Any Shorties Out There?



  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,348 Member
    edited February 2016
    I can see that, Lynmar. My daughter is dog sitting this weekend for some friends...we became a little attached last time she watched Maggie, so she brought her by for a visit today. She is the sweetest little dog. I'm sure if I kept her for any period of time, I would want to keep her.
    Soup is great in this kind of weather. I need to make another pot, finished up the last batch yesterday.
    Get some rest. :)
    We needed to get out today....just went to the mall and walked around.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,348 Member
    Good morning!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It is cold out there this morning in NJ, in a nearby town local cable News12 channel is showing 2 degrees there, with a wind chill of -16 and a temperature at their studios of 1 degree at 8AM. No walking for me today. Tomorrow looks as if I will be going out later than usual too to give the Overnight temperatures a chance to warm up.

    Not too much planned for today except to work on staying warm.

    I have added the latest new foods I just saw available from NutriSystem here, 2 Frozen Dinners and a Shelf Stable Lunch Bar.

    I keep checking to see if the CostCo NutriSystem Gift cards are back on sale, no luck so far this year. I have enough for the upcoming order, if they do not I will have to pick them up at the $79.99 for $100 face value and hope they go on sale while I can get the price break on that purchase. Still better than paying $100 for $100 of NS.

    Have a Good Sunday, Valentines Day
    eku0 wrote: »
    Yep, definitely not a good day for a's also very windy here to go along with the chill. I will find things to do inside or go to a mall to walk around. :)
    eku0 wrote: »
    I can see that, Lynmar. My daughter is dog sitting this weekend for some friends...we became a little attached last time she watched Maggie, so she brought her by for a visit today. She is the sweetest little dog. I'm sure if I kept her for any period of time, I would want to keep her.
    Soup is great in this kind of weather. I need to make another pot, finished up the last batch yesterday.
    Get some rest. :)
    We needed to get out today....just went to the mall and walked around.

    Hi Vix
    You may notice that I reposted myself from another thread :) Due to the weather portion and the Link to the newest NutriSystem Foods.

    The wind was why i went out a little after 7AM yesterday. It still was not that nice.

    I also declined my brothers off to go outside today when (if) he goes to the supermarket :)
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    Thank You, You too
    Lynmar101 wrote: »

    I still have soup almost every day for lunch but occasionally just need to get out of the house. Endocrinologist said to stay away from beef and thought the hot dog would be a good change. I haven't had one for ages. I like BK's cherry vanilla Coke Zero so head there a lot.

    E, the animals are what keeps me going. Don't know what I would do without them.

    Still tired from roof work and working in the house.

    Have a good day.

    Hi Lynmar
    I see on the news that Burger King is trying out hot dogs in several stores, I wonder how that will work out.

    I do like the NS Lunch Soups.

    Have a Good Day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,348 Member
    Good morning!
    Snow and ice here, just an inch or so for now, but looks very slippery and is supposed to continue , turning to rain tomorrow.
    I made spaghetti squash and sauteed shrimp last night. Today looks like another good day to make some soup...I think I will be creative with some veggies. :)
    Have a good day. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning!
    Snow and ice here, just an inch or so for now, but looks very slippery and is supposed to continue , turning to rain tomorrow.
    I made spaghetti squash and sauteed shrimp last night. Today looks like another good day to make some soup...
    I think I will be creative with some veggies. :)
    Have a good day. :)

    Hi Vix
    The roads and sidewalks were good this morning. I did have a Nice warm NS Cinnamon Roll for breakfast and then for my
    midmorning break I ended up with a cup of oatmeal as I felt like something warm. I had laid out a NS Honey Wheat Muffin, Oatmeal and NS Sweetened O's to choose from.

    I am undecided for lunch at this time. I am deciding between a NS Melt or Grilled Chicken Sandwich or NS Homestyle Chicken Soup or NS Beans & Ham Soup or NS Cheddar Broccoli. For Dinner I am thinking one of my NS Pasta Fagioli Soup which seems to be discontinued or the NS Frozen Sweet & Sour Chicken on rice entrees. I decided to just wing it a for a few months and not count the calories as long as I stay on plan with the NS foods and add ins it seems to be working.

    Have a Good Monday
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,348 Member
    I'm eating lots of veggies. Had veggies for breakfast, a big salad for lunch (I put in some avocado and black eyed peas and feta cheese), and am making veggie soup for dinner...may put some kind of protein in there...maybe cut up some hot dogs or add some cheese to the base, whatever. Been drinking tea....makes it cozier inside. :)
    Glad your winging it is working. :) I'm pretty tired of counting everything. I'd like to wing it for a while, probably could, as long as I stick to my healthy foods and no treats.
    Roads are looking really slick now...that layer of icy snow all over it. Glad I don't have to go anywhere.
    Have a good evening, everyone. :)
  • Lynmar101
    Lynmar101 Posts: 179 Member

    Stay warm up there E and Roger. Maybe catch a flight down here to warm up. :) It's supposed to be 81 tomorrow before another front comes thru. Rainy today and tomorrow.

    I went to my foot doctor today and he said if the rest of my body cooperates I can walk again. Now to tell my knee and back to cooperate too. :) Went to Walmart Market for food and walked up and down all the aisles.

    Take care.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    I'm eating lots of veggies. Had veggies for breakfast, a big salad for lunch
    (I put in some avocado and black eyed peas and feta cheese), and am making veggie soup for dinner...
    may put some kind of protein in there...maybe cut up some hot dogs or add some cheese to the base,
    whatever. Been drinking tea....makes it cozier inside. :)
    Glad your winging it is working. :) I'm pretty tired of counting everything. I'd like to wing it for a while,
    probably could, as long as I stick to my healthy foods and no treats.
    Roads are looking really slick now...that layer of icy snow all over it. Glad I don't have to go anywhere.
    Have a good evening, everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    It is so nice to be able to sit inside looking out at bad weather.

    So far so good, scale showed me down this morning.
    The hard part of winging it if You are not using something like the NS foods is not eating too much.
    You are creative in Your cooking so it could work well.

    Good Luck
    Lynmar101 wrote: »

    Stay warm up there E and Roger. Maybe catch a flight down here to warm up. :)
    It's supposed to be 81 tomorrow before another front comes thru. Rainy today and tomorrow.

    I went to my foot doctor today and he said if the rest of my body cooperates I can walk again.
    Now to tell my knee and back to cooperate too. :)
    Went to Walmart Market for food and walked up and down all the aisles.

    Take care.
    Hi Lynmar
    That sounds like it could be AC weather.

    It sounds as if You are getting better from what the foot doctor said and the walking around Walmart.

    Have a Good Day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,348 Member
    Good morning!
    Rainy and windy this morning....looks like most of the snow is gone from driveway and sidewalks, some slush left. Schools are closed, but may call up and see if we can get into our clay area and do some work. The Sr. Center should be opening at 10.
    Glad it's warming up, it's already in the 40s.
    Have a good day. :)
  • Lynmar101
    Lynmar101 Posts: 179 Member

    E, I hope you were able to do clay work.

    Roger, keep up the good work.

    Just had a Lean Pockets jalapeño chicken with pretzel bread. Only 260 calories so not bad. Think that they forgot to stuff it though. :'(

    Down to 50's tonight.

    Have a good day.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,348 Member
    The rain from this morning finally let up and the sun is shining. I did go and work with some clay. Mostly just working on a few pieces I had already started. I hope they run the kiln this week. It's always fun to see how things come out. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Lynmar101 wrote: »

    E, I hope you were able to do clay work.

    Roger, keep up the good work.

    Just had a Lean Pockets jalapeño chicken with pretzel bread. Only 260 calories so not bad.
    Think that they forgot to stuff it though. :'(

    Down to 50's tonight.

    Have a good day.

    Hi Lynmar
    I look at the NutriSystem Melts as a form of the hot pockets.
    I used to pick up hot pockets at the 7-Eleven if I did not have anything else for lunch to take to work.
    It would be nice if they packed the NS melts with a crisper sleeve :)
    The local Dollar store has frozen Been & been with cheese sandwiches wrapped in a Burrito,
    Large enough for two meals each. Enough Calories for two meals also.

    They Sell Cheeseburger sliders also that more or less work as a Lunch. What I do with those if I buy them is
    discard 1/2 bun from both of them to save empty calories then are a better match for a NS lunch and a lot cheaper too.

    Have a Nice Night
    eku0 wrote: »
    The rain from this morning finally let up and the sun is shining.
    I did go and work with some clay. Mostly just working on a few pieces I had already started.
    I hope they run the kiln this week. It's always fun to see how things come out. :)

    Hi Vix
    So You ended up with sun too :)
    Temps were in the high 50s earlier. The noon News weather said that the heavy rain was moving at 70 MPH.
    That is moving and also explains why it got out of here so fast.

    Good Luck with the Clay. To avoid kiln fees and waiting is why my brother had a kiln for his wife.
    When he sold the house he donated it to a charity that could use it and they were happy to get it too.
    They even came and took it out of the basement. Strangely to me he could not find anybody interested in the Piano.

    Have a Good Evening

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,348 Member
    edited February 2016
    I don't have kiln fees because it's the Sr. Center, but we do have to wait for them to fire things, and I think they just use one temperature whether it's greenware or bisque, so it's not the best, but since I'm just learning/teaching myself, it's fine. :)
    I was able to give away my piano by putting it on Craig's list. It would have cost more for me to move it than the piano was worth. There were a few people interested. I was glad someone could come and get it and get some use out of it. I do miss it sometimes.
    Have a good night, everyone. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,348 Member
    Good morning!
    Happy Wednesday. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    I don't have kiln fees because it's the Sr. Center, but we do have to wait for them to fire things,
    and I think they just use one temperature whether it's greenware or bisque, so it's not the best, but since I'm just
    learning/teaching myself, it's fine. :)
    I was able to give away my piano by putting it on Craig's list. It would have cost more for me to move it than the piano
    was worth. There were a few people interested. I was glad someone could come and get it and get some use out of it.
    I do miss it sometimes.
    Have a good night, everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    Even though I haven't played since I was in grade school I sort of hated getting rid of our Piano here in the house/ However
    it was taking up a fair amount of Living room space and was a dust collector too. We found someone to come take it away also.

    Have a Nice Easy Day

    Hi Lynmar
    I hope You have a great day today,

  • Lynmar101
    Lynmar101 Posts: 179 Member

    Just a short note.

    Roger, I used to like the NS melts a lot. They, the lasagnas and pizzas were my favs. :)

    E, glad you got to do your clay. I think of you every time I see Face Off.

    Went to eye dr today. Need cataract surgery as soon as my pocketbook recovers a little from dog surgery and house repairs.

    Have a good day.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,348 Member
    Good morning! always seems like something medical waiting for you. Hope you're feeling ok.
    I'm getting a little cold, not bad so far. I have my painting and drawing class this morning, then a stop off at the library and then off to the rheumatologist this afternoon. Busy day.
    The sky is blue and the sun is shining, so even though it's cold outside, I'm happy.
    Have a great day. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Lynmar101 wrote: »

    Just a short note.

    Roger, I used to like the NS melts a lot. They, the lasagnas and pizzas were my favs. :)

    E, glad you got to do your clay. I think of you every time I see Face Off.

    Went to eye dr today. Need cataract surgery as soon as my pocketbook recovers a little from dog surgery and house repairs.

    Have a good day.

    Hi Lynmar
    I like the Pizzas too, I have been liking the Margherita pizza more than previously. I do not know if it was reformulated
    or just a shift in my tastes.

    I am sorry to hear about Your eyes. Vision & hearing are things I worry about future problems occurring to.
    Good Luck and I hope You can get it done soon. Every family member that had it done came out really well.

    I Hope You have a good Day Too
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning! always seems like something medical waiting for you. Hope you're feeling ok.
    I'm getting a little cold, not bad so far. I have my painting and drawing class this morning,
    then a stop off at the library and then off to the rheumatologist this afternoon. Busy day.
    The sky is blue and the sun is shining, so even though it's cold outside, I'm happy.
    Have a great day. :)

    Hi Vix
    I hope that cold stays mild at its worst and clear up fast.

    Have a Great Day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,348 Member
    Good morning!
    Supposed to get up to 40F today! Sun is peeking out through clouds.
    Cold is really mild, should be able to knock it out with zinc and echinacea. :)
    Off to zumba class.
    Have a great day. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Vix
    I took a chance when I left a little early for my walk and it worked out OK, Temperatures were not to bad.

    I love the upcoming weekends forecast.

    Get Well Soonest