

  • ruffneck813
    ruffneck813 Posts: 98 Member
    Lillith32 wrote: »
    I also think you and your group are awesome for supporting veteran's!

    We're mostly a Veteran/Active Duty/Reserves group, at least in my area, although it's open to civilians as well. You may want to check your area out and see if you have a local team, they basically do sports and social activities.

    I fall into the Veteran group but can't really check out a local team at the moment since I'm in the Middle East, lol.
  • neohdiver
    neohdiver Posts: 738 Member
    I'm currently wearing jeans that I have not been able to comfortably fit into for at least 5 years - and I will be able to wear a dress I expected was about a month away for Easter! :)

    (Plus, at 45 lbs down people are finally beginning to notice. I've had more comments in the past 2 weeks than in the 5 months before that.)
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    People that I see every week - keep asking if I'm feeling ok - am I sick?

    I assume they are vaguely aware that I've lost weight and think it's from a serious disease.

    People I haven't see for several months tell me I look amazing.
  • ketozing
    ketozing Posts: 5 Member
    Just finished my first week of Keto and while I had a few rough days of flu I'm feeling great.
    Not only has the scale dropped dramatically (great for ones motivation) I'm emotionally feeling much happier.
    So much so that when meeting some friends for breakfast they all started to giggle and question if I may have got a little sumthin sumthin last night to be in such a good mood.

    I exclaimed I'm on a fat high!

    Thinking back over the week, ignoring the flu days I was overall really happy, motivated, and the recipient of several smiles from strangers.

    I'm thinking good eating and good moods are great NSV's
  • olivebeanhealthy
    olivebeanhealthy Posts: 127 Member
    I did not eat popcorn at the movie's tonight.

    So many of my NSV's are about not eating carby food --- each time does feel like a victory worth celebrating to me though! I have a calendar up on my wall, and I put a fun sticker on top of each day that I'm successful in sticking within my calorie and macro intentions.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    Today I'm wearing a shirt I purchased and wore last spring/summer. It has a sort of dangling lace trim along the bottom. A coworker complimented it and asked where I got it. I told her and she said she'd need a xxl to fit around her butt...lol. Anyhow I went back to my office and suddenly remembered that last year when I wore this shirt the bottom of the shirt would cling tightly to my hips and bottom and looked really awkward. Until my coworker commented that I had totally not noticed that this shirt actually fit loosely the way it was supposed to!
  • emilybeaver
    emilybeaver Posts: 365 Member
    I was having a rough night last night and just wanted to cave in and eat my comfort food. My mom made us dinner and I wanted a drumstick (ice cream cone)....I told her to give me one to go because it was time to go home. Well I forgot and thankfully so did she. She texted me when I got home and said did you forget your ice cream, I said yes on purpose.
  • xazazelx
    xazazelx Posts: 26 Member
    I was having a rough night last night and just wanted to cave in and eat my comfort food. My mom made us dinner and I wanted a drumstick (ice cream cone)....I told her to give me one to go because it was time to go home. Well I forgot and thankfully so did she. She texted me when I got home and said did you forget your ice cream, I said yes on purpose.

    Well done!

    I've had a pretty disappointing day and wanted to eat junk food.

    I have lchf food to eat if I'm hungry but I know it's just a comfort thing :smile:
  • ryanb1385
    ryanb1385 Posts: 56 Member
    edited March 2016
    Went and got my body fat measured with a Bod Pod today. Lost 2.9% (9.7 lbs) of body fat and gain 1 lb of lean mass! Went in December when I wanted to get a starting point, but didnt realy start the diet and exercise until 6 weeks ago. Im very excited to see the progress on paper.
  • kimbo8435
    kimbo8435 Posts: 129 Member
    edited March 2016
    Congrats @ryanb1385 !! I'm looking forward to getting a baseline for body fat here soon, too. My NSV is that my son asked me to teach him how I cook so he can eat like mom and dad, "when I grown up." I told him I'm compiling all my recipes and he'll get a copy to call his own. Aside from his daily PBJ at lunch and unlimited fruit and veg., he IS eating like mom and dad!
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Last night I filled dozens of Easter eggs with jelly beans and chocolate and didn't try a bite of it. Not a bite! :) I did end up eating four pepperoni sticks though... I'm a bit run down from autoimmune issues and I wanted that food energ so I could finish. So over calories, but in the right way. ;)
  • chaoticdreams
    chaoticdreams Posts: 447 Member
    Well, food wise I was not very good this past weekend. However, yesterday at my birthday/Easter party with my family there were lots of pictures being taken. Last evening after all was posted on FB, I had to take a double take. A friend had posted a picture of me last year at March and then I compared pictures from this year and the difference was incredibly obvious. That one picture combined with the entrance into Onderland and my Dr. appt on Thurs made climbing back on the wagon today incredibly easy. I derail for weeks on end if I cheat, and boy did I overdo it this past weekend, but today I actually have no cravings and am HAPPY to be back on track.

    I can do this. I think it's finally sticking in my head. I've already come so far and I'm so close to goal...

    I can do this.
  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member
    Great work all!

    One NSV happened this morning - I had bought these socks last Nov or Dec that are meant to come up to your knee but I couldn't pull them up, so I'd bunch them around my ankle or fold them down a couple times. I thought, omg, who would have thought this would be an issue with socks?? This morning I was able to pull them up to my knee.

    Another NSV was going out with friends on Friday and sticking to keto, with the exception of one margarita. I ordered a chicken fajita, no rice no beans, with veggies instead. They gave me a plate filled with carrots, broccoli, zucchini and a bunch of others. I didn't bother eating the onions. It was awesome and I didn't get knocked out of ketosis!

    Little changes are happening :D
  • Lillith32
    Lillith32 Posts: 483 Member
    Guys, remember those size 4 pants I was posting about a few months ago? I bought them as semi-goal pants (they fit but where snug). Guess what's not snug anymore... I had to double-check if I put the right size pants on in the morning. This is super motivating, btw. The week of the shark is coming, and I want to eat everything. Losing pant sizes motivates me to keep my binges to keto items, don't eat the whole block of cheese and only if REALLY hungry, not bored or frustrated. I can't wait until the Monday after the next when I weigh in...
  • xazazelx
    xazazelx Posts: 26 Member
    I've dropped 2 shirt sizes in 7 weeks :smiley:
  • xazazelx
    xazazelx Posts: 26 Member
    I hit my macros 100% :smile:
  • LowCarbInScotland
    LowCarbInScotland Posts: 1,027 Member
    I wore a pair of heels yesterday. It felt so great! Haven't been able to do that for years as it hurt my knees too much.
  • Jan93L
    Jan93L Posts: 178 Member
    I wore a pair of heels yesterday. It felt so great! Haven't been able to do that for years as it hurt my knees too much.

    Sigh..I haven't been able to wear heels for years... Maybe, hope hope..I could wear a low pair for a little while for my neice's wedding in June. Haven't worn a knee length dress for years either. My SiL bought one for me for the wedding , too. Super nervous about it.
  • petunia773
    petunia773 Posts: 473 Member
    Two NSV's plus one SV for me today!!!

    First - NSV's are

    I did not buy or consume ANY Cadbury mini eggs this Easter!!!

    I was able to FINALLY zip up a pair of boots that I bought a couple of months ago but haven't been able to wear because I have HUGE calves and needed to lose a few more pounds in order for them to zip. Got them on today even though today isn't exactly dress weather here in central Wisconsin. But I don't care!! I got the left one zipped and I sure wasn't taking it off. LOL!

    SV - I finally surpassed the 50 pounds lost mark!! I've been stagnant the last couple of months due to stressors in my life and NOT tracking anything going into my mouth. Monday I decided enough was enough because the scale was creeping back up to the 190's and I was in no way going to see 190 again! Since Sunday I've lost 5.6 pounds according to Happy Scale.

    Have a fabulous day everyone!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    My NSV is for this week. Most of you have heard that I switched from an office less than 10 minutes from my house to our new office about 45 minutes, give or take away. I'm carpooling with a coworker, and all of this has added up to getting up closer to 4 am than 5:30 - 6:00 am (I was admittedly chronically late before, with improved success recently, but I have to be more stringent than ever now due to co-worker, etc.)...

    While I'm still exhausted on that bone-deep and brain kind of way, I'm feeling better overall, and all that, plus I've been more active because the bathroom is across the atrium and our new office is far more spread out, etc. I think that if I wasn't low carbing/keto-ing, I would not be surviving this transition nearly as easily, because I am so NOT a morning person.

    So while I'm not back to consistently losing weight yet, it's started slowly, I think, but the mental/physical benefits are worth so much more to me at this point!