
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    edited March 2016
    Dog departed for her journey to Australia. I cried then distracted myself. Only had 2 pieces of dark chocolate. Went to M&S deluxe grocery store for comfort/ binge food for my husband. Not brilliant, but relative to what damage I could have done, I am very pleased with the outcome:

    I bought sausages and bacon for me (for tomorrow). We had a nice dinner (Steak for me). Later, I did steal 30 cashews but realised that I was just eating in increments of 5 and may not stop. Said I needed more chocolate. Husband said what about that bacon n sausages you bought. I ate 2 sausages and a rash of bacon. No chocolate. No cashews. Meantime he had white chocolate cookies and cashews. Love that he gets I am low carb.

    Over calories a bit but not every day your training partner goes to live on the other side of the planet!
  • cairnsmom
    cairnsmom Posts: 93 Member
    Love all the nsv stories! Congrats to all of ya!
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    @PaleoInScotland that's a great nsv and a lovely pic!

    Today I had to tighten my belt another notch. Also, falling into the both good and bad category my one remaining business suit that had only just recently begun to fit is now getting a bit big. I hate spending money on new suits but in a week or two I won't have any choice.
  • Lillith32
    Lillith32 Posts: 483 Member
    My SO, who's been lazy keto-ing and running with me had his annual health check up. He is down 30 lb since October, which takes him out of the obese category, his blood pressure is down to the normal range and his doctor is very impressed. When the doc asked him what he's been doing, my very very smart SO said, 'cut down on sugar and processed foods, quit smoking and started working out more'. The doctor is happy, the SO is happy, I am very happy.
  • smuller73
    smuller73 Posts: 71 Member
    My office ordered some clothing from a office wear company to try on as we had been looking at making our company look more corporate and professional. The shirts I picked to try were all too big and I had to try smaller sizes. The ones that fit me turned out to be the same size as the ones that fit one of the slimmest ladies in the office. I was also surprised to see that some of the ladies I saw as much slimmer than me were fitting in sizes 2 or 3 sizes bigger than me. I think I may not have got used to my new shape yet and am still seeing myself way bigger than I actually am. Also the phrase. "when you are slim all the styles will look good on you" was directed at me by one of my bosses.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Five years ago I lost to a size 14 that was getting loose, so I bought some size 12 capri pants, but I never fit into them, and proceeded to regain to a size 24! I put them on yesterday, and they fit perfectly!!! OMG!! I've lost another size with about a 4 pound loss (thinking of @Sunny_Bunny_, and her experience!)!!

    I love all of everyone's posts!! I'm cheering for all of you!!!
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    @Karlottap That's fantastic! Well done - I bet you feel on top of the world! Do you put this great loss down to keto+OMAD, or is it just the keto?
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    edited March 2016
    @smuller73 good for you! Embrace that new size. ;)

    @Karlottap Excellent! Gotta love how that works!

    @Lillith32 Yeah for your SO!

    @daylitemag Forced shopping... A curse and a good thing. I've been buying at the second hand stores to save money since I am not sure where my size will settle at, and money is a bit tight right now.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    All of the above @totaloblivia! Without keto I wouldn't be able to achieve OMAD! They seem to working good together! I'm just keepin on with what works for me, and that's meat, meat, meat, lol!
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    edited March 2016
    Karlottap wrote: »
    Five years ago I lost to a size 14 that was getting loose, so I bought some size 12 capri pants, but I never fit into them, and proceeded to regain to a size 24! I put them on yesterday, and they fit perfectly!!! OMG!! I've lost another size with about a 4 pound loss (thinking of @Sunny_Bunny_, and her experience!)!!

    I love all of everyone's posts!! I'm cheering for all of you!!!

    Yay! Isn't that the best!!!
    This woe is so different from everything we've ever known and it can get really tough to be eating so differently than others when that scale isn't moving. But that problem is in our heads and in the brainwashed idea that we will lose X pounds every week on a "diet".
    NSV's are so much more valuable than a SV! Yet, we do often toss them aside as a secondary benefit.
    THEY ARE THE TRUE BENEFIT! The real evidence of our success!
    We NEED to actively teach our brainwashed minds that feeling better, improved cholesterol, lower blood sugar, reduced pain, a sharper mind, better fitting clothes, more energy, more physical ability, hunger control and so much more, mean everything and scale weight is a secondary benefit.
  • lowjax75
    lowjax75 Posts: 589 Member
    I posted this on my news feed, but should post it here too.

    Awesome NSV for me today. The location I'm at has old school looking chairs in their quiet rooms. They have the arm rest with a place for a book like old school chairs have. These can slide around in front of you so you can use them for your laptop. Well, I've never used them before, but I slid it around and I fit behind it! With a few inches to spare. I always struggled with things like this. Airplane trays, rollercoaster bars, and desks have always been things I don't like to use as I never fit. Well, I fit now. :o) It made me smile as a I slid it around and realized it's no longer an issue at all.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Yay @lowjax75!! These things matter so much! Congratulations!! :sunglasses:

    Thanks @Sunny_Bunny_!! :smiley:
  • JessiokaFroka
    JessiokaFroka Posts: 149 Member
    Today I fit into a super-cute shirt that, last month, I had not been able to squeeze into. AND it was comfortable! I did a happy dance in my closet this morning, no joke.
  • Ringbearer2
    Ringbearer2 Posts: 592 Member
    I finally have something to add. Even though my scale seems stuck, I fit comfortably into a pair of size 8 "motivation" jeans I bought when I was back in the US for Christmas. Woohoo!
  • LowCarbInScotland
    LowCarbInScotland Posts: 1,027 Member

    I might be moving to London next month, so I'm really inspired to get out each weekend and enjoy Scotland. After my hill climb last weekend I felt confident enough to go out for a mile walk along the Forth River yesterday and enjoy the lovely views of the Queensferry Bridge. A mile might not sound far to most, but the farthest I have generally walked in the last year is from the front door to my car.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member

    I might be moving to London next month, so I'm really inspired to get out each weekend and enjoy Scotland. After my hill climb last weekend I felt confident enough to go out for a mile walk along the Forth River yesterday and enjoy the lovely views of the Queensferry Bridge. A mile might not sound far to most, but the farthest I have generally walked in the last year is from the front door to my car.

    That's a great NSV! And what a great resource of motivation you have with such beautiful scenes to enjoy.
  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    @PaleoInScotland I think a mile is wonderful! 3 months ago 80 feet left me out of breath and needing to sit down and rest. I can do 20 min on a treadmill now but not outdoors (???) Can't wait to do a mile.
  • LowCarbInScotland
    LowCarbInScotland Posts: 1,027 Member
    reblazed wrote: »
    @PaleoInScotland I think a mile is wonderful! 3 months ago 80 feet left me out of breath and needing to sit down and rest. I can do 20 min on a treadmill now but not outdoors (???) Can't wait to do a mile.

    Being so far out of shape it's a little scary going for a walk outside, there's no quitting when you're halfway done if you're pooped, you still have to walk back to your car lol. I took a couple breaks to "take photos" :wink:

    My Fitbit is really adding to the motivation!
  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    @PaleoInScotland good point. Thanks ... didn't think of it that way but probably is the problem.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    lowjax75 wrote: »
    I posted this on my news feed, but should post it here too.

    Awesome NSV for me today. The location I'm at has old school looking chairs in their quiet rooms. They have the arm rest with a place for a book like old school chairs have. These can slide around in front of you so you can use them for your laptop. Well, I've never used them before, but I slid it around and I fit behind it! With a few inches to spare. I always struggled with things like this. Airplane trays, rollercoaster bars, and desks have always been things I don't like to use as I never fit. Well, I fit now. :o) It made me smile as a I slid it around and realized it's no longer an issue at all.
    That is really very cool. Congrats! :)
    I finally have something to add. Even though my scale seems stuck, I fit comfortably into a pair of size 8 "motivation" jeans I bought when I was back in the US for Christmas. Woohoo!
    Nice! :)
    I might be moving to London next month, so I'm really inspired to get out each weekend and enjoy Scotland. After my hill climb last weekend I felt confident enough to go out for a mile walk along the Forth River yesterday and enjoy the lovely views of the Queensferry Bridge. A mile might not sound far to most, but the farthest I have generally walked in the last year is from the front door to my car.

    You are on a roll!