Any Shorties Out There?



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Lynmar101 wrote: »

    On my cell since my tablet has an almost dead battery :(

    E, it's the trend that counts. :)
    I liked the cold better when I could walk or exercise to get warm. Will never forget how much I loved the late Oct mists hiking the forests in Kentucky.

    Roger, I call it a VCR but it's actually the box from U-Verse. I record the shows I like and can watch them at my leisure. :) Also, get to fast forward thru commercials that way.

    Busy afternoon. Did my grocery pick up then got recycles and garbage out for tomorrow am. About 10 loads with the large cardboard boxes that had been out in the rain. Wet cardboard is heavy, specially the ones 44lb dog food came in.

    Have a good day.

    Hi Lynmar
    Ok, So You have what I call a DVR, Digital Video Recorder. I have been using them for many years ever since I bought my 40 hour Tivo. Then Satellite TV came out with models that had the DVR integrated into the Satellite Receiver and that was even better. I use them to be able to skip commercials too. All of the ones I have used have a 30 second forward skip and 7 - 10 second reverse skip. Even the Tivo could be made to do that by entering a special code.

    I also have a DVD Recorder that has a Digital Tuner and Hard Drive so I can record off of basic Cable or Over the Air broadcasts and playback later or make a DVD. I have it set for 30 second forward skip and 5 second reverse skip. FWIW that one is a Magnavox model add in HD TVs that can tune basic Cable and OTA along with Satellite TV for the rest of the channels and I am pretty much commercial proof at this time.

    I can guess that the cardboard boxes are heavy. On the plus side they did not fall apart on you. I am luck that way we keep recycling on the closed in porch so I avoid that problem. If I did not have that I think I would have covered containers that broke the cardboard down into to avoid the soggies.

    Just curious how is the battery life on Your tablet, I'm Guessing Apple or maybe a Android device. I recharged my Flip Phone a few days ago and am down to showing a 3/4 charge currently. That makes me happy FWIW.

    Have a Great Day

    Hi Vix
    I hope You have a safe, warm, snow free day
  • Lynmar101
    Lynmar101 Posts: 179 Member

    Big day again. Foot doctor and then went in to refinance my car since I had dog's surgery on Care Credit already and will have to pay for upcoming tooth crown and cataract replacement lens.

    E, I hope you feel better.

    Roger, actually that box is sitting on my real VCR which hasn't been used in so long it probably doesn't work.
    Tablet is LG android. Really depends on how much I use it. Also, it has a flaw now which causes it to keep shutting down and rebooting continuously unless I remembered to shut it down when I leave it.

    Have a good day.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,348 Member
    Good morning!
    Lynmar, hope all went well with the foot doctor and the refinancing.
    A DVR device comes with our Comcast, but we usually just use On-Demand or Netflix.
    It's been snowing overnight, and still coming down steadily, schools are closed. There's already an inch or 2, and it's very pretty.
    I get a relax at home day. :)
    Have a great day, everyone.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Mini Review:
    NutriSystem Ranch Snack-A-Rounds, What can I say 4 out of 10 on a 1 to 10 scale. I won't be reordering. I fed a sample to my brother and the feedback was Meh. I suggest You do try them for Yourself, They must have had taste tests so It is probably me, However the Snack-A-Rounds are three of the new Desserts I will not reorder.
    Lynmar101 wrote: »

    Big day again. Foot doctor and then went in to refinance my car since I had dog's surgery on Care Credit already and will have to pay for upcoming tooth crown and cataract replacement lens.

    E, I hope you feel better.

    Roger, actually that box is sitting on my real VCR which hasn't been used in so long it probably doesn't work.
    Tablet is LG android. Really depends on how much I use it. Also, it has a flaw now which causes it to keep shutting down and rebooting continuously unless I remembered to shut it down when I leave it.

    Have a good day.

    Hi Lynmar
    I have a fancy VCR that I can feed through a TBC into the Capture device that I only use to capture rare tapes. A TBC is a Time Base Corrector and is used to help prevent jittering in the captures.

    I always shut things down when not in use. That would be the Computers, desktop or laptop. I do Hibernate this one with a occasional shut down thrown in. I have the Desktops and this All-In-One set to turn on when I apply power and when I shut down/Hibernate them I flip the power strip off to avoid possibility of a power surge damaging them.

    Have You researched online to see if there is a simple fix for Your LG?

    Have a Good Tuesday
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning!
    Lynmar, hope all went well with the foot doctor and the refinancing.
    A DVR device comes with our Comcast, but we usually just use On-Demand or Netflix.
    It's been snowing overnight, and still coming down steadily, schools are closed. There's already an inch or 2, and it's very pretty.
    I get a relax at home day. :)
    Have a great day, everyone.

    Hi Vix
    So far Your weather is worse than mine. I am thinking of returning the one Netflix DVD I do have and canceling the account. I just am not really using it. Mainly I have more to watch from the Satellite TV than time to watch it. I have used the DishNetwork on demand slightly.

    Stay Safe in the house :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,348 Member
    We just use streaming Netflix. It has issues sometimes, but no DVDs to handle.
  • dia_shewolf
    dia_shewolf Posts: 177 Member
    ta da!!!!! above water again :) lol mom's doing well... i think they got around 18 inches in the storm two or so weeks ago (thankfully the weekend AFTER i was there :) ) neighbors in the little cottage she rents out on the farm have been extremely helpful to her so i wasn't as worried as i would have been otherwise. she over did with cleaning snow but nothing like i know she would have if those two hadn't been there telling her to get inside :)

    things here are about normal. busy at work on and off just very tired once i get home and no real gumption to get on the pc. been reading bunches instead since i found a cheap place to get real books :)

    hope you are all doing well... i keep telling myself i'll get better about posting... fingers crossed :)

    lots of huggs :)

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,348 Member
    Kel, so glad to see you here....was starting to worry about you. Glad things are back to normal. I read a lot too...library is great. Hope you're not working too hard, and getting enough sleep. Take care. Pop in when you can. I miss you. :)
  • Lynmar101
    Lynmar101 Posts: 179 Member

    Kel! Good to hear from you!

    Hi E.

    Roger, seldom use my PC. Haven't for about a week now. The tablet gets left on if I get up to get something and get right back to it. The problem is when I get interrupted and off on another task or something.

    Have a good day.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,348 Member
    Good morning!
    Cold, windy, gray this morning. My morning class at the gym is cancelled, schools are 2 hours late, so probably icy out there. I have my PT exercises I can do, and there are always projects around the house. Maybe will get out later.
    Enjoy your day! :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    We just use streaming Netflix. It has issues sometimes, but no DVDs to handle.
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning!
    Cold, windy, gray this morning. My morning class at the gym is cancelled, schools are 2 hours late, so probably icy out there. I have my PT exercises I can do, and there are always projects around the house. Maybe will get out later.
    Enjoy your day! :)

    Hi Vix
    I am thinking about dropping the entire Netflix thing. Just not using it.

    If it is icy better safe than sorry

    Have a Great Day
    ta da!!!!! above water again :) lol mom's doing well... i think they got around 18 inches in the storm two or so weeks ago (thankfully the weekend AFTER i was there :) ) neighbors in the little cottage she rents out on the farm have been extremely helpful to her so i wasn't as worried as i would have been otherwise. she over did with cleaning snow but nothing like i know she would have if those two hadn't been there telling her to get inside :)

    things here are about normal. busy at work on and off just very tired once i get home and no real gumption to get on the pc. been reading bunches instead since i found a cheap place to get real books :)

    hope you are all doing well... i keep telling myself i'll get better about posting... fingers crossed :)

    lots of huggs :)


    Hi Kel
    Nice to hear from You.

    There are days I only get on the PC and post a little here and then off without even checking email :) I tend to put a book I am reading into a holder and read as I eat my breakfast. I find that helps slow my eating speed down and the holder helps keep the book clean.

    Good to know that things are going well.

    Have a Nice Day
    Lynmar101 wrote: »

    Kel! Good to hear from you!

    Hi E.

    Roger, seldom use my PC. Haven't for about a week now. The tablet gets left on if I get up to get something and get right back to it. The problem is when I get interrupted and off on another task or something.

    Have a good day.

    Hi Lynmar
    I like a big screen anymore, the bigger the better. The One computer I use a 42" HDTV as the screen :) I do use it for TV too of course. Trying to watch anything on those tiny smartphone screens would drive me crazy.

    Have a Good Wednesday
  • Lynmar101
    Lynmar101 Posts: 179 Member

    E, better to be safe than sorry.

    Roger, do't use the computer for watching anything so it doesn't't apply. Mostly mail and banking, etc.
    Did you hear that Burger King is going to start selling hot dogs?

    Tomorrow make the long trek to Hollywood vet so may not log on.

    Take care

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,348 Member
    Good morning.
    Good luck at the vet's, Lynmar. You are so good taking care of all those pups. I'm happy not to have the responsibility of pets any longer.
    It's cold and windy this morning.
    I just have my painting class (about 10 minutes from home) and a few local errands to run, so not bad at all. :)
    Have a good day, everyone. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited February 2016
    Lynmar101 wrote: »

    E, better to be safe than sorry.

    Roger, do't use the computer for watching anything so it doesn't't apply. Mostly mail and banking, etc.
    Did you hear that Burger King is going to start selling hot dogs?

    Tomorrow make the long trek to Hollywood vet so may not log on.

    Take care

    Hi Lynmar
    I had not heard that. If I have a craving for a Hot Dog I have several Texas Weiners and Jimmy Buffs, Chilli Dogs or Italian Hot Dogs Greasy goodness, fried in the same vat with Potatoes, Onions and Peppers on a 1/4 or 1/2 Round Italian Bread, Mustard to taste.

    Good Luck at the Vet
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Good luck at the vet's, Lynmar. You are so good taking care of all those pups. I'm happy not to have the responsibility of pets any longer.
    It's cold and windy this morning.
    I just have my painting class (about 10 minutes from home) and a few local errands to run, so not bad at all. :)
    Have a good day, everyone. :)

    I think the car will take a while to warm up on the way to get the taxes done today, I think I'll wear gloves until it does :)

    Enjoy the Painting class
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,348 Member
    Ha-ha...oh, my! I could never eat anything like that! (I do keep light hot dogs in the freezer, in case I get a yearning for one!)
    Have a good night, everyone. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,348 Member
    Good morning!
    Cold and cloudy...10F....yikes! brrrrrrrrrrrrr...
    Stay warm, enjoy the day. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Ha-ha...oh, my! I could never eat anything like that! (I do keep light hot dogs in the freezer, in case I get a yearning for one!)
    Have a good night, everyone. :)
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning!
    Cold and cloudy...10F....yikes! brrrrrrrrrrrrr...
    Stay warm, enjoy the day. :)

    Hi Vix
    They are fattening and greasy but oh so tasty, Maybe when I hit Maintenance I will get a Single, The one pictured is a double, a single is 1/2 the size of that one. They also do them in Italian Sausage and a double with a single portion of Sausage and a Hot Dog (Combo).

    I have never been able to replicate the taste making one at home even when I get the same bread from the Italian Deli a few blocks away.

    Right now I have the Hebrew National 97% fat free hot dogs in the freezer @ 45 calories each. Hmm.. Maybe I'll do one or two with a touch of ketchup on a slice of whole wheat bread for my mid morning snack or the Lunch Protein & Carb.

    Today was tolerable, tomorrow and Sunday are what I'm afraid of.

    Have a Nice Day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,348 Member
    Roger, those are the hot dogs I usually buy too. I haven't bought any in a while because I mostly stay away from processed foods....but occasionally. :wink:
    It wasn't too bad out today, although I wouldn't want to go for a walk and tomorrow is supposed to be frigid. Sunday and Monday looks about the same temps as today here, with a forecast of snow for Monday. But then it looks like it's going back up into the 40s on Tuesday. I remember winters with days on end in the teens and single digits, so this is not so bad to get a few days of it.
    I had a nice massage this afternoon, with a heated blanket and hot rocks. Very soothing. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Vix
    The ones I heated were in the freezer for several months and were fine. I had 3 left in the package when I pulled them out yesterday. I usually use 2 at a time, 7 in the package. They made a nice change. I put them both on one slice of bread with some ketchup and folded the bread into a sandwich for them. Nice and tasty too. The one that is left I can not decided, Ketchup and No Sugar added 0 calorie relish or a 1/2 slice of Velveeta at 20 calories for a cheese dog :)

    I would agree with You saying this isn't so bad except it is interfering with my exercising :(

    Stay Safe and warm
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,348 Member
    Yep, definitely not a good day for a's also very windy here to go along with the chill. I will find things to do inside or go to a mall to walk around. :)
  • Lynmar101
    Lynmar101 Posts: 179 Member

    I still have soup almost every day for lunch but occasionally just need to get out of the house. Endocrinologist said to stay away from beef and thought the hot dog would be a good change. I haven't had one for ages. I like BK's cherry vanilla Coke Zero so head there a lot.

    E, the animals are what keeps me going. Don't know what I would do without them.

    Still tired from roof work and working in the house.

    Have a good day.