to work off Christmas excesses! I went at the right time, getting into the squat rack just in time!